
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 24, 1925 PAGE SEVEN Such popularity must be deserved American Pharmacy. member Chesterfield GGARETTES They Satisfy Call Zation. de.
This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend rather breezy meeting of ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, the councillors of the Corporation took place at the corporImpoverishment of the Blood, and to build up ation oftic yesterday, says the a run down constitution.
Jamaica HERALD of the 20th It promotes digestion, impi uves the appeulto.
The matter arise out of an tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system rder made by the polic DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or restricting the sale of certain times a day, foodstuffs on the streets about a fortnight ago Some time after that the JAVIER MORAN order was recinded or made les restrictive. The space at the Queen Hotel was given to the vendors and the congest there resulted in unpleasantness and some amount of insanitation of Councillors signed requisition for an PROF. INYANG extraordinary meeting of the crporation discuss the Great occult. Latest master Npopular favor except by TO Councillor Alves who was the chief mover in the matter opermind of South Africa. Master deserving it. Chesterfield ever ed the proceedink in a lengthy speecb. He spoke in rather of mystic science. Can help increasing popularity is due to etron rms of the hardships just one thing better quality the vendors were experienc.
you in case you are suffering proved by better taste.
in love, in business or other affairs He said that last year a decent, fellow was turned into a convict of human interest.
on account of these regulations.
The Mayor: Mr. Alves you Consultatior, in person or write for price have exceded your time limit.
You have spoken for twenty list. Strictly confidential minutes.
Mr. Alves: One point more. Address: 206 129th St. New York City, CIGARETTES am going for you now sir.
The Mayor: You are not sug.
gesting you do not like me!
Mr, Alves: don like you millions!
sir, although people have said White Critic Who Refused to Hear you bought me out.
Mr. Alves then moved a resolauon to the effect that is Roland Hays Pays Him a Beautiful Excellency the Governor he Lirrett Myers Tobacco Co.
requested to upon InspecLor Wright to tird by whose authority the order was issued Councillor Drew was not in Writing under the above cap the averag. Nordic as not auCHURCH SERVICES Early maroh and a. Prayer Meettion in the Philadelphia Tribune, thentic. He pronounces borne (Continued from page 4) ing.
Interesting West. scored with some resolutionThe cole the 13th December last, for instance, not borde but at Queen was bawn ay any Bostonia would be 10 a. Children Directory Meeting palling and a disgrace to civili DEEMS TAYLOR says: Seventh Day Adventist Church and Brigade United Open Air Meeting. Continued from Page 2) tried listening to Roland says, that and the not a stand and managos generally 11 am. Holiness Meeting Envoy be made to This opinion Councillor Harri Hayes without watching him to keep them colli quial in Wright. STREET CALIDONI ROAD p. Y, Company meeting and district for registration in the were losing revenuebec Use fact that he is Negro, and the end man of a minetrel show (the Police Magistrate de ang son enduroed. He thought they have nigbatoh Thiere a las been the without tinuing it necessary to much emphasis laid upon revert to the linqual methods of (near Isthmian Park. PANAMA.
United Open air.
they were taking foodstuffs to the Sunday Evening 30 Preach op a Brigades wil conduct reparato with the forthcoming elections Scould be taken to the market. singing as expressive hope the of course, in bis voce and o Register of Voters in connection Queen Hotel which ordinarily so much rhapsodizing over his There is patho in his singing, ing Service The general public is Open Air Meetings.
under the new Councl.
cordially invited to turn out in large 15 pm Big Salvation Meeting to As the gathering was about to Aldermen Da Costa and Mc essential tragedy of the Negro is the Dumbers.
quality of tars that is in any be oonducted by Commandant Martin, disperse. the Colonial Secretary. Laughlin and Councellors Dillon race, that thought it would laterpretat on; but it be interesting for once, Babbath (Saturday) 945 am, Sab Subject: The Judgment of God. addressing the meeting, said and Gayle also spoke.
concentrate upon to lawless and lovely thing. Its a singer and bath School; 11. 15 General Worship WEEK DAYS that this was not the time to Alderman Farrier said the ignore the man. So sat in reflections concerning the lonely ffect enhanced by 30 Spanish Class; Monday, p. Life Saving Guardo make Speeches. The occasion stalls could have been left in Carnegie Hall and watched the prophet of an oppressed race, Young People Meeting; p. Parade.
for that will be offered at the East and West Queen Streets audience and listened to Roland but it does not depend upon Vespers, Wednesday, p. Life Saving Scoute augural meeting of the new as formerly, but arrangemets Hayes.
them. Tae people who filled Council when opportunity will could be made at Queen Houl.
