
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1925 GENUINE MANHATTAN SHIRTS The American Bazaar observe the provisions of Article 429, but it remains for EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION or SO GERMAN SHIPPING THE WORKMAN An Excel ent Opportunity Lacrease Through Panama Canal Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen on applica.
For the Next Seven Days During the calendar year 1924 WALILOND, at the office No. 83 Central tion. Correspondence on silmalles Avenue, Panama, de of publie interest invited there wire 165 transit of vestli All copy for publication must be of German registry throueb the PO Box 74, Panams written on one side of paper only, and Panama Canal, wiiba combined Panama Canal net tonnage of Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of 728 317, on which tolls of 666, One Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica 450. 09 were paid.
Six Mooths 20 tion but as a mark of Rood faith.
Three We do not undertake to return reIn the satististics of traffte AT SPECIAL PRICES through the Panama Canal durbe jected correspon ence.
ing the calendar year 1994, by The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JONUIS na orality, as published in THB PANAMA CANAL REOORD unde SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1925.
See the Big Display in Our Show Windows.
date January 21, 1924, it may ba en that Geruan shipping rankALLIES AND GERMAN ARMA Select Variety of Patterns. Complete Asortment of Sizes. ed fou this number of transita, tuodage, cargo during the MENTS.
past y car, being exceeded only by vessels of Voited States, Specially Priced for the Week.
Britisb, and Japanese regletry.
The Alied note to Germany presented in Berlin on German bipping througb the January 26 was short but not unimportant, for it stated Canal has grown ropidly during in a nutshell the Allied attitude in regard to the Cologne the past four years.
evacuation and formed quite an effective retort to the at In order of importane as to German suggestions that the Allies had been guilty of a number of, transits and volume 01 breach of faith in continuing in Cologne after January 10th.
tonpage, German shipping thround the Canal Ianked The issue has centred on Articles 428 and 429 of the thiru eoth in 1921, sixth in 1922, Versailles Treaty. Article 428 of the Treaty provided, fo ditto in 1923, and fourth in 1924 a 15 years occupation by the Allies of German territory At present, the greater part of west of the Rhine, together with the bridgeheads. Article the German shipping through 429 provided for a progressive withdrawal by the Allies the Canal is hendl by three PANAMA. COLON from the occupied area, beginning with the Cologne area hoes, Z. the Hamburg American, the land Line, and the at the end of five years and extending to the Coblenz area smos Line. The principal at the end of ten. The condition for this progressive withtrade routes covered by German drawal, however, was that the terms of the Treaty should vessels are between Europe and be faithfully carried out by Germany.
the west coast Norih and Sath America, the South America The note contained the definite promise that the PANAMA CANAL WEST INDIAN Church Services trade predominating at the Allied Governments, for their part, intend scrupulously to Drent time. PANAMA CANAL RECORD. AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH her obligations, to restrict the occupation in the manner contemplated by that (Anglican Communion)
The full report of the InterAllied Commission of St. Paul Church, Panama What doing about this very important matter of co operation (Rev. Nightingale, Restor) Taken III With Sore Throat Control which will soon be available will enable the Allies to inform Germany what she still required to do to enter into this is the third month of the second year of the Association exis am. Holy Communica tence, and it has enrolled but a w hundred of the nearly 7000 of you 10 am. Matine a state of grace in regard to disarmament.
Accoriing to your promise during the latter part of last year, we are 10, 30 a. Hly Eucharist and sermon ham, England dated February cable despatch from Birming xpecting to see a majority of you in this year.
We have no doubt p. Church School 28th States that the Right Hon.
