
In the Cause of Every year since 1915 Harvest Festival Servicas have been held Humanity (By the Seribe)
at St. Peter s, La Boca and these time honored services have not The Chairman of the La Boca Oaly being well attended, but thev TO THE EDITOR THE WORKMAN Panama District of the Panama have been pronounced to be most Sir As a result of the daily Caual West Indian Employees uplifting. Tomorrow is the day struggle made necessary by the Association has appointed Messrs, fixed for the services this year, and Laws of existence, very few Hunter, Dalby, they are likely to eclipse those of in the ordinary sphere of life, Walker, Webster, Prince, past years. Seeing our members Sunday THE NIGHT ROSE Thursday ever have an opportunity to Cole, Edgar MeCarthy and and friends are never tardy in perform any of the acts wbich King as a committee to attending our Harvest Thanks with a Special Cast November 16 November 20 really constitute an understandprepare a community Day pio giving celebrations, it is hardly ing of the finer sentiments and bram for Friday the 28th st. neessary to invite them to st. Monday THE SILENT STRANGER Friday aspirations of the Human This date supercedes that of the Peter tomorrow. Everybody will November 17 with Fred Thompson Noven. ber 21 Family. Such a condition 21st which was announced in three be well received and accommois regrettable; but, wbat calls Sir, e lumns Saturday last. tentative dated.
THE SAWDUST TRAIL forth greater regret, is that acts Tuesday program for the occasion is already day of thanksgiving is logi (America Only)
replete with buman Interest, worked out and indications are cally a day of self denial. All who November 18 with Hoot Gibson acts of the bigbest merit, that a beneficial evening will be have received special thanksgiving although rare; remains unknown spent.
envelopes are requested to present To Day SATURDAY and unrecorded save only to and them at any of the services, Wednesday THE SPANISH DANCER by those immediately concerned.
November 15 To morrow, deo volente, is the At o clock in the afternoon a SUNDAY Therefore, Mr. Editor consider day set aside by our St. Peter very fire Musical Progam will be November 19 with Pola Negri it, unnecessary to make apology November 16 when thus apylying for a little by the sea to collect as per in rendered by St. Peter Church structions handed of your space to record an Choir, Thursday LIFE D ARN FUNNY accepted by us from Christian Orhestra of Panama, the Orpheus Monday occurrence which happened at Orthodox under the this place. New Limon) on hed of Musical Club of La Boca, and November 20 Viola Dana November 17 Harvest; in other words tomorrow quite a number of efficient local Friday the 7th instant and which is will be Harvest Festival Day at singers. The program appears else.
THE CITY OF SILENT MEN Tuesday as follows: Friday St Peter Church. will there where in this issue. Only the Sunday About 10. 45 am. Friday 7th fore, with others, wend my way to school children will be passed to November 21 with Thomas Meighan November 18 instant, there was some sign of that institution and, using the the Program by Envelopes. commotion, somewhat unusual words of our es eemed music liberal silver collection will be Saturday IRON TO GOLD Wednesday for this place at that bour of the writer and critic, teacher of taken at the door from grown up day. Unon enquiry it was stated November 22 with Dustin Farnum dramatie art, voice production and people.
Novembar 19 that a little boy about tive or six piano technique, song writer and Choral Evensong will be con.
years of age named Pedro Garris bad fallen into the lake expert cabinet maker, Proſsessor ducted at 30 and a spcial and bad been drowned. ImmeD. Leacock, sit in the pit sermon preached by the Rt. Rev.
diately Mr. Samul Morgana and enjoy the select program that Jas. Craik Morris, D. bishop of has been arranged for the occasion. the Canal Zone. After the prePharmacist, whose establishAccording to the announcements sentation of the offerings, the Te Paino. This show will commencement is not far distant, repaired silver collection will be made at Deum will be sung by Choir and at 15 and it is requested to the scene of the accident.
