
Fine Bargains MONTEZUMA DRUG STORE French Perfumes To Be Selected From Mr. MITCHELL PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1925 63. 63:exsecos SSS 730 Litany, Penetential and address, THE WORKMAN Mr. Osborne Catechiet. 8 St, Matthias Mission Pablished on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen on appilea.
LAS SABANAS WALIOND, at the office No. 33 Central. tion. Correspondence on all mattes (Rev. NIGHTENGALE, Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited.
Priest in Coarse, All copy for publication must be PO Box 74, Panama RP pm Church School written on one side of paper only, and AT THE 30 Everong and Address Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of Mr. Richards, Catechist One Year 240 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica Six Mouths. 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
Three be.
We do not undertake to return reSt. Peter by the Sea, La Boca CD 21.
jected correspondence (American Episcopal. The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights NUIS Quinquagesima Sunday (NOW OWNED BY BENEDETTI HERMANOS)
Matins and addres, 11 am. Mr. B, Hunter)
Church School p. PERSISTENT, GROWING EVIL FINE ASSORTMENT OF Choral Evensong and sermon 7, 30 The Ven Arebdescon Lundy It is an irrefutable fact that in every community there Sykes will be the preseber at this service, is an admixture of the sublime and the ridiculous, in greatA cordial invita ion is extended to all our members and friende.
er or lesser proportions, according to the variety of the populace.
Wednesday bext is Asb Wednesday In Panama, there is at the present time, one of the INCLUDING All our people who are not employees should turn out to the 30 am Service largest and most varied population there is to find in and the 30 pm. service.
any part of the habitable globe. Oriental and Occidental COTY HOUBIGANT CARON. RIGAUD There will be servi e at 30 a. have emerged from the Eastern and Western horizons Toursday and Friday respec ively. Sbal respectively, and met on this thmus, where they were all keep nt? Your Conscieller, if lively, LENTHERIC. PIVER. ROGER. GALLET will furnish you the swer.
united in one common cause viz: the stupendous task of uniting two great oceans. MULCARE, All suitable for making Presents Rector.
In the great rush of migration there has been a deplorable admixing of individuals, desirables and undesirables, who have fought their way to this Isthmus of Panama.
St. Barnabas Church, Empire It is therefore to this latter class that is due to a great AND MANY OTHER ARTICLES Matias and address 11 am.
extent, the vast amount of lawlessness and disorder perChurch School 3p.
petrated in and about this city. And in this connection, we Choral Evensong sod address P.
to day strongly denounce the habitual indulgence in obscene T MULCARE Priest in Charpe language by the lewed classes despicable women particu Tariy of various nationalities in this community, who St. Bartholomew s, Church mike it a practice and doubtless take it a pleasure to give 500: SSXSXSXSXSS 00 590 OS SOKKSSSSSSSS LAS CASCADAS.
vent to any pent up feelings of venom, at any time, and in Moring Prayer nd address 11 a.
any place, regardless of the occasion or the surroundings.
ఇమ 00700400 SEXSOS Church School p.
it is a common occurrence in passing prominent streets Evensong and Addrese, v.
of this city to hear women and sometimes men, engaged in MULCARE Priest in Cbargo, exchanging the bitterest of expressions, and in many instances respectable and law abiding citizens residing St Jude Mission, Summit.
in the vicinities are compelled to retire from balco Matins and address, 11 a.
nies and doorways in disgust of the abominable Church School 30 expressions.
Evening and Address 3p.
Unfortunately, in the majority of these cases, not a MULCARE, Priest in Charge police can be seen around at the moment and so the base perpetrators go scott free But when a limb of the law st. Simon Mission, Gamboa happens to be near by arrests are made, these invariably Litany, Holy Communion ad Sermon resulting in the infliction of fines varying from five to ten at 11 am dollars, which are not compatible with the gravity of the Church biol, offences committed and which, it is believed is responJ. MULCARE. Priest in charge.
sible for the pronounced repitition of these offences.
If substantial fines with equivalent imprisonment Wesleyan Methodist were meted out to every offence of using obscene language, Pansus 11 am Mr Laveis of Colon it is feit sure that the ignominious practice would soon 30 Rev. Wade.
die out and the great risk of having the youthful population cordial invitation to young people inflated with vice would be considerably minimized.
Colon 11 am Mr. Bratbwsite; 7. 30 Rev. Surgeon.
LA Boe 11 am. Mr. Lindo.
NUMBERS AND BRAINS. 30 m. Mr. Walters.
New Providence 11. Mr.
Writing on that most important subject Birth Control WATCH THESE COLUMNS rrison Paraiso 11 a. Rev. E.
which is at present exercising the minds anp brains of a large number of the world most eminent philosophers to de. Holy Communion) 30 Mr. Fuller solve the problem, Cicely Hamilton a versatile contributor Empire 11 am. Rev. Sur to the NEW GENERATION says:geon (Holy Communion. There is one aspect to the population question to which, it sems to me, more thought and inquiry might Baptist Churches well be given by the advocates of sine restriction; the Colon 11 a. Supplied 15 sh.
effect of close herding and numbers on hum in mentality PACIFIC FRUIT COMPANY, INC.
