
British Trade And Finance Up to date Jewelry 1920 21 DA DRE ALBOA EST EER REWED discomfort somewhere. It is quite natural, therefore, to find certain uneasiness about the return to a gold basis anong traders and industrialists. Many of them are frankly afraid that in order to bold sterling exchange parily we shall have to raise money rates here and bring about a serious dellation in commodity prices. With the memory of the terrible results of the great defletion in still fresh in their memory it is in every form can be seen Datural that commercial mea sbould feel some besitation about here at its best See our the phenomenon. It is, however, by Wrist Watches, price fluctuation must result; Bracelets, wbereas on the other band the benefits which will accrue from Diamond Rings the restoration of exchange stability are definite u Impor. and a hundred other adorntant. In spite of the dots and fears that have just mentioned, ments and you ll recognize the best judges in the City of why this is the LEADING London remain convinced that JEWELRY HOUSE in town ha the re establishment of the gold standard is the proper policy for ask prices and you ll find still Great Britain, and that tbe another reason psychological moment for taking the decisive step is fast ap proaching, Fuller Jewelry Store 122 Central Ave. Phone 623 Successful Concert The Sacred concert held at the Dentist Howell REMEMBER!
House Rent Receipt Books Be Prepared for that Pain SPANISH ENGLISH (BY LEONARD RED. wrote in my last article of the large za of the sarplus of imports in Britain overseas trade, and of the doubts which this was raising in some peoples minds whether the improvemet in the exchange vaiue of the Pound sterling rested on sound enough foundations to make it safe or wise to attempt to return to the gold standard in the near future. This import surplus rose by 134 millions in 1924 and reacbed a total of 344 millions It is instructive to compare the position with that wbich existed before the war. In 1913 the import surplus was 134 millions; last year balance of 344 millions expressed in 1913 volues may be taken As about 250 millions. Ia 1913 we ID abroad, in the form of foreiga and colonial issues in London new capital market, about 160 millions, which at the prereot level of prices would be equiva lent to about 275 militons: where as such lendiogg abroad in 1924 amounted to only about 125 millions. It follows, theretore, that eren it all our called Invisible exports. sucu same as before tbe war we could contemplate without disDay an import surplus about 150 millions larger than before the war. But it is certain that invisible exports have grown.
Without, therefore, going into further details of this some what cun plicated problem one may claim that, formidable thongh the 1924 iinport surplus of 1344 milions may appear at first sight, it is fairly certain that the rol balance of trade. fter all items bave been taken into accoun)
is to some extent at least favour able to this country, and that toere is nothing in the present trade position to cause alarm in conction with a return to the gold standard.
Since the problem of the hour is a return to parity between the British Pound and the American dollar, it is also of imporiance to see how much of this growth in the trade balance is due the movements in the direct trade between Britain and the United States. Final tigures for 1924 beariug on this question are not yet available but on the basis of bine mouths figures, supported uy such details as are given by the ordinary monthly figures, it apears unlikely that the import surplus in our trade with America rose by moro toan 25 millions in 1924. The chief contributor to our greatly risen impor surplus is Europe, whose growing power of export were a feature of the year, and a featur, surels.
woich holds good promise for the fu ure of the loternational trade volume.
We also imported om Argen Lina much more heavily than in 1923 There is therefore no particularly alarming movement in the direct trase between be Wo countrita, Turning back to our trade as whole, there are reasons for thinking that the import exce: will decline in the current yeır.
The rising prices of foods uffs aud certain raw materials led in the latter half of 1924 to abnormal forward buying, and stocks in this country are now in Cases exc ionally Jarge. In such cases purchases at road will decline. Secondly, such increase as took place and it was very considerable in some cases. in our imports of leading raw materials to the last few months of last year is likely to b) reflected, after the usoal Interval of months, in increased exports of the manufactures of which these raw materials are the basis. Similarly a stimulus to exports should develop it due course from the great increase in foreign money balances in London during recent months Tais increase must be regarded 10 some extend as a refix action afier the flight of foreigo capital from London in the autumn of 1923; and it is not thought that the amount of money placed ber: by speculators with a view to the improvement in sterling exchange, wbieb may be expected to be removed again when stering reaches parity with the doilar, is very formidable. Thus in whatever direct in wamy look, no really serious obstacl to restoring the gold standard is apparent But of course so large step raises a lot of important pioblems, and, whenever it is takin, there must always be the risk of its causing some degree of Order Books Secretary and Treasurer For Friendly Friendly Societies (PAIN ENEMY Dight the 16th, came off very successfulis. Quite a large cou HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA course of people wathered about CANAL ZONE.
