
reThe American Bazaar Advertise in the Workman it will pay nated on the signing of the LoriStill On Sale Wesi Indies Cricket History was quite American Bazaar Store Weekly London Letter IF YOU WANT TO BE FEED YOUR BABIES ON (BY JOHN GORDON Nestle St. Charles The Mascot, ST. CHARLES TELL YOUR SECRETS BRAND No preparation, no trouble; all London, August 1924. On the TO THE RIGHT MAN mantelpiece at the end of the ready to use; cheaper and safer long table in the historic room URSWEETENED Happy in Friendship, Business, etc. Spells of all at No. 10 Downing Street there than any other Food for children.
Kinds Released and Broken, Medical Preparations stands a huge black cat with its back arched, its tail erect, and a for Conjured Pains, Sufferings big red bow round its neck. It Exchange the labels for toys Aluminum Pots at the is for the superstition to argue LOVE APPLES IN ALL FORMS on the importance of the part played by this mascot in the High John the Conqueror, Adam and Eve. London Conterence; but it reAll kinds of highly appreciated roots and herbs.
maided there when Mr. Mac Donald placed the Cabinet room Colon or Panama Call, or if out of town, write.
at the disposal of the French, Bolgian, and German delegates CASH OR CREDIT for their discussions on the mili tary evacuation of the Rhur an Will Credit You, It Matters Not Where You Live unprecedented occurrence, since no meeting had ever been held ALEXANDER before in the Cabinetroom withont the presence of British THE MAIN STORE OF ministers. And the fact 99 Downing Street.
Brooklyn, mains to which the supersti tions would doubtly point that no postwar International Conference in which the mascot ha: not been present was ever so termi Situated on Central Avenue, Opposite the Cathedral No one claims perfection for Has been closed until such time as the work of rethat Agreement and its contents, for the simple reason that every.
one had to make concessions; and pairing the Building in which it Operates, and which however necesary this may be, it is always difficult and unpleaswill be immediately started, is concluded.
ant. Moreover, it requires courage, since domestic political opponents are always too ready to describe concession a crifice of principle. And in During the period necessary for this work, the Clientele this Conference domestic oppoAND nents and national feelings had to be taken very carefully into of the AMERICAN BAZAARSTORES, will be served Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 consideration. On military ecacuation, for instance, it with the customary zeal and courtesy at Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages clear that Herriot dared pot reduce the maximum period for the completion of that opera.
The Branch Store Summary of Contents: tion without risking a political which might, incide OF History of In lies Cricket for 60 years tally, have wrecked most of the Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, constructive work of the Conference. When Mr. MacDonald, Interesting Ponor of the 1906 Tour, asked for advice by the GerMagnificent Recons of the 1923 Tour, 208, told them so much, they were naturally not very pleased.
Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual But the nature of that advice Situated at the corner of Central Avenue and Street Players should not mislead anyone into thioking that the British view Opposite the Duque Hardware Store Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete anp upon the Ruhr military occupaInteresting tion had undergone any change.
Its legality had never been admitted by any British Govern ment. Mr. MacDonald Was Price 50cts.
negotiations a channel of com cores e amanthe durata tak derhana Musical Expression The Measure of Man.
between. yield of certain Secure yours now there will be a great rush sides.
The advice, however, taxes and monopolies.
was particularly opposite. Her In the case of the 40, 000, 000 (By Sam GOODING. for them, No:Germany, the Alties riot maintained this major point loan to Let us deal with phrases. How did he die but conceded a prompt instal earmark specitie securities for Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN ment of evacuation which went the service of the loan in case Those who have studiea How did he live?
some way to mitigate German understood that the bankers do how much distinct perception there is any default. is It Panama rhythmical proportion will know Notdisappointment not regard the further year of the sections and phrases of a What did he gain occupation of the Rabr as pre piece of music contributes to our What did he give?
BatWhat Germany Gets. judicial to the loan, although a ser sense of its form and beauty. These are the units shorter period would have been It is therefore important by To measure the worth preferred.
means of expression to set forth of a man, as a man, Yet Germany comes very well and distinguish divi Regardless of birth.
out of the Dawes Scheme and the sions.
The Next Stages.
London Conference, considering The act of doing so is Notcalled phrasing Phrasing is What was his station?
