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LONDON BRITISH REPORT Says Situation in Pacific Held Up By Pirates at Atracts Attention Sea And Robbed.
Blaze at North Parade Costs Direct West India CaLondon, Nov. 26 The thriling Is the Opinion of Camille FlamThousands of Pounds ble despatch from London experience of the crw of the British dated the 22nd ulto. states which was raided by rum pirates motor schooner Veronic, marion French Astronomer.
that the situation in the Pa on the high seas, was made public The GLEANER of date the 31st. ulto, reports the follow cific is attracting a large to day. Press despatch from Paris dated Dec. 14, report ing big blaze which took place at Jamaica. amount of attention in offi The Veronica, formerly Now. he following. In a preface to a book by Henry Dechar. disastrous fire occurred last evening in the Metro cial circles and the Govern again schooner the Magar, but bogne What Do We Know About the Hidden World polis, when Nos. 10 and 11 North Parade were destroyed ment is puzzled to know about healing and other forevertonish the French astronomer, Camille Flammarion, tells what in one a residence and the other the offices of the Jamaica what is the most effective Board of Trade, is owned by a his opinion has been scientifically proved concerning exiscertificate issued by Agricultural Society.
means of eliminating many of British concern, schooners Associ tence of the sould after death. The only way to learn the How the fire started is a matter of conjecture. It is the existing difficulties and ation. She cleared from Bremen truth is by observation, he says. Ideas, opinion, hypotheses, alleged that it started in the Martin section and then spread making the situation easier in August with 20. 000 ferme must be effaced by observation. That is a rule applying whiskey to Bermuda over to the Agricultural Society office, when it burnt out for the future, to a wait orders to metaphysics as well as other sciences. Continuing he everything save a few articles that the police were able Japan aetivitives in Chi.
She was told to go to St. Pierre, writes that the following certitudes are thus established to take out.
na are being watched very Miquelon.
Mr. Martin house was demolished and a large quantity carefully while the recurrent Point the Veronica was boarded When off Montsuk irrefutably. The soul exists as a real entity, independent of the of valuable jewellery and other articles were destroyed. distorbances in Japan rela by pirates, who, fir ng a volley from body. It is endowed with faculties as yet unknown to The brigade were early on the scene, but it took them tion with the United State rifles, overpowered the crew of science. It can act at a distance telepathically without in sometime before they were able to couple up the hose. are regarded as growing antervention of the senses There exists in nature an active His Worship the Mayor, HonH. Simpsonas The crew was armed with rifles, psychic element whereof the essence is still hidden from Altumont E, Datosta, Deputy Mayor. to the Peace of the Far East. res bombas y de off shots ouble and us. The soul survives and the psychic organism can mani.
gas. but was to and councillors S. Harrison and Gayle were early on it is being suggested that a offer effective resistance. fest itself after death. Transmissions between spirits of the scene, and rendered very valuable services. The round table Conference of The men were herded into hold living beings over the widest distances are registered with usual big crowd were present, and it was a great deal of of the British Empire, United of the boat which was battened rtainty. Telepathic trasessmission between spirits of the difficulty that the police kept them in order.
States, Japan and China, down, while the raiders, using dead and living also exists.
Mr. Martin was not at home when the fire was dis might bring some relief speed brats, removed the cargo.
The Veronica was turned a drift At the moment of death the soul (whatever may be cov red and up to late last night he was not seen to but so far the suggestion after the navigation insturments its nature) communicates at a distance of hundreds of thouhas been received with the had been strasbed and the gasoline sands of miles with the living, produces various knocks ascertain whether the buildings were insured or not.
and manifests the image of the dying person under various By ten o clock the blaze was under control. The loss, utmost caution in official supply emptied into the sea, circles. Continued on page 8)
it is said, will be in the vicinity of 10, 000.
conditions. Electricity appears to be associated with those manifestations.
ANOTHER FIRE. Deseased human beings whom we call dead exist While the Fire Brigade was at thc fire at North Parade NAVAL EXPERT ASSERTS after dissolution of the material organism. They exist as last night, they received an alarm that there was a fire at Rre town.
invisible, intangible substances which our ey es do not see, our hands cannot touch, our senses cannot perceive under The Brigade then hurried to No. 20 South Street, the normal habitual conditions. Generally they do not manipremises of Mr. Clough. late cable despatch from directors did not agree with Mr. fest themselves. Their mode of existence is quite different The fire was in the upstairs of the house, but before New York states that William Shearers charge that Japan was from ours. Sometimes they act on our spirits and can, in any damage was done the blaze was put out. Only a little Shearer, expert and plancing war hole was burnt in the roof. Just how the fire originated is inventor, charged that the issue with the naval experts and through them on our brains, they are perceptible to us He also to certain circumstances prove Survival. Acting on our spirits Japanese Navy was again atement that the Joinestre a mystery.
elevating its gans to gain great seated our naval manoeuvres in the form we knew them. Our inner eye sees them. They The police are making investigation into the matter.
er range and that Japan was in the Pacific are not hallucinations or imaginary visions. They are reAccording to the story told to a representative of the considering a great foreigo war Rar Admiral Bradley alities.
GLEANER, the fire originated in an apartment in Mr. In order to save itself trom social. Fiske, retired, t»ld reporters that Flammarion concludes that observations made. Mr. Mr. Shearer was xht about Martin house occupied by a tennant. The individual was Shearer asserted that the Navy the condition of our navy, and prove the existence within us of something unknown and dressing to go out, when a cat came along and overturned General Board had just brand that the navy was dangerously hitherto systematically waved aside by all scientific theories, a lamp which caught some clothing, and the blaze followed this information and that he a shru of men, ships and equip that this something survives disintegration of the terreswhich as discribed in Wednesday GLEANER laid to ruins He also charged the Japasse veu wo keps up to the which, incidentally, he says from the scientific viewpoint it through al ment. According to Admiral trial body and transformation of our material moleculesboth premises.
with hostility to our prpos 553 ratio we would not have On Wednesday, Mr. John Barclay, the Secretary of the naval manoeuvres in the Pacitic, suong enough navy to tight cannot be destroyed either. It is immaterial whether we Jamaica Agricultural Society, and his staff, were rescueing and said every evidence showed Japan. Gerd net, Vice call it the psychic atom, soul or spirit. The form whereunwhat they could from the ruins and carrying on business as they were preparing for war. Peesident of the navy League. der that force survives is now being studied.
usual in the sheds in the yard which has been transformed Mr. Shearer made his charges also con mended Mis careria against pan in an address statement and urged a strong into temporary offices.
before a meeting of the dir ctors navy. Three high naval officers THE WEEK NEWS IN BRIEF of the National Security Leak ue who Present Land of Op Cricket in Australia in the Bankers Club. re lu cheon, said that Mr Sbearpeated his statements that the er analysis of the condition of The official organ the smallest day commercial traffic United States had fails to the and South Africa, was substantially Panama Canal, in a revised occurred on November 18th, 1924, portunities.
maintain itself on an equality in correct. These officers are sul statement of various records made when the numbers of transits was capital ships with Great Britain in active service, so they re. by traffic through the Canal. 2: Panama Canal net tonnage, Charles Benjamin Former English Teams Abroad as provided tor by the 3 frained from making any for reveals the fact that will respect 2870, tolls 2, 865; and cargs ratio in the five power treaty si mal statement for publication. to commereid vessels the Mount 2, 809 tons. Employee Practicing the Washington Conference. In Mr. Sharer in his speech, Vermox which is the longest to Law in Detroit, Mich. ENGLAND HEAVY TASK IN stead, be declared, the ratio hd said in part:have transited the great gateway FIRST TEST MATCH Colonel Albert La nb has inches dropped to 3 1, with tnis coup It is well to remember to date; She is 675 feet try havi only one fifth of the Great Britain is a portential long.
United States appointed to That the Uoited States of America is the land of opportuni Direct West India cable one third be strength of Jxpan. British policies. Japanis strength of Great Britain and enemy and is governed by tonnage and tolls the steamship more years as Inspector General America which passed through on and Technical Instructor of the ties, liberty and true democracy, despatch from London, dated Dec.
February 6th, 1920 holds the National Police Force. According where our young men of limited 24 states that Australia concluded After bearing Mr. Shearer (Continued on page 6) record with 13, 484 and to the contract signed by the means and high ideals may ascend their second innings in the first figures on the weak, ess of the 16, 855 in tolls. The ss. William Panamanian Government and Col.
to those lofty heights, which in test match against England at number of ships, range of guns, American Navy in personnel, Rockefeller holds the record in Lamb, the latter is to receive as their native land are enjoyed but Sydney. FISTICUFF having carried through his only remuneration for the by a chosen few is made mani formidable total of 452, Collins speed, oil, reserves, etc. 22, 000 of crude oil on October above services, a monthly salary fest, in an announcement received the skipper, made 60, and Taylor League unanimously voted for directors of the National Security 27th, 1922.
of three hundred and senenty five from Detroit, Mich. to the effect 108. Tate had dol ars and perquisites which will Tomorrow (Sunday) Jan 11th, that Charles Benjamin, known 98 runs.
an investigation of the navy include the exclusiue use of an to many in Panama and the situation by the Navy Commit 1925, Mocho Joe Gans the Chi The British battle cruiser Hooni automobile and chauffeur; the use Island of Jamaica, has England started late this after. tee of the Lxague. Stan wood caso demon will cross klovers with which passed through the Canal of a horse, fully equipped; sa been admitted to the Bar of noon on the tremendous task of Menken, President of Charley Pitts the wbo taught Michigan as an Attorney and making 604 runs to avoid defeat, League, who said he regarded Joe Walleott how to shift and on July 23rd and 24th, 1924, hol private Telephone in his residence The fight fans of Colon who the record in length, beam, and a furnished room with service Counsellor at Law and Solicitor and when stumps were drawn for the charges as very serious and box the Mocho Wallcott fight 360 feet inches in length; 105 Polie9 Station.
tonnage and tolls. She measur and attendance in the Central and ounsellor in Chancery.
the day had made 42 without loss, importan, announced that the same This Contract some thing different feet ay, inches beam; has a di Prior to his advent to the commitie: would seek will say MATCH IN SOUTH AFRICA ermen side ve Snesret after Pitts gets through with placement tonnage of 44, 799 and inder. ization for is accident fat all for United States, Mr. Benjamin was Benoni, A. Dec. 22. two charges a would tea report him on Sunday; on a clerk in the Panama Railroad days match between Joel recommendations de ling with hand Moeho intends to lay Pitts puid tolls of 22, 399. 50. In draft Pedregal in 1921.
seven years ago to acquire a scored 457, City: He left this country over Rand ended in a draw, Joel team steps to improve the condition arena; anyway that is left to be record she draws 32 feet inches.
Plans are underway for a big profession in America. Entering obtained 152. Their South Afri also discuss the advisability of of which Bewley of the navy. The report will seen.
It is rumored in The largest year commercial Carnival for 1925. on Tuesday undaunted by the many obstacles Snooke scoring 69.
the Detroit College of Law in 1920, can opponents replied with 260, making another campaign for Wallcott followers are ready to traffic through the Canal was the last Major Alfredo Aleman was prepareduess.
back Joe any time with Mocho fiscal year, 1924, when there were elected President of the und privations that confront the Joel team made 95 for the loss transits which carried Carnival Committee for Panama student who goes through college of five wickets in the second in after the lurcheon, that Mr. Meoken told reporters for a return match. It is a firm 5, 230 the belief among cost of the fight 27, 994, 710 tons of cargo and paid City. Continued on page 8) nings when the game was drawo. National Security League fans that Joe will lick him. 24, 290, 963. 54 in tolls; while the (Continued on page 8)
ak were at the of navy In Det been serve SIX al tons cargo 1925


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