Chup ain Day, and intellect. So far in the world history, the unChorri lo 11 am. Deacon Smith restricted increase of the rice in any given a the 15 pm Pastor Witt.
massing together of vast numbers of men into one comClidonis 11 a. Denson Melo munity has been unfavourable to the growth and protosh, 715 pm. Corporal Flliott, duction of first class intellect: it is, as a rule, the Com.
Red Tank 11 am. Leader Taitk: 15 Deacon Cummings of Empire paratively small or decentralised community that gives SEXSXSSO 300 roos SOS birth to the best type of brain.
Carun 11 a. Suppied; 15 Mise Bortbeuse. Again and again such small communities have risen Empire 11 am, sod 15 p, Desto intellectual pre eminence and left their mark on pos tend to produce a lower type of intellect than smaller com. Church Services con Yearwood.
terity. The city states of ancient Greece, like the city munities. if it be proved, in short, that excessive quantity Pueblo Nuevo 11 Deacon states of Renaissance Italy, have counted for more in is destructive of mental quality. the fact will be of interest Johnson; 15 Supplied.
the matter of intellect. and therefore of influence on to more than the a dvocates of birth control; it will have to AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH New Providence Supplied.
succeeding generations than peoples that swarmed into be taken into account by the teacher as well as the political (Anglican Communion millions. Elizabethan England would have seemed to us reformer, by the seeker after progress, the law maker and Quinquagesima Sunday Salvation Army Hall, provincial in its lack of numbers; but it was not lacking in ruler of nations. The fact if fact it be explains many of St. Paul Church, Panama LA BOCA CORPS first class character and brain. while the Germany of the failures of the educationist and many of the blunders (Rev. Nightingale, Rector. 30 a. Knee Drill.
Beethoven and Kant and Geothe yes, even the Germany of democracy, which is all too prone to rely on its num. am. Holy Communion 11 am. Holiness Meeting.
that brought forth a Bismarck and a Wagner was split up bers, and as yet unaware that millions may mean weakness 10 The Litany. p. Sunday School. 80 pm. Open Air.
into minor states and princedoms that lived each its separ. and not strength. It explains, further, the decay which 10. 30 a. i ly Eucharist and sermon 30 Salvati meeting.
ate life overtakes nations and empires in their prime and points to 128. Holy Baptism We extends cordi invitation to all The deduction would appear to be that the massing an application of the Law of Diminishing Returns in regions 3p. Church School (Continue on page 7)
together of large numbers has a mental, as well as a physi not purely material. 30 Choral Evensong and sermon cal, effect on the race; the human mind, like the human ASH WEDNESDAY Isthmian League of body, is apt to be stunted when it lives at too close quarters NEW PROVIDENCE NOTES Sheremmbterf the Lord supper to am Holy Communion with manifestation. 30 am. The Litany.
of life in that it requires room for growth. The best type of 30 The Litany, Penetential The Isthmian League of I, At o clock in the afternoon, Office and Sermon.
will hold its regular meetiog this brain, for its full development, needs more than trained (By Ou: CORRESPONDENT)
our Suprintendent preached an evening at Geddes Hall; and on teachers, grants in aid and facilities for higher education; Wedne day the 25th a special if it is to exp nd to its utmost limit, it must not be stifled leyan Superintendent of this Circuit The Rev. Wade, Weg. excellent serinon to a representa tive coagregation.
St. Alban Church, Paraiso of this latter district and also of meeting at Paraiso: the members in the atmosphere of millions, it must not be cramped by visited New Providence for the It was a thanksgiving service CANAL ZONE.
Red Tank are hereby summoned mere numbers.
first time on Sunday the 15th hell on behalf of the Household (Rev. A, NIGA TENGALE, to attend this meeting. The above statement need not be taken as proved; it eood congregation, his text was organized 18 months ago by some inst. he preached at 11 am. to a of Faith Union, little soclety Priest in Charge.
is put forward diffidently, as a suggestion rather than a taken from The Acts of the Apos of the church members and of 45 a. Holy Communie rmon JAMAICA PAPERS, statement. But submit, all the same, that there is enough tles; ch. 1, vs. 6, 7, and 8; His which nothing is known outside of Holy Baptism 45 a.
evidence behind it to make it worth consideration by the very interesting and instructive New Providence; but our little Church School and Confirmation clase student of history and the student of social conditions. For sermon was listened to with mark society has already accomplished The DAILY GLEANER and p. WEEKLY HERALD can if it be proved eventually that an environment of many ed attention by every one present. much in caring for it sisk met 30 Choral Evensone, address at the Variety Store, o be had millions is unfavourable to the production of first class After the morning service, the bers, etc. The was taken ASH WEDNESDAY Street and at House No. 115 brain power, and that large aggregations of human beings Superintendent administered the (Continued on page 8) a. Holy Commuion Calidonia Road, Panama City, Barossxsssso Is up the Coast and will have a great deal to report on the Prospects of the Company when he returns.


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