
THE WORKMAN Big Contest Of The Famous Cigarettes AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH (Anglican Communion)
Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen on applies WALROND, at the office. Ceatral tion. Correspondence on all matters St. Paul Church, Panama Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited 6am, Holy Communion PO Box 74, Panama RP.
All copy for publication must be 10. 30 a. Matins, Litany and addrese, written on one side of paper only, and Lay Reader Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of p. Church School One Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica. 30 Choral Evensong sermonSix Monins. 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
Preacher The Rector.
Three se.
We do not undertake to return reSecond Prize of 50. Cy. NIGHTENGALE, One jected correston, ence.
Tuberly of heros e palladium orbis JUNIUS Won and Paid to ALFONSO LOPEZ St. Alban Church, Paraiso SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1924.
Received from Mr. Eduardo Valenc a, exclusive Agent of the Cigarettes THE PROBLEM OF BRITAIN 11 a. Matins and Address Catechist STROLLERS the sum of FIFTY DOLLARS (50. 00) being the value of the Church School and Confirmation Clare UNEMPLOYED. 3p.
SECOND prize offered by the manufacturers of 30p. Choral Evensong and address.
Catechist The holiday season in Great Britain has now properly STROLLERS The meeting of the Church Members begun, and in the ab ence of unforeseen contingencies which was pastponed from last Monday night will take place on Monday night Parliament adjourns during this period for its recess. As for having won the Contest of the EIGHT winning horses in Sunday races at next, 29th inst. at 30 the session drew toward its close, the Chancellor of the exchequšr, Mr. Phillip Saowden took the opportunity last Juan Franco track NIGHIENGALE, Priest in charge week outline to the House of Commons His Majesty Government plafor the alleviation of unemployment.
Panama, September 15th, 1924 St, Matthias Mission Ever since assuming office at the beginning of the year LAS SABANAS Ministers have been as emphatic as their predecessors of Alfonso López 3p. Church School otner Governments in asserting that the root cause of Witness. PERIGAULT 15 pm Evensong and Address British unemployment lies in the impoverishment and unWitness. DE LA GUARDIA NIGHTENGALE, settlement of Europe. When once a European settlement Priest in charge.
is an accomplished iact and at the moment of writing big things are hoped the primary condition of gradual British trade recovery will nave been provided. Bu, at the EDUARDO VALENCIA St. Peter by the sea, La Boca (American Episcopal)
same time, if une nployme it cannot be artificially cured, it may be artific ally a leviated; and Mr. Snowden state15th SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY Panama. Agent.
ment of the Government plans in this direction had been Holy Communion 30 am.
Holy Baptism 30 A, long expected, ani by people was considered to be someLitany. Holy Eucharist and Sermon what overdue.
11 am In the main the program ne is similar to those put Children Service at p.
forward in the last few years, and aims at carrying out Choral Evensong Sermon 30 public work, win unemployed labour. It has two main DAWES SCHEME AND AFTER Dr. Duvol Rayo injection Monday: Free Pornst The Sun isbael Preacher Bishop fea ures, namely the improvement of transport and the and All Angels will be observed at improvement of electric power facilities. The governa when there will be a Choral celemeni has decid to spend millions on the reconstruc The Dawes Scheme is getting under way and there is THE WONDER OF OUR DAYS bration of the Holy Communion, tion of the mata trunk roads or the country and to contri much discussion in financial circles as to the terms oa Isrve attendance is expected.
bute 10 millions toward a new road programme which which the 800 million gold marks loan is to be issued Wednesday: Mid Week service, 30 Dr. Duvol, an eminent has already received official sanction. Plans are also Meanwhile a little too much prominence has been given physiciau and surgeon of the Confirmation class after atout for a new tunnel under the Toames, and a great new to the rather timid and alarmnist souls who are expressing Faculty of Paris, a practitioner Thursday Meeting of Girls Priendly Society, p. Meeting of road to the Londou docks. The Chancellor was also able fears at the prospect of damaging commercial competition in the hospital of London and the Brotherhood of St. An agreed to spend a total of over 55 mi liou pounds on main be faced in the future as in the past. Germany will win Academy of Medicine of France Friday: Meeting of Girl Guides, p. m, to aonounce that the four greti railway companies had by Germany. Of course, German competition will have to Brussels and a member of the drew, 30 desirous aleviating the tenance reconstruction, and renewal; while his promise to her way back to prosperity slowly and painfully, and there sufferings of bis fellowmen, has, Choir practice, p.
