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British Law makers to Sold to Persons DesirWest Indies Revived ous of Getting to Of Independence by Three Days The London correspondent of direct West Indin cable des Letters From Russian Communists Trinidad contemporary, says: patch from Bucharest, dated of Gala Fiestas, With Pomp was enquiring recently about that October 233rd says. The dis.
to British Subjects for Violent postponed visit of a Parliamentary covery of an extensive organization and Brilliancy.
delegation to the West Indies, for the insurance and sale of Overthrow.
will be recalled that the states resulting yesterday evening bogus passports to the IMPOSING DEMONSTRATIONS MARKED FEATURE ment last December upset the Viatciano, brother of a member of OF ALL LAW AND ORDER THROUGHOUT MOTHEROF CELEBRATIONS.
plans of such a visit of members of the Rumanian Cabinet, and toboth Houses of Parliament. Al day threatened a Cabinet shake LAND AND EMPIRE.
though the visit was rendered Panama celebrated the twentyimpossible for the time being the revealed by the United States up. The passport frauds were first anniversary of its independA cable despatch from London dated Oct, 25 says:Vital Statistics position created was regarded not who ence from Colombia on Monday as a final abandonment, but only Consulat Cherbourg. The British Government again is in conflict with the last, the 3rd. In fact the celebrareported there were as a postponement in the papers of Soviet Government over propaganda, according to corres.
Irregularities was over Under the above caption and actually commented on Sun following appears in the couver et par Nwe dit deera, that the Empire tempting to board steamer for the pondence issued by the foreign office to night.
Parliamentary Association have ex. United States, Reports resulted In a letter signed in the absence of the Secretary of day when, during the night, the report on the Panama Canal work pressed themselves to the West in the unearthing of an elaborate State by one of the permanent officials of the foreign firemen carried out a monster for the month of September, 1924: India Committee as desirous of scandal and prompted the Roman office, T, Gregory and addressed to Christian Rakovsky, torch light parade through the total of 144 deaths occurred carrying principal streets of the city; this during the month of September coming wat the plan during theian authorities to order the arrest the Russian Chargé affaires in London, attention is drawn if the political last night of General Viatciano.
having been preceded by fitting 1924, among population of the situation per pits and if the Westto an accompanying copy of a letter received by the central tribute to the dead patriots eariier Canal Zone, and the cities of Indian Colonies are still wishful to When an attempt was made committee of the British Communist Party from Zinoin the day, and band concerts in Panama and Colon, which is welcome such a delegation. In the shot himsete custody to revetvieff, president of the committee of the Communist Interthe earlier in the to an annual understand that on and was taken to. of 13. 77 rate per 1, 000: The lead. the subject will shortly be sent out a hospital where it was said his national, dated August 15.
Early Monday morning buglers condition was grave. The scan. Mr. Gregory communication says: of the Fire Department sent forth ing causes of death were: Tuber to the colonies interested.
culosis (various organs. 24; pneudal is considered in politienl cir This letter contains instructions to British subjects to gind airs as a preliminary to the monia Croncho and lobar. 1915; British Consulate Notice. cles as certain to result in the work for the violent overthrow of existing institutions in day exercises and at eight o clock nephritis (acute and chronie. 14; resignation the Republican Band, under the organic diseases of the heart, 10 Colon, would be glad of informa the Cabinet, particular since other that His Majesty Government cannot allow this propaThe Acting British Consul of bracher and the re organization of forces as a means to that end. It is my duty to inform you of the General this country, and for the subversion of His Majesty armed direction of Don Santos Jorge, diarrhes and enteritis (incluring tion of one Victor Wilson, former played the National Anthem while colitis. There were. the flag of the Republie, after from cancer, and deaths from of Trinidad, who is reported to Cabinet members are reported to ganda, and must regard it as direct interference from the havio been sulutet by scores of apoplexy. Of the total deaths 42 have outside in British domestic affairs.
school children, was hoisted over or per rent, ocurred among the sunicipal Place Mr. Gr gory then proceeds to point out the intimate chibiren under year of age solemn session of the Munici There were 19 derths among nonconnection of the Communist International with the Soviet pal Council was held in the residents the Isthmus; these are Coordge Elected Fire Insurance Cos. Government, and declares that no British Government ever Municipal Palace at nive o clock; not included in the above statistics.
