
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1924 PAGE SEVEN First Convention of. Interesting West. Emigration of Jamaicans to Cuban Republic. DI ALBOA EST EER REWED thereto.
at all.
House Rent Receipt Books SPANISH ENGLISH Jockey Fred Bulien (Continued from page Coatinued from page 4)
of any young Trinidadian suc which invitations to attend were cess abroad, thus friends and STEP TAKEN BY GOVT. OF issued to pastors of Churches comrades of Mr. Vincent un carrying on work. The doubtedly will be pleased to hear THAT ISLAND TO RESTRICT meeting took place in May and of his achievement. Two of his INFLUX OF IMMIGRANTS was attended by representatives aunts, Mrs. Liddlelow and Mrs.
from the Panama Baptist, PanSam Henderson, now in England sma Wesleyan, La Boca Wesleywere present and witnessed his WILL ENFORCE LAW.
an, Paraiso Wesleyan and Emtriumph pire Wesleyan Societies.
Foreigners Entering Country All the Societies represented at Tunapuna Co Operative are Required to Show 30 this meeting affiliated, and the fcllowing officers were elected: Company.
Before Landing.
President, Rev. Kissock Bra.
bam, Vice President, Mr. Harris; Sec. Treasurer, Mr.
It is extremely likely, in fact new Company named the one might say it is certain that Geo. Richards, and SuperintenTunapuna Co operative Company fairly decisive steps will be dent of Junior Societies, Mr.
Ltd. was registered on Friday taken in the matter of Jamaican RigbyAt the same time last.
emigration to Cuba before very Messrs Walters, Reed, Burrows, The main objects of the Conlong. Cuba indeed has already Headly and Walters, and pany are (a) to carry on the decided on the rigid enforcement Misses Williams and business of banking in all its of an already existing regulaAikens were appointed on the branches and transact and do all tion wbile Jamaica is waiting tbe Executive Committee.
matters and things incidental of the enquiries and estion of a certain promi.
The Union at present consists (6) TO To lend money on real, nent gentleman who has quite of the following Societies: Panpersonal and mixed security, on recently gone over to the Repubama Baptist, with an enrollment bills of of 51 active, associate and 52 lic in order to obtain some first exchange, promissory junior members; Panama Wes notes, policies, bonds, mortgage, band knowledge of the treatmortgage bills, instruments of meat of Jamaican emigrants leyan, 59 active, associate and charge and other security or ex. over there.
44 jontor, and La Boca Wesley.
an, 35 active and associate; isting or future produce.
TWO DOLLARS INSTEAD OF Paraiso Wesleyan. 33 active, The capital of the Company is THIRTY associate, 11 Junior, and Empire to be divided into 9, 600 shares of 00 each.
There is a law on the Statute Wesleyan, 12 active and 25 assobooks of Cuba in regard to ciate members.
emigrants which has been 80 The officers elected at the Success of Dr. Gomez.
little enforced that very few Union Business Meeting to people koow of its existence serve for the ensuing term are: President, Mr. Harris; News was received by cable on The principal provision of this Vice President, Mr. WalSaturday last of the success of law is that which calls for every ters; Sec. Treasurer, Mr. Geo.
Mr. Geo Gomez in passing his intending immigrant to Cuba to Richards. Messrs Martin final examination in medicine at show 30 dollars before be or Theo, Fuller, Grant, Reed, Edinburg: Dr. Gomez, who won she can be allowed to land. As we Walters, and Misses an island scholarship in 1915 say this provision has in recent Aikens, McMillan and Doris and the Jermingham Gold Medal. vears been practically a dead Evans, constitute the Executive left with the 2nd Merchants Con letter, being worded generally Committee tingent, and on his arrival in by the passing of a small concern England enlisted with the Royal of say a couple of dollars from Fusiliers and was drafted to India the immigrant to the landing Church Services.
where he remained for the dura. authority. Continued from page 4)
tion of the war After demobi. Ttis in fact was such a long lization he joined the University standing and general practice in 1919. Port of Spain Gazette, that many of the immigrants to soventh Day Adventist Church Cuba were quite unaware of STREET CALI DONIA ROAD what this two dollar fee was (near Isthmian Park. PANAMA.
GRENADA really for no doubt they took it Babbath (Saturday) 45 am, Babas part of the general strange bath Sobool; 11. 15 sm. General Worship ness of existence, particularly 30 pm. Spanish Class; the existence of those who exDeath and Funeral of change their native land Young People Meeting; p.
for another. Very few of them Vespers, realised that it was really a sop Sunday Evening 30 Preaching Service. cordial invitation is extendto Cerberus, that it actually ex cused them from the showing of ed to all.
thirty dollars hard cash. From The West Indian Aug. 8th)
As a matter of fact very few it Seventh Day Adventist Church The death of Fred Bullen, from here to Cuba could possibly any of the labourers who go 3rd. STREET BROADWAY, COLON jockey, took place at the Hos show thirty dollar if called upon Sabbath (Saturday) 45 a. Sabbath pital, Grenville on Tuesday it is no uncommon thing for a School; 11. 15 am General Worship morning last at o clock, after man to set out from here to 30 p, Young people meeting an illness of four da. The Juba with his steamship ticket 30 Vespers deceased, who was quite well and a couple of dollars in his up to Thursday last, suddenly pocket.
