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The West Indian Problem THE WORKMAN READ THE WORKMAN LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME WEEK BY WEEK AND PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY difficult to to make a to be seen, of society crowd never goes may last serious: without who would Vol. 13 No. PANAMA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1924 PRICE CTS. Cy.
Prince of Wales Against Death Parties Conservaties, Liberals, Threat by Letter Mailed to direct West India cable des From the British Empire Re Socialists Enter Fight With patch from Geneva, dated Septem: view for July we qoute the folBritish Consul.
ber 4, states that the Assembly of lowing:Great Enthusiasm.
the League of Nations gave Mr. The Pavilion at Wembley conRamsay MacDonald New York despatch dated American team where thers. were to day session. The was given a Leeward Islands Bahamas, Toba dated August 26, says a divergence are profiting by it. Local organirousing taining exhibits from Barbados, greeting he rose to speak. Cable despatch from London They have learnt their lesson, and interesting adventure of flappers. Most of them knew the spontaneous ovation which con go, Grenada, St. Vincent, and of opinion between the two lead zations which had become morof of the Prince of Wales.
Prince by sight but he eluded tinued for several minutes.
British Honduras, amply repays ing members of the Cabinet has ibund have been scraped and new Following the information re them all. He instructed his chauf. Mr. MacDonald expressed him the visitors, so many otjects of put speed into the preparations bodies created. lot of fresh, ceived by the New York Police feur to drive to the gateway given self as unreservedly in favour of interest are there to be for the next General Election. young workers, with their spurs to that a threatening letter had over the plebians; then he the League, adding: If the future It is a distinc The Chancellor of the Exchequer, win, have come into the field to the presumthe ably by a manine. as the missive and strolled over to the south side it will be only through the League tures of these West Indian exhib: Manchester Guardian, emphar few lively speeches by politicians is to to was written in the the rambling of the field, deserted save for a of Nations, National security is is, but undoubtedly the display of size more than one point of with that fighting touch, are being only one phase that could be Here he watched the great swipes. be settled by means which will not fashion of a crank and contained group of grooms and chauffeurs. our greatest problem but it must marine life arranged in the Baha difference between himself and held all over the country, and not mas section is of the outstand the Prime Minister.
local associations, both of men and deciphered. the phrase being. Every time he looked across the catailgrave problems later on: ing characteristics of the Pavilion It is well known that Mr.
will kill you. members of the field where the brilliant throng was England is) here to increase the Sponges of every size and shape, Rainsay MacDonald and women, are hard at work, Mr. The socialists are busy as bees.
force was rushed to Syosset, gathered, he laughed aloud. authority of the League. Europe coral and many beautiful marine Phillip 3nowden often look at they always are. The Liberals to protect the Prince; while Finally newspapermen, said one is impoverished by war and we in plants help to make this section problems from a different angle. are still struggling with internal Detective Louis Herman of the to another It would be just like tend, through the League, to lay worth looking at.
The old custom was for the Prime differences, and the resignation of Bomb Squad was also dispatched him to be sitting over there where foundations for the peace of the to warn the Prince and to make the There are samples also of sisal Minister to live at No. 10 Down. Viscount Grey of Fallodon from and fibres, Here may be bought ing Street, and for the Chancellor the leadersbip of the Party in the arrangements for additional pro Sure enough that was the Prince tection.
there slapping his thigh and his Germany cannot remain outside both light and dark, that would The two houses have internal ly love between the rival wings of Mr. MacDonald declared that cigarette cases of tortoiseshell of the Exchequer to live at No. 11, Lords has not conduced to brother nose wrinkled with laughter.
He the League of Nations, and said make any woman envious. Tor doors leading from one to the the Party, HR, S, ADVENTURE was listening to none too reverent that the best way to handle the toi esbell lamp shades add tremen other. Mr. MacDonald lives at The Conservatives will fight The heir appar nt to the Brit remarks from the grooms and problem of aggression was to set up dously to the appearance of a well. No. 10 but Mr. Sagwden has every seat where they see a chance ish throne enjoyed th most chauffeurs regarding the play a court of arbitration. furnished sitting room. never lived at No. 11.
of wioning, though it may well be novel experience of his life on ing ability of the men. He was For agaia recognised, and the sedate MacDouald, will do everything in tles are to be seen among St.
The British Empire, said Mr. Not only tortoises but the tur.