will tolerate an arrangement with a foreign Government by Dies included among other things There were 293 live births res the reading of the Declaration of PRESIDENT BY TREwhich the latter, while in correct formal diplomatic relations AT JAMAICA PROTECTING Independence by the Secretary of ported during the month, and 17 stillbirths. Ineluding stillbirths, MENDOUS LANDSIDE.
of the same time, allows such a propagandist body to THEMSELVES.
the Municipal Council musical encourage and even order plotting and revolution.
selcetions by the Republican Bandi birth rate of 29 64 per 1, 000 po this is equivalent to an annual President Calvin Coolidge sueAccompanying the letter of Mr. Gregory is a copy of The Jamaica GLEANER la he Zinoveff letter, which is endorsed very secret.
among children This Juan Parades; the session being under one year of age number a United States of America, accord recently reliably informed the tes communication urges British Communists to apply pressure closed by the playing of the Na. 29, giving an infant mortality ing to cable advices received here in portanto come unication bombe to insure that the Bourgoisie campaign to prevent ratificational yesterdayan received in that another monster parade to Plaza reported during the month was 93. countrymen in that out of a total from their head offices in Londo: potter monster daya dehere pws The total number of malaria cases overwhelming confidence of this the local fire insurance ofices tion of the Anglo Russian treaty shall not succeed.
The Zinovieff letter represents the Government of de Francia by the Police and Fire of these, were reported from of 531 electoral votes of the forty in, connection with iusurance in Premier MacDonald as having been compelled by the exGovernment and Justice Dr. Car from Canal Zone sanitated areas, majority, or 266, of which elects a Departmeats when Secretary of Panama City, from Colon, 52 eight States of the nion, a tremists of the Labour Party to conclude the treaty, and The communication is said to advocates a campaign of disclosure of the foreign policy of the members of totha terganizatioto and 28 originated outside of our presidente President Coolide to have emanated from conclusions MacDonald, which Zinovieff says represents as inferior los Lopez distributed medals who earned them. 374 which 108 more votes The three day program termi. ployees, and 49 were Army and Davis the democratic candidate, as to emi: were employees, 29 were nonem. than the total needed. John regulat ng the compauies policies copy of the polity of the curse on Government.
cope with frequency of Zinovieff the letter observes that the settlement of nated on Tuesday evening after Navy personnel. There were reported day before yesterday, had destructive fires it the Island and the relations between the two countries will assist in the the official naming of six of the deaths from mala ria.
136 votes and LaFollette the consequent heavy losses to insur revolutionizing of the international and the British proletacity principal streets in honour independent candidate, 13 ance companies.
of six of the country patriots. Pablo Arosemena. Jose Gabriel riat no less than a successful rising in any of the working Proposed Air Mail Line.
The votes in the electoral college The Insurance Companies in districts of England, as the establishment of close contact uque. Jose Antonio Sosa. is divided among the States in Great Britain, the Gleaner between the British and Russian proletariat will make it Carlos Antonio Mendoza. Rs.
approximate proportion to the undestands, bave decided to acrept mon Valdez Lopez and Del An air mai liae between Cen: Bopulation. The Presidential Can a suggestion originally put forward possible to extend and develop the propaganda of the ideas Estudiante.
tral America with regular stops at didate in Another fitting scene and indeed Panama is the object of a visit to credit for its entire electorale vote in Jamaica that in case of a certain of Leninism in England and her colonies.
in urance small retail Declaring that armed warfare must be preceded by a the Isthmus during the present one of the most imposing of the week of Inspector Vincent Burke the 48 states is given as follows: Syrians and other property where declared tº be imbedded in a majority of the British work.
The electoral voting power of shops belonging to Chinese and struggle against the inclinations to compromise, which are festivities was the striking and Engineer Joseph 12 the risk does not Veteranee who took up arms in States Post Office Department. Connecticut. Delaware that in the event of fore the Cons extermination of capitalism, Zinovieff says that only then pal streets of the city of the representatives of the United sas California, 13 Colorado figure that the policies should read men, and against the ideas of evolution and the peaceful defence of Panaman at the time of the representatives arrived in Florida Georgia 14 Idaho panies will only pay 75 per cent of will it be possible to count upon the complete success of an herececession from Colombia rule. Colon from New Orleans on Sun Illinois 29. Indiana 15 Iowa 13 the assessed losses. In the case of armed insurrection.
