
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1925 PAGE FIVE Attractions at the Theatres Per.
CECILIA AMERICA in Rave has pipers for half an hour.
Was bous.
hereby was long and awaiting in suspense ATLANTIC SIDE Successful Function the verdict, We subscribe ourselves: Your bumble and obedient ser COURT MIZPAH PAYS TRI.
OF COLON BOYS LEAGUE Representative si Wednesday evening INSTITUTION Alter the reading of the full complemeat of Past Officers address, adressed His Exceand members of the Ancient Reports on his visit to Panama, llency or about 15 minutes and (PANAMA)
Order of Foresters assembled at (COLON)
explained to bim the object of their Court Room for the pur my mission told him pose of conducting their regular On Friday the 13t at 10 a established a Boys Institute in TODAY. Saturday, Feb. 21st and TODAY. Saturday, Feb, 21st and business, and concidenta ly of we left Colon for Panama on the year 1920, for which, during TOMORROW. Sunday Feb. 22nd TOMORROW, Sunday Feb 22nd giving Bro. Babington Simons the R. train. In all there its incipiency, had to labour in Ramon Novarro in and Senior Trustee, were 78 Boys and in yselt. Many order to support those that were Pola Negri in brother who has been identified THY NAME IS WOMAN persons gathered at the Colon under my care. did this for MEN with the Court since its inception Station to See us a Fore terie caption in Honor oft. two years without any recogalarrived in Panama at 11. 00 a. tion from the general pubic I: MONDAY, Feb. 23rd MONDAY, Feb. 23rd of sierling Services rendered and were mt by Commander was then that Mr. JD. rose Gloria Swanson in the Court from time to time and, Harris of the Panama Institute mena took Irene Castle in up Gwernment THE HUMMING BIRD alen in admiration of his return with his Band of music.
After position in Colon and after bad NO TRESPASSING locking in the pink of condiarrival we formed up before the explained my aims to him be tion after an extended vacation Railroad Station where over two appreciated ins efforts and TUESDAY, Feb. 24th TUESDAY, Feb. 24th of alm a year. The greater thousand persons were gathered was properly recognized; and Special Cast in portion of which he spent in his Lon Chaney in then ordered the Boys to play through his instrumentality native land, Dem rara, South THE SHOCK LOVE HONOR AND OBEY the Panama National Anthem, now ceive monthly denations America. Primarily the after which short of 50 from the Panama Lottery interest of his health. It adaress xplaining the purpose and the Colon Municipality, res WEDNESDAY, Feb. 25th WEDNESDAY, Feb. 25th mentioned in passing that Ramon Novarro in Ramon Novarro in Brother Simons been o nyin. The Bind then pectively played airs around the My monthly expenses are SCARAMOUCHE THY NAME IS WOMAN conspicuous by his absence in from 450 to 500. Your Excel he Magoiticent Provoce for for the past couple of decades At 12 o clock we left for Liency may desire to know fron the other THURSDAY Feb. 26th more or less. ca where a bearty welcome where recive THURSDAY, Feb. 26th appeared to Dave Benetitted much by the awaited us. At five o clock we support. sad, We are living off Pela Negri in Geraldine Farrar in charity explain ask for left for Paratso, where we held a donation from the Canal Zine change of scenery MEN THE RIDDLE WOMAN dance at the Clubhouse, which and the city of Colon. Some About 30 pm. the guest of was well attended. The peop e the evening announced and there were mneb surprised of the Boys are occupied in Elbowiug the wated requireFRIDAY, Feb. 27th FRIDAY, Feb, 27th hear how well the Bays played. selling newspapers and the most ment. wa ushered into the Court Irene Castle in Special Cast in On the tollowing night we held y earnings are from the proper where a stately welcome NO TRESPASSING another dance at the La Bica Bands of the Institute, which LOVE HONOR AND OBEY accorded nim, the Sunday ring we the public have greatly patro Chief Ranger delivering a lively address to which brother Simons ift for Panama where we attend nz have a great problem before me, and that is the ed church services at 10 a. SATURDAY, Feb. 28th SATURDAY, Feb. 28th suiably replied problem 10 15 we started for the pro of the Wayward TO BE SELECTED TO BE SELECTED Subsequently brother Presiden Palae. Hundreds of girls in this Republic. showConway, R, on behalf of people followed us thr. o ou ed the President that our Court 9198 presented the brother rifvall arrang the boys in country is uasale when we have for a Past Officers jewel; on o de Our Bond then struck up not women of good character and account of seniority in member.
