p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY FEBRUARY 21, 1925 OUR SPORTING PAGE Speak bustle IN Heading West 99 Desperate Youth Was Races! Races! pay a fine of arringe Toy.
again won Good Races. Last Sunday Races. Wenn and the Black Cross Navigation Tomorrow Races EXCELSIOR THEATRE (Continued from page 1)
Another attractive race proThe Grandstand at Juan Franco race trak, as wll as all made by the local branch of the gram has been arranged for THE RENDEZVOUS OF THE WEST INDIAN CREAM)
UNI to entertain him available space facing the popu It tomorrow afternoon at Juan was well advertised that Garvey Franco ark. And in addition lar turf, presented an extra kay should app arance on Sunday afternoon the Ward Theatre to this, tomorow will be the at TO MORROW SUNDAY FEB. 22nd last: there were hundreds of TONIGHT, SATURDAY FEB. 21st on Sunday night last Saturday people to be seen in the bustle eame, Sunday came, and the boat second day of actual carnival!
latter event in itself aud and there were did ont turn up. message was The SPECIAL. CARNIVAL GALA SHOW received that the boat would be spells another record kreakhundreds who sat comfortably, taking in the events, one after The Beautiful WITH SPECIAL ATRACTION here on Monday That day also ing crowd on the turf. Then the other.
The well krow star came and went. Meanwhile the HOOT GIBSON Booker The greatest event of the day Washington was there will be the same numwas a five furlong for th pick GLADYS WALTON held up in Havana by the eartain ber of races as on the preIN of cla A imported horses of the Port who placed an emb ago vious meet eight five for the Foinunto Handicap in on the vessel because of debts went imported and three for native which by the Black Star Steam bir Co. horses There will not be a th Burlesco, crack der of the Ayacuch, Derby On Tuesday morning the boat repetition of the Fomento iu Pera last ver, beat bis It is another of the many good steamed into Kingston Flocs de. Handicap, but there is going tield of tight borses, setting productions of this celebrated movie corated tre Georal w. to be a great race between new record minute ad man. Come and spend a real time.
Goethal as she called Manua 128, Dad 116, Frou secin. Msoua aud Did toon arrival here She was dock dat second and bird place, resp. cti This is one of Gladys corking Conffetti and sepentine. Also a good the wharf of Messrs. Lasrulles de Frou 112 and Super Gloria Ly. Many lieved that ou comedy in two reels, the funniest you success. It is filled with thrills and Mercado Co, Ltd account of the winner link Irge 9o. This will be the class have ever seen. Special music for crowd gathered in lower church event for imported horses, Bbsence fron the track he would sensation. Also a good comedy in to night, Street and everybody got the and the distance will be not have come up to expectation; two reels.
shock of disaprointment when it and, there were only 252 ou Come and have a goud time for a minimum te. was certain that the head of the fu longs.
of 206 straight betun ticki 18 A. Wis not a passenger on There are also four entries 8010 on him. Burlescu prior the vessel.
in the class event for mance on this occasion again number of officials of the loos! native horses: Almirante 128, indicates that he is in a class by branch of the Association boar le Rialto 114, Peligro 105 and biwell and will be hard beat the ve sel and met the Captai on local track. He cleared bis Successful Concert Mr. Jacob Hiorth.
Zapā 88 distance furlongs.
tild and overcook tbe fast Among the passengers wa Miss The other two races for Manu, and Dad in the fourth Henrietta Vinton Davis who is native horses will be a fiveTurlong and won iu splendid form Th Secular Concert given by well known here and who is staunch supporter and officer ni furlong dash for clase Apart form the fiuen hun the Grls Friendly Society of horses in which there are the I, and collas of the two ltious a St Peter Church, La Boca, at the Clubhouse, on the 12 Garvey was arrested in dollar purse, Rimo Albin , was a prenounced success.
New entries: Zipi Zape no, Super York on a bench warrant on Zapo 110, Sheik no, Bulis Wuer ut he winner, Wednesday evening of last werk. 106 and My B: 76; and pesert with th President Quita a large audience turned He will serve five years in prison another furlong stretch for Cup, rou wbich later Serv. ut to enjoy the splendid proand a chau pa gae to bis friend gram prepared by Mrs.
uleare JUAN FRANCO TRACK dollars After serving his term class horses in which WWSLIS. Tu DI paid the President of the Society. At he will be deported to Jimaica Ruso, Fermin, Tigrill, Dona 14 90 a 530ou the in. 15 o clock the chairma the The Appeal Court upheld th Urraca and Terrible are book.
