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State on Says Ex Secretary of An The Gleaner the Tour of Jamaican Cricketers to amicable settlement 2nd inst has been reached between tates, the a fire voeurred in the Return From Trip to Jamaica.
Little England.
the Chiefs of the San Blas atthe youth eastern corner of Barry City at 15 00 Saturday morning Indians, who led an uprising and Dyke Sts, ping out comple: SAYS BATTING OF VISITING TEAM SOUND ISLANDS 100 PER CENT BRITISH. against the Panama officials tely the building that was known residents in the San Blas as the Crown Bir Section, and the Govern The alarm renched the Fire Bri: The Bar adas Agricultural Re cricket was also livlier.
10th instant publishes the follow that the geographical situation of tor being Doctor John Galso by a fire alam sent by Actingforier iiits issue of the 2nd ulto Mercier 32 was the most interne The London Telegraph of the British. It is only fair to observement of Panania, the media. gade Stati. y motor says:ing feature of the innings. Going the islandis, being much nearer Corpural Aitke, at about twenty the visit ing: the Jamaica Crirket in seventh wicket down, pe at o ce The majority of the members of America than England, from South American Minister to minutes after With all des paten, tean, 10 at and is now a thing oppnelis limbs and treat eyes ciation delegation who left this point of view, rives to the form returned to Panama after his call, te find the pl re well in the the Isle of Springs are at this time He hit up bis 32 in less than 20 country early in the New Year on natural and inevitable advantage first visit to the Indian terri Brip of the this on their way homewirt We muutes and it included sever si to ihe West Indus, re but this act in no way as a deter.
rent to the loyalty, patriotismlory, but again mate the southern and It wils then alight on the regret that the matebes playet jours, western sections were al untinished and conse ich and indeed. would say anxiety trip back to San Blas to act cluding bir bir At the conclusion of the match The delegation The hosa wis quently hard to be declared drawn chances of the West Indies to as mediator by the Right Hon. Thomas under the British flag.
the put on, and within three quarters dr. wn cricket matrh or game of taken by Mr Perce Tirin, alier photographs of both teams were Panamanian Government and fun lour che ilumes werd under any sort is not decisive way of when Mr. Nunes, the Jamaica ex Coloni Secretary, and chairhuin of the Assoration, was drawn In a speech made at one of the the Indian Chiefs. Secretary control.
setting a contest; and we kipper, to a crisp speech, returned from both Hous of Parliament, many functions. we attended of foreign Affairs Horacio was omewhat remarkable thert. jority or sportsunen both in thanks to Barbarlos Cricket come on ho it dasses of politics someone foferred to the posible Alfaro also journeyed over that sie adjoming buildives to the art or a wawe will agree witte nd the island as a whole opinion were represented the sale of Jamaica to Ame ica, ich.
it for the very kind recept on givea vula tin ve been better to have them.
Vit followed a sely on a tour course, did rot treat seriou ly: to Porvenir by air, while south were seved, lauks to the with us we state efforts of tle Brigade, in keeping of South Arica masle by members but in my reply said there was Judge Francisco de la Ossa, the shinglid root wet the whole played two matches to a finish thin of the Assortion in the autumn only one phrase an actioner of the Superior Court of time.
Un have played tiree uoleciird The visito siled by the of last year.
couli use, and that was There Panama, accompanied by The building which was destro contebes, One wo. naturally k. Resnik on Saturday night for bome They carry with in the course of interviews with 20 no momey in the world large Rodolfo Perez, assist wir ed NC 32 Duke sc. was ehelly to have been in a position, at the thuis to It cuariuion of the toui, to discuss tam brick and tired, and carried to the superiority of one team over hvor vi pleasant recollections of representative of the picaly Teleo audience an opportunity of reveal to the Chief of Police, went Ev ryone of them Sr. KJ Boothby, P: did the unmistakeable way oh yesterday, Mr Thomas and ing their sentiments, which they over by steamer.
upper corey to the back of the theater, to whichever country expressed his pleasure to have bar, where here were terants, who wucht am may bave happene to been able to make the visit and emphasized the value of such CONFERENCE AT PORVENIR. burely escaped with huta viels, amb importance of Par Another advantage of visit of their blotixings the fire www. but as the maths were spoke in glowi terms of the Intentary printatives making was that it enahl us to see bow The conference between wollent showgt, forniture diwedi firuly of aportion juvate ume they spent in Ili inselves per oually sequinte foolih it is to as ume that the the Panamanians and th and everything went in he blaze. ing with justice the superiority of Barbados the beter team must be apparent with the titlement parts of the world can be xovroed on one Indians was held at Porvenir, sir. mpon in neat CAUSE MYSTERY.