the tine appolated to enj y the treat that was so carefully pre Office Hours: a. to 1p.
pared for them. id there was to p. bot one disappointed in their opinion, except that many re DAILY ceived more than they expected Specializes in all the branches The Church was filed to to in capacity, and thorough behaviour of Dentistry, urevail through out the e tir programme. The crowd on the outside was about equal to hit alike, enjoyed themselv. to the fullest.
The The programm was nic ly arranged with 33 items, und there were two a 10111onal items added, which gav ciating pain instantly every one a surplus, and was really enj y if you will only apply It is quite dificult to mention SLOAN LINIMENT any particular dividual, as every one of those who took Sloan Liniment is part, did their share up to its pain greatest enemy, mark, as was evidei cel by tbt and is backed by 40 years audience Quite a fe items were of success the world over.
encored, but, on account of the It is an invaluable remlate bour fast apr. chinx, it was edy for quite impossible to kiant the Rheomic Statica requests, but it is howed that Sore Throat Backache very soon, each one will have their desire tuloiled in the very Sprains Bruises, etc.
Chest Pain best form.
Stiff Neck Many thanks are due to Mr It penetrates right to Smith, wbo not only did bis pa tho seat of trouble, as was requ et but acted warms and soothes the right along for many of those nerves and tissues, banwho rendered vocal selections, bu ishing pain.
doing the accompaniment, to Try it now.
which all are quite grateful. At all druggists and It is certain, that there are dealers.
Done wbo attended this function regret the hours spent, save that SLOAN they could have ruent dete longer time, in listening to usb LINIMENT talent as was di play d, and that the hours certainly fled too quickly.
The Chairman spoke strongly of the young ladies who recit d, and especiaily the Mists Niles. 2) Cband er, Krot and Web (2. and encouraged them, as LIBERTY HALL young people to climb to the 29 Street, Panama heights, and never lo down.
waid, but ever u ward. He ENGLISH CLASSES encouraged their parents and guardians ti watch them by Day and by Night are diligently, and always keep them now opened for the in God buuse.
It was a great disappointment Summer to almost every one on bearing for particulars apply on the spot to that Mrs. Williams was unable to be present, on account of til BARTON, LL.
health, but is hoped, that on the next Principal, oocasion, all will have the joy of listening to her.
numerous other service toward this good cause at any. and bave pledged the Holder of Certificate of the same, and in the very near Associated Board of the Royal WILKINSON future, those who were bindered Academy of Music and the from witnessing this programme, Contractor will have the cuance of doing so, Royal College of Music, Lone and at more accommodating don, will give a limited num place.
ber of pupils lessons on the and Builder Elder Francis, who acted as Piano.
Chairman, in his opening Apply early. Terms mod.
address, spoke in glowing terms 175 Central Avenue, House No. 20 of the support and co operation erate.
that he is receiving from the Panama.
28th NOV. STREET, that entire public, and said, though some individual or indiSAN MIGUEL viduals are spreading news ments as correct. Cheers. around that be is not working vote of thanks for those who on any building funds, the said denied themselves of Box 411, Panama, individual, or individ u sls could appointments and came to add to other go to the land Agºt and find the program me, and the singing out it his statments are true or of the Doxology and Benediction who translated the first ed evening to close; receipt on the option paid on the with a hearty smile on the face First Class Workmanship uilding, from Spoieb to of each aod every individas.
Eoglish, for the benest of the with the bope that they be Guaranteed membership, to verify his state soon called again.
Private Academy CAN BE HAD AT also many The Workman Stationery Store talenter that are willing to render AUSTIN CONNELL time.
Hand Ironers WANTED Only First Class ones needed APPLY AT ESPERANZA LAUNDRY.
Plans and Specifications Free Andreris, le beurt borti stede den Monat brought to long to be remember: Advertise in the Workman it will pay you


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