
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1924 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands Wanted! Wanted. Weekly West Indian Labourers for United Fruit Company Farmario CONTRACT WORK AT SPECIAL PRICES ni nelle His Hondur, Mr. G: Coon Cooper, speecho, mado receding of the and Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD who JAMAICA.
Legation in Cubs, whose duty it TRINIDAD would be to look after Jamaicans In that country.
The Governor in a message to ARRIVAL OF NEW Cartman Takes His Own Life the Council Informed the House, GOVERNOR.
tbat the batter has been tavour At Castleton ably received by the Secretary of State and also by His Majesty According to the the King Guardian, Trinidad New Gore BODY OF HENRY BLAIR POUND The proposal is that an officer ernor Sir Horace Byatt, arrived HANGING FROM ACKEE TREE nominated by this Government in that colony on the 22nd ulto, AT THE GARDENB. sball be appointed by the British In announcing bls arrival Minister at Havana to an office writer in the Guardian says on the stad of the Legation (the DISTRICTS STIRRED title of which has not yet been With all classes, and all sec tions of the community join settled but which, it is hoped, in extending a bearty welcome Was of Quiet Disposkion and will be Assistant Secretary of to him. It is proverbial that Jamaican sta salary of Atairs Only known Reason For Strangers receive warm wel 800 per annum plus 1300 House cloons come in this Island which is Act is a Quarrel Allowance, and Travelling Allowbest! Minimum Wages 25 Per Day famous for its hospitality. To a ance at the rate allowed to new Governor the welcome is the Second Secretary of the Le always enthusiastic for residente GLEANER correspondent gation. It is proposed that in because of their loyalty to Bis writing from Scotts Hill on addition such officer should be Majesty, the King are always November 28th, says. provided with Clerical Assisanxious that His Majesty re The body of Henry Blair, tance estimated to cost 500 per presentative should be misured cartman in the service of the annum. The salary and allowat the very outset of their United Fruit Company, was ences of the Officer in question Loyalty, and their devotion. Bir found. hanging from an ackee and the cost of the Clerical Assis tree at Castleton Gardens justtance to be Horace Byatt reputation as a borne by this Farm Men only wanted capable Administrator has prewhere the old botel building Goverment.
coded him, and be thus bas the once stood. The body could The Legislature is directing 50 will be sent to Bocas weekly advantage of beginning his ad.
be seen from the road and the attention to this matter.
ministrative duties with this face was fully visible. It was a pleasant and favourable Impres.
Yery gruesome sight and bondreds of people gathered at the, Woman to be Tried Transportation Furnished slon. On all sides the view is held that the worst days of the spot all day.
Colony trade depression are The deceased was short On Murder Charge.
NO MONEY ADVANCE past, and that brighter times thick, well built man, about 35 are ahead. The period is ceryears of age. Blair and Tracey, Apply to WYNTER talply then not unfavourable for the linesman of the United Fruit The Bluetields correspondent to the openlog daye of a new ad. mpany telephone services the Gleaner writing on the ministration.
slept in a small cottage in the 28th ulto states, that two persons Standard Oval Mondays Thursdays at 10. a.
090 yard of the old botol ground, were committed for trial at the History was made at the Apand at about o clock, this next Circuit in Westmoreland OOOSAN peal Court on Tuesday last when morning be was heard moving at a peeliminary examination Bir Alfred Lucie Smith who has about in bis room but as it was held at Whithorn Court House recently retired from the posiarranged that he and Tracey on Wednesday and Thursday of tion of Chief Justice of the should go out at break of day this week. warsday of to attend to some defect some Colony was admitted to pratice sesso SEOSKSSC ovos at the local Bar! It was a unique where on the line, Tracey took Acting Resident Magistrate for no notice as be thought he was Wes moralan, with Mr. Percy occasion the that going to the stable to look Ogilvie, Clerk of the Courts for who took part in the short and about the mulea.
the Parish Prosecuting, held two formal ceremony realised its At day breaks Tracey called to preliminary investigations. The importance, and by their modest bim, but didnot hear him. He Arst case investigated was that appropriate remarks gave it was anxious tɔ start. By this of Beatrice Tomlinson, charged that simple, ennobling touch time Pecco, a youngman who with the murder of her Infant which made the dignity of it all assisted to care the mules, ar child on the 28th of October, so pronounced.
rived and he went towards the this year. Several witnesses stable to see if Blair was there. testided on beball of the Crown, To bis surpri e he met the including Dr. Noel Standford, ghastly sight. He called to for Lambs River district, BARBADOS and Mr. Pickersgill, the performed the post mortem who occa pled the other small intant. The doctor testided that Discussing further the question cottage nearby and who had the infant died from hemorrage, of a Girls Sccond Grade School at. so risen early and was golog due to to injuries to the to the head.
Recommended for Removing the Humors of special meeting of the St Midown to th: Vaughans Rock At the conclusion of the Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, chael Vestry on Thursday, 80Bide to see if everything was evidence, His Honour committed veral other properties were menthe accused to take her trial Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic tioned as being in the market: In a short time the news at the next Circuit Court which Among those were Mr Gowdeys, spread in all directions and mets at Sav la Mar on the 2nd lelin Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Disresidence, in Collyrore Rock; crowds of people rushed to the of February next year.
eases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
the Bay Mansion, By Street; and scene. The police took charge ANOTHER CASE.
