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PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY JANUARY 31, 1925 OUR SPORTING PAGE Last Sunday Races la tarde de les portes ventilatie türden wir alles wütendsten und der Motores Canal Zone Notes To morrow Races EXCELSIOR THEATRE wwwwwwwwwww jects.
se 600.
Races! Races!
native ас JUAN FRANCO TRACK woman nome.
Sunday, February 1st, 1925 was Good Races. OD in (Continued from page 5)
Indications point to another The splendid program ne of Sometime in April next there record breaking crowd at Jain nine racos arranged by the Franco tomorrow afternoon.
will gather many elocutionists at Egbt races have been arranged Panama Jockey Club for Sunday THE RENDEZVOUS OF THE WEST INDIAN CREAM)
the Clubhouse to take part in for the occasion by the Panana last the popular Jual Frar co race, contest to be held by the La Boca Jockey Club, five of which will at track was presented accoding Athenaeum TO MORROW SUNDAY FEB. 1st It TONIGHT, SATURDAY JAN. 31st to schedule, the feature race may be that be for imported thoroughbred medals will be given to the winners of nine fu longe for class as was done in a previous contest. Trenty seven imported borses and three for native horses: imported bor es purse 700The beautiful star belog won by Factor Raso of the THE WONDERFULL DRAMA and twenty Sve native bred Stud Valparisn, with Tonin and LAURA LA PLANTE Community Night, monthly horses are booked to take part Tribuno taking Necond and RIDERS UP program promoted by the Panama in the afternoon programme.
IN third pisces respectively. The Canal West Indien Employees The feature for native winner was ridden by Jerry EXCITEMENT Association at which at least one horses the sixth race on the Reyes who displayed good juda Filled witb interesting scenes, thrills educational address dealine on day programme will be five ment in handling bis toun over and emtoion. Also a darn good coeconomics, tbrift, or general sub fu longs, purse 175, and there the entire stretch and while The most powerful CINE DRAMA in connection with commu. are seveient tes: Almirante, Jockey Hildago also rode a medy In two sets.
you have ever seen on the screen so nity welfare work is given on a Zipo. Zapa, Rialto, Peligro pretty race and had Tunin mething you have to see for yourself Variety program including songs, Caribe and Liand 0; while Factor breezing up for the Winnig recitations, etc, for both children Ru o carrying 128 pounds Manus post in the last furlong, Facto in order to apyreciate it. Special and adults, was held at the Com. 124 pogas, Sospiro 125 pound Roen came on, apparently fresh, Second count of votes for Popular music, and a good funny comedy, ali munity Hall on the 23rd. An Frou Frou 123 pounds, and in the straight and wan; contest wiil take ace to nigh.
for small.
enjoyable program was rendered Pluto 116 are bok to tie the the pool paying 10 and 50 which included piano selections starter in a one mile dash for on the tirst borse und 30J hy Viss Lydia Holter, song hu imported horse. purse NOTE. Commencing on Monday, Feb. 2nd. the masterful Serial the second borse Oat ortal Mr Olga King and a Drama by This will be the fifth ya of 1013 straight betting tekita STEFL TRAIL by William Duncan, the rival of William Desmond. Three Dovs and a girl from Teacher feature race for imrorted horses.
sold on this rac, 592 were on Episodes per night. Don fail to see it.
McCarthy claes. Addresses were Twelve entries are bo ked for the winner. For place delivered by Messrs. Windsor the tirst race, and this will 953 tickets were sold of which 433 Farmapapamammann AMIRANDA NANINININ ARMS Whyte, Presi tent of the Associa: and for native horses. CandiBoyd, Louis Lindo and Over a distave o tour furlong, and 214 were on the tirst and second bors, respectiv. ly.
tion The rapid progress made by wood, by Perkv, Strawberry, Peligro won the feature race JAMAICA CRICKETERS the leading peoples and the con Terribl, Raso, Bob and Tortuga tioued improvement ci general will be in the running and of one mile for class native conditions among them have been Sheik, Zipi Zape. Indio horses, in which nine horses nown, competed, and paid his backers (Continued from page 1)
the outcome of int lligent organi Lipe du May Be wlil Chupe the biggest pool for the zation Messis. Boyd and Lindo is the second race, also for dayTHE TEAM BAD START 25. 60 on each 200 straight explained, and pointed out that In the second match of the Bar. the colored section here is no furlouge horses, a distanc of for Lick This was the seventh race on the day programme bados Jamaica tests, Jamaica at exception to the rule. we must also travel along the same roud if we wh. ch are for imported horses, The other four races, all of and the nost kerly contested tea time could only secure 47 runs on. There were 840traight ort for the loss of four wickets. C are looking for better conditions sre Mr.
ting tickets sold in his race, 59 oster roade ten runs and retired Whyte touched on follow:general purs bng on the winner; for place hurt. He was sruck on the arm conditions with special referente distance four furlong 1141 tick ts were sell of whien by a ball from Francis, He will four hundred dollars horses to the family budget. and the The booked to compel in and Toy ara 175 were on the ti st burse, 374 resame his innings later, part in pro Amur, Chmi Loca, Glad on the second and 269 on the wicket is very bad.