These veterans decorated with day last and took train to Panama. Kansas 10. Kentucky 13 Loui large and old established firms the Two routes are being consi siana 10 Maine Maryland present system will be continued, The letter further complains agitation and propaganda badges made a spectacular sight in thei: parade down Central dered out of New Orleans to Cen Massachusetts 18 Michigan 15 the Companies will pay the total work in the British army and navy are weak, and suggests Avenue headed by the Republican tral America, says the Times Minnesota 12 Mississippi 10 assessed losses on the chain the desirability of having cells in every unit to rectify Band.
Picayane of New Orleaos in com Misouri 18. Montana Nebrasmenting on the present trip, one ka Nevada New Hampshire The proposal from En land, it is this weakness. It also suggests that in the event of danger Cricket Team Likely to be the luser of flying boate directly New Jersey 11 New Mexico etate de cated not be put in force of war these cells could, with the aid of the transport to Progreso. New York 45 North Carolina until ratified by the local fire agents workers, paralyze all military preparations and make a start Go To Barbados.
across the powercato del preciosotin. British Honduras, thence along Oklahoma 10 Oregon Penn will be held at an early date to Zinovieff suggests also the forming of a military secthe eastern coast of Central Ameri svlvania 38 Rhode Island en deal with the situation.
The Jamai a Gleaner Says there ca to Panama, a distance of 1650 South Carolina South Dakota tion of the British Communist party, and attracting to it is good reason to believe that Ja miles, which would require only. Tennesse 12 Texas 20 Utah talented military specialists who, for one reason or another, maica will accept Barbados invi twenty six hours of travel from Vermont Virginia 12 WashThe suit charges that Coheu is have left the military service and hold socialist views.
tation to send a cricket team over New Orleans.
ington. West Virginia Wis! pot a citizen of the United States there toward the end of this year The other route under consi consin 13 Wycming but is a person of African descent London, October 31 The Soviet official of publicity, early and therefore inhereutly incapable Karl Radek, writing in the newspaper Pravada warns is to via As a matter of fact, plans are on Brownsville, Tampico, Vera Cruz, of being a ci izen of the United Great Britain to expect reprisals for the Zinovieff letter inStates.
Movo To Drivo Out foot to get a team down to the crossing the Isthmus of Tehuancident, according to the Moscow correspondent of the Daily sister colony. and strong hopes are tepeo, thence along the Western Coloured Official.
The success of this action would Express.
entertained that a representative shores of Central America to Pa.
have the effect of disenfranchising Radek is quoted as declaring that Premier MacDonald tearn will suil for Barbados some nama using land planes for this every negro voter in the United knew that the letter emanated from the same officials who time next month. The team will trip.
The TIMES PICAYNUE of New States.
go to and return from Barbados direct. and it is calculated that the of the proposed line plan io visit be filed with the Federal Court, Constitutional amendment enfraa of Lord Curzon note.
The Post Office representatives Orleans announces that a suit will The suit further alleges that the falsified the documents which formerly served as the basis entire trip should not occupy more all the Central American republics, Monday, aiming at enjoining chising the negroes tever received Asserting that the consequence will be very grave, it is learnt, with a view to get the Walter Cohen, from exercising his actual ratification by the required Radek adds the full history of the forgeries of Curzon MI Humphries, tne English most accu ate information relative duties as Controller of Customs of number of states owing to the fact Government and those screened by the Labour Party will coart will be cute at Melbourne to the aerial service through the the Port of New Orleans.
Park in the coming week, and conntries, investigating the desire. The appointment of Cohen who while the Southern states were be published in the Oriental languages for distribution members are asked to turn out to ability and praticability of the is a coloured man is the center of undergoing reconstruction after among the Eastern peoples, where British prestige is get the benefit of his services. ane and best route to be followed much controversy.
already undermined.
has entire deration Panama, a the civil war.

    CapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFranceLeninismRadekSocialismSovietWorking Class

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