
Ja20 2511 THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 17, 1925 PAGE FIVE Attractions at the Theatres over five hundred address left upon CODY to experi tion (i ne consider of them JOLLIFICATION the rocks with Hello New York.
ATLANTIC SIDE Say what you please; but a man who And Charter Celebration, is able to get enough remuneration out of a ligitmate undertaking to Commander Watson allow him to maintain himself The Program of the Jolliabove the average prevailing fication and Charter CeleTHANKS GENERAL PUBLIC. bration held in Philadelphia standard of independence in these parts is not to be overlookad Pa by the Supreme Grand Lodge and this is Leacock of Institute to Take up Program of the LOG. on December CECILIA AMERICA the AA.
29th, reached the Isthinus this For Girls week.
Commander Watson of the (PANAMA. COLON)
The programme is an extraMister Geo. Richards, had Colon Boys League Institution ordinary long addressed one, and an SATURLAY, Jan. 17th apparently been burning some TODAY. Saturday, Jan, 17th was given by extra midnight oil recently. As a people on Monday night last at Thomas.
andHudson Line. The Institute Sire of the LOG. and of ational Grand Viola Dana in member of the comunity it is SUNDAY, Jan. 18th Band had previously paraded and every Colored order that very nice of the young man LOVE IN THE DARK Norma Talmadge in several streete followed by write about the good impression large crowd of people to the Prince All Masonic is in the States, ezen from the Sunday, Jan. 18th SECRETS that our activities for 1924 ve pot, where it played a bodies lively him, Pola Negri considering that he selection wnich was enthusiasti Bro. Simeon Fion, Ruler Congratulations were heaped on MONDAY, Jan. 19th only viits these headquarters cally received Milton Sills in MONTMARTE mainly to procure one of our family The Commander said he had overcome for the able way in which he weekly whenever he fails to get a bis THE SEA HAWK opponents in MONDAY, Jan. 19th elsewhere and to come out for the specific purpose getting the incorporation paeated by Request Lionel Barrymore in of giving thanks to the general pers. Keep your yes on the ence a deli htful trim in a compublic for the pleasant reception 10. and watch her grow.
TUESDAY, Jan. 20th UNSEEING EYES fortable chair. in a pleasant sur rounding Mr Joseph tonsorial given him on the occasion of his Agnes Ayres in TUESDAY, Jan. 20th parlour His expressed apprecia marriage on New Year day. BLUFF: Galilean Fishermen of our accom; lishments is although, he said, he was aware William Desmond in gratifying and will be more so of the fact that the thousands WEDNESDAY, Jan. 21st THE SUNSET TRAIL after Thall have confirmed my did not come out on that day mass meeting will be held assumption that his name is for any love for bim Richard Dix in but under the auspices of the GuidWEDNESDAY, Jan. 21st y reorded in the books of through curiosity, but he YELLOW MEN AND GOLD Wising Star Lodge N) 14 the thL Boca Panama District of curiosity had Mother Lodge) on Wednesday Norma Talmadge in the Pau Canal West Indian been turned into reality and for SECRETS January THURSDAY, Jan. 22nd that he felt more proud than Hudson Lane, between h and 21st at their Hill, Esployees Association. have he had been given a thousand 7th on behalf of the Independent Pola Negri in THURSDAY, Jan. 22nd sele ted this organization from the dollars by the people and they Order of Galilean Fishermen. Cor. MONTMARTE Elliot Dexter in others he enumerated for the fact that in had not visited bim. He said respondence from the Supreme my opinion the FRIDAY, Jan. 23rd AN OLD SWEET HEART OF MINE employees association is the manifestations that had Lodge, and also from State ed of primary importance, Lionel Barrymore in its been made will go down into Grand Lodge No. 2, of Jamaica FRIDAY, Jan, 23rd aim being to improve general liv history, will be read for all concerned. UNSEEING EYES Agnes Arres in ing conditions, which is the logical In regard to his work, the bearty and cordial invitation Commander said he is looking is extended to every true and SATURDAY, Jan, 24th BLUFF basis upon which all the others are maintained. It is but rieat to as to the people for their apprecia loyal Galilean to attend; Meet andSaturday Jan. 24th sume that one who is appreciative tion of it; for the white people SUNDAY, Jan. 25th Ricabrd Dix in of good things done in his communiare standing by him and it the ing: starts at 30 depuced representatives from the sister ty and is in turn able to a sist in Lord were to keep them out od TO BE SELECTED Lidge are asked to be on time. YELLOW MEN AND GOLD such work, is also willing to their places would be hard to be Pacitie side Galileans are asked strengthen the ranks of the worktilted by his owo people; but he to write the Supreme Logo ers: and so boli ve will be toped that during tois year the address. Sineun Fine. Su the sentiment of people will join closer for their preme Grand Raler. 1803 IN. THE THIEF OF BAGDAD WATCH FOR DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS ity when Textend to my con own benetit.