encourage the best sugar growing industry with a subsidy is unlikely to be any suddea swamping of world markets atter a series of experiments MULCARE, caused considerable surprise.
with German goods at a price which foro da economic com which lasted approximately fifty of the plans for big new works there are several competition. There will have to be readjustments all round years given to the world a most Bianorragia menis to be made. 11 is obviousiy right that national to meet the new state of afairs. But Germany will be. Guerreas in the crop mortabis St. Barnabas Church, Empire works of the kind mentioned above should be undertaken come a customer as well as a competitor and the Daw marvelous injection RAYO Litany. Holy Communion and sermon also an excellent at 10. 45 a. m, in times of depression like the present, and not, as so fre Scheme will tend to revive markets not only in Germany which is It is this return to normality remedy for all irritations in the Church school, p.
quently occurs, tu times of active trade and prosperity, but throughout Europe.
But it must be remembered tout schemes of an extensive which has been the objective of British policy ever since urinary passages.
Choral Evensong and address p.
This marvelous remedy can T MULCARE Priest in charge scope take a very long um: co prepare, and some consider the war; and it has always been re ognised that normality able time musi elapse before the full effect of the plans means competition with Germany. Nevertheless, it is truly be described as the Wonder St. Bartholomew s, Church of the outlined by Mr. Saowden will be fels. And indeed too true that the economic problems facing Britain are numer does not cause that sensation of It is somewhat ano nalous that Ger burning irritation and contrac Morning prayer and address at 11 a.
much must not in any case b: expecued from them in the ous and intricate.
direction of reducing employmeat; for, as Mr. Snowden many, expect for her reparation obligations, should be to which is generally expe Church School 30 pounds hituseli pointed oui, che present abnormal un employ free from external debt; that France owiaz, but not pay rienced in the use of other Evening Prayer and Addreso p.
ment that is the excess of unemployed over what in pre ing, a great debt to England should be forced to import njections. MULCARE Priest in charge DR. DUVOL war days was regarded as aor in ai. was almost entirely labour; and that Great Britain who has alone founded due to the depression in the three great iudustries of ship her external debt and is paying vast sums annually to America on account Merborictiol Ointment Tae building, eagineering and cotton manufacturing.
of money borrowed by her St. Jude Mission, Summit.
plans mentioned above will not directly nelp those indus for her Allies, should continue to have nearly one and a For the prompt and positive Morning prayer and address 11 m, tries to a great extent.
Labor is not sufficiently mobile, half million unemployed. These facts, and many others cure uf all kinds of erysipelas Churen School 30 de for instance, to allow the unemployed cotton workers of will have to be borne in mind whenever the question of eczemuas, itchings, itchs, and all Evening Prayer and Address 30 Lancashire to be diverted to the construction of the new inter Allied indebtedness is taken up. Sterling of course is to the skin, whether of MULCARE. Priest in Charge.
syphilitio origin or road from Edinburgh to Glasgow.
remains strong as the direct result of Britain determina ay microbe.
St. Simon Mission, Gamboa tion to meet her one external liability, her war debt to Nevertheless there is nothing upsound in the concep America, and to raise by taxation at least as much money obt in the dissappearance of the Church School p.
Sure and effective remedy to Morning prayer and address 11 am tioa of these plans, and the rest of Mr. Snowden pro as is required to cover all her expenditure; but all this en spots on the face and other parts MULCARE, Priest in charge.
gramme, which deals with the question of electric power, tails a greater burden upon the caxpayer than seems good of the body, produced by carate is certainly worthy of approval and is of far reaching either for him or for trade eaterprise. Nevertheless com or any other cause.
national importance. The plans Mr. Snowden outlined paratively few British business men would contend that Sold in all Drug Stores Wesleyan Methodist Cyl. cerning the development of power facilities were in the Diwes plan, how ver it may at first affec: particular Panama 11 a. Mr. Harris.
many respects similar to those propounded by Mr. Lloyd industries, is anything bu beneficial to British and world 30 Rev. Kissock Braham Colon 11 a. Mr George Laynis eorge in he volume entitled Coal and power which was trade generally, since it will remove the incubus of unrecently publisitd and represents the views of a special certainty that has so long clogged the economic wheels of FOR SALE 30 Rev. Surgeon.
