
Weekly London Letter The Coming Intercolonial Tournament.
Up to date Jewelry ALBOA EST EER REWED British official documents which will throw further light Uron the political situation out of which the war arose are to be made available to the public The decision follows upon the request made by sever promi nent historians and Mr. Chamberlain together with Mr.
Ramsay MacDonald bis predessor at the Foreign Otie may be considered jointly responsible for it. Chamro lain bas nominated Mr.
Temperley and Dr Gooch, two historians of international pute, to edit a collection of such documents. Mr. Temperley has already made his mark as the editor of the official work on the Paris Peace Conference and the Versaills Treaty, and Dr. Gooch has writt an inpo tant volume on the bistory of Europe from 1878 till the close of the Great War. Their names are sufficient warrant that the work will be thorough, complete and unbiassed true history in fact. Mr. Chamberlain has also ordered that archieves, which have hitherto been open to the end of the year 1860, shall now be open until 1878, and he has expressed a willingness to do everything within his power to help forward bistorical restarch work. As to the Temperley Gooch volumes, it is expected tbat one or two will be available in a comparatively sbort time, and that further collections will be issued as the work pro gresses during the next few years.
the third place Messrs. Wrist Watches, Fuller Jewelry Store comprised from Austin. Dentist Howell REMEMBER!
to po lex side pins, which datele bei Be Prepared House Rent Receipt Books SPANISH ENGLISH Help For British Drama The trustees of the fund lett by Mr. Andrew Carnegie, the millionaire, for educational purDoses have given useful filling to the drama by handsome grant to the British Dram Leagne.
This money is to be devoted to establishing a library of dramatic literature in London for the use of amateur and professional students of the theatre the first of its kind in this country, The gitt is particularl; appropriate 89 a stimulant to the dramatic revival which has been very apparent here in the last few years and which has manifested itself in the foundation of many new repertory theatres and the establishment of serious dram atic societies and clubs not only in London and the large provia.
cial towns, but in rural districts as well. special feature of the new library will be made of books dealing with the nodern bome and abroad, and there will be a section for illustrated books anu costume designs. The library will also contain a comprehen.
sive collection of plays for postai distribution throughout the country, and it is believed that many educational organizations will make use of it in this way.
Comenting on the Intercolonial cricket mateb, between Barbados, Trinidad and Demerara, the SPORTING CHRONICLE of Trinidad says: hall matting bas been despatched by one of our leading in every form can be seen sporting goods firm in care of the which will doubtless bere at its best See our be used for practice by the representatives. And in Gomes (probable Cap)
Browne, Green, Fer Bracelets, nandes, A. Phillips, Dias, Henry, o Nascimento.
Diamond Rings Phillips, Hunter, Bourne and Co. bave and a hundred other adornbegun to shape themselves for the task. The only missing ments and you ll recognize cricketer of note at the moment why this is the LEADING is A, Why brew, who is now JEWELRY HOUSE in town it England and may be back in time for the big event.
ask prices and you ll find still As regards Barbados, a daily another reasonpaper there teils us that her cricketers are not practising or matting. This must be accepted with some reserve, never beless, 22 Central Ave. Phone 629 as am in possession of facts to the contrary, The team will be elected from seventeen players. Challeror 81. Tarilton, Ince, Browne, Hoad, Greaves, Mason, Kidney, HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA Browne, Archer, CANAL ZONE Griffith, Bartlett. Pilgrim, Office Hours. 10 to p. L. Birkett and Gilkes, Tarilton and Challenor are to pm likely to be the Barbados opening DAILY pair once more. The former is reported have lost Specializes in all the branches bome form but is getticg into of Dentistry, his stride by degrees. ce is said to be in tine forma become a perfect batsman strong been point.
Brown is 004 of Brbids determined cricketers. 00. for that Pain lenor is fit enough to represent his bomeland to morrow YOU can stop excruneeds be. Greaves is ber best ciating pain instantly left bander, while Hoad is the if you will only apply googly expert. Austin and Mason, are going strong SLOAN LINIMENT and as game as ever. Archer is a brilliant bat and fine field Sloan Liniment is Griffith for physiju pain greatest enemy, said to be the most perfc and is backed by 40 years cricketer in our sister colony at of success the world over.
the moment ani Kidney It is an invaluable remBartlett, Birkett, edy for Browne, Pilgrim and Rhematism Sciatica Gilkes are practising hard.