Methomas referred exact model or that capital or the seat of Government in Empire to every enthusiast who follow the lite speen presented Mr. George utopisti terms to the hospitali labour conditions can be viewer The bar was closed around One thing, however, was made ds ud a ir of gloves for his progress of the three mitches. Chaenor with a bit, or of Mind My Boothby discussed the got to deal with things as they agreement reached wis wit vlept on the lower floor of the chat our friends the Jamaican mn Ost behalf of the who upon the delegation, purely from one aspect. You have the San Blas section an the el ven o clock, and the barmui ty quite That is the fact 237 oot out, and Mr Prev Good in ortance of improving commu are, and no experience that we nessed by Doctor South premise She and the tenants le mne over here prepared to playClub prescuted Mr. LG Hosid Pickwick mations and transp it farantie had of our ecolonie orsiti could News of the settle nen, noie and erekling but none were taught to fear he kiant Bimour, in the third rate, abr ve were all awakened by the phill crieket. rhev bud teen wice a dat for his score of 150 Dos this rountry and the act. guide in mitter of this lodian Islands.
kind. In other woris, things had which was signed by able to shed awy light on the origio ad at no time did they let then Mr, Thu 28 lost no time to be seen first hand and dealt Secretary of Goverment and of the tire.
seves out with that freedon sod Justice Caribs DZ and in getting, Dekto is official with accordingly.
The. under In case, bura of ernfidence in one The dvocate of February 2nd In conclusion, Mr Thomasosid Secretary of Foreign Affairs, pector GU, when our presenta five called Uily House, he tribute to the wonderful receptie Horacio Alfaro was adi stene, as also the Detective Lure an admi able bating side, TO THE EDITOR.
there Detention the wo superiority or equality. They published the following letter:w busily engage in making and epit»licy which is accorded hun self fully acquainted with ll the delegation Everyboiy vietoel from the Cleves kept the peeniors that gathered of the team, with one or tw balos, will you kindly perigit me, spector Mr. Hanlon, and try with searcely a tail; any membe Dear Sir. Bofure leaving Bar plus of her ruilway situ tion with each other in piving us their land at Porvenir. Inciuded arou d, in order exorptions, being capable of pro which wveloped best, sided; quite sur in the absence. Y, he said, in and the whole of my colleagues return ment, the Givernment as stated before, the premis uueniginis fity or sixty runs. Their throng the medium islowned by Mr. Andrade, buwling, however, due not impress all the members of the abertsoa iq as to his health. with the same impresionany said to have agreed to per and is iusured in the commercial us as being above the average a cricket ae. our appreciation of pper, express, ou Jannie.
much better, for alth ugh we had ties of friendship and strengthen shotgurs for hunting, but! The building carries, it is sals, the matches, we are pleased to be everybody tiere. em vai to svom very and visits du much to remen the mit the Indians to keep their Union of which Meers Careil. whole itay Lave us ou xil the very sincérieur present Cargill on are the Agents of good crocket and throughout many kindneres shown to us by a rough passage, HOT as the the true spirit of co operation at the same time will mainWatter wns concerned on the which is, and must always remain tun in policy for 4, 000, while the able to say, the true sporting spirit the outward voyage San Blas all the great bulwark of the British the fixture are in uted for 106. was always present There were s ould like to thank you and e fect of removing for the time, Constitution.
sticials necessarry to sup The bar wan run by Mr. d Compleuenit incident and we the Press generally for their very and hope permanently, my eye port the authonty of the derbun and it ko note the Jamaicans are as satisfied kindly criticis nu Xolleus But it is quite obvious, whether be carries insurance on with their tiur as we are, Distance reports of th: Datobes.
be a jded with sig, itcant glance at Ten Thousand Doliars (Continued on page)
his stock or at aw the inconvenience of travell. We take buck with us, nothing tie documents pilet about his ing accommodation may reuder but pleasant collections of our dek, that have come back to Asked for Cruel Boatother tour improbable for some visit, ami will look forward to the pley of trouble?
ing Up, THE WEEK NEWS IN BRIEF time to come; ye nope that we shall in the not dis Sud He will tave th: pleasure of time when your tea u will visit us Speaking of the tour generally, natuture enjoy the opportunity re:urning in soine small wr the Mr. Thomas said it had again tremendous Suit was filed in the District The Onan dag. the President Ebert Wis a latest on sirength of the great splendiu huspitality showa to us as ons ry such as the Empire Paris Hiltonebey Mesra Rosalie Greaven a world fained auto nubi e 1 he was a socialist. He was power, influence, and advantage of Court at Anconom. Priday 2016 first ship, of Henry Fori, the sa. idler by trade; politically be with our uorthern frientis.