entrances from applicants for ad congregation, after which the that reservatioos be made on time on arriving he found that mission, and was wondering closing Prayers will be said and the in order to secure Señor Jesus Garris, the Uncle convenient of the little fellow had recovered whether this would include silver Blessing pronounced by the Bishop seating accommodation.
spoons, ings and Peruvian dimes; LEACOCK the apparently lifeless body but one closely connected to the from the water, and that Señor affair told me that it covers ooly MUSICAL PROGRAM The Music, Voice Piano Teacher HARVEST FESTIVAL Cecilo Sinisterra No. 95, a American (silver) currency fron a member of the Policia Nacional dime up So on that occasion To be Rendered at St. Peter bad already commenced to ren.
is willing to do for your children what At St. Alban To morrow.
they just won accept paper der aid asr quired in such money? enquired. What the To morrow Afternoun. he has done for the Cold Medalist, Ram St. Alban Church, Paraiso, cases; by this time, bowever, Sam Henry are you talking about, will be held Annual Harvest Mr. Aaron a fellow; man? said the churchmar, it bling Rose, Miss Lydia Holder, Pianist, Festival Service tomorrow, Nov. Pharmacist who is also doing Invocation, The Rector, intended that a dime will be the 16th. musical programme will business here and like Mr.
mloimum, they. but by heck Lord, St. Peter Choir. Anthem, Praise the bounteous be rendered at 30 pm Morgan, Det ded no other but. suppose they will accept ten and many others Friends are cordially invited Humanity II, had arrived, Selection, Cavatina (Raff)
and together they scoured pennies just the same, ten make a dime; but the idea is Orchestra Symphony for a considerable time, indeed this Modern Style of Teaching they. weli it just thisYou Sang, Mrs. Anderson, Solo The Song the Angel Call at No. 7, 18 Street Central Avenue Cristobal Silver Clubhouse. It looked at one time as if the case was hopeles; but, thanks to Llig teu cents or any amount between that and ten dollars and Orgun Solo, Jerusalem, Miss their indomitable will and power ella Westerman Variety Entertainment will of endurance, slowly the little the collectors at the door will Solo, The Golden Pathway, be given by the Girl Reserves on form show sigos of respiradope out the balance for you.
Mr. Bascombe.
Thursday evening, Novenbe, tion; from then on the real battle 20th. in the Cristobal Silver between the force of life and With further reference to com Lord s, Orpheus Ord Autholm, Thens Feartbuis. the Boca Athenaeum have arranged a ganit of Red Tank, of her Clubhouse at o clock. good death began: with the result that munity welfare work and in do solo sing to the Lord of fine musical program as a kind of reconer from ber recent attack program will be rendered. All are at the end an hour, during continuation of my ramblings of Harvest. Holden) Mrs prelude to the lecture, the subject of pneumonia, which time their garments bad last week on this important Mulcare of which is The Constitutional We join in wishing her better been thoroughly soaked with subject: learn that on Tuesday Flute Solo, Meditation, Rights of Aliens in the Republic of health for the future.
British Consulate Notice.
perspiration; the little band of rext Education Week as desivnated (Spencer) Mr. Green.
Panama. bearty invitation is determined workers bad con by the President of the United 10. Solo, Ave Maria, Miss extended to all. The time for pletely vanquisbed the dread States, will begin and continue each Moulton. RAMBLING ROSE starting is o clook, day until Sunday the 23rd, with The Acting British Consul of reaper, thereby inscribing their a 11. Solo, heard the Voice of different educational program daily Jesus Mrs. Maynard.
Colon would be glad of informa james quite unostentatiously, PLAYS AT PARAISO, tion, as to the present whereabouts to one Indistructable scroll of According to the program, SaturPARAISO NOTES.
