
House Rent: Receipt Books SPANISH ENGLISH waiting list, it means that, it Head of United Fruit they are all to go, it will take some elgbt years before new Company Dead.
applications can meet with (Continued from page 4)
News of the death, of Andrew Preston, founder and presicbased a ticket for Demerara dent of the United Fruit Comby the boat which was leaving It will be unfair to blame the Nickerie that day. The mistake people of Grenada as a whole for pany, whieh reached the Isthmus was discovered in the meao wbile our failure at Wembley. The recently caused ns little concern by the cashier who reported the whole thing goes to show that quarters matter to the police and they failure is natural to exclusiveWest Indians on the Isthmus, arrested Simon on the steamer ness in efforts of the kind. The especially Jamaicans, are weli which was about sailing. Simon Barons are to be blamed, who acquainted with the operations was taken to the Police Statin never really made any decent of the United Frult Company where, seizing the opportunity bid for popular assistance. In over which Mr. Preston was when the police were not watchall things worth while, all the President through the extensive ing him, he jumped through a people must be given good operations of the company in wiadow with the result stated.
Opportunity to pull together.
Jamaica and Central America. large sum of money was found In these two places the company on his dead body.
The West Indian reports the millions of dollars and provides Owns property wbieb runs into death of DOROTHY TAYLOR, employment for thousands of which took place at Goyave, at people.
BARBADOS the ripe age of 103 years. The deceased was the Grandmother Mr. Preston was 78 years old of Hubert Hill, the West Indian At the time of his death. He was Fire at Crane Hotel Jockey and Mr. A, Grant, the organizer of the United Fruit mercbant.
Company in 1899 and has been its president since. Besides The Standard states that the president of the Company be Crane Hotel was the scene of a ST. LUCIA was chairman of its Executive terrible conflagration on SaturCommittee and also its director.
He was president of over a dozen day morning the 6th Instant The tire started upstairs in Nos. Sad Occurrence other companies including three railroad companies, the Abanga15 and 16 rooms in the south rez Gold Fields of Costa Rica wing and its origin appears to and Director of the National baye been the result of the most deplorable occurance Bank of Cuba.
building being struck by light took place at Guesneau Estate ning during the inclement on Thursday afternoon wbich weather which prevalled at the 0:30 might prove to bave caused tbe British Consulate Notice. death of Mr. Charles Herbert Sir Frederick Clarke, Walcott, the owner of the estate was among those staying It would appear at Mr. Colon would be glad of informaThe Acting British Consul at ing at the Hotel. He was standWalcott was last seer alive about tion as to the presert whereabouts ing near the point where the fire p. Later in the evening of one Matilda Collymore, native started and experienced a sharp about news was brought shock. Although he appeared of Trinidad.
to his family in Castries that the to have had rather a narrow residence and out houses were escape yet be seemed quite well borning and be was no where to when seen a few hours later, be found. His three sons accom. Church Services.
The entire wing is absolutely panied by friends went up but gutted and unroofed while the could only ascertain that the (Continued from page 4)
main building escaped with houses was burnt and could find slight damage no trace of him. It being dark Baptist Churches Shortly after the outbreak of by that time they repaired to Colon 11 a. Pastor Burke. p.
the fire the Fire Brigade was the nearest residence for the Missionary service Rev. Jordan Sumwoned, but however did night and early next morning Chairman, speakers: Rev. Slmmonde, not arrive on the scene until started their search and found Missionary from South America, Captain few hours after, when No. what could be called part of Wormsdale if the Salvation Army, and section turned out with tbe the charred remains of a human Pastor Barke, 715 Pastor Barko.
motor hose reel under command being. St. Luria Voice.
Monday night 30 Misioanty meetof Lieut. Col. Harrell, ing. Dr. Edwardo of Colon will be Chair Supe iatendent of the Brigade.
man sed number of speakers will give DOMINICA Duris the great excitement ad addremes.
which followed the out break of Chorrillo 11 a. Descon Yearwood; tbe conflagration yeoman service New Master for Gram Missionary from South America. p. 15 Rev. Simmonde, was rendered by several gentiemen.
The total insurance on the mar School.
Corozal Rond 11 a. Descon Mobuilding is a pulicy of 2, 500 Iniosh, 15 Deacon Yusrwood.
with the Economic Insurance Gatun 11. Me. Wiggin, 15 Company, and one of 500 on Miss Barnhousethe furniture with the new assistant Master of the Grammar Scbool has been New Providenot Missionary Services Company There was no actual injaries, appointed in the person of Mr. at 11 a. tn. and p. Speakers Major Stanley Talt, who ar: Pax and Pastor Thrift.
but tha sympathy of the comEmpire. 11 a. Leader Russell mauity will go oui to rived by the Chaudiere recently, Mr.
Graam arwood whose wife says The Dominica Guardian 30 Lord Supper service; 18 Pastor He had to pass through the disaster was recommended to Mr. Wilt.
Pidduck during latter wh le very ill indeed.
th Red Tank 11 a. Pastor Witt; Poy She nad gentleman visit on sick leave Scouts and Girl Reserves will attend the to be removed from ona of the to Barbados a few weeks ago. Service. 15 Descon Linton.
rooms which was atter waris Mr. Tait, who is a Bardadian, totally destroyed.
obtained his degrees first in Mathematics and afterwards in Bethlehem Church of God Classics. He has seen service in No, MARIANO AROSEMENA St.