La Boca 11 a. Mr. Walters, Cornuillee appointed to investigate this question. Europe 30 Mr. Lindo.
Hierto the development of electrical power in Great In the meantime the British Prime Minister intend New Providence 11 a. Mr.
Britain has proceeded piecemeal and has borne no relation that a close investigation shall be made by a competent SALOON, GROCERY and Harrison.
to any considered or general national scheme. Recently, a committee of the effect upon British industcies of commerRESTAURANT Parsiso 11 a. Rerd. Kissock Brabam (Holy Communion. conference on this subject was held at the British Empire cial treaties and working arr ingements which may be enter Exambition at Wembley, and at that conference it was made ed into between foreiga countries as a sequel to the Dawes House can be leased or rent.
Situated at business centre 30 tn. Mr. Fuller.
Empire 11 a. Reyd. Sur avuuuauity clear wat one of the most urgent needs of plan, This is, of course, a necessary precautionary Titles secure.
geon (Holy Communion. Great Briain was a much more rapid and intensive develop measure required by altered circumstances. Taere bas ment of large scale power plant. The Government is appa been plenty of evidence available that British manufac.
For further information reuily of the sume opinion. An expenditure of 10 millions turers are ready to meet all competitors when markets are apply to The Salvation Army spread over three years is contemplated, in order to co reopened and exteaded. Toat they are not lacking in en NATHANIEL WICKHAM.
PANAMA CITY CORPS, oi diuate the supply of electric current of standardized fre terprise may be gathered from a visit at Wembley; in his New Providence Post Office Services for Sunday September 28ht are quency. oe supply or exctric power has grown up piece entirety and in every detail the Exaibitioa is a standing as follows: meal and absoluiely napuazard in this country, and it is witness to British imperial and industrial enterpr se. And Prayer Meeting; 10 a.
generally agreed luat some measure of scientific co ordina a further piece of evidence is supplied by the spacious balis TAKE NOTICE Children Directory Meeting Brigades uou bas now become an iudustrial necessity. At the pre of Olympia which have temporarily been converted into one United Open Air Meeting at Street, San sent time the suppy of electric power is in many hands. vast engineering saop for the Exhibition of the MachineAll contributions intended for 11 a. Holiness meeting, Subject: There is no central control, and vested interest stand in the Tool Traders Association.
publication in the Workman on Prevailing Prayere. Comdt. Martin, way of larg. scal development on co ordinated lines.
Saturday unust reach the office not p. Young People Company This state of affairs requires reform, and in the plans which Meeting and Brigades Open Air meeting Mr. Snowdou ou lined was included a provision that com British Consulate Notice.
Union Pentecostal Assembly ater than mid day Thursday.
at Iron Gate. p. Conquerors Brigade at 40th pulsory powers should be granted to the Electricity ComDR. HOFFMANN Street Overcomers Brigade at 41st Street mi:sioners, who have hitherto only been able to pursue by The British Consulate General 25 CALIDONIA ROAD also COLON San Miguel methods of persuasion their aim of putting the nation at Panama would like to get in Has removed his clinic to Gospel Meetings Sunday 11. 30 pm. Salvation Meeting. Subj.
electric power supply on a sound and uniform basis. No touch with Samuel Abraham, late and 30 m; Sunday School 3p. No. 39 Central Avenue. En The Spend thrift Discovery. Preacher exception can be taken to this part of the Government No. 14341, British West Indies Monday 30 Tuesday 30 Commandant Martin.
plans, and it is quite possible that the results may be far Regiment in connection with his Thursday 39 pm.
trance between La Mascota You are cordially invited to attend.
ceaching pension.
Elder GREENEDGE Pastor, and Chong Kee Store. Continued on page 77 Miguel.


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