12. Quartett, Rock of Ages MONDAY.
of one Catherine Kettle, the wife seen the little Pedro take some Fame. Hall hour later, having day the 22nd has been designated Mrs. Mulcare, Mrs. Westerman, of Charles Kettle, who died as Community Day. It is thought Messrs Mosluy and Small nourisbment, they left the scene, that the immediate atten ion of 13. Organ Solo, The Grand (BY FEROR)
When the curtain raises at recently.
amidst the rejoicings of the byBrother Whyte of the WI. March, Miss Lydia Holder. Monday night last was pretty Paraiso Clubhouse next Monday standers.
the E, Secretary Neely of the Club Birthday Party 14, Solo, Mies Lian Quinland. warm time for Rd Tank Try night, 17th instant, for Now Mr. Editor, among house, Mr Jones of the Orpheus 15. Selection. Tauhauser) Or Again Society. It was the purpose of once more presenting to others, my Paraiso and cbiet reason for Musical Club, the Women Life chestra.
Celebration of their annual the community Quite a delightful time Was bringing this matter before your Problem Club, the Girls Friendly 16 Solo, Oh Shining Light. armistice rally, which according Red Tank that Act Melodrama spent at the home of Mrs. Adela notice: is linked to the bope, Society, Mrs. Florence Smith of Miss Lovinia Campbell.
entitled Rambling Rose it is the Athenaeum, representatives of 17. Anthem, Make His Praise be in very successful.
tn information seemed to have bardly conceivable that the vast Bridgeman on last Saturday even that you take such measures the four religious bodies at these glorious.
Opheus Musical Club.
auditorium at the Clubhouse willing the event being the celebration as to prevent this lesson. Emulative Incentive becoming headquarters and Mr. K. 18. The Beautiful Gate, Mrs in attendance.
Mr. Thomas Jazz Band was be able to accommodate the crowd of her 30th birthday.
The room was most beautifully fruitlees.
Walters and his staft of teachers Estwick which promises to take in the snow of the Government School should 19. Organ solo Mr. Smith.
of this worthwhile pro Inction of decorated with palms. buntings Thanking you for space, be directed to a special community 20. Solo, will Fraise thee, Mr. On Tuesday night, 11th inst. fered by the Musical Art Asso and crepe paper, entwined between variegated electric lights, day program. Nota bene the Bayne.
Armistice night our Club House ciation General Director were am Sir, is arranging theirs.
which lent a most picturesque 21. Cornet Solo. Largo (Han was the scrie si revery wpretty author of the production has presentº Leacock and Milton Garvey scene to the fineries of the ladies SCRIBE del. Mr. Dudley. surely was Taking in the races at Juan pet. wark Andrews) Mrs. or the best jazz rs from La Boca vent and fit is likely there many guests, and they did justice to the were laid for thirty 22 Solo, Blow ye the Trum noping Jizz performance. Some arranged to excel in this historical Franco for the first time is no Anderson and in attendenc introduced Acting on a conversa joke, especially when one is am 23 Organ Solo, Miss Ruby the time limit which was short. play to suit the tastes of the many the popular hostess: After many Messrs Morgan and Aaron, who The bitioue regarding investments for Perryman.
only dissapoin meot was by way of scenic effects and dis Instidione delicacies provided by tion overheard, interviewed quick returos; then apart from this 21. Solo. Outside the Juan Franco is scarcely a place Gate, Mrs. Mulcare.
till morning, yet they Culebra Empire, Las Cascadas sones by the ladies the room was an uncle of the Resuscitated, for small investors who suffer from cleared for the Terpsichorean art, Pedro Garris; had called 25 Prayer, Mr. Holder went home feeling satisfied. and Gamboa. Enthusiasm bas which was endiseases of the heart. But there 25. Anthem, Give thanks, St. The Jazz Hounds of Panama never wased. Since the first ap. Wee hours of morning, when the quiring the charge for their service.
is consolation in going there for Peter Choir were in attendance.
pearance of this play. one is at home!
of Home sweet Home as there is 27 and the crowd has been anxious to strains March, Standard Bearer, nembarassment on ancount of (Bartholomew. Orchestra, was practicably umanswerable, see the repetition of these artists. were heard with regret by all sured me that the question race, color or creed; in fact there They both politely say that such All roads lead to St. Alban 28, Closing Remarks and Bene Church to morrow, where they stars that has ever shrne alongi is really no time to attend to such diction, The Rector.
