
Ionic Lodge No. 22 O, F. Illustrious Star Lodge No. 17 Ir. stallation of Officers.
Up to date Jewelry ALBOA EST EER REWED On Saturday night January 24th last, the officers of the Lonic Lodge No. 22, Independent United Order of Ancient Free and Accepted Mechanics were installed into their respective Offices. The outgoing Mas er, Bro. Smith, IG. handed over the Lodg to bro. HF.
Buchner, PIG and Sir Knight of the said Ldge, as Grand Master: Having accepted the office, he made the following appointments, viz: Brothers: DOsborne, PIG. SK of Loyal Nelson, Grand pu y Maser; Atkins, PI. , Star of Cuians, Grand Senior Dsen; Howell, PIG. of Lyl Felix, Grad Juoi Daon; Brown, PLUS, of Lyol Nelson, Grand Ser tury; Gritih, G. SK, of loyal Felx Grand Treasurer; Waib, PIGSK of Lynl Nel on, Grand Indoor Guad; Fo de, SK, losie, Grand Tyl risik George, of Triumphant Star Grand Chaplain.
The following officers were installed :Bros: Lenman, Ilustrative Gand (Master. Patto pa Masi; Lbhan. PIG. Sely. re electea. Hudson. G)
Treasurer. re elec ed. N o mas Seni Deac D; Freis, Jon Dan; Allison, Indor Giri Wiliams, Tyler; and E, Hurg.
ford, Chaplin The installation was conducted in a perfect man er; and the most impressive part o same was the scene of te Others which formed the Grand Ldze. th nine oitiers, Rat were Sir Knights. th: Edlem and Mantle which they wore on the Occusion.
The installation Ceremonies having come to an end, the Ratuering went over LO the baquet cable a dtieated them Belves to refreshments prepired (is from Labour tu retresh Dents. REMEMBER!
House Rent Receipt Books On Sunday January 18th 1925, the officers and members of the In every form can be seen above named Lodge, along with The officers and members of here at its best jee our the sister lodges in the Preston Unity. on the lathmus, brought Wrist Watches, satisfactios of all concerned, and which will ever belasting Bracelets, momento; namely the Dedication of their Lodge Hall at No. Diamond Rings San Miguel, the Unveiling of their Dispensation No. 17 and a hundred other adorngranted by the Grand Lodge ments and you ll recognize ct Preston England, and the Installation of offices for the why this is the LEADING term January to June, 1925. At JEWELRY HOUSE in town 220p. Brother A Rouget ask prices and you ll find stil! called the meeting to order and after the preliminaries had another reason been through, he handed over the meeting to be her Fuller Jewelry Store A. PI. of Lyal Progress No. 18 of the Order Phone 629 who acted as water of cere 22 Central Ave.
monies for the Unveiling and diction along with Bros. E Campbell. Gibson, L Dentist Howell Alyre, and Watson ail who form h staf! o Grand Orticers for the occasion and who perforined the task HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA allotted to then in a story CANAL ZONE and efficient manner. After the Office Hours. 10 to p. foregoing service tad ben concluded, the meeting was to pm ta ned over by the Dedicating DAILY Master, to Bo Chals Hilaire, o turous Specializes in all the branches Siar Lidge, who performed the of Dentistry.
ceremony of instala tou na with the followiny Grad ticers:Brotiere: Giben M. Campbell, Steret ry Warson, Trestur. is, Callender, Toppio, Alleyne, IG Eastman, Chaplin Backma. Gr nd Tyler.
The Officers installed were: Brothers. Sam Ru, 88 Il Grad Clem Gil, Deputy Mastr Clrence Burcht, PD Secretary 0, Butcher, RW. Cruck bank, Wilfred Brac, Treasurer.
claimed the world over as being Pain greatest enemy.
James Sealey, Tyler.
Multitudes of people use and Rupert Hory, recommend it. Sy veater, Arsistent Secretary, Rheumatic aches and pains Samuel Franeis, Chaplan instantly obey its command and disappear.