TO MORROW mo ing economy and thrift in the Raight Ris Siars Santa th rd.
JAMAICA SMALL TOTAL He the subjetomed to take up Charaard Altic The tirst race on the card was of economy in 118. The second maten in the Bar.
three furlongs for class bados Jamaica tournament different branches, the first of Fourth race: tu lo gs une which he will probably start at the 225. The following tersen Lauva borsus, in which Candi started to day at about 30 p, next meeting.
The program was wil come in wood, Triible and Tortuga Taniton, the Barbados captam, tria won in the order named; Candle won the toss and sent in the Ja presided over by Mr. Victinad 128 pound; Yoland wou being several lengths muca cieven on a wicket impaired Walters, Chairman of the La 128 pounds: Falero 120 uds; abead of the second horse at WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE Boca. Panama District of the As: No 5: 103 pounds and call 98 by showers of rain. At the start of ponds.
the woning post.
sociation The pool te imags the wicket was very 7cb race: Distance furlonge paid 5:40 and 20 on the tirst duiticuit, but improved slowly as borse and 10 on the second the day wore on Tu ere are six The following ACTIVITIES OF THE GIRLS. use 800.
entries this race Ruck burse. Zape won the is the Jamaica eleven score for FRIENDLY SOCIETY.
Danrer 128 lbs; Stare 127 lbs; second ae rive furlongs for their first inntogs:Super Gina 114 lbs: Dhole 112 Class wative horses and JAMAICA FIRST INNINGS, of St. Peter Church, La Boca. Rngot 113 ibs; and paid his backers 30 for each Five Races for Imported horses Mary Erb 90.
wie lieke Incio Look second Nunes Archer Francis. 8tbce: This is the last race money and Llandro, thid. Morales e Bartlett Skeete. and Three for Native bred ponies For the cause that needs Foster Francis. 10 Thu other tive races on the assistanc For the future the day progam and the event lloring ptuno 12 day programme the distance, th Girls Friendly. Aita Vae 116 lb. Mare a Holte Skeete Browne. imported borges. Included in Suciety of St. Peter by the 95 ibs: Wst Meatn 112; ad this was the third race, distance Martin lbw. Mason 14 ANOTHER GOOD CARD Sca, La Bica, will give grand PU 96, to compet over a dis.
six and one ball tulongs, tor Rae Mason Skeete. 19 cular Concert on February tance urlons for a purse class borses, in when Foster e Kidney Mason, 12 12th, 1925, in tre Auditor of 350.
West Meath bet Yolando for Scotte Bartlett Skeete. of the LA ca first mones.
The poul paid Everybody will be there. Don miss it.
Clubhouse, One of the out.
Silvera Skeete 10 and 80 on the first borse, standing features of the enter The Week News and 300 ou the second horse. Laurence Skerte.
iainment will be a Drama tt.
Bolsheviki won Young (not out)
First Race Starts p. Sharp ned Charity Conscience.
in the fourth race. This was Extras Eight of the young ladies are (Continued from page 1)
for three years old imported working hard to immertaliza hor. es distance tive urlongs their names by their wonderful around Panama city, Balboa and afternoon, Ancon during the purse 500. Pati came in for Total performances that evening on They again joined their ship lato in 80 second money and Minton was ADMISSION: Bowling analysis:Francis the stage.
tbird Toe pool paid 40 and wickets for 14 runs, Browne The major portion of the net the evening The California is due 70 on the tirst horse ad 80 wicket for runs, Skeete Grand Stand Grounds 50c to make ber next stop at Los proceeds will be handed over on the send horse.
wickets for 33 runs, Mason to the Treasurer of the Gorges Angeles on her way around the world.
Io the titth race Super Gloria wiekets for 25 runs.
Mitmonial Building Fund. All with Jockey Scholtz in toe The Barbados eleven started our colored friends who are On scenunt desirous of showing their wil of bis Hulu the close the their innings, and at the close of winning post wie Sally play the score stood at 31 ruus Worthy Achievement.
is similarity of the nates of rommer.
Ris in the second and third ior the loss of one wicket United States of America me inory of General Gorgas, ciel automobile licenses for 1925, place, respectively. This was a that late peer of modern Issued by Panana and the Canai Tarlton Nunes Rae. race for class horse over a scientists, will tind the proposed Zone, respectively, a joint reguladistance of iX and one ball Francis not out CANAL ZONE. You Never Can Tell What tion has been made by the Concert a splendid medium.
furlongs for a puree of 400. Hoad not out 15 Girl Van Do.
