
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1925 PAGE THREE THE LUCKY STRIKE, FATIMA, PIEDMONT AND VICTOR Contest of 100. 00 1st Prize 25. 00 15. 00 Prizes of 10 2nd. each 3rd 10. 00 11 Crossword Puzzle No. 19 12 13 414 15 17 18 19 20 اون 22 123 26 33 57 39 NUM 41 143 44 45 HORIZONTAL cigarette in a million. Rows, 11. printed Journal.
13. Royal Navy. Abbr. 14. Endowed, 17. continent. Abbr. 18: Possessive pronoun.
20. An eternity (PI)
21. Science (Abbr. 22. An order of mammals, 24. Yes (Sp. 25. To grant the temporary use of.
26. To barter.
28. Plays boisterously.
29. Good smokes.
30. viverrine carnivore.
31. Obese.
33, Mimics.
34. To accomplish.
36. Lone.
37. Limited (Abbr. 38. To uncover, 40. The organ of hearing.
41. Behold.
42. muffled roar.
44. Tantalum (Abbr. 45. To give a command.
47. resident foreigner, 49. The kind of tobacco used in No, horizontal VERTICAL Exacting. Presiding Elder (Abbr. Anger. serf. Opens (Pest. National Aca lemy of Design (Abbr. Township (Abbr. 18. succession of connected things. Pl. 10. One who interrupts the course of 12. To enclose in alcapsule.
15. dower.
16. One (comb. form)
19. Discolored, 21. person not specifically designated.
23. Margins.
25. parlor game of chance.
27. To consume.
28. Rights (Abbr. 30, Gait of a horse, 32. One whe rules oppressively: 34. barrier to check the flow of stream, 35. sphere.
38. whirring sound39. Ardor. Fr. 42. Portuguese coin.
43. Masculine name.
46. Deo volente (Abbr. 48 Iowa (Abbr. Next Saturday Crossword Puzzle No. will appear, and a new one each Saturday thereafter, contest ending April 11th 1925 Don forget to attach ten empty cigarette packages of Lucky Strike, Fatima, Piedmont, or Victor with your name and address plainly written on a separate piece of paper to the crossword puzzle when mailing to us.


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