Mr. Asquith Becomes Earl of Oxford.
hat you will make good this promise, but we think you need to be 30 Choral EveBonk and sermo vid Lloyd George who was reminded. As January and February are bad months for money, The Rt Rev. James Croik rris, force to take to his bed with a having to clear off the commitments of the Christmas month, we did D. Bi bop of the Di ret. sore hont nfier arriving here Wedreddy, and Friday Holy Com Saturday to fill a speaking eng According to late London correspondence, Mr. Asquith not expect to see many in then; but we think all is fair now, and munion at lle Litany at 30 ment, spent a comfortable highs acceptance of an earldom has given very general satisfac recordinuly present you this little reminder.
tion. He is a gr at statesman and there was hardly a man We do not consider it necessary to repeat here the old and well. Bolek and Confirmation Clase imme reported tha his temperature was im. Wedne day Evensong at 730 and his physicians this morning nesring normal. He will however of any pa ty who did not regret on personal grounds the known reasons why persons of like interest should unite, because you diately after.
be unable to travel for several defeat he suffered at the last general election, Even in his re quite familiar with those reasons. If you had not seen much of Every davs. Dame Lloyd George con tituency his successful opponent expressed deep regret co operation in the West Indies, you have surely seen it here expected to arrive bere to day.
that his ow victory should have been the means of depriv her group is uniting to day for the attainment of its common wel. St. Alban Church. Paraiso CANAL ZONE.
CONDITION IMPROVES ing the House of Commons of such a notable figure, Itrare even the San Blas Indians, who have been at last told to say was an open secret that Mr. Baldwin, inmediately after the that the Negro is objectior able to them, thus making it a plausible (Rev. P. NIGH PENGALE, Birmingham, Feb. 24 The Prieet in Charge.
condition of Mr. Lloyd Ceorge who election, hd ask Mr. Asquith to accept a peerage a xcuse for their challenging the authority of the Panaman Government graceful and a rather typical gesture. Mr. Asquith apparent over them. We should not continue to go through the world with our 45 Holy Communion od sermon was taken ill with ore throat here Saturday, was improved to ly thought the matter over while on a holiday in the Middle yes and ears closed. Remember the Russian proverb, The non 3p. mn. Church Sohool day. His temperature now 18 East and an expression of a personal desire, by the King whservant man 80 through the forest, and sees no firewood We oChordal eldreomone, addre. normal Hix throat still is ca twing Evensong addrere Wednesday some is that an houour should be accepted tinally decided Mr. need to see our firewood (our opportunities for advancement) in the evenings at 7:30 during Lent. hopeil he will be fit by to morrow Asquith mind. It is pleasant to know that the title Earl doings of others around us.
Mr. borne. Catechist. to resume the trip interrupted by of Oxford is one of great antiquity and distinction, and Look at the fight ihe gold employees have been making since bis indisposition that when it was revived in 1711 it was bestowed upon 1915 10 years, against the payment of rent. Look at the tens of St, Matthias Mission anther distinguished statesinan, Robert Harley. Moreover, houounds of dollars they have spent and are still willing to spend in Oxiord is the University which meant so much to Mr. his fight. They are not dis nayed by even an adverse decision LAS NABANAS JAMAICA CRICKET Asquith himself, and afterwards to his brilliant sons. There by the highest court of the land. That character of the right sort. Rev. NIGHTENGALE, Priret in Chaga Could certainly be no more appropriate title. people who can fight with such determination is justly entitled to Up to Intercolonial Standard ASQU! TH IN 1914 very measure of success it might enjoy. At least they are worthy p Church Scbool.
415 Evenrong Under the Caption Odds and Mr. Asquith has been associated with the House of respect. He has rights who is strong enough and willing to Mr. Richards, Catechist and Ends the Weekly Guardian Commons for nearly forty years and succeeded Sir defend them.
states the following Henry Campbell Bannerman as leader of the Liberal Party. This is the kind of fight that this Association has started and Jam ica has demonstrated by a position he is expected to retain although the House of intends to carry on with the help of all concerned of course, to win Wesleyan Mithonist Church the matches with Barbados u hay (BRITISH CONFERENCE. he cricket is quite up to the inter Commons duties involved will continue to be undertaken higher appreciation for ourselves as persons and employees, by Mr. Lloyd George.
colonial standard. That Barbados Mr. Asquith held many oftices of regardless of our race, color or citizenship. We know from history Pons It. Mr. H. Walter has not eve edeł in deteating state besides that of the Premiership, but the climax of his as well as from observation that we are not more oppressed than 7; 30. Wade.
Cha 11. Mr SK Walters; is distioetly to the credit of Jam ien in the two tuatehes play career was reached in those days of terrible responsibility very or her group (each has at some time or other been an underling. Jamaica. Before these results bad immediately before and after the outbreak of war. Writing but that we shall be the only rmaining oppressed groun, as long as 30 o. Rev. Jurzovn.