And baving done that. am Carnegie Hall to the brim last Seventh Day Adventist Church Friday, p. Holiness Meeting. be afforded the public to join in a Major Dixon rose to speak convinced that Roland Hayes is night, and cowded in packed Sooute and Guarde will meet on proper demonstration. He, then He said there was two issues an artist primarily, and a Negro rows upon the platform itsell, called for Three Cheers for In one a charge was made incidentally and that the essen were there for one reason, and 3rd STREET BROADWAY, COLON Parade as usual All are invited to attend theso meet the New Constitution, which against the Inspector Police, tially racial quality of his sing. one only; because when art Sunday evening 30 Preaching ines, especially young people and their were lustily honoured.
Mr. Alves. rising. Da a ing is Service.
Thus passed the old order.
something that exists leave the lowlands, of mere You are cordially invited to Guadians.
attend these services and bring your August 1, December bas new point of order. You are wak. chiefly in the imaginations of polished excellence MARTIN. Commandant.
bis more romantic hearers.
a memorable friends, place in the annals ing a wrong statement more towards the peaks of greatness, Sabbath (Saturday) 45 sm Sabbath The Mayor: am ruling that. Certainly there is little that it appeals to something univerBethlehem Church of God of the colony. the latter being the date of measure of our there is no point of order.
could call racial in the sal, something beyond the School; 11. 15 am. General Worship Holiness political emancipation: the first Mr. Alves: will say then quality of his voice. To listen, emotions and far beyond the 30 p, Young people meeting intellect, something that you falling of the chains. Our futhat your ruling is not honest. not to look, while he sang bis inte 30 pm Vespero No, MARIANO AROSEMENA St. ture, more than ever, is now in The Mayor: will not sit bere to the three groups lest night was may be pleased to call the the somewuere con SAN MIGUEL our own bands. May we all, and have auch remains passed to hear a beauti ul tenor voice, soul. And United Pentecostal Assembly silken smooth in mezzo cealed, oddly enough, nearly by unity of thought and action about me. leaves the chair. 30 a. Prayer Meeting.
25 CALIDONIA ROID also COLOM ringingly vibrant in the fortes by sound community service 11 Divine service Preacher, There was cries of withdraw and trained to a perfect evu mtar and full fellowship, prove our Gospel Meetings Sunday 11. Elder Francia and 30 Sunday School p. m; selves worthy of the mark of and the meeting was in a state ness of production in all its Roland Hayee is black or white p. Sunday School, Superinten our bigba calling registers. If the voice could be or green. Woat does matter Monday 30 m, Tuesday 30 deot.
Mr. Alves: If Major Dixon tagged with any specific racial is that he is an artist, and a Thursday 30 pm p. Programme.
great one.
Elder GREENEDGE Pastor, Two Barbados professional will withdraw his statement label one might call it Irish. 30 Gospel Service, Preacher Elder Francis.
Once or twice, in the negobowlers have been contracted will withdraw, for the purpose of giving Major Dixon said his state. ti ting an awkward group of Britain To Propose War The Church of God Tuesday 30 pm. Gospel Service British Guiana cricketers some ment was his personal opinion. syllables in sdifficult tessitura, Claim Solution.
Preacher Bro. WEBLEY.
on the the necessary practice for Mr. Alves: As Major Dixon his tones did take wbite, wailing quality that Thursday 30 Sister meeting forthcoming interrolonial tour has explained, will withdraw.
Colon. and Streets. Gospel meet and Testimony. cable respatch from London nament in February next. The The Mayor then resumed we associate with colored sing.
ings at 11. 30am 30 Sup.
Saturday 30 Choir Bebearsal tournament will take place in his seat. He explained the rules ers. but even that is a quality dated December 30, siates that day School at 3pm.
Trinidad relating to a point of urder waen that is found in many Russian the Bridish reply to the es merat The Governor of Barbados has a member was speaking.
