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The Week Program THEATRES age.
Races! Races!
To Morrow Races STEP TAKEN Last Sunday the weather kept The race card arranged by To Prevent Foot and Mouht up to expectation and the Jockey the Panama Jockey Club for Club beld their second successto mororw afternoon will Diseases.
ful race meet for the new Season consist of four. contests beat Juan Franco, The crowd tween native horses showed somewhat of aninchrase and The attached circular forwardover the previ us meet and the three for imported horses. ed to us from the Executive Office, Balboa Heights is pubpools also seemed to have keep AMERICA The question of the character lished for general information:CECILIA pace with the increased patron.
of the track is that it is almost sure to be in I conTHE PANAMA CANAL Iin the first race for the day, Renown covered the prescribed Canal Zone Sunday THE FIGHTING COWARD dition, and with the keen Thursday Health Department furlongs for maiden natives judgement exercised in the with Ernest Torrence Dacember 21 Balboa Heights, in torty one and December 25 on fifth placing of weights many surDecember, 11, 19:24.
seconds. The pool paid 50 prises are sure to be the To all Concerned: and 10 on the first borse and Monday RENO Friday out come of the general en 30 on the second borse.
with Helene Chadwick In view of the information December 22 thusiasm of the favourites that foot and mouth disease is In the second race, for Class December 26 horses, To taxa faced the backers.
prevalent in all countries of ACTION barrier with eight horses in Tuesday (Cecilia Saturday Sunday 28 29 Super Gloria and Wes South Anerica except Colombia, cluding Ben Battle and Straw.
with Hoot Gibson HAROLD LLOYD Venezuela, Datch Gu ana and berry Ben Battle forced bim (America only)
Dec ember 23 Meath will again carry 135 Britisbos rexarding shipments in HOT WATER lbs. each and travel over five while Guiana, the following in the bome stretch to Strawberry, contrary all Wednesday THE SEA HAWK furlongs in the race for im therefrom are To Day Saturday 20 published: expectations came from behind and ported horses Class and Entry of the following into the and snatched second place from December 24 with Milton Sills Ben Battle. Tortuga first, and To Morrow Sunday 21 Starry, Santa Clara, Alta Mae, Canal Zone or into the cities of Ben Battle third. The pool West Meath and Dhole will Panama and Colon from any paid 70 and 350, 12 90 and Thursday THE MATCH BREAKER Monday will face the barrier in the South American country except Colombia, Venezuela, Dutch 82 70 on the tirst, second and six furlong Class also Gaisna or with Viola Dana December 25 third hors s, resp ciively.
British Guiana, is December 22 for imported horses.
prohibited: The tive furlong for inported horses, Class C, which carried THE HIIL BILLY The native maiden threeFriday Tuesday Hay, grain, straw, or goods a purse of 300. 00, was won in furlongs will be contested by packed in with Jack Pickford grass hay or excellent form December 26 by Espinosa December 23 Terrible, Ron Istmeno, and straw Alia Mae wio Marcel of the four others that are bound Chickens, or any other some stable in second lace, and Saturday JUST TONY Wednesday to furnish an excellent race. domesticated fowls.
Neptuto third In this race on West with Tom Mix December 27 Jockey Archambau December 24 Tortugo, Strawberry and Horses, mules, isses, cattle, Meath thought he got a false Baby Peggy will again be in sheep, swine or goate, unless start and was therefore left the running with Ben Battle accompanied by American nearly balf a furlong behind at Consular certiticate that they and Opalino in the third race, the staat There were 861 NOTE. Toys will be given to all children attending the a five furlong stretch for have come from a locality where foot ad mouth disstraight bets in this race of wbich 505 were on Espinosa Shows on Tuesday.
native horses; while Ormon ease does not prevail.
entry in this race the pool de and Indio will carry 116 This prohibition applies to paid 300 and 85 90 on the first horse and 80 00 ibe gecond.
and 113 lbs respective y in animals or arueles, whether the Class four furlong the Canal Zone or in the cities intended for fioal disposition in Several false starts marked Bethlehem Church Of for natives. Rialto, Sheik, o Panains and Colon, or for the preliminary to the fourth race, furlong for Class Cod Holiness Strawberry and Caribe will transshipment to other points.
native horses in which nine also be facing the starter in In special instances, at the cnine eventually sent off. Ca. Activities.