The price of admission is municipalities governing the disThe pool paid 50 and 30 on Extras within reach these of plates the torst burse aid 20 on the We have been presented with in the District Court of the Canal Doors open at 7:30 o clock machines Both plates will now second borst.
a copy of a song with the above Zone, Balboa Division. Keep your eys tbus be carried the rear of cars Tae two last races on the 31 titl, printed by the Manhattan columns for more information with the Panamı plate placid The card were the tighin ang ninth; above.
about the preparation now on, municipality of Weather throughout the day was Music Company, 1367 Brodway, the eighth for class Praia de crees fiue of from oue AI ANCON. Lord, fine; cket now much improved. New York, The song, distance five u longs, purse words and music, is the porduc to five dollars for non compliance 300, and thalas. for class The teams rested on Wednesday tion of Leacock, an Paraiso Notes with the new order.
horses over tut same distance the 28th and started on the third aspiring musician of this city. AGNES MULDOON. Plaintiff for a purse of 400.
and last match on Thursday the The name of P Leacock is Over two thousand sailors, from Io the class event Capit 29th, details of which will appear (BY FESOR)
more or less well known in ALBERT C, MULDOON, Defendan units of the United States Atlantic ana, ridden by Jockoy Reyes, in our next issue.
music circles here. He is the St. Alban had toeir annual Fleet that is on its way to bet West Meath and Peti and organ zer of the Musical Art Confirmation service on Wed Honolulu for maneuvres with the took arst motey, the two latter Meeting of West Indian Association of this city and CIVIL 671.
nesday evening last when quite Pcific Fleet, are expected in this Cawe in ot col u and third in the Musicians.
thu Orpheus a few of Red nk ad Paraiso city thiervering and leo to to.
usical Club order named The pool paid or La Buca.
The folks availed themelves of the row evening, on shore leave.
Musical Noice of Pendency of Suit. 70 and 70 on the first borse opportunity of becoming memald 82. 90 UD lue btcold; wbile The meeting of West Indian melodrama Hello New York bers of the Church was ihe victor, musicians which was announced to about Queen Sara of the 1925 Carnitwo years Bishop Morris officiated, aswith Aut Dieta aud On Pan in be held at house No. 18, 15th Rambling Rose cently. Ide notice; That Agnes Muldoon, His message to the newly con her Court, will parade through ago and To Albert Muldoon; take sisted by the Revd. Nightengale. val, it is announced, attended by Stuua and third piace, re of February Street, on Sunday last Orpheus Musical Club stageu a of Ancon, Canal Zone, has filed suit armed as well as to all others Central Avenue today, together spectively borsed Toe pool paid 10 held at the same place on Thurs of our best classic sopranist, of the Canal Zone, for absolute priate for the occasion.
the event tor class has been postponed and will be singlag competition in wbich one against you in the District Court was quite interesting and appro with the Carniv. Junta and the and 60 on the first horse aud day next, February 5th.
Carnival Band. Queen ra will 30 uu the stood horse.
who received her technical train divorce.
The postponment was due prin ing from Mr. Les cock, won the Attendance was best in years subsequently visit and formally cipally to the absence of most of gold medal giveu as the first Now, therefore, unless you the inaugurate several Carnival cenPERSONAL.
srid Albert Muldoon, be and ters. At 10 o clock to night the the thirty two musicians who have prize, appear before suld Court and spent several weeks at Ancon Presidencis where they will be Our friend L:wis LA Moth who Queen and her Court will visit the Mrs. Evans and Miss been invited, only fourteen having We take pleasure in making answer said complaint on or before Hospital is now out, and has entertained by President Chinri Doris Evans, who leit here some attended.
time ago for their home in The meeting is planned for the announcement for the reason the 2nd day of May 1925, then the resumed his Jamaica, on account of the illness musicians only and the aim in view that Mr. LeaCack is one or the matters and things therein stated Paraiso commissary, where he is West Indians.
duties at the few and subsequent death of a member is to organize a West Indian ad composed and presented to the divorce will be granted.
Indians Woo has will be taken as confessed, the receiving showers of health con. busy acquainting bimself with He of the family, returned on Non which is much needed here.
gratulation from his friends. the folks, as well as re organizing day last on the steaship Santa It is believed that there are worus and music.
Isthmian public a complete song SHEIBLEY, We wish him better bealth for things to bis taste.
Marta, The Evans are looking many West Indians here who are Sr, Asst. Clerk.
the future.
We wish bim a pleasant stay the picture of health and repult able to achieve to bis end and a We sb the composer ROBINSON, amongst us, trusting he will having spent an enjoyable time in full turnout of those invited is successiui career in the musical The new M A. Secretary have the hearty the Isle of Spriag.
co opeaation urged.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
seems to feel quite at home with of all were for um his tield Bardie ka every body, playing of on Total.
V8, West
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