CANDIDATES BUSY that they will not interfere with the first time in recent years he society matrons eager young flame its power to widen the influence Lucia exhibits, and a passer by election will come the Govern on high political issues. The Libthe dozen Liberals or so who are played the part While no party knows when the on the babit of voting with them. communer pers and almost everyone in the and prestige of the League.
of the and entirely escaped attention at social elect side drifted his way.
two widely advertised events. Soon he was almost totally sur PROPOSED ARMS PARLEY pure honey in glass jars and the ment no more more than anybody erals as a whole, in spite of their But he was finally diseovered and rounded. He became Geneva, Sept. Mr Ramsay in tane listing probion by Greater in butmeg which are displayed else all three parties are engaged unfortunate experiences of active preparations for it. year or so, are determined to force mobbed by fashionably plueked his Secretary by the arm MacDonald, the British Premier fights wherever dressed crowd and forced to take amid the rush and again escaped; declared last night that he favoured Jamaica cigars bring content. August is supposed to be a dead three cornered month in electioneering, refuge in bis automobile.
This they can.
but not before cameramen and the holding of the proposed Dis here are to be seen exhibits of rum. August 18 not. At the Headquarment and ease to the wayfarer, and He drove to Meadowbrook in amateur photographic artists had LIBERALS LOSING GROUND a snapped him armament Conference here instead He dressed for the of at Washington because it should bananas, coffee, sugar and beauti working at pressure, and canditers the officials in command are car of American make and sat op dinner the night and was chortled be attended by the Premiers of the ful samples of the logwood tree.
Reports from the constituencies give no sure guide to the issue of comment by dates are busy all over the coun a throng of several thousand who with slee over the success of his European countries The Tobago and Trinidad sec. try.
the next election. There is eviexpressed keen afternoon.
disappointment thus be able to devote time to th tion contains a model of the dence that the Conservatives are because the Prince failed to show conference. Continued on Page It is already obvious that when gaining ground and that the Liber up In Moviedom the fight comes there will be three. als are losing ground. There is He climbed a fence at the cornered contests in at Grace Estate, sat for a while with none that the Socialists are losing two thirds of the constituencies. ground. The moral is obvious.
grooms and chauffeurs and did Cecilia and America The Socialists The hard work must continue, renot flee huntir a seyed little Theatres oreina very attractica Panama Canal Employees Association posibly is more society flapper rushed into a group program for the coming week, as a have put a stream into election gardless of the season of the eering which was never known Socialists do not take long holiyear.
on the fashionable side of the reference to page of this issue (By WHYTE)
before, and they have created a days.
field shouting: He is over there will disclose. Several new It is believed that success of Howbeit, might prove a very street cornerand in side streets a novel system of propaganda at over de olheres and he was kewe, por seat appear on these the best Parliament may be summoned blade of grass.
It true will appear at these two up to date failure is generally the result of a clever surgeon in this case, by which has already had the effect of by the Speaker to re assemble he was there chatting with two play houses each night when the plurality of associate causes, than probing without causing pain. At on September 30. On the matter perfect strangers and chewing a usual large crowd will be there to ot any one cause, however great; least let us hope so, and it have putting the party into office.
of the Ulster Boundary the Liberand it is believed that the failure not succeeded it should not be said The challenge will be accepted als will probably side with the match incognito and was only dis Then, in the very near future, of the West Indian as a section that my intentions were not good. by the Conservatives at the next Government. As to Russia, the covered by a photographer who say about two weeks, the stupen of this community is to be found election, however soon that may issue is less certain. That may shouted: Gosh, that Prince pous of the Firpo Wills fight within the this wowed me oblem habere help rithe natus folemn screened in both these won. In our efforts to sa podpora und ihre ble traits that we manifest country show that the Conserva. the result :f na General Election Now, the conceivably, bring the crashwith tie.
Theatres. This picture needs no repetition of our unfortunate ex laek? Stating one kind should enthusiasm are working with more before the end of the year. In any At Grace Field ten les away comment just now, so, until it ar perience in the building up of the imply the other, but for emphasis than they did twelve months sgo. yənd the next Spring.
and determination event, it cannot be postponed berives breath and Panama Canal West Indian tuning up of the menbers of the prepare for it.
ployees Association, it is highly lack essential that we endeavor to get courage, industry, discipline, hon patience, determination to the very root of the trouble, by Status of The New Panama Court. 41 atmostphere imaginable.
start to finish in the most congen. taking into account every possible esty, individuality, perspective or Nationalization of New element that may affect our work vision, self respect, confidence in and Treaty Hospital.
of rurselves, appreciation The various committees are to be intelligently observant of generosity. thriit, proper OPENS OFFICIALLY TO a record breaking event. Casually, immediate and distant. We need methods. We manifest rashness Santor working industriously to make this appraisal of values (whether of Appearing before the National The nationalization of the new business Tomas mention of MORROW.