LUI. 70 ib: OM Riv Mul are welcomed the TO MORROW decision of the Federal Court and ed.
nu 10. ine third Burlesc Jinca, and explained the the arrest of Garvey was orderd was ridden by Jcky J2 Durpose of the entertainment Sunday, February 22n 1, 1925 All the enthusiisin and arra who also rude on the Ayacu after which he announc the Chileno, in the class ments for the reception of Mevent for imported horses, chu Darby.
opening item on the program Garvey fizzled out when it wwill caray 128 lbs, Super Glotunne lor class rousing Chorus by the Senior the four iscovered that the potentate ria 114. Bick Dancer 122, Dative rest of the items was dispatched members of the Society. The did not arrive with the beat.
horses with c. ador and WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE Ras 120, Starry 120, Glad Landlewood tak stcond and and Juniors) of the Society, but not only by the girls (S niers Knight 117. Sasafras 113 and third place, respectively. Toe also by a few live wire lids of NEW PROVIDENCE.
Amur 102 over a five furlong po il palu 40 and 280 on the St. Peter Church. ably did stretch, while Dhole, Amur, first borse, 20 on the second deliver tbe Tigre, West Meath and Antoanu 100 the bird. This was the young folks the first ace on the program (Continued from page 4)
goods, that when the Chairman nieta will compete in the announced the last piece, the from Col. ch. part of the 23r turlong class event.
The second event was a five audience shouted The last piece Five Races for Imported horses iurlung race verse, Be not moved away from 1or ciass alread. Go on! But it was 11 the hope of the Gospel. The Nine entries are booked for native horses purse 200, ana o clock, and so after hanking the and Three for Native bred ponies ervice was attended by several class imported horses Luis was won by by Perky, kind friends for their patronage, members of ththe Nationa. and over a distance of five furwith Jockey Quiroga in to the Chairman called upon then the saddie. Reuown came The Urion Baptist Church sa longs. West Meath will carry in to unite in singing the grand old second and Zapo toird.
son son America. Thus was members of the Union wore ANOTHER GOOD CARD mull rosette made of white ribbon. 20 lbs in this event against In th third event, Dbole, tak brought to a close what everywith pink in the centre At this 104 in the class event, ing a lead from Awur in the early body considered a very pleasant service an address of welcome was and will ran against Alta Mae wib with the dear of read by Bro. Markham, and and Capitana 132 each, Yoapparent ease. Amur came to St. Peter Branch of the Girls Everybody will be there. Don miss it.
presented to the Superintendent landa 92 and Mintoi 128.
The Friendly Society During the reading of the address, pool paid 20 ana 2 90 on the the members of the Union stood Fulera 128, Cicero 126, first borse and 50 on the First Race Starts p. Sharp Plaudellia 114 and No Se 103 Grand Easter Cantata Under up.
second borse.
The Superintenden replied will stage a competition in fourth race was over a Way at St. Peter glowing terins, and welcomed the the class event for indi tance of six fun oogs for class Union as an anxiliary to the ported horses. native borses, and it was To our numerous music loving ADMISSION: church woo by Ma, uj, with Jock y friends we take pleasure in The address is as follows:Quiroga up. To poul paid 60 breaking the good news that our Grand Stand Grounds 50c Rev. ER. WADE, and 10 and 80, respectively, large Choir has begun THE WEEK NEWS to get on the second and third horst.
ready to trest them to a Grand Rev. and Dear Sir: We the Capitana, with Jockey yes Cantata on the ev ning of Thurs(Con inued from page 1)
in the saddle, repeated berday, April 16, 1925. The title of undersigned officers of this church, performance of the previous the Cantata is The Carpenter ind of the Household of Faithhe La Boca Tennis lawn on week by winning in 6t furlongs of zarete. The characters will Successful Student. CHIEF WATCHMAN COLONY Union for ourselves, and all the Saturday terminated in a win Inflicts Nasty Wound on do extend to you for class imported borses be sixteen in number, and will Miss Miloent Wynter wab mmbers for La Boca. The home. the fifth event of The day in be coached by Mrs. T given a diploms, she having satisDavid Fox.
party welcome to New Provi team one minute and 24 sec nus. Mulcare, who is also training the fied the examiners that she has was represented by lence; ours is the last society in Clunes, Agad and The pool paid 70 and 50 on Choir. Look for further infor completed her elementary studies the Circuit to enjoy the privilege the first borse and 84 20 on the mation to these columns about and is entitled to a scholarship for Chief Watchman Colony of the of your first visit as sucrinten Jump: Red Tank by Myers Becund borse.
this lovely Eister Treat now profession either at the Normal Cristobal docks, on Saturdaylent, but some of the local Prea and Small; Gatun by Brown under way at St. Peter s, La Institute or the National Institute. morning låst, the lathe instries sterling ability; and we take this Spalding and Prescott.
shers have told us about you and Harper and Cristobal by Boca, and get ready to be the Mi Wynter is the 16 year old about o clock inflicted a grieva first it the Clubhous: that night daughter of Mr. P, Wynter. ous wound on David Fox, sbip opportunity to assure you of out Canal Zone Notes to enjoy it.
