
British Trade And Finance.
Up tc date Jewelry DI DI ALBOA EST EER REWED to investigate the question of food prices, and naturally this body has given much attention to this movement in wheat. It is not thought that the rise is over. good deal of the surplus lelt over from the 1923 barvest will be needed to make up for the deficiency of tbe world crops in 1924. Moreover Rassta and Eastern Enrope is buying strongly, instead of selling. Nevertheless, there is an clication to think that little in every form can be seen later in the season when fresh than sources of supply, other here at its best See our. become available, unsteadiness is likely Wrist Watches, to develop in the wheat market.
For the moment leaders of the Bracelets, wheat trade in this country emphasise that they are powerless Diamond Rings to influence prices and can do Lotbing but follow the course of and a hundred other adornthe Amer. can market. The rise in wheat is not, however, indioa. ments and you ll recognize Live of a general rise in prices why this is the LEADING It is in fact excepcional. At the JEWELRY HOUSE in town moment the general tendency of commodity prices is to remain ask prices and you ll find still stable, or even slightly to another reasondecline.
Fuller Jewelry Store Martin Wins Fame 122 Central Ave.
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toat House Rent Receipt Books SPANISH ENGLISH Well Doer and (BY LEONARD RED. London, February, 1925. The eblef interest in the tinancial and economic sphere to this country in the past week or W) has been provided by the anual meetings of the krat Joint Stock Banks. Occasio is taken of these annual funetions by our leading Bankers to give to the world their views on the leading financial and economic problems of the day.
This year the question of an early resumption of the Gold Standard by Great Britain claimed the major part of their attention. The problem of course is tans ided, and so S9 great a step naturally gives rise to a host of conjunctures as regards its effects in this direc tion and that Therefore it was to be expected tuat one or two Bankers should strike a note of mild anxiety. But a perusal of the entire series of the Bankers speeches reveals something Very near unanimity in the Banking world on the two poicts, tirst that Britain must get back to the gold basis as early as possible, and secondly that the Psychological moment for taking the detinite step is fast approaching. Mr.
Goodenough, the Chairman of Barclay Bank, one of London largest institutions went solar as to urge the Government to make aa announcement of their intention to do their part towards getting back to a gold basis; and, indeed, a statement in this sense is rather confidentiy expected from the Coanceller oftae Excoequer before long.
The present expectation iu private financial circies is that when this statement is made, its keynote will be it is more the business of the Central Banking systems of America and Britan tag of the Government, but that the Government fully approves the policy of a return to gold, and on its part proposes that a tree guld market snill be restored at the end of the year, when the Desert legislation regulating god export expires. Mr. kinalu Mckenna exubacultor of the Exchequer, and Chairman of the Midrand Bank 4001ber of London leadi Culcernogave a long and lucid deletice of gold dard, aid to a long array of economie arguments in its lavour, added a Biroug argument on oral grounds.
Tue passage is perhaps, Worth quoting. in the present stale Ot knowledge and teeling one of greatest advantage. Oltre guld standard is its moral effect. Dation will think butter of it.
sell, will almost regard itselt as more honest it is currency is convertible into guld. The tear of being forced of the 11 Blandard acts as aulary check on the extravagancsot Guvera ments who is willing to tace more fluctuation to exchange but would not dare to buspend socie payment. It is real advantage to a nation to have a currency founded upon a valu wolch is universally recog Dised; it inspires coandtace auu facilitates in te nauutal transac tions. Even if the gold standard were not preferable for other resons its universality would be decisive in its lavour. It is Uw generally tok a to be a certainty that England will be back on an trecuve guld standard in the comparatively near futur So absorbing was the gold standard problem that the Bank chiarmen left themselves little time to talk of ouber matters.
But in so far as they referred to the trade outlook their tone was one of reasoned, if restrained, optimism. This is encourag ing, because the Bankers bave their ficgers on the pulse of the country economic life, and are the first to detect signs of a quickening movement. The most confident in this respect was the Chairman of the Bank of Liverpool, who said. feel towe contidence in expressing the view it at we are at last emerging from the uncertainty and depression of the last few years, and that, given freedom from industrial struggles and strikes, a steady improvement in trade may be looked for.
Bat, as sbowed in a recent article, the development is SO far banging fire. strong rise in wheat prices, which bas raised the cost of the lb. loaf to 11d. in Londonthe highest price for some years is a keading toplo of di cussion. As it happens, Royal Commission is now sitting Order Books Deurlblloan Challenor There Secretary and Treasurer For Friendly Societies No, said a member of the team to a Gleaner reporter who met him on tle streets yesterday HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA afteri. con cannot permit you to quote my name in inter iew CANAL ZONE.
as it has been arranged that our Office Hours: a. to p.
captain shall give out a statement to 6pm on behalf of all of us, covering DAILY our trip to Barbados What do think of Barbados standara ol cricket? It is a very Specializes in all the branches high standard indeed. Their bat Dentistry, ting is very strong. George Chal lener is the finest batsman and have seen quite a few good batHe is a player of the highest class steady, patient, and determined Tatilton, would rank with our best. Their Lowling is also better than ons The Parbadians wickets?
They are ditferent from oursmuch slower, and on the field on which we played there is a strong wind which Llows across the wickets all the time.
This troubled our trundlers some what and is undoubtedly an ad vantage to the native bowlers who know how to take advantage of it.
DR does more to drive away We were tre ted rigit royally pains and aches than any other known remedy; that is met a real sporting. cwd why thousands of people the They are very keen on cricket in world over call it pain Barbados and every day lay enemy.
was largely ittended by an enthu. Rheumatism, sciatica, stiff siastic crowd. Eve the vitls came neck, sore and tired muscles, lumbago, neuralgia, neuritis, with their score card to record sprains and bruises are inevery run made everv run made stantly relieved by Martin has proved himself one SLOAN LINIMENT of the best batsmen in the West None legitimate without portrait and signature of Indies, and some people in Bar bados would rank him next to the incou parable same folks average that Martin is At all drurgiats and dealers.
the best all around cricketer in the West Indies, and they cannot SLOAN understand why he was not sent LINIMENT from Jamaica as a member of the (PAIN ENEMY)
last West Indian team to England. The Barbadian leave for Trinidad on Saturday to take part in the intercolonial Tournament there. They are going to Demera.
ra in September and hope to come to Jamnicu sometime next year. LIBERTY HALL feel convinced the visit will benefit Jamaica cricket consider 29 Street, Panama ably.
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