Meet Rosie, one of the greatest present, Mrs, Bridgemin guests were: a proceeding is entirely out of formalities; and this being so, celebrate their annual harvest Broadway when she left her home. Misses Wilson, Reid, question as they had acted taking in the races at Juan festival. It will be celebrated in Woodville and enjoyed she night Boise, Boise, Lynton, solely in response to the call Franco on Sundays and holidays from which the men who carry in three services, 1080, 80, life to be infatuated with the Kerr, Mo. Kenzie, Hunt Humanity. Senor Cecilo has its good and bad sides just out medical research get interesting and 30 famous English gentleman of Williams, Erskine, Grant, Sinisterra on being interviewed, as nearly every other human dope to help in their production The 30 service shall certainly leisure by the name of Lord Atherton, Rice. Mrs stated that be held the principle he had acted only in response endeavour. It not the business of annual volumes.
be a musical function of some Newcomer.
Green, Mr. Wright, Munro, of any one whether or not class, Most of the local musical Victor, Rose lover being of a Lightbourne, N. Legore, to duty. played the race when visited With the much welcomed talents shall participate, making jealous disposition, meets Rose, Niles, Teleford, Brown, Juan Franco on Sunday last, and the Government it quite enjoyable.
while she is having the time of her J, Toniss, Layne, Wilson, if one had seen me returning home extension of We wish them success.
life in New York City: he remon Webster, Fargaharson, from thence he would not be any school facilities here two teachers strates with her over her condition Adams, Bobb, Conway, have recently been added to the Mutual Life Assurance Society.
wiser even if he had resorted to teach ing staff.
and in exasperation decide to Clarke, Bell, Edwards pay the strictest attention to my Mr. Allan Durrant of this forever brake the ties of affection and R, E: Day.
facial expressions; nor could be NEW DEATH town, the facinating Kid and between them. However after much notice any peculiar characteristics Lectue Coming Off timekeeper of Pedro Miguel pleading Rose decides to make Public Lecture To morrow. Members of the above named such as is credited to my shortLocks, had been confined to bed amends and a reconciliation is Society are hereby notified of hand contemporary, the author of for a few days, suffering from established. The other artists are the death of Mrs. Elizabeth the Encyclopedia of Jokes when.
We wish him a John Daniels the leading To ever he reaches these headquarters the night decided on for an address recovery and she bomto sepeliler temor Singers in this Republie as third Sunday of the month the Cummings, and that their asses after each visit to Juan Franco. at the La Bica Clubhouse by behind that bow on Sunday. the Musician; Pierre, the Poet, International Bible Students Asso ment on same must be paid for before December 12th, Juan Franco, it must be admitted, Lawyer Tinker of Panama.
We like to bear bin, James, the New Yorker, the ciation will as usual, conduct its 1924, at the office of Secretary is a a great place to visit, on the Owing to the fact, however, that it Pinter entertainers of the Cibaret, monthly lecture at the Panama one band; the question of playing rained heavily up to o clock that Misses Ellen Joshua, Mc Kay Sapital Friendly Society Hall Treasurer, No. 1, 20th Street, East, Calidonia.
on the other hand, is evening, the function was It is with joy to announce to Brown, Creswell, Nicholson, Evangelist Richards will handle also alright it your heart beat: postponed till Turday night, the the friends and admire of Miss Mowatt and Simpson, the (2) the subject: When the devil is WM. DE. SOUZA.
are not or likely to be of the kind i8th inst. The officers of the La, Glennie Carmichael the famous Georges, Miss Lydia Holder on the dead. The lecture is free.
Sec. Treas.
dare 8.


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