Berks St. Phila. Pa. or Sister temporary our out stretched arms Commander Watson intimated Sarab Brown, Supreme to welcome in the progressive that a program will also be Scribe 710 Clarion St. Phila mare which has su highly imstarted for helping the needy Pa and they will receive replies girls and hoped that everybody or their future guidance.
CANAL ZONE NOTES presed him will join in helping to put that program over La Boins wil her with regret Chambers Every strike of the match La Boca Pars. if the death on the first this No. 110 mont, of Mr Bilfour Wb Installation. By the Seribe)
oltresi tro andan olan is a lucky strike with plove the Panama Cani le The beautiful installation cere. 110, OO will unveil their Miss Lydia Holder, one of the left the Isthmus during the latter The NG. Chambers No.
mony of the 0. Was Dispensation, dedicate the Lodge most gifted juvenile West Indian part of las year, along with his ably rendered at the Three hall, and install Offcers for the instrumentalist on this side of the family, for his biene in Jimia Isthmus, Mrs. Olga King, rencant oil health. Th.
Sisters Lodge Hall, on Friday asuing term on Sunday, Jan.
puted classic sopranist and Mr. Boca Dextrict of the Employees January 24 1925, when the 18th in the Three Sisters Hall John Daurels, first tenor of the 180110, elected Oficers of the Lily. pl. cordial and hearty Musical Art Association the North Hushold of Ruth, invitation is extended to inmates death has take imme iste steps to dNo 925 were uly installed in of the Housebould of Ruth and Panama, will be among those who searisan help to throwings will take part in the Cominanty wife and children in that it has made ottice.
also brethren of the Order.
Night program to be p:e ented an emrat o 25 con cach Following are the administraCIGARETTES at the Community Hall on Friday member of the Distriera na tion for January June 1925: pening the next by the La Boca Resolutios will request the Board Sisters: Joseph, Cricket Moore, RNG; McClaen, Dal West Indian Employee general in mph of the 1ssoM. Blades. NG!
Association. This will be the itin. Sevrember at the Jarrett Simmonds PRESENTATION MATCH second programme of the kinu me contributed their quota Chilcott, held by the District and promises immeistely. Murrall, Brothe Comes off To Morrow to be of unusual interest. Mr. W. Miller, S; Sisters B. Hunter, chairman of a McFarland, LS. committee handling the program Red Tank Notes Gregory, Bow Detinite information to hand MADE IN has given out that this tentative LJ. Chandler, Shep. stus toattne oft postponed plans also include three addresses, Blackwood, Coam. Ano presentation match in connecFRESH SHIPMENTS RECEIVED which will be delivered New Year Health Bernard, Uber.
uon with the Sportsmen Lea.
DIRECT FROM NEW YORK WEEKLY by President Whyte of the Sister Davis, P, was Lue will without fail be played Asociation, and that the children Message.
will be heard to advantage Mistress of r mons and morrow. It will be rememwas ably assisted by Sister Dered that the ctoria C.
elocutionary and musical items.
These educational programs are Jarrett and all praise the wioner of the cop, and in (BY TERENCE DE BOURG)
to be 10 morrow game will and credit should be given them be called given monthly by the for the efficient manner District, and are not intended fo.
in upon to face a combination. Nu promulgating the works. Aiter line up has yet Following the usual custom of beea made LUETH PROMPT ACTION wil journeying to work in a rusideats of La Boca alone. Toe the ceremo. y members public, but the popular beliet is th us. The vehicle in which he same plan of helping in making Rogolais for a the reuired to the Banquet mal ao Victoria representation rou: collided with another, and aivancement our people Year tid that of all the God Saves Indlan Bicycle.
spent an will include horpe, Warner, Bel er joyaule tine in Was over turned with the unfor being carried out monthly by the land Noble ones that expr ssing their cotilenc: 10 grave, Coleridge, Lyne tunate result. Other passengers other Districts of the Association. Hamanity can make, the subj The general public is cordially of Bett Health seems to be of the administation Sister Archer, while Acuerley, Lynton, The prompt ac of a Colon receive minor injuries.
Juseph, ani all Porter, Baker, Earle, and Whyre detective at livar Street on wien har invited to attend next Friday vital importance, and whether will forn a party of the com Tuesday evening las, the 13th Successfui term fufic.
we keep them or break them, programme.