tu Natio na Athem after which that if the men with better unship Bro. Toussaint PCR the Presid: caine ut und dersanding do not step forward was specially chosen for the Rave us permission to enter the and stop the lawlesness, in the investiture wbich duty he pe palace.
futur way look down with formed with exceptional credit.
The o lowing opening address rumore; that all nat ons vas The other items on the agenda were greatly accelerated in which was wrier, was hand through the cities of te Rppu to Comanor Harris, who read the place should be Order that the feast of reason same to the President: prepared and this acid and the flow of soul might come test. Continuing said, am into sowo.
Puma City appeal ng to You IN THE BANQUETING RALL 15th February, 1925. Exe lleny as a father of this The lige square table was To His Excell ney, Don Rodolfo Bepublic, and whose mind know be umingly draped and Chiari, President, Republic tou charitable to let this petipse with many nice things, of Panama.
on return to me void. ask that Your Exellency do all that lies every Hvable space having GREETINGS: in your power to secure a home been occured strong repreHon. Sir: Ore in the life of for the wayward girls of this sentation or kindred Courts were each individual comes a time Republic evidenc Febwing the exwben he considers himsel In reply the President said he nt diners rved, Bro.
Williams Was Rreatly boncurd, through a had heard about the Institute unanimously codition forced upon him or bat never took it as seriously ILoved to Chair as toastCreated by himself. Jugt go do he does now, that Governor master, after relating at length we tbe Oficers and Members of Aros mena had sent him letter object of the gathering the Colon Boys Institutior and he has a fuller promptly assigned toasts to think it a singular honour, and its act vite. that he will leave (Contioued on page 7)
the refore fuel an unprecedented nothing undone in order to belo joy, approac your Excellen in the prograin but before doing cy to greet you, as the lather o he will send his secretary to of this Republic, instilled by our inake an oficial visit to the But it appears as if these girls are patriotism and Iyalty to the Institute and report to him somewhat lonesome in the lines of land where we are at present o the President request our you people endeavour, domiciled, and of which nearls 78 ys and three officers were have just as many young men here all if not all of us. boast Citizen dunited into the Palace and soft as we have young women and ship drinks were stributed among with exception to the very few who Through are connected to some reliyour unswerving he Boys and champaigne to the devotion to the gious body the others are entirely principl. ofices.
of absent from the stage of young jastice and fairplay Want marched to the Nathe ideals you promulgat dtional Police Station where the people endeavour. It will not be MADE IN very long before these head.
that overtbrew the canker of Band played the National Anthem and discord, thuod received great applause from FRESH SHIPMENTS RECEIVED quarters will have dozens of full men out of these young ones, but elevating you to the present the officers and policemen.
DIRECT FROM NEW YORK WEEKLY distinguished position as con. We then left for the Railroad in the there will not be much trollor actor in the destiny Statiep where Commander Harris ambition. The quastion is whether this nation at this era; have addressed a great crow on behalt this deficiency which is sure to come about will have been promade it possible for us to portray of Panana and Colon Institutes.
moted by the parents who spek our conditions, trusting it may After this the time arrived for Jie in your power to belp us, and our de departure on the train back to keep only the young women in hoping you may so do, to Colo.
she straight and narrow way, and leave the boys to pick up expe.
we are at To much praise cannot be this time rience in the theatres, billiard struggling to keep our heads given to Commander Harris and rooms and jazz dance halls!
the Waters, but the his Buys who did all in their pow.
current of depressions are ler to making our visit a pleasant cum now more than we can bear, one.