Lu Boeu 11 been obtained there would afterwards of those memorable days, Mr. Winston Churchill we fail to unite and exert the required force to free our Ives. If we described Asquith as being steady as a rock. It was not Inre to be paid wages principally on the basis of the service we render, Ked (Gols Communion) p. Me been few cricketers in Is Colong Reid who insensibility to the vast tragedy involved but his unbreak. and not according to our race, color, or citizenship, or the standard of Providence 11. Rev. predict that Jamaica would dra able courage and sense of rectitude which enabled him to wages being paid in the West Indies; if we are to get the privileges Surgeon wo matehes against strong siden handle unprecedented responsibilities with so strong and of other workers in these surroundings; if we are to be respected and PR:180 11. Mr. Aial;7 rood of West Indian cricket, and in Barbados. This is all for the sure a hand. During the war Asquith lost his eldest son apprerinted as other groups; we must get together and work in me. Theo, Fulier will help to ke rivalry keener, Rayin nd. youth of brilliant promise and with many the right way. It might be many years before we get them all; Ela. Mr. Harris and improve play.
of his father great qualities killed in action; and of his iyut as sure as the day succeeds the night, if we work with Let other sons, one became a general, lost a leg, and thrice intelligence, patience, and determination, they will be won.
Salvation Army Hall. Bethlehem Church earned the Distinguished Service Order.
ng see you show up like men with backbone this mouth. He Mr. Asquith presence in the House of Lords will serve want to make THOUSAND NEW MEMBERS this month.
LA BOCA CORPS to enhance the importance of that Chamber; and though its If each member will bring iwo ji will be done.
5, 30 Knee Drill.
calm may befit his years and quality of mind he will miss At the The 1924 members are also requested to bear in mind that this Hories Meeting close of the Divine the House of Commons only less than the House of Com is the last month of their financial standing. The annual subseription put. Sunday School.
Service tomorrow, a company ot mons will miss him. His heir is his grandson, the eldest. 100) must be paid no v, to keep them financial for the next 6x0p. Open Air.
the members of the above named 7:30 lvutio meting.
Churcb bas arranged to jorney boy of his son Kaymond.
12 months We extend oordi invitation to all over to Chiva Chiva for an openYours for co operation, sic service, as to the regu, at (Continue on page 7) of the meubers of this Church, Night Clubs in London.
THE PANAMA CANAL WEST INDIAN which reside in that district.
EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION Britisn cosulate Notice. miguel, at 12. 30, nd Buss leaves The Charen in Drastic action in regard to undesirable night clubs WHYTE, ELLIS, was urged upon the Home Secretary by a deputation headed returns to Panamas President, Secretary, Tie British Consulate General This request has long by the Bishop of London. It was stated that many of Box G, Balboa Box 658, Balboa, at Patata would like to hear of been made by those members these institutions were largely frequented by men and Fobert Smikle, native of and the time bas jas: Come, that women of bad character and used by them as snares to Jamaica.
toeir desires sbould be fulSlled.
trap unwary and adventurous youth. The Home Secretary manner the effect upon the conduct of such places would der Francis, who was up able to attend to any of his expressed his desire to get rid of these unpleasant excres be salutary and would in no way interfere with reasonable TAKE NOTICE duties for the past two weeks, cences without in any way interfering with the legitimate enjoyment of the members. The proposal seems eminently will be again at bis post on freedom of the individual or reasonable forms of amusement reasonable. Englishten have an inherent objection to Sunday, and will also accompany All contributions intended for the company to Chiva China At present, as the law stands, police may not enter such restrictions or to grandmotherly legislation, but no reason clubs without a warrant, and evidence to justify such action ably frequenters of night clubs could object to an occasional publication in the Workman on and re open school, which is is hard to obtain. He inclines to the belief that if the police and unostentatious visit, in their interests, from a police saturliynst mach che office no Monday morning at the closed during ibat period, on later than mid day Thursday.
were empowered to drop into any such club in an informal officer.
usual is ventured to in


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