Hospital, as Assembly last Monday, in response to Tomorrow, Sunday the 21st is have been procured for the explore and discover.
refreshments galore of every kind or undue haste for results; weak authorized by a Decree of the to a summons from that body for being eagerly looked forward to as satisfaction of those who jourcey selves, and that correction of disposition to tire; unwillingness some important changes in the substitute It is the writer humble opinion ness of will to carry on; unwilling: President, the text of which ap a discussion regarding the new that most of the trouble is in our oess to face difficulties; Sa peared in our last issue, is causing treaty that is being completed to Taft a red letter day in the existence of therefore, it Agree Friendly Societies on the Isthmus the hera vings Colebesinner man these domestic defects will be a to submit to the direction of new institution.
ment, as one of special significance to have been amply cared for.
Doctor Eusebio Morales, relative corrective for the uutside those whom we have placed in the Canal Zone government in Employees heretofore paid by Secretary of Foreign affairs members of this great British favorably to questions upon the ties. At Order An innovation without a parallelame Order, in local fraternal rircles will be the time in our this very trying authority, and disregard for the accordance with an agreement by sid. will be entirely satisfactory Our associations with other welfare of the rest by those in the two governments in 1905, may treaty. The treaty, Dr. Morales Court which has been working for Rangers distinetly who will proceed to see ourselves as others see The Panama Past Chief Rangers procession formed of Past Chief people, we need like Burns pray for some power the gift to gie dealings Loreliableness in our to the interest of Panama; it the past 15 montus will throw open from Morning Star Lodge Room by failing to face the hereafter be paid by this governits doors to the public for the first 24th Street Guachapeli in official mind see us truth and do the right thing, if ment in such cases as the Govero not affect al versely its soverigaty time by the observance of a rare attire to their Hall at San Miguel. certain traits that are indespensa friends will be adversely affected, been assumed by the Canal Zone thing to do was to wait for the conTo my mind we are lacking in it is found that we or any of our their services. At least this has same time he thought the prudent ment of Panama cares to retain nor its economic life, but at the Dedicatory Service and a Musical arriving There in time to begin ble to success, while on the other or by misappropriating funds or Evening wherein the Panama Wesleyan cethodnos cheir exercises at p promptly hand we manifest certain others other propertyo pentrusted to us: government, according to a pub clusion of the agreement and then Church Choir together with a transmitting formally the intelli. failure Of course, it is not my the gallery, or to seek applause. Executive Secretario dei tike receipt cable has also been despatched that are distinctly conducive to We manifest a tendency to play lished correspondence from the give a complete report upon it.
The negoti. tions for the promusical artistes of local gence to headquarters of this intention to say anything in this a disregard für our immediate or ma Canal acknowledging receipt posed treaty, according to a cable celebrity participating will be the auspicuous occasion.
little discussion of our failings and distant future, unconcern as to of a letter from the Secretary of despatch from Washington on the principal features of the evening our Doors open at 30, sbarp, ad causing offense or uapleasantness be affected by any particular Zone Government of the national where only the final touches on infailures for the purpose of our needs and as to how we may Public Works, notifying the Canal 17th. inst. has reached a stage The remaining poruion of the Programme will be devoted to the mission strictly by tickets.
usual illuminating aduresses from in any quarter; but it must be happening; and so on.
ization of the hospital. In this consequential questions remain to borne in mind that our situation is connection it was learned that they be perfected, representative beads of every Personal.
like a troublesome lesion in some plead guilty to the foregoing. The sign coatracts with beleive we must as a whole National Government is about to Order (approximately 20 in all) Mr. Robert Wilcox, the well part of the body difficult of access, exceptious don count, because we eat, a Chief of Medical Clinic and a Superintendfunctionlug in the Republic, ALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO The program will neither be property owner of Colon, arrived we know how painfull this process is up to us to make amends, and at monthly salaries of 650, 8725 MORROW.
known lumber merchant and large which generally needs probing, and are judged by the crowd. And it a Chief Nurse for the new hospital. JUAN FRANCO RACE TRACK TOcumbersone nor irksorge in any in that city on Thursday last from probing very often is, how the to do so now, We need to cry and 200, respectively.
way, the public can therefore rely the United States, looking the patient must start and groan when Halt. then halt and strike out uputi spending pleasant Sunday of good health. His stay tender spot is struck; we Bakers, bakers, are present in afternoon or just a couple hour, on the Isthmus will be gladly know. also beat the patient bient gem on a new path. We have wasted Union of this city is making effores charge of the hospital Bakery, by duration replete with interest from welcomed by everyone erally rewarded for his pains. Continued on Page 8)
replace three West Indian natives, least a casts he went to watch the replied difficulties.
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