Sunday evening 7, 30 Preaching took illon Friday. His comService You are cordially invited to rade and brother jockey, Reggie TIGHTENING THE SCREWS attend these services and bring your Greaves, finding thst be friends, growing worse, and unable to Caba bave practically decided, at called it bowever, in view of recent dis Dr. Hughes, who attended him vision strictly in future to make cussions, to enforce this proBaptist Churches on Saterday and sent him to Colon 11 Descon Spencer 15 Pastor Thrift. 30 the hospital. He leaves a wife certain that no immigrant lands in Cuba unless he or she shows Chorrillo 11 a. Descon Lewis and three children The funerabe cereb ony thirty dollars.
which took pleace necessary p. 15 Descon Linton.
at the St. Andrew Anglicao The previous two dollars graft Corozal Rond 11 a. Leader Taitt Church was performed by the le to be done away with along Witt; 15 Mr. Gallimore.
Kev. Fowler. There were pres with those who practiced it. In Red Tank 11 a. Deacon Reid if ent among others: Messrs, future you can show thirty p. Sunday School Anniversary Ralph anson. dollars you can land in Cuba. 15 Pastor Witt.
Arnold Willamson. Ralph Alex This regulation is going into Empire 11 a. Pastor Witt; 15 ander, Frank Alexander, force or, to be more correct, Deacon Cummings.
Gatun 11 a. Pastor Thrift; 15 Berkeley Rex Renwick, being revived within a very short larence Renwick, Frank Hastick. sime; in fact any day now may Mr. Miller Owen Wells, and an escort o it Pueblo Nuevo 11 am. Mr.
Police under Sergt. Phillips Hence intending emigrants to beaded the funeral procession, Cuba will do well to ecquire 15 Teacher Bishop.
The corpse was borne by his carefully at the shipping Ottices New Providence 11 a. Supplied.
brother jockies, namely: Rargie nere in regard to it before proGreaves, Harris, Mancap, Bertie ceeding across the sea.
Julien, John Cadet and Lowe Union Pentecostal Assembly Chang THE EFFECT OF IT.
25 CALIDONIA ROAD also COLON What effect is the strict enGospel Meetings Sunday 11 forcement of this proyision likeand 30 Sunday School 3p. Earthquakes And Stor nisly to have on Jamaican emigraMonday 30 Tuesday 30 tion to Cuba?
Thursday 30 In England.
It is likely to very seriously lesElder GREENEDGE Pastor sen it for there are very few of London August 25th. Earth the labouring class who go from THE CHURCH OF GOD.
tremors, cloudburst and thun here to the Republic who have derstoms of extreme severity thirty dollars to show after Colon. and Streets. Gospel meethave caused exceptional damage meeting the expences here inci will pick and choose, we will PRESIDENT COOLIDGE aggressive war. am opposed to ings at 11. 30a. 7. 30 Sunthrough England over the week. dental to departure passage, make certain that only a good warlike preparations but favor day School at 3p.
end. The temperatu e was the permit, deposit, passport etc. class immigrant has access to Addresses Labor Repre iosure against interference with an adequate army and navy to Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON lowest recorded for several etc.
months, dropping a low as And this is no doubt the inten domestic tranquility at home or Gatun, Canal Zone. Gospel Meetings said.
any imposition abroad. 57 degrees in some places. The tion of the Cuban authoriiles to at 11. 30 a. and 30 SunSan Miguel Sunday School day School at pm.
Ancient Abbey of Horsham near Garrow the influx of Jamaica laIn addressing representatives of Bro. GEORGE GRIFFITH Norwich was destroyed by light bour down to a small and select Activities.
Labor who called on hin at the International Trade.
ping. This great pile was built class who possess a certain White House on Labor Day, PreNow Providence. Gospel Meetings at 11. 30a. and 30 Sunday in 1105 and was one of the bis amount of money and therefore toric ecclesiastical ruins of Eng: may be supposed to be desirable the Sunday School of the San Mi the delegation that the Govern mter Mac Donald has set up On Sunday September the 14th, sident Coolidge of the United reported to have told London, August 25th. Pre School at pm.
land. So violent wis the cloud and responsible citizens.
Sis. CAMPBELL burst in some places that nine guel Baptist Chureh will conduct ment would continue the policy special Committee to study the Rod Tank, Canal Zone Gospel meeting and a half inches of rain was re CUBA INTENTION. a special Promotion day Service, which he declared bad resulted international trade developments on Thursday night 30 Suncorded during six hours in the The significance of the move All arrangements are being in American wage earners living which may follow the London day School at p.
West of England especially to is not only in its actual effect on made for this service, In connee better than any other time of our agreement. The committee will Sis, GRAY Somerset. Reports from the potentieli immigrants, but intets tion with the promotion of classes. history. com The President said closely wath the moves to country this morning show that class detinition of Cuba inten each class will be distinguished by that the restriction of immigration negotiate a Franco German Com Panama, Arosemena Street, Houne 25, San Miguel Gospel meetings at scores of pigs and poultry were tions in the matter of Jamaican wearing special buttons provided and the enactment of the tariff mercial Treaty and it will advise laws were necessary to preserve the Government on many nego 11. 30 and 30 Sunday drowned or otherwise buried. immigration. Cuba says plainly for them!
An earth tremor at Locbaler, We don care a hand (or its Amarican standards for School at 3p. Meeting on wage tiations of Britain trade com peScotland, lasted for titors which would seem to attect Tuesday evenings 15 a few Spanish equivalent) whether you The Sunday school staff extends earners.
seconds. come here or not in future we a cordial welcome to all am for peace and against British interest, Elder BAILEY, Pastor Order Books Secretary and Treasurer For Friendly Societies was once a Ogilvie, Stevenson.
CAN BE HAD AT Williams.
The Workman Stationery Store


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