The Voits of the fleet bave Sad that it is true 10 say that There instant, restored a bicycle to its nothing tried, nothing done.
is no doubt whatever owner al e it was stolen for less been arriving one by one for the My critical friend, the music Juvenile Functio.
is will be a well contested than half an hour in broad past few days, but the town des critic of the will be the world are awakening to the that The various Governments of match, and consequently will be das light.
not yet present the lively aspect glad to be informed herewith that great value of Poysical Educg.
very interesting.
it did on the occasion of their the Orpheus Siusical Club is stilition as a whole, and as a means The Juvenile of Rhud The several weeks of inactivi re owner of the It was atout clock, and visit last year. functioning. The club was or of giving an idea of the way in Juvenile No. 553, 0. 0, ty in cricket circles have served Et Iodian on dismounting, ganized through the efforts of the which the United States, for (under th Sub mmittee of to put a keen edge on the appu Lit it by the side walk and Through an order, recente man who has laid down instance is spreading Health Management. nertea) Id a utes of both the cricketers entered a sto. When he re sud by Mr. Week Secretary mechanical tools and is taxing Hygiene, the readers of this successful function on Sunday, unemselves and the public with turned about minutes later the of War for the United States, to capacity his mental resºrve article are referred to the January 4th, in the uae newly cleaned and attractive cycle was gone. He immediat ly all bicycle licenses issued for the on thres subjects, viz: music, cembar issue of Popular Science Three Sisters Lidge hall. grounds, enthusiasm should run reported the matter to a de calendar year 1925 by the Canal song writing and the drama. Hi Magazine, which contains when the Installation of Osicers uigh.
tec Ive who was near, and in Zoue will be lid with ut pay. has, however, telling of a Poysical was carried through.
about 20 minutes, the thief, a ju menu of additional fees until proyed a failure in his The following were installed: BASEBALL venile of less than 18 sum mers June 30th 1926, and on atter adventure, for through his errors lastructor conducting a class of about 50. 000 peopla vacu nordwas rounded u.
July 1st Sister Jarrett, Presiof the present year fees we have been treated with several ing at 700 using the must be paid for the fiscal years programs of classical music at the Radio as the means of deliverRitchie, Vice Two baseball games were Brother ending June 30. In cases where Clubhouse, including a sugli ing bis Health ssage each President; played at Colon Stadium on licenses are issued for the last contest by we which News Notes were day, accompanied by music.
Rr. McClean, Secre. Sundav last, the 11th, at 10 a.
half of thtiscal year, only one fortunate enough in retaining the the Balboa Pedro Miguel team Wishing you a Happy and half of the annual tee suall be distinc having the leuding Sis. Brown, Sick Vieitor; met and defeated the Atlantic be pa Isthmian sopranist, while Red Prosperous Nw Year, am suomitting the following ResoBro. Mille, Trea Army by a score of to and at Tank folks have en privileged lutions for Better Health, for week mission for men 30 pm the Navy defeated the (women also welcome) commencto hear one of the best musical surer; Bro. Williams, Cba lin; Pacitic Army by 10 iog tomorrow evening, the 18th The bottoms of all the metal renditions ever offered at their for use throughout the year of Sis. Baltram, It is expected that the Navy will be beld at the St. Vincent individual cesspools in Silver City Clubhouse. And the array of HEREBY RESOLVE THAT IN 1925: Sis. Eastman, LS. wil meet the Panama Anc Courch Silver City. Address are being paved with cunu ete, soloists in the singing competitiou combination tomorrow, a: p. will be deliver by Father thus Bro. Wanford. RSV.
rendering tbem For Better Health will at wore held at Liberty Hall, Panama, Bro. Tooma.
Young and niel of Balboa as durable and sacitary. some time ago, under the auspices all times walis erect and sit Bro. Peat, Guardian and well as eakers from Colon.
the Card of Thanks Isthmian Amusement erect.
Ero Holder, Warden. lk mission was conducted Company, when reputed For Better Health. will at the St. Joseph Church last DR. HOFFMANN sopranist competed and won over scrub my teeth right each day.
Credit and Praise must be Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Eliás week with much success.
many talented singers, must be For Better Health will eat given to Brother: Miller, credited to his influence. Then he only when am hungry.
Has removed his clinic to claimed fifty fifty with Mr. Milton Senior Guardian and Sisters: beg, through this medium, to For Health will Better Murrall, NG. and Anna return thanks to those persons who James Charles, commonly Bernard. for No. 39 Central Avenue. En Garvey in the production and open the sbo ver on my spine the extended sympathy to them in called Jmes Stewart sustained successful working of the their recent sad bereavement. a fractured arm on the Gatun trance between La Mascota presentation of Rambling Rose when bathe each day.
Cristobal, Jan. 16 1925.
road on Tuesday morning last and Chong Kee Store. after he had run the on (Continued on page 8)
LUCKY STRIKE Due o ad hi: Dow 1925 not altogether aru. cie an a dent tary of


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