Elder FRANCIS. Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON can note concerning the satisPastor in charge. received information that the His diction is flawless. It is faction of American reparations Gatun, Canal Zone. Gospel Meetings 8th Cruiser Squadron will visit Major Dixon continued He merely good English, good claims, under the Dawes agreeat 11 30. aod 39 m; Sube were Italian day School at pm.
good German, as the ment is likely to be forwarded Ebenezer Church of God the Bahamas, Briti Honduras, thought the regulations Holiness Jamaica, Trinidad itish Gu only a police notice and the case may be and his style to Washington in the next few Bro. GEORGE GRIFFITH ans, and the Windward Islande, action of Inspector Wright was changes with the character of days perhaps to morrow. The New Providence. Gospel Meetings at CALIDONIA DISTRICT arriving at Barbados on the 14th the best laterest of the com the song he singe. Care British Government is anxious 11. 30 a. and 30 Sunday Sunday 30. a. Morning Prayer Febuars, 1925 and leaving munity, Self, last. to close controversy the School at 3pm.
Birbados on the 21st February.
The Majör sald it was unfor was Haendel as Haendel should Uaited Sates as soda as possiDivine ServiceSis. CAMPBELL e was brought into be sung, and his interpretation ble and believes it his bit on a Preacher Supp ied Their itinerary, after leaving tunate that of Wolt Auch Kleine Ding solution of tbe polumn Rod Tank, Canal Zou, Gopel meeting p. Sunday School Superintendent. Barbados, will be via the Leebe beniousness of the order.
on Thursday night 30 pm. Susward Islands to rmuds. Tre p. PU. Programme were was one of the most exquisite practical grounds which will be few amendments Squadron is composed day Schoul at P. 30 Gospel Service, Preacher Calcutta, Constance, Curlew see fit to pass any resolution.
of moved but the council did not examples of pure lieder style satisfactory to both countries.
that have ever been privileged The draft of the pote bas not Sis. GRAY Elder Odle.
to bear.
yet been completed, but it is Panama, Arosemens Street, House 25, Other notice will be made from the and Capetown, It was decided that the ven.
His singing of Negro spirito understood that, while Great San Miguel Gospel meetings at pulpit.
dors could continue their eale on 11. 30 am, and 30 pm. Sundas Elder ODLE Uncommon interest was cen. the streets or go to the Queen uals, about which so much ink Britain, maintains the correcttred in a bye election in Barb Hitel as they desired.
has been spilled, is thrilling for ness of the ligal attitude she Behool at 3p. Meeting op Pastor in cbarge. dog to fill a seat in the House the very reason that he does not has assumed, she hopes she bas Tuesdav evenings 15 of Assembly vacated by Mr.
mar their beauty and deep feel discovered a mans of getting Elder BAILEY, Pastor Bethel Church of God Clyde William TAKE NOTICE.
jag by adopting any fake around it. She will, it is intima (St. Michael s) was content by Holiness Negro style of rendition. ted, probably maintain The WORKMAN News. Histones.
that Mr. LChenery Elitor of wben he sings since the United States was not The Salvation Army a. m, Prayer Meeting. the Barbados Advocate. and paper can be had at the fol them, are just as beautifully party to the Treaty of VersailSunday il Divine Service. Mr.
PANAMA CITY CORPS. covered as when he sings les there are difficulties in law Brathwaite. The owing places: From Sunday 25th January to Satur3 Sunday School; Superintendent elect! on came off on the 1st inst. The Variety Store, 76 Street interpretation in merely to sing reparations claims as on the Brahms; aod his metbod of in the way of recognizing ber day 31st, will be a week when epecial p. Gospel Service, Preacher and resulted 10 a win for Mr Chorrillo.
Brathwaite who serured them. like 390 aby other good same footing as those of the efforts will be made for the seleton Bro. E, Reece.
Lindsay Place, No. 2, songs as sincerely and beautio signatory po wers, but will sugand the surrendering of young people. Wednesday 30 Bible instruc votes to Mr Chenery 291 Street, San Miguel.
fally as he can.
gest a plan by which American The Chrissie Brathwaite, as he Services for Sunday 25th are fol tion and Prayer. March, Barber, 55, Cali His Negro dialect, in the rights may is called by his friends, ou conbe satisfactorily Bro. WILMOTT, Clerk in charge. gratulations, doni Road, spirituals, would be scorned by conceded.
may and rises one forte: everybody has one. It does not with or 11 a.
Th seat low


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