Death of Mrs. Samuel Trinidad and Tobago, in the first SAN MIGUEL Manning.
las Mathematical Master at the Maceneas Institute. At BarbaSunday 30 o clock morsing prayer, beld the appointment of 10. 30 am. Children Service.
The Standard state that Mathematical Master of the 11 Divine Service, Preacher the community was shocked on Coleridge School. This is not a Bro. Francis, Subject: man the morning of the 13th instant bad record. This is the first time that proved God. D. Sunday by the sudden announcement of that a Barbadian Scholar has School; Superintendent. 30 Mrs. Samuel Manning death.
been placed on the staff of Teach 30 Service, Mrs. Manning left with her ers at the Grammar School bere, Preacher. Bro. Frances Subject: husband for England at end but in nearly all the other The march of Current Evento.
of May, Though not in the islands we find them holding Monday. 30 Believer meetbest of health, the sad event CAN similar appointments with cred ing. Bro. P, Catherwood.
was in no way forecasted by it to themselves and to the Wednesday 30 Bible instrucber then condition.
different schools. In congrat tion and praver. Bro. Webley.
Mancing played an important ulating Mr. Tait. upon his appart in the social life of the pointment, and welcoming him Friday 30 Choir Rehearsals.
island, and leaves a large circle to Dominica, we express the T, C, FRANCIS Clerk in charge.
of friends and relatives to mourn hope that his record in our ber loss.
Grammar School will not be the less brilliant than ibat of Seventh Day Adventist Church any of his other countrymen GRENADA referred to. STREET CALIDONI ROAD (near Isthmian Park. PANAMA.
Weekly London Letter Sabbath (Saturday) 45 a. Sabbath School; 11. 15. General Worship 80p. Spanish Class; (Continued from page 3)
OF GOVERNOR PRIVATE Young People Meeting; p.
latitude, which includes the city Veepers, SE RETARY.
af Mosul and a good part of Mosul vilayet. It was no arbi. Servin. cordial invitation is extendSunday Evening 80p. Preaching The West Inrian records trary choice, for historica lly, ed to wi.
the rather sudda death of Mr. ed the Civil Service as Super 1911 in corjunction with his sub bave paid well deserved tributes ethrologically, and geographical Cecil Rice, the Private Secretary Dumerary Clerk, Administrator stantive duties as Chief Clerk to the memory of the late ly the aftalties of Mosul are all and Chief Clerk to the Goverror, o flce, St. Vincent, in 1890 He Guvernor Office Grenada be CECIL NORMAN RICE, Private with Mesopotamia.
The comSeventh Day Adventist Church which took place at 11. 15 a. climbed the official ladder was appointed to act Private Seeretary of the Governor of the plete route of the Turkish armies on Saturday August 30th. Mr. steadily and in 1898 was appoint Secretary to Sir James Hayes Windward Islands, who died at the close of the war found 3rd STREET BROADWAY, COLON Rice accompanied His Excellen. ed Port Officer and Custom Sadler. He has since been per bere suddenly recently. Mr. Britain in a position to fulfil her cy and Lady James to Gouya ve Officer St. Vincent, and ap manently appointed to the amal Rice was a native of St. Vincent, promise; and the Constituent Sub stb (Saturday) 45 a. Sabbath and Victoria the day before on pointed Chief Clerk Givernor gamated office of Chief of Clerk and much sympathy has been Assembly of Iraq, in ratifying Sebn 1; 11. 15 am General Worship the occasion of His Excellency Office 1901. In 1902 he was ap and Private Secretary to the extended to his respected father the Anglo Iraq Treaty this 30 pm Young people meeting 30 Vespere first official visit to those pointed Secretary to Sr Arthur Governor in Chief.
who lives at Bequia, summer added a rider holding parishes. Mr. Rc returned Young on special mi sion to St.
Britain firmly to her word. But Sunday evening 7, 30 Preaching Mr. Rice was a most conscienhome about p. and on the Vincent after the volcanic eruptious and loyal Public Officer toe negotiations with Turkey to Service You are cordially invited to following morning set out for tions. He was specially menThe West Indian that the quota delimit the frontier resulted in attend these service and bring your work, walking abou: a. mtioned by the Governor and sand by his unassuming manner allotment to Grenada of persons a complete deadlock. The friande.
of would force Iraq back to returned home, where his con for services rendered in con the under whom he worked. His States in a year will not excard frontier which could be overras of it. Whatever the issue of di ion grew worse. Medical aid tion with relief work after the wife and family have the condo sen in number. As over 80 ap a will. The Lausanne Treats that settlement Britain can certo be admitted into the United a quite unter able and arbitrary League should have the settling was suspiied, hot be passed eruptions. He acted as Private lence of the entire community away about 11. 15 Kice old cialcareer bag Secretary to Sir Llewellyn, and we wish them all sympathy plicants have had theit Dass with Turkey provided that if the tainly bear it with the conscicor port visaed before the coming frontier could not be settled ness that she has fulfilled to the been a rather active one. After and Mr. Cork, Acting Gov in this sad event.
into operation of the new provi by friendly arrangement with limit of her power her mandate leaving Harrison College be jolo. Lernor Windward Islands. In The St. Vincent newspapers sions, and are at prisent on the in nine months the Council of the and her pledges.
same Order Books Secretary and Treasurer For Friendly Societies dos he Gospel BE HAD AT Mrs.
The Workman Stationery Store Sudden Death.


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