The Panama Canal colThe young laty was born at Bocas watchman of the Cristobal loyalty to the church of our choice, del Toro in this Republic and due, it is understood, to the the Wisloyaa Methodist church.
lected 893, 056. 56 in tolls We wish to assure you that Deleg: tes to Fifth Convocation at the knowledge ved one wors at cup of coffee as it was against the turing your stay in our midst for the first fifteen days of to Panama city years ago with refus out (Continued from page 5)
Spanish She attended school in rule of the Company you will have our whole he rted the month. The and it is to be hoped that the La which will be uplift vessels. The average daily Bora Community Hall will be fill. George and McCarty (st: trained at the girl school, Santa Colony a proached Fox for the matter Messrs. B. Hanter, Jamaica for years, and was ic It was about o clock, when operationicaud wupport in any amount was paid by 199 ed to stunding room on that occa Peter Church, La Boca) Mr. Ana and completed her studies at coffee in a manner not very court to the creuit and whole; transit was 13. 26 and tull. a church people, sion Lest you for et, cut out this Johnson (31.
Barnabis: the Argentina Republica in this teous and Fox refusal was met whether spiritually, morally or 59. 537. 10.
paragraph and paste it in a cons Empire. Mr. Daley. St, city.
by a sharp bow. free exchange picuous place so you can see it at Bartholomew Las Cascadas. o blows followed, and Colony left intellectually.
least ten times a day. The even Mr Joe. Brath waite (31 Jude the ship. Two hours later he yourself and family a Samuel Whyte, Pre: ing program will be interspersed Summit. Mr. Ford. 3t EMPIRE. NOTES, returaed with a sharpened knife happy sojourn on the fathmus off of the Panama Canal si with songs and instrumental selec. Simon s, Gamboa. and after hunting down Fox on Paname, and we sincerely The St. Barnabas Chapter No. board, slashed him on the left side hat your ministry here nay be Indian Employees Associa tion, is expected to arrive Personal 2345, of the Brotherhood of St. wound about inches long and of the abdomen, inflicting atong, successful and enjoyable.
The education of our children from Kingston, Jamaica, the Commander Watson and several Paster Joseph Thrift of the Andrew installed its officers for it New Providuce is a problem to early part of next week, of the Boys from the Colon Boys Criatobal Colon Baptist Church, the year 1925 on Monday nigbt partly disembowelling him, League Institution were our guests First aid was given by the ship be solved, we therefore ask your for two days last week. The who entered Accon Hospital last iost.
Iostitute Band gave a dance at throat is doing well and expects performed in praisewortby was rushed to Coloa Hospital, which is of so very much impor Celebrations in honor of week, for an aperation on the The installation ceremony was doctor and the unfortunate mankind consideration in this matter, tance to us, and to the rising gen the birthday of George the Clubhouse on Saturday night to be out of the hospital soon, but manner by Bro. Palmer, where he is still lying, eration.
Washington will be fittingy does not hope to be well enough The following are Colony was later arrested, and the newly We remain, Rev. and Dear Sir, carried out on the Canal Zone My second experience at Juan to preach for two or three weeks.
installed officers: John 00, is now out on bail.
Yours ia the master service, tomorrow.
Director;J, Sealey, Vice DirecProminent la Franco was on Sunday last and it tor; Daley, Secretary; Sigoed)
nama officials have beer was much like my first; if it con. DR. HOFFMANN tinues like that on my third, a Royal. Treasurer; Coristo: British Consulate Notice. 93. Markham, Nathan invited to take part in comThe British Consulate General ſuroer. Ada Hinds, George Daley, memorating the birthday eritical observer may be ble to Has removed his clinic to pher and Scott, Committees.
This chapter has the proud ot Panams would like to know of Bobert Ferti, dobit pea suamWashington, who walay the book by my facial expression when trance between Mascota chapter on the Isthmus, having Gainer, age 13 years, a native of pebruary judge the condition of my pocket No. 39 Central Avenue. En distinction bote being the promover the wherebouts of one Clarence Doris Rusell. Anita Peart, Susun tirst President of the Unite riding home in a Juan Franco States.
aad Chong Kee Store, Special.
been active since 1913.
February 18, 1925.
The fourt ing us We wisi tions.


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