this race.
discretion of the Chief Quaranribe, wbo won both bis entries The last race for imported paragraphC muy be waved tine Oficer, the provisions of on his debut on this track the prev ious week, was in this On Sunday the 14th inst, quite horses of Class over a upon written application from the race but diabot live up to an enjoyable day was spent expectation; while Tigrilio with in the Betblehem Church of God; distance of five furlongs will shippers made orior to shipa drive came from behind and from early morning, until quite include Chilenita, Tribune, ment, provided the animals ia JUAN FRANCO TRACK Dhole and Starry.
question are subj cted before beat Ormonde ta the winning late when the night services were entry of such disiarection as he post for second money. The beld.
The seventh and last race deems suitable.
pool paif 89 60 and 50 on the After the close of the church TO MORROW for the day will between Other articles of car o or bagtirst horse: 770 on ihe second horse and 80 on the third service quite an appreciative Almirante, Peligro, Hero, gage, and ships carrying same, The three furlong for native gathering marched to Bella Vista Sunday, December 21st, 1924 Roamer and Leandro, and is will be disinfected at the disa six furlong stretch for Class oner. Hides and skins must cretion of th: Chief Quarantine maiden horses with a purse of where 21 Candidates were baptiz S125 00 attached, was won by the Ebenezer Church. On the ed from that Church, and from native horses.
be accompanied by an American Baby Peggy. Ta re were seven beach, Elder Francis spoke With the aforementioned Consular certiti cate of disinfecentries, with Temible, Opalino briefly on Why be Baptized, is line up no other conclusion tion or of non existence of foot and El be scratched, and all which met the approval and mouth disease.
were sent off to a good start tart of one and all present, after can be arrived at but that with Baby Pevey and Ron These regulations will become to inorrow meet will be a effective with regard to any Istmeno in the lead. Terrible which the two Elders, accompanied by Bro. Catherwood, WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE good one.
shipments clearing later than showed favourable stens in this proceeded in the emersion of the race but Jock y Navarro fell Candidates. The entire service January 1, 1925, from ports in and Baby Pixxy with Jockey, was quite impressive, and will Notice to Coarespondent South Anerican countries other Fuentes up bsi Ron Istmenolong live in the minds of the than those excepted by the first Five Races for Imported horses to the winniny post by a narrow people. Everything was quiet paragraph of these instructions. WHYTE: Your letter ra our Editorial of the 13th fastant, KNIGHT, margin. The pool paid 00 and 80 and 40 on the tirst and orderly.
and Two for Native bred ponies has been received, but as the con Chief Quarantine Officer.
and second horses respectively.
The Harvest Service was one tents do not entirely harmonize APPROVED: Almirant, in his third con of a unique form; the decoration with the spirit of the Season, BURGESS, secutive win vu this course, was neatly done and everyANOTHER GOOD CARD publication will not be made at pulled down the two hundred thing went together and made this time.
Acting Governor.
dollar purse for Class As the evening lively. Many musi.
We, however, fully appreciate native horses in the sixth race cal items were rendered by the your observation, in that the and Everybody will be there. Don miss it.
over a distance of five furlongs members of the Choir, Editorial in question is entitled Installation of Ficars Jockey Munoz showed excellent special mention must be made to more than passing notice.
horsemanship in this race of Miss Richards, in her On Saturday night the 22nd.
Zipo with Jockey zcanio in beautiful rendition of the saddle wis a dangerous not your heart be troubled.
First Race Starts p. Sharp The Edith Cavell Friendly ulto, quite an enjoyable time was spent by the Oficers and Memopponent Zapan second and The thing that marked this item Society bers of the Central American Peligro thid. The pool paid above all others was that the District Lodge of the London 600 and 30. 40 and 60, lady declined any musical acADMISSION: On Monday night December Unity Oddfellows, when the respectively, on the tirst, second companiment, which spoke well 22nd at the Panama Capital Hall Officers of their new for her, and brought the crowd Lodge, and thiri horses The seventh an. last race on to a sacred bush; also Mrs. Mc.
Grand Stand Grounds 50c will be the set time when the ap Loyal Daughter of Rebecca No.
pointed officers of the Edith Cavell 640 were Ip talled as follows: the card was a six furlong for Farlane, in her selection Friendly Society will distribute to imported hors stor a purse of clouds of the night; Mrs.