After the installation cereIt penetrates right to the mony the eats and drinks were sore spot. No need of rubbing.
attacked, and Loats were de It does its work thoroughly.
livered by the different repre Give it a trial.
sentatives on bebJt of the One bottle will convince you.
o der, the Grand Lodge, the At all druggists and dealers.
Suo Grand Lodge, the King, he President of the public, and absent brethrer. SLOAN which the benediction was sung LINIMENT ud all departed feeling that al (PAIN ENEMY)
good tiu e was spent, AND IT WAS.
Star of Chorino, in calls ufficers.
SPANISH ENGLISH Pain Enemy Order Books On said Way Secretary and Treasurer For Friendly Societies after On Saturday evening January 1015, was the occasion ht los aliacion of otticers of he algaro Cho ili Lug No. 635 10. FLU woen brother Luer Sales Was appointed Mister tu vokstie good Sion to Victrs.
CCL Stewart ani Brer Lowe, PGR. resened wit. a jewis, neu bers in nonor of tier Valu:o. Service to the dxe.
The presence WIS nde by Bro. Lowell. au Bro, Hurly, Following is the nanes 01 Otticers for the present term: Brother Luther Shockness, NG Brother Kerton, VG Brother Stewart and Brother Watson Secretarier.
Brother Lowe, Treasurer.
Brother Shepherd, Brother Corbin, Brotber Jekson, Brother Husband. Cha lain.
After giving the grand Lodge the honor of the evening ail retired to the banquet room where justice was duge to the many good things prepared for them.
Brother Shockoess, Toast Master with his wilty buyings and jicular spirit kept things ablaze until the Wee bou of tbe morning the Asseu bly dismiss with toe Suging of Duxology.
Golden Idol Stolen at Private Academy The Workman Stationery Store CAN BE HAD AT Wembley.
by Day and by Night are The green eye of the Little Yell now opened for the God, Sammer Hindu God little golien For particulars apply on the spot to idol with 300 worth of Indian BARTON, LL.
women ornaments, was stolen from show case at the Indian Principal, Pavilion at Wembley. representative of The su day News was informed AUSTIN CONNELL that the god is only few pounds and is not likely to bring mucn luck to the ihiel Holder of Certificate of the WILKINSON a commercial point of Associated Board of the Royal Academy of Music and the The section in which the Royal College of Music, LonContractor stolen property was boused was don, will give a limited numone of the Indian State sections, ber of pupils lessons on the a and Builder selection of the arts and crafts Piano.
of several of the States. The Apply early. Terms mod.
case, in which many gold and and erate.
175 Central Avenue, House No. 20 silver ornaments. broaches and necklaces, had been placed, was Panama.
Only First Class ones needed 28th NOV, STREET, found wrenched open. acd many of them had been taken out, the SAN MIGUEL thief getting away before the TAKE NOTICE.
APPLY AT robbery was discovered.
The WORKMAN NeweP. Box 411, Panama, paper can be had at the folESPERANZA LAUNDRY.
British Consulate Notice. o wing places: The British. The Variety Store, 76 Street Plans and Specifications Free at Paname, would like to know Chorrillo.
of the whereabouts of one Ignatius Lindsay Place, No. 2, First Class Workmanship Horatius Stevenson Plummer, of Street, San Miguel.
St. Lucia, who was last heard of Guaranteed March, Barber, 55, Calis Light years ago.
donia Road.
Britain is Making Ledly Silent Planes For Wartare.
from view.
Hand Ironers WANTED cable despatch from Lor.
don dated January 13 a bava: Noiseless airpines which will add to the terrors of fu ure Warfare in the way of silot night bomuing, is said to have been virtua iy achievd by Brissh aviation expets Experimente bave been gig on for sometime at the Royal Air Force depots with a view to the complete elimination of noise during plaie tights, and by a new devic. it is aald the exhaust Kases can be prmitt. to secape noiselessly with ut interfering with the lit ing power Adver. ise in the Workman it will pay you plane.


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