Next Friday night, the 27th we are therefore imploring Our expenditure for the trip to inat. the La Boca Panama Dis.
you to send out the life line of Panamaouned to 110 and we trict of the Panama Canal West progressive salvation.
collected 50 at our last meetLadian Employees Association will mi ing at Delesseps Park.
hold their community night proThe tides that lead to a gram. It is desired to lay stress on degenerate elemeat have ship to one of the towing locomo: tew appropriate remarks thank: CANAL ZONE NOTES left us, so we tind it still imposthe COMMUNITY sible to strike out for ourselver, News Notes tives on Tuesday evenng last the ed the glvers for their token of communiues, Panama and La in the fields of endeavours and 17th, thrown into lock chamber appreciation.
Boca, should know that these proand drowned orportunities He sailed on the following day The Wesleyans of Colon are grams are arranged once a mouth for his home.
La Boca Pars. to help then to have heart to The malestron of mora! preparing to hold their annual heart talk with hustands, wives, decline that had erstwhil Sunday School outing in Gatun Sunday school scholars of the sons and daughters. We must learn enveloped us, have now got our on Monday the 23d inst. a lively Cristobal. Colon Baptist Church (By the Scribe)
sisters in their terrific embrace day is anticipated.
are to enjoy their anual outing to take more seriously the question Having to leave before the end of our increasing population and and while we are making appeals the Mount Hope Water of the program, did not see the be brought face to face with the for ourselves our cries in their behalf, and for humanity sake sewing class for girls of 12 works on Monday the 23d.
Wanderers Meets Kent young lady who sold me a ticket fact that we must be properly fed, years and over has recently been necessitate speedier actions. In Friendly Match.
for the Girls Friendly Soriety clothed, housed and be prepared formed in connection entertaiment on the 12th, in aid of for the rainy days. that we et Will you help those who are Colon Wexlyan Church. This clase Farewell to Father Barnes the Gorgas Memorial Institute, must have some recreation every striving to make us all men and met for the first time yesterday On Sunday last, the 15th a pay the leading role in a par icular now and then; these questions are women of standard, by tru evening at o clock. Mrs Surgeon friendly match was contested at Special took part of the program Visiting of.
co operation and assistance in and the lady teachers of the Sun Christ Church by the sea on Gatuw between the Ketof color secular intertainments here where can be serious at the same time, their earnest endeavours. day School are in charge. Toesday night the 17th when the home team batted first and the young ones of the gentler sex but nearly all of us can turn cut Will you strike the keynote in congregation said farewell the history of their lives by to the Red Father Batnes of was dislodged for 48 rans with play in the prominent parts or to the cominu. ity nights solving the housing problem, and Interested residents on tho Earle as top score at 10 Wander play these parts exclusively, one spend two or three hours which we New Jersey, who Long. in any other way that lie in your Atlantic side are disappointed at Loma Bereche mbered consulted rers replied with 87, Gale 34, speaking the bexperience. Frankly will ia no case bave cause to it seen having spent. This is power, in the taking part successes in that field? ington to rch Colon up to the a day mission in this church Clarke 15, Reid 12.
in these programs; ja once a month affair a giving Th: match was a lively one and they are found mostly in about two weeks ago. During the fouly two hours out of seven We know you are too big heart present time, the course of the service two much enjoyed by all.
audience yelling whenever the bundred and twenty a month, ed to to let us plead in vain too rugs were presented the Revd.
girls appear on the stage. One for a bit of serious contemplation charitable to let our appeal go Meagre details to hand are to gentlemen on behalt of the Rent Receipt Books in Span must, therefore, certainly appre working committee is arranging and deliberation. real bardfor Daught.
the effect that an employee on the congregation in appreciation of the girle to the program for next Friday night Trusting that it may lie in your Gatun locks was hit by a cable his helpful discourses during Ish and English for sale at theciate the efforts entertain us every now and then. Continued ou page 8)
power to act in our beball ere which be was making fast from a the mission. Father Barnes in a Workman Printery SMO LUC STRI idea of EYE e of strife Sir, above and not 28 our near


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