
USSETT NYERS TOBACCO CQ SAN1401 PROF. INYANG you in case you are suffering Chesterfield and Mr. Interesting West.
ceased provided serve, Mr. Wight.
Mr. Wight: But am asking The best Tonic in the World wh tber you have writen it on a peace of paper. want no distur.
bance about it. am likely to oid for it.
Mr. Cannon: am very pleased This elegant ſonic preparation is highly recommendto hear tbat.
ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Mr. Wight: Jf my bid ba pens to be ibe bigbest for Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up a. e you going to let me see the a run down constitution, reserve and let me ve it for tbat?
It promotes digestion, impeuves the appeMr. Cannon: If your bid is the site, and gives tone and energy to the whole system nigbes! will submit it to the Court for directio.
DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or times a day.
Mr. Brassington ioquired if he was the highest bidder and puid cow ODCE whether he would be given immediate control.
Mr. Cannon replied that be saw no objection to that being done provided aufticient security was given the invited bids for the business as a gulug. con Cero BIDDING STARTS AT 20 000, Great occult. Latest master Mr. Wight started the bidding with an oer ut 20, 000 and Mr mind of South Africa. Master Chesterfield is an exceptionally fine cigaW. assink ton bid 25, 000 rette made to please even the most critical Mr. Gomes, jar, ben of er of nystic science. Can help ed 30, 000 aud Mr. Wight fol smoker.
The finest of Turkish and American tolowing with a bid of 31, 000 a king for a list of the bo debts.
baccos are skilfully blended to produce a Mr. Cannon replied hat the in love, in business or other affairs perfectly balanced cigarette of highest qualbook debts aroounted 16 958 and ity and most pleasing taste.
handed a list to Mr. Wight who of human interest.
remarked ibat it was a peculiar procedure to sell book debts Consultatior, in person or write for price without giving a detailed list of them list. Strictly confidential Mr. Cannon said he could not supply a list of the debts.
Address: 206 129th St. New York City, Mr. Wxht: It strikes me you can give us nobik.
CIGARETTES Mr. Cannon: You can only get it at the end of cember. of finest Turkish and American tobaccos blended wakes will be ex communicated by Ing with remarkable frankness, Mr. Wixbu: Wo will have to him from participation in the told the Grenade Council he was be e intented suppose. sacred rites of the Church. convinced that there w18 00 Bidding was then resume, Thiu is a bold step, which we recessity in a place like this for LIGOETT MYERS TOBACCO CO.
Mr. Webber offering 31, 500 are in a position to state, bas the Goveroor, por a Colonial Wight 32000. Mr. approv of the majority of his Secretary or a bigbly pald ner thea credea bis bd to Parishi ners, but Canon Quick Administrator. Further, there 32 500 Mr. Wight jumping at bas the nerve to think for bin. 18 no need for thre Chiet 35 000 Dr. Gomes then did self and according to the dictates Justices in the Windward 35 300 and Mr. Wight offered of his conscience; ad he is firm Islands Group, nor three AtCHURCH SERVICES 36, 000.
Now Providence. Gospel Meetings at in bis conviction that ibe Church to neys general.
11. 30a. and 30 Bungay should adopt very uncompro (Continued from page 4)
We apxiously await the pt with Mr. no Biddick School at pm.
Wnig offer of 36, 000 and the misinx attitude towards those ting forth of His Exc. il ney auctioneer said: Io sorts, who would serve God and the scheme.
Bis, CAMPBELL Seventh Day Adventist Church (Continued from Page 2) gentlemen, cannot ll at tbal vil toget er.
Red Tank. Cnal Zo e spel meeting result of two and a half years price. WINDWARD ISLAND SCHOLARSHIP. TREÉT CALIDONI ROAD on Thursday nigh 30 pm. Sub fof practical exp rience of the Mr. Wight: Will you tell ne The last act of the old Legis.
day Sobojl at p.
district byr. Hodgkins and to reserve price ST. VINCENT lative Council at Grenada at its near Isthmian Park. PