
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 10, 1925 PAGE FIVE ATLANTIC SIDE Marriage of Commander Watson Attractions at the Theatres Dext CECILIA WAS and is DID YOU HAVE TOAST FOR BREAKFAST?
Leaving east.
Institute. He mentioned the say, Mr. what the time the Institute was started reason why West Indians do not and regarded by none except like to save their money and go its own followers and to day it into business, too? swallowed commands the admiration of the a quantity of surplus saliva and general public.
bade bim good night after had Mr. John Neverson spoke extended to him cordial and in his address invitation to attend a literary admor ished the bride with meeting at the Clubbouse the regard to the selection of good AMERICA following evening OF COLON BOYS LEAGUE company among her sex, in the It is meet that sbould say INSITUTION AN UNPRE interest of the good work she is kind word about my other TO DAY. Saturday Jan. 10th CEDENTED SCENE on the eve of undertaking TODAY Saturday, Jan, 10th friend, the man who really The President of the Municiandpal Council expressed his gratiShirley Mason in stimulated music and drama in TO MORROW, Sunday Jan. 11th our midst for a little while; The opening of the new year tude to Commander Watson for THE RAGGED HEIRESS Mary Pickford in although am almost debarred brought forth a demonstration the good work he has done to TO MORROW. Sunday, Jan. 11th from doing so as be is not a La unbeard of and unseen before in this country. He said that Con. TESS OF THE STORM COUNTRY Bocan. It will be necessary, in this city, in respect to the marmander Watson, as a foreigner, Jacqueline Logan in riage of Com. V. Watson of bas done great good for the MONDAY, Jan. 12th this respect, to lay aside a THE DAWN OF TO MORROW percentage of humor and subthe Colon Boys League Institu. Republic and he voiced the Lionel Barrymore in stitute something whicb will tion, to Miss Edith Maud Mattis, sentiment of all Panamanians THE DEVIL GARDEN MONDAY, Jan, 12th produce practicalizing effect upon late of Jamaica, on the first of the that they are all indebted to the Rod La Rocque in his critical way of summing up month at St. Vincent Church. Commander for the good work TUESDAY, Jan. 13th PHANTOM JUSTICE things; and so, in my next There were quite a few special. he is doing, and as an officer of Jane Novak in week ramblings ll not fail to ly invited guests but invitation the municipality he will always TUESDAY, Jan. 13th include bim THELMA was issued to the general public see that the undertaking is who responded most heartily. supported Reginald Denny in Mr. Dorsey, colored WEDNESDAY, Jan. 14th THE RECKLESS AGE American, who recently arMr. Waller Secretary of At p Prof. A. Gilkes, the Cristobal Silver Clubhouse Viola Dana in rived from the United States on SM. of the First Colon Troop, was present and gave a very WEDNESDAY, Jan. 14th appointment by Canal authori LOVE IN THE DARK BP. with uver a hundred Mary Pickford in ties, as Secretary of Paraiso stirring address of his boys and the Panaman Clubhouse, is staying with Mr.
Troop, as well as the Institute first Colon Fanaman Troop said The Scout Master of the THURSDAY, Jan. 15th TESS OF THE STORM COUNTRY and Mrs. Neely. Mr.
Band left for Silver City to form in part that once ago, as a Jacqueline Logan in Dorsey visited the Athenaeum Guards of Honour for the Bride Panamanian, he himselt THE DAWN OF TO MORROW THURSDAY, Jan. 15th on Tuesday evening last and was and the Bridegroom.
The Bride afraid to walk the streets of Lionel Barrymore in introduced to the audience by groom arrived at the church at Colon in the nights on account FRIDAY, Jan. 16th 45 and the Bride 315 of bad boys, but to day, he said. THE DEVIL GARDEN Secretary Neely.
Rod La Rocque in At the arrival of the Eridegroom everything is free, young and FRIDAY, Jan, 16th Mrs. Lonis Lindo read a PHANTOM JUSTICE the Band, under the leadership old are able to walks unmolested Jane Novak in humorous story is an item on of Band master Jeantatre, played by any boy. He therefore trust the program at the installation SATURDAY, Jan. 17th THELMA the Royal March, while the of officers of the Atbenaeum on andScouts came to order. It was carry on his good work until he that Commander Watson will SATURDAY, Jan, 17th Tuesday evening. Among other SUNDAY, Jan. 18th very difficult to get passage to other things the writer of the bas enter the church, over 3, 000 put his program over.
Norma Talmadge in Viola Dana in story, a lady of course, declares At this junction the chairman spectators being outside in LOVE IN THE DARK ber amusing style that SECRETS Scout the church almost filled to capa selected the Panama women folks would be able to Master and a young lady to city. get along nicely without men; that there is nothing good in The ceremony was performed cut the cake; and the feast the latter, the only good thing by the Rev. Father Burns a: 30 began in earnest. Over five which they possessed was a rib The couple left immedi hundred persons were in the the Silver Employees Association which had been taken away and Institute. it being packed to ately for the Institute. It was which rapidly becoming given to woman.
intended that Mr. Herɔn, the capacity many trying to get glimpse of the happy couple.
known ard is now considered pbotographer, should take picture of the couple but owing osity were satisfied, as cream, Those who came through curl as a set of considerable magni.
Installation of Officers tude.
to the unceasing number of SCHOOLS people wbo gathered there it cakes, fruits, sandwiches and was impossible to have it done appetizing beverages of all sorts There is usually but very Last Toesday evening 6th at the church. This was poet cigars of all brands, these being were distributed, as well as little trouble in governments inst. was the installation of poned until Sunday the 4th inst.
where the scholars are deeply officers of the La Boca Athethe gifts of warious gentlemen Silver City the Scouts, boin in the city and in the engaged in their studies or school naeum for the ensuing term.
exercises, and especially if at There was quite a representaheaded by the Band, formed in Canal Zone.
a procession and anarched to the same time the feelings of the tive attendance of literary and free dance was given to the Colon, with thousands of people, parents are enlisted This will social fans.
many of whom were from Gatun, audience from to 12. Although be found, when skillfully con The chair was occupied by the following. The entire trafic was the capacity of the Institute is 80 ducted, to be one of the most suc. President Mrs. Florence Smith blocked, The procession wended great the dancers could bardly cessful instrumentalities in aid of who after the usual preliminIts way to Bolivar Street, turned get enough room to display chemselves.
good order and good feeling. It is aries of Devotion, Roll call on Third Street to the recommended that early atten. and Ners of the Week welthen to Melendez Avenue, acroos Tous brought to a close the tion be given to a Parent Teach comed the visitors and explained 8th Street to the west and down marked union between the TRY ers Association the object of the meeting and Contral Avenue to the Institute, distinguished Commander land CHURCHES after a few contributions in the Hundreds of people from their the future leader of the Girls Our five churches are showing way of instrumental selections, reading and balconies shouted and threw Institute, marks of increasing attendance cer recitation, the feathers in the car with the dis GIFT FROM PANAMA.
at praver services. We realiz ceremony of Installation was As a token of gratitude for tinguished couple. Oa reaching begun how weak we are and how we stalling officer Rev. Mal.
On the expected inthe Institute it was with great the good the Institute bas done need help. We realiz bow care being unavoidably absent, difficulty that the couple alighted for one of her boys Madam lonely we are and bow we need Mr. Edgar McCarthy kindly from their car, on account of the Sherry of Panama presented understanding and fellowship four boquets of flowers and a It Toasted The Institute was elaborately cake to Commander Watson, No buman being can satisfy fulls consented to do the necessary our scial and religious need. We and after a few appropriate prepared for the occasion. Many The Commancer had been a must look higher.
remarks, installed the following members Madam notable gentlemen of the city father to ber as officers for the son, FRIENDLY SOCIETIES term: Messrs. William Jump, who contributed to the occasion Sherry says; two years ago she were present.
We are ahead of other commu. President; William De Souza, had to go to bed several nights nities on the Zone with regard Vice Presideut: King, Secre Mr. Hector Connor, President in tears because of her wayward to social activities. We bave the tary: Reynolds, Assistant of the was chairman son and she had received him Girls Friendly Society, The Girl Secretary and Reporter for the for the least. Before calling on from the Institute two weeks Guides, Sunbeam, Chum, Boy President; Smith, Chaplain.
the different speakers, the ago a young gentleman. Madam Scouts, Girl Reserves, Christian and A, Neely, Critic.
chairman gave a very interesting Sberry wishes that God may MADE IN Endeavor: Women Life Pro The rotiring president before address on Commander Watson bless the Commander and his do and help them to FRESH SHIPMENTS RECEIVED blem Club, Orpheus Musical vacating the chair read an and his work, from its in wife Club, Catholic Community House address by way of accounting DIRECT FROM NEW YORK WEEKLY cipieney Rev. Father Burns greater work ior the good of activities, the Athenaeum and for ber stewardebip and then was called upon and be said in poor humanity.
six of various Lodges are by welcomed her successor to the part that he knew the Com CHRISTMAS TREE DONATED BY their tact and sagacity seeing chair.
mander for some time; they both HUMANE SOCIETY.
that the wheels of the machinery Each of the newly elected are friends; be watched the The Colon umane Society are properly oiled and so an air officers made brief remarks on Commander work keenly and of harmony prevaile.
the occasion and a brief interfound that he is honest in bis donated a Christmas Tree for Commander successful in reviving the sym. CANAL ZONE NOTES The year 1925 has come with a mission for refreshments was the wedding there undertakings, and is Watson nothing that lies in his power pathy and co operation of the feeling of optimism that is declared.
others as they are trying to do, in On the resumption of the be will not do to further the ROTARY CLUB AIDS INSTITUTE. the grounds will be cleaned up Community Life in more conspicuously on the map program, Mr. Reynolds addressprogress of the great work.
The Rotary Club has donated in the next two or three weeks, than ever before, And he was very proud that the 25. 00 as Christmas gift and cricket will again come to its La Boca with special reference to the Commander had given bim the to the Colon Boys League own, ideals and efforts of the distinguished honour of per Institution La Boca Pars. Athenaeum and the need of forming the ceremony, and he MORE PRESENTS. By Geo. RICHARDS)
general appreciation of such a wished the couple a happy Christmas (1923) and New News Notes As the year 1924 draws to its useful and at the same time time.
close a mental picture of our (By the Scribe)
Year (1924) brought numerous non competitive organization.
The Rev. Father McGuire was presenis to the accomplishments and failures is The Colon Boys On Monday night last, after audience were next called upon and he gave a Institute but these were far The announcement of an excur likely to flash acroos the mind most remarkable address ho below those of last Christmas sion train from Colon to Panama those in the community, some of we bad paced up and down the appreciative of the contribu connection with the work of the and New year. Americans on by the Panama Railroad authori. whom will realize that matters of principal streets at these head. tions of Misss Undine Smith and young poople. He said that be the Canal wedding heard of the Zone contributed ties on Sunday the 18th inst. real importance have been ac cuarters, my Indian friend, bent Jump in the Piano Solos, of liberally their presents amount seems to be welcome news to complished, while others will in making himsell generally Miss Jump in, her violin knowa, and I, with my ears rendition, and Miss CumberCommander Watson, but that he ing to nearly two hundred many. It is being much talked assert that along lines of civic pricked in the direction of land in ber vocal selection and did not expect such a demon dollars. Mr. Taylor of Colon of, and large numbers are prepar improvements the year has proved stration as the one he had seen, gave 25. 00. The total of money ing to avail tnemselves of the a failure. For the benefit of the worthwhile happenings. we call Masters, Mo, Bayne and Camped at the Clubhouse and while bell for their Recitations.
but and given latter class, will review a part the opportunity.
to there inspected the proof of The pleasant function was the great tumult of people that Institute last Christmas and It is believed by many that this of the year accomplishments: gathered around thn Institute New Year amounted to approxi will be a monthly excursion.
In the first place: For many referred to as posing before the Doxology and Benediction.
the body of deep thinkers brought to a close at 10. 30 with he was forced to accompany mately three years our community life has camera a couple of weeks ago, hundred and Father Burps. He said there is no sixty two dollars.
been in obscurity; it bad and then we left, boarded a work that beaven is in greater Paraiso Notes weather from Sunday last, the 4th, medium of procuring desirable chiva and alighted in our next.
sympathy with as the one that takes care of little children, and Cricket the year did not commence in the year the La Boca Pars door costmopolitan center. We January, but in October. From a was established in our great discussed the merits and dehad already, among all things. BY FASOR)
he believed that Commander promising morning their was a The activities of the churches Watson selected by God for is sudden change in about p. Samleie kly cool imepedeately a merits of the Indian, the Negre, this special cause. He loves little boys and the Commander the past few weeks, due to lack of tently far into the night.
Cricket has been lying low for and the rains continued informit campaign of boosting the town the Englishman, the USAIN, the bere quring the holiday season There was started, As in all small Japanese, the Panamanian and have been mady.
is a father to the boys and he is grounds. Sussex Oval which has were also continuous showers on keep up real interest among all own way, tbe probabilities and Alban had their annual Christtowns it has proven difficult to the and then in our Early Christmas morning, St.
very thankful that the Com been re opened is at present in Monday and Tuesdav, but things the activities but the aforemen, improbabilities of another war mas service, at which the Rev mander has selected a mother need of cleaning and until this is are now cleared up.
also and hope that he will soon done there will be no match.
Igreat benefit to the town, and among the nations who are able administered the holy communion, tioned publicity has proven of achieve his aims and objects in General interest in this form of to fight; and in the event of view.
At this service the announce sport has apparently suddenly Following the quarterly meeting the result has been gratifying.
such the consequent effect upon WEST INDIAN IMPLOYEES Prof. Gilkes gave a very fallen off, but there are still a few of officers of the Wesleyan Methodthe Negro and the Indian. On ment of two very important ASSOCIATION stirring address on behalf of faithful ones who are enthusiastic ist Churchºs on the Isthmus my last lap for my dormitory my Christmas messages were made Commander Watson and the and busy, and should they bel (Contiqued on page 8)
Next is the orgioization of Indian friend remarked: But (Continue on page 7)
LUCKY STRIKE dense crowd.


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