LIBERTY HALL how she emerged from the war, accomplished first by making Butand considering, too, the policy 29 Street, Pana ma which she adopted after it. Her after the success of this Con. beginning of Statesmen and diplomats, a break of continuity before the Had he a heart?
each ENGLISH CLASSES currency is now phrase, And be stabilised; ference, are not to be allowed to secondly by emphasizing the first How did he play ber tiscal and economic unity is rest their laurels. There tone with something of pressure His God given part!
by Day and by Night are to be re established; she is to remains much other work to do. il it is on a wesk pulse and somehave two years of recuperation As Mr. MacDonald pointed out thing of explosion if on a strong with a word of good cheer, Was be ever ready now opened for the and consolidation before resum in his speech at the end of the pulse.
Summer Thirdly, by giving to To bring back a smile, ing payments of Reparations Conference there are the ques. each phrase or section the pecuto the Allies; and she is to be tons of Inter Allied Debts, of liar expression which its own NotTo banish a tear?
For particulars apply on the spot to granted a loan of forty millions Disarmament and BARTON, LL.
sterling to enable her to rehabi security, of the composition and and lastly by national shape and character demands; Wbat was his church?
delivering one litate her credit. More than sech NorPrincipal, that, the London Conference has Nations. None of these is a stftly or loudly than another.
authority of the League section or phrase more What was bis creed?
Growing Children set its seal on the principle of simple problem, he said. None The distinction of phrases Had he befriended Butresort to arbitration in case of of them can be solved by sacri demands Like This Milk German default, it has more thought and Those really in need?
the distinction of No:ND everyone knows that WILKINSON Wade independent action in the ficing one nation to the interests care than children are the final court They all require sections, because the close of one What did the sketch part of an aggrieved Power international agreements come section and the beginning of. In the newspaper say?
Contractor of judgment when milk is condifficult, if not impossible, with to between peoples whose repre new one is sidered. They like already clearly Butout flouting the public opinion and Builder of the world.
The How many was sorry This is a very late equality and who are ahso general rule of the distinction of when he passed away?
sentatives are on terms of abso marked by the cadences.
real achievement.
lutely free to accept or to reject phrases for the placing of the House No. 20 proposals.
break, is that our rhythmical (Exchange. 28th NOV. STREET, Helping on the Loan.
There will be in September, sense gives us a natural tendency FRESH MILK POWDERED when both Mr. MacDonald and to divide into equal paris, but SAN MIGUEL Herriot will be presen, in exceptions are easily suggested phrases with a quickening of because it is just pure, rich, fullcream milk with only the water Box 411, Panama, R, The Allies have undertaken to Geneva, at the Annual League by the shaping of the melody force and speed. The tendency of removed. But KLIM is more facilitate the loan of 40, 000, 000 Assembly, a renewed effort to or by alterations in the rythm. contrasted motion whether in to Germany, to be negotiated in remove some of the dificulties harmony or in a The kind of motion which is phrase of melody is to set off nilk for them. It following can be used wherever milk is Plans and Specifications Free October. The chief barks in the which remain. It may at least First Class Workmanship to use their good offices.
respective countries are invited be expected that the success given to a phrase is its ascend: the character of the phrase con Genes and the comparative barmony in ing toile descending its marine trasted while weakening its pow.
Call or write for details.
Guaranteed. many, for her part, will noder London will facilitate progress ssepwite or by leaps or single er, and the tendency of similar the Dawes scheme begin to pay along what the British Premier continuity of tone and their motion is simply to strengthen Maxwell Kelso certain principles of our nature and support the effect of that Sales Co. lead us to give di arent forms of which is imitated.
reparations to the Allies ranging described as the right road.
from 50 to 87 million pounds a expressions to different shapes PEDERSD Maconie Temple, year during the first four years, British Consulate Notice. of phrases. First our love of life Taking some of Professor during which she will enjoy a Ruskin hints on music. He says DR. HOFFMANN and vigor, our dislike to mono while contrast display things, it partial moratorium. In the fifth year the sum will risa to tony to The British Consulate General long held or repeated the form isunity had sympathy which Has removed his clinic to 125, 000, 000, and later payments may be increased according to at Panama would like to get in of the crescendo, and sometimes employ them.
No. 39 Central Avenue. En Germany prosperity.
touch with Samuel Abraham, late that of the swell. Secondly our Rent Recent books in Span trance between La Mascota Rent Receipt Books in SpanThese annual payments will No. 14341, British West Indies natural pleasure in difficulties to be conquered, the inspiration sh and English for Sale at The be secured on the receipts from Regiment in connection with bis we feel in effort and struggle, Ish and English for sale at the WORKMAN Printery.
and Chong Kee Store. the German railways, the issue pension.
lead us to sing or play ascending Workman Printery.
BatPrivate Academy these of whole KLIM than needed KLIM VROLE MILE Cristobal, Distributors.


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