Grasfield, Martindale Road.
Blair was a very Members ser med very impressquiet og llow and was The next enquiry was that An Alterative recommended for purify.
ed with the situation of Mr.
and scarcaly talk a letoe the charge against Joseph El ing and enriching the BLOOD.
Gowdey residence and some Last Su y night he was, it Accused was charged with the were in favour of acquiring it.
is said, under the influe ce of larceny of a brown mare valued No decision was, however arrived at in this liquor, and got into a row with a tourteen pounds, the property of respect and For Sale at all Drug Stores young woman named Loretta one Thomas price. veral witeventually Resolution was Samuels who swore that she nesses were beard for the Crown, Passed authorising the would prosecute him and she at the conclusion of whicb His purchase of a site not exceeding went to Annotto Bay to do 80. Honour committ:d the accused And in Large Quantities by tive acres for the erection of a It is al o alleged that when for trial at the next Circuit school. The Vestry agreed to Bamuels threatened to report Court.
JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy form themselves into a OommitBlair to Hossack of the tee to inspect epitable localities United Fruit Oi tlephone and decide upon a site. Mr. AGENT Infants Die Suddenly in Clarke, Surveyer and Contracservic be made use of strong roma ks about Mr. Hossack 003 tor, bas estimated the cost of the Trinity Ville and Samuels swore sbə erection of a school at 6, 000.
would tell Mr. Hossack. Taese SSSSSSSSSSSS Notice of a Bill for the resto are the only reasons known Mr. Gray Smith, writing ration of Penny Postage was which could bave driven bin from Trinity Ville under date given at last Tuesday meeting to commit this act. 25th Inst. said that recently, of the House of Assembly. This He was said to be a very thrifty fifteen deaths among children in adjusted claims for losses fuelong delayed act of justice should therefore, soon come into opera man and has a bank account. nearby districts had come to his tained, have decided to form a Dr. A. Richie, ar tion, knowledge.
Co operative Association for in IF YOU WANT TO BE rived at about 12 noon and perof the victims, five were under suring such traders.
formed post mortem examina one year of age, and three over It is hoped to raise a capital At Thursdy meeting of the tion. He found that deceased ten. The same story was re of 50, 000 pounds sterling in conChamber of Commerce letter was healthy and well nourished. peated in each case. Good nection with the scheme and was received from the Jamaica Sergt. Major Reid of Annotto Health and playfulness, sudden there is possibility that later TELL YOUR SECRETS TO THE Imperial Association forwarding Bay arrived soon after the Duc pains, vomiting with death fol on this might develop to take in copy of a memoranduin on the tor and was buy taking state lowing before parents could do all the Syrian Traders in this RIGHT MAN subject of the appointment of uments from several anything to help.
Island. An alternative proposal, High Commissioner for the BritThe body was buried nearby FURTHER INFOMATION which has also received some ish West Indies, which was desthe scene of this grim tragedy. Our correspondent at Trinity Insurance Companies should be considerations, is that American HAPPY IN FRIENDSHIP, BUSINESS, ETC. patched to the West India ParliaThe Company undertook the fu Valle telegraphing yesterday on induced to enter the local insurmentary Committee and the Assoneral as deceased bad no rela the same subjact, says that there rance fields.
Love Appeals in All Forms ciated Chambers of Commerce tive bare being stranger to were two cases of death in the in October last year. The Council the community.
month of October; and fifteen All kinds of highly appreciated Roots and Herbs decided that so far as Barbados ducing the present month.
was concerned they saw no diTAKE NOTICE.
BUSINESS DONE BY MAIL ONLY rect advantage to be derived by Jamaicans in Cuba.
SYRIAN MERCHANTS The WORKMAN NewsCASH OR CREDIT the appoinment of a Commissionpaper can be had at the folner but for the benefit of the OFFICERS TO BE APPOINTED other West Indian Colonies they Will Credit You. It Matters Not Where You Live Would Insure Their Own lowing places: would give the matter considerTO LOOK AFTER THEIR Retailers The Variety Storm, 76 Street ation.
AFFAIRS Chorrillo.
Money refunded it No letters answered dissatisfied with Lindsay Place, No. 2, The Glenner learns that Street, San Miguel.
unless 10 is on.
The Barbados Turt Olab have closed.
The Times merchandise within of the 22nd ulto certain Syrian Merchant in removed the ban on jockeys who 15 days after receipt.
saya Maroh, Barber, 55, CaliKingston Incensed at the action donis Roed bave ridden at meetings at Bel The Hon. member for King of the Insurance Companies Air Park, Demerara. ALEXANDER ston, in the last session of the deciding to limit payment on InThe amount on deposit at the gislative Council sugge ted graace Policies, taken out by Advertise in the Workman Barbados Savings Bank on June that an Oficer should be appoin retail Byrian merchants in case 99 Downing Street.
Brooklyn, Y, 80, 1924, was 3, 228, 066. 12.
ted and attached to the British of fire, to 76 per centi of IT PAYS. Continued on page 7)
intact there.
of the rash Lucky, Happy and Well persons


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