
Xmas Cards Pretty Assortment just received at the WORKMAN PRINTERY Church Services AMERICAN EPISOOPÁL NORGE (Anglin Second Sunday Adeon Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen on applies St. Paul Church, Panama WALBROND, at the ofice No. 98 Central tion. Correspondence on all matters Avenue, Panama, de of publie interest invited (Rev. Nightengele, Reetor)
om. Holy Communion PO Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must be written on one side of paper only. And 10. Am. Matin Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of 10. 30 am. Holy Euchariot and sermon 12 Holy Bapti One Yoar. 40 Cythe writer, Rol Depessarily for publies.
Six Months pm, Oheb Bebool 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
Thro 30 Choral Erencong and sermon Ce. do not undertake to return reConfirmation Service will be held OD 26c. wjected correspondence on Wednesday night, Ducember 10th The Liberty of ho Pross the palladium of our righi JUNIUS OF THE commencing. 30 o clock.
All are y cordially invited.
AMERICAN BAZAAR Alhan Church, Paraiso CANAL ZONE VERY SERIOUS PROBLEM Situated at Central Avenue and Corner Street (Rev. I, NIGHTENGALE, Priest in Charge We have repeatedly commented in this very column 45 Holy Communion sermon. 30 a. Holy Baptiem.
on one of the most serious, but least considered problems Chure Bohool and Confirmation Claw that confront the thinking populace of Panama the p.
juvenile question. 80 m, Choral Evensong and address While in may cases the palpable evil operating in the FOR Mr. Osborne, Catechist.
juvenile community in these parts of Central America is St, Matthias Mission more keenly noticed than here in this city, there are rea Women Misses Gentlemen LAS BABANAS sons for believing that not here alone does the matter (Rev. NIGHTENGALE, engage the attention of a few persons possessing more philanthropic and altruistic tendencies.
Buy at The Branch Store of The AMERICAN BAZAAR and St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca The foreign world located on the Isthmus to day believes that many of the youths of this place are the most BE SATISFIED (American Episopal)
incorrigible juveniles breathing, and although the expression Second Sunday in Advent Matins, Litany and addres. 11 a.
sounds rather elastic it may be taken as a challenge to local Church Behool a thought to produce arguments and facts to the contrary.
Choral Eventong Sermon 30 pm This general belief as it obtains in the islands of the MULOARE. Rector, Caribbean has precluded the ingress of several families St. Barnabas Church, Empire here, from a fear of the immoral contamination of their Video Dobra Matine, Litany and address at 11 a.
children, Flower Service p.
Choral Evensong and sermon 7, 30 The questioa is magnified when to the evidence of JT MULCARE Priest in Charge evil procilivities is added parential inability to control these youngsters and lasses.
St. Bartholomew s, Church Native, mas zo and foreigner alike experience the LAS CASCADAS, same immoral tendencies in their children, and the inability Harvest Home Day Services followof parents to control in most cases is a self explanatory Matins, Holy Eucharist and sermon evidence that the river is bad at its source.
at 10. 45.
To remedy this state of affair is a matter involving p. Flower Service myriad difficulties and in ricacies.
Acordial invitation to all. MULCARE Priest in Charge.
If the community were re unified in its nature, or even if the various elements were more kinaly and more St. Jude Mission, Summit.
humanely inclin towards each other, the imensity of the question wou be considerably reduced; but waen white Morning prayer and Addros 11 a.
Church School 30 looks at black as a jack o lantern and black views. INCLUDING Evening Prayer and Address white as a veritable phantom and the intervening colours MULCARE Priest in Charge.
regard one another as products of unnatural fusion, there FINE DISPLAY OF should be little wonder that the problem assumes so huge St. Simon Mission, Gamboa a proportion as it evidently does.
Morning prayer and addrese 11 mm Such reciprocalhostilities are responsible for the rank Church School 30 growth of inmorality and social inconsistenci s, the general MULOARE Priest in Charge.
make up of the community being infested with factious Suitable for Secret Orders and Friendly Societies distemper.
Wesleyan Methodist In this way the moral claims of our people are disPanama 11 am, and 30 Rev.
regarded by the cold and indifferent attitude of one another, and the children suffer on this account.
COME EARLY AND PICK YOUR CHOICE Wade. Holy communion, after both services)
It is thus that our boys and girls are easily thrown Colon 11 and 30 Rev.
into evil which wi associated inclinations prove irresistible Dalgaaria anaogo google logo gogo go go gagaman ang sarap ang mga magan googagawa ang M, Surgeon. Memorial service for the late Mr. Lawrence (Holy forces operatig against helpless pre dispositions of communion following each service. inexperience.
La Boos 11 a. Mr. K, Walters.
Paying The Freight Passing tbrough a crowd of boys, or viewing their 30 pm. Mr. Reid.
actions from one position to anothər, the observer sees a Now Providence 11 a. Mr.
group of vicious, lazy, lawless, disrespectful and undutiful HINDU PSYCHOLOGY COURSES We are told to organize. Markham.
youths with absolutely no trail of honesty, decency, or The benefits to be derived Paraino 11. Mr. F, H, Walters, propriety.
from organizatios are obvious 30 m, Mr. Fuller.
One becomes bewildered that human natura could Londestone, magnetic sand, gazing crys However, it is equally as mpire 11 a. Mr. Payne.
descend to such pths of moral depravity at this early clear that those who pay the tals, roots, herbs, incensé, occult and cost derive the advantage. All Bethlehem Church of God age.
the organizations in the world Hollness But su sh circumstances are not confined to the boys spiritual books, the sealed book, lucky alone. We notice that the girls are impure, unchaste, will do us very little good intolerably foppish and totally unreliable. In both cases signet finger ring, underground treasure unless we pay the freight. No, MARIANO AROSEMENA er.
The man or group men BAN MIGUEL these juveniles are encouraged by the impurity and evil books. Circulars and price list free who pays the cost controls Sunday 30 o clock morning prayer, influences existing all around. They are enslaved and the policy of the organization, 11 Divino Bervice. Preacher trampled by the iron hand of moral corruption, they are Address: THE WILSON FINLEY CO.
subjected to the irresistable force of impropriety, they are His word is law because he Supplied impelled by the subtil and relentless power of self indulBOX 711, CHICAGO, ILL.
pays for that privilege. If the 3p. Sunday School; Superintendent organization is to work for 80 8, Programme gence, and in a peruliar, but indisputable way, th entire our benefit, then, it follows. Elder Garlington 30 Gospel Service, Preacher fabrics of social and moral ethics are beiog undermined, as night the day, we must and in their places are rapidly springing up a status of On Bunday afternoon at p, Open general pollution and corruption.
Personal Appearance gorgeous ribbon This kind pay. When we fail to con air meeting xt Coco Grote: tribute to the support of or Monday. 30 Instruction Class Beyond pa enral con rol Enslaved by strong armed of dress parade is all wrong. ganizations established for (Candidates for Baptismo. unchastity. Rishin on the lowest level of depravity!
It just simply is not done by our advancement we permit Tuesday 7, 80p. Gospel Service.
Encouraged by a putrid environmmt! and everybɔdy Clothes don make the cultured people. It makes the control to get into the Wednesday Choir Rehearsal.
man, but they do help to the wearers look as if they hands of others who are en Elder T, C, PRANCIS, And here are three great questions to be fac:d: create a favorable or unfav were fools.
emical to our best interest.
Pastor in charge.
What sort of eitizens are in making?
orable impression. well Some of our women have dressed, well mannered per formed the habit of going groes who are reputed to There are thousands of NeWhat will be the limit of crime?
Ebenezer Church of God son is a thing of beauty great through the business districts have fortunes. They must Hollness What will be the life of the next generation?
ly to be admired. shabby, with their hats off and their contribute a larger proportion View these questions lightly and this city will be a ill mannered person is re heads glistening with too of their surplus to charity. CALIDONIA DISTRICT veritable Chicag of infamous history, treat them rightly pelling to every body. All of much grease. Aside from the Colored men just like other 30. Morning Prayer.
and the safety of another generation will be ensured.
us can wear expensive fact that women don go men must consider their jobs. Bunday. 11. 0, Divine Service Reformatorie: for girls and work houses for boys, clothes but we can be neat shopping without their hats The people who pay them are Pronober Ehler Garlington.
answer the while problem.
and clean. There is no excuse a greasy haired woman is a their bosses. It is too much p. Bunday Behool, Superintenfor anyone going out into terrible síght.
the street with uncombed It will pay us in dollars and not contra to the wishes of to hope that these men will p. Programme hair, shoes unlaced and British Consulate No ice. 30 Gospel Service, Preseber British Consulate Notice. clothes falling off.
cents to pay more attention their employers. If we pay Elder Francia.
to our personal appearance. we control. If we refuse to During the summer months Many brilliant people have pay don complain if the Candidates for Baption) and 46 pel Monday p. Instruction en The Aeting British Consulat Colon, will be glad of information Colon, would be glad of informa ing through the streets and in personal appearance, was doesn please us. Idem. The Acting British Consal of you can observe men parad lost positions because their policy of the men who do pay Guapel service.
23 to the prosent whereabruts of tion, as to the present whereabouts the parks minus their coats. against them. Look aren Other solles will be made from the pulpit.
one Joseph Emanuel Harewood, of one. Catherine Kettle the wife They are dressed in shirts of everything but they help a Advertise in the Workman Elder ODLE commonly called Henry; who of Charles Kettle, who died the loudest patterns with great deal. Philadelphia left Barbados: a few years ago Pastor in charge recently.
sleeve supporters made of Tribune.
IT PAYS (Continued on page 7)
Xmas Greeting Cards


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