Sisters Whit, Evelyn, The Harvest be three hundre dollars, and won Miss Farley in Crown the members of said Society their Maycock, G; Haye, G; by Mr. Espinos Super Gloria, seasonsjbonus. It is requested that Simpson, Sec; Nicholas, and all who know they are entiled Asst. Sec. Morris, Treas.
ridden by Jockey Hildag. The while the Misses down duty to God. He encouraged the pool in this race id 30; 260 Nimblett brought The usual Christmas morning sharp.
to be present at 7p. oclock Lowman, Leon, on the first horse, 30 on the nouse with Bearing Greit for difficulties, and press the battle Church at o clock on Thursday them to step over obstacles and service will be cor ducted in the Gorden, Warden; Moodie, JAS, M, HAREWOOD second and 60 on the third and Jast little Pansy Chaplain; Bennitt and respectiv ly Mrs.
to the gate of the Lord. The morning. All are welcome.
Callender Lord Supper was then minisTrustees; Scott Secretary, gave a beautiful reading, wbicb bor and Bowen, and LH Supporters.
Isthmian League Of Brltish appealed to every heart, while tered, when 63 members had the ROYAL DORIC LODGE The installation ceremonies West Indians the band the Pacific Institute, privilege of partaking of this Technical School To enliven dry heart with their most solemn and sacred ordi Hold Elocution Contest Elects Officers for 1925 Term order, by the following Grand were duly performed in ample nance.
sel cuons. Elier Odle then came Members of this organization forward and preached a sermon This was the first day work are hereby notified that in conse that will long live in the hearts for our beloved Eder, and the Technical School will officers were elected for the term acted as Grand Marsball; Bro.
At the regular meeting of Royal Officers:On Sunday, the 21st instant, the Doric Lodge No the following Brother Hurley, S. who quence of a lecture to be delivered of the peo le. Elder Francis certainly God gave him strength stage an Elocution Contest at 1925.
by the Rev Surgeon to nicht in acted as Cosirman for Geddes Fall the League meeting is occasion.
the to bear up under pressure of the Liberty Hall Street and Lovell, Bro. Lowe, Bros. Carter Illustrative M. Bro. Gitten, put off until the 27th inst. The work and he never lagged in any Hudson Lane. Several students Grand Ford, Deputy Master; Sec. Bro. Chas. Austin, Trs. President requests the League i. and old.
The Gospel service at 30 was way. Tears filled the eyes will compete with a view of Fenty, Permanent Secty. Bro. Wm. Cadogon, Ga.
members to lecture, con the evening of the 20th the preached a short but forceful heroic heto fotolar the words of the faction to an give the most satis. Jarvis. Senior Deacon; Greene Selmon, Wn. and several League proposes to hold a Blue sermon on Lord to hearts of the people, the critical The image of God. and our only prayer is, that Deacon; Stevenson, other Brothers and Sisters Bell party in Gelues Hall. The This subject appealed to every God will be ever his guide and Mr. Hector Connor, President Budd Assistant Secty. Re: At the conclusion all retired by Tyler. ommittee is getting up a fine heart; after which, 40 members program of vocal and instrumental were admitted intot he fellow. ship stay the Colon Division No. 18, of the elected) William Clarke, Chaplain to the Banqueting Room, and music, and comic recitations; there of the Church. The reception The Harvest sale was conduction since the month of September, A, and has been in operarefreshment served. during the will be a fairy blazır, a post office service was one beyond the ted on Monday night, with great Public Lecture Tomorrow small hours of the morning.
and othee attractions, forditary, for to the baptized success; many thanks is due to 1924.
Refreshments will be on sale. members, the Elder did not fail those who supported this grand Everything has been done to make Tomorrow (21st) being the ty, using the subject. Getting Tue Silver Cloy band will play to preach a seperate sermon to and nobl cause so ably, and this affair an unfailing success and third Sundav of the month, Evan but of Hell?
for the occasion, Doors open at every one, warning them special. brought it to the success that it the entire public is cordially gelist Seals will deliver a lecture at at 7:30 and the public in begins p. Admission: Adults 50e. ly of their calling, and their bas been he Panama Capital Friendly Socie. ordially invited to attend. Good Races. Let The Balintine,
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