Sine date states the following:of Paraiso, against James On Janury 31st the cricket Yours sincerely.
mentary Association Mottley of suid town for adminis sufacturer, passed through considered a must able leader tournament between Barbados COX, It throws together (he said) uring to her beating that ren the Panama Canal on Sunday in directing his country, at satu ca ended most plens utly Manager Jamica Cricket Train members of all parties, wodur. dered her unconscious and then by last with a load of machines without serious complica rul successfully so far as Jamaica The Ice House, ing the voyage itself, freed from knee ine on her bick with her face and parts for Los Angeles and tions, through the year, ful is concerned The visitors came party us and thrown into com downwards and continuing this San Francisco.
paucibup by the very nature of cruel bating of Mrs. Gross Ik wing the World War, to mere with the intention of drawing 31st January, 1925.
bons are compelled to discuss until a friend had to intervene within fours inonths of the not will and atter they have sren truose ratcheswhich they could matters in an entirely new atinos. and rescue her, as all ged in the piere atid spirit. am perfectly complaint filet in the cause Military Police of the Canal next Presidential election, the excellent batting and perform. SIR CLAUDE MALLET is certain that these exchanges of not own when this case will be Zone, it is learned, took to especially for the fact that ance wt te Birimano team in the views are of incalculable benefit to tried as thi. re are certs in periods camp, from Ancon Avenus, the monarchists of Germany art watch, they reali ed that To Arrive Hore To day the nation. Such a trip haled that must elapse before the issues a badly injured soldier during were not in sympathy with a hould not wio either of the enables one to see at first hand are placed before the judge.
miches. They therefore settled the early part of this week. Hohenzollern ase director of their intention of drawing the time was the themselves down yo Reliable and pleasant informs Greeaves claims that she was the soldier is said to have mary of the probleme with which received by us yeswe are faerd. The exrhange of and representative compelled to seek medical aid and were terday, that Sir Clau de Mallet, successful in deing The Britis Minister to Montevideo, people of Jamaica and our own she also had to be sent to the been injured in a brawl the destiny of the German rem ining matches Ancon Hospital for service a couple of among legation was in itself of im. days to get medical attention in afterwards weather condition were ideal will arrive ere to day on board died from the throughout the inntnameut, and the RMS Oropeso. et. se Value Wilst a all the wickets were perfect with in prossin of Jamaica would lead order that she might get some effects of the injury, it was relief from the pains which she earned later. coloured man named exception of that of Saturday is We understand that Sir Claude One to suppose that his it is very says she suffered and is still John Zillers, said to 00 have 24th ulimo, on which Jabate rrinaiu in this city for about tea wny to England and will largely, if not predominantly, been a under American influence there suffering.
She therefore claims damages to Jamaican, droppeu was bowled out for 80eir days.
can be no shadow of doubt when tirsti nings of the second match.
of one We wish him a pleasant stay Following an operation for dead on the roadside thousand once you meet and talk to the the amount The final mtach yesterday was bete for the few days.
people of all sections and classes dollars.
appendicitis, President Frie tween Empire and Paja on He brought to most interesting thut, ulthough American capital dich Ebert, first President of Tuesday morning last.
close Jamaica contiued their British Consulate Notle has been used and have no Maeting of the German Republic, died Was un his way to Panama second inuings and having knock hesitation in saying very wisely in Berlin at 10. 15 o clock on from Paja, apparently. His ed up a score of 255, ibeir skipper used, to the advantage of AmeriThe British Consulate General The Isthmian League of British Saturday morninglast, accord body was taken to the Canal de clared the innings closed at 10 ca and Jamsior the sentiments West Indians will hold their regu.
and feeling of the people are in no lar monthly meeting in Paraiso on ing to cablegraphic informa Zone morgue fur post mor pm at that score for the loss of at Panam. would like to kuowered right wickets. Their rate of scor the whereabouts of coe Hubert way jutluenced by it. To use an the Ith inst. and in this city on tion received here on Sun tem examination.
ing was somewhat faster than that Gardner who is wanted at that America phrase, they are 100 e. the 21st.
day. continued on page 8) of the first innings and their ofte.
your of be all of had 18 not trouble we express the here, Views between so men. He nation.
first be

    EnglandGermanySocialismWorld War

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