Sore Throat Backache These plain statements should Sprains Bruises, etc serve to instil into local cricket Chest Paios Stiff Neck ers the need for consistent and It penetrates right to soncerted action.
the seat of trouble, cricket correspondent who warms and soothes the specializes in Pickwickian idea nerves and tissues, banishing pain. be is a staunch follower o the Pickwick of Barbados Try it now.
and writes cricket humorously At all druggists and but not as perfectly as he dealers.
Pickwick papers sigoing rin.
sele in the ADVOCATE, SLOAN quotes my remarks on Mr. Browne in a recent issue.
LINIMENT He (PAIN ENEMY does not relish them, just as expected, and am only too glad of the opportunity of giving reasons for the statement made.
Mr. Browne bas certainly ent more oiganen in direction CA BE HAD AT besides his fieldmen in the last LIBERTY HALL two Tournaments than beba: 29 Street, Panama been entitled to. And in saying 80 cast no aspersions of unfairness or u sportmaplike ENGLISH CLASSES conduct against Umpires, but merely state that in th ir lack by Day and by Night are of knowledge of the finest points now opened for the of bowling technic, Browne has Sunimer too often caught them napping.
About his manner of getting For particulars apply on the spot to out a plethora of batsmen by the methods in the West BARTON, LL.
Indies and the remarka that Principal, Trinidad batsmen generally play Interesting to bring to memory an game, it might be what the West Indies Cricket AUSTIN CONNELL Tour During mountbs of contid. Holder of Certificate of the. was WILKINSON given out Od twelve oc Associated Board of the Royal casions, the highest number Academy of Music and the Contractor against any one player. He Royal College of Music, Lonbas since, adopting Mr. Mallett don, will give a limited numadvice, completely changed his and Builder stance, but be sufferstin, ber of pupils lessons on the one being prejudiced Piano.
WANTED against him beforebard it would Apply early. Terms modseem. It would startle readers erate.
House No. 20 175 Central Avenue, when tell them Challenor is next to Constantine with seven Panama.
Only First Class ones needed 28th NOV, STREET, s, but he would never be said to play while Smal SAN MIGUEL with Francis and Pascall go matches and next to him comes APPLY AT four each and all the players go John, ano her Trinida vian, who, Box 411, Panama, R, lesser numbers. The crown ng unfortunately, got one and ESPERANZA LAUNDRY.
point, however, and the one only one a in the very last which gives the lie to this is the match. Is it then too much to are Plans and Specifications Free astounding fact that the only say that our cricketers that often penalized because of this tour unscathed was Georee mischievous and perniciovs ilea First class Workmanship Dewhurst, our Btumper. He that they are player? It alone never was through they are why not Challenor and Guar: nteed, playing in no less than twenty Tarlton as well?
Order Books theatre, both at Secretary and Treasurer For Friendly Societies 10, 000 Pearl Necklace Was Sold for Private Academy The Workman Stationery Store cable despatch from London says. 10 000 necklace was sold in inistake for That was the discovery made by a woman who bought the necklace in a New York jeweller shop, and broke it after wearing it for a few weeks.
She found all the scattered pearls except one, and took the necklace back to the shop to be repaired. How much will it cost? she asked.
The salesman said: will have to get further exprt opinion, madam, but estimate to replace th nearl and re.
string these pearls will cost about 300. But bought the necklace here for said the now astonished woman. This is a real pearl necklace and it is worth at least 10, 000, be replied.
It was found that owing to tbe carelessness of an experi.
enced salesman, who as a result had been discharged under a cloud, the real pearls bad somehow been sold for imitation The woman refused to keep the pearls, although she was assured that she way throughly entitled to them. She returned them on the understanding that the assistant who had made the be.
Hand Ironers every and that she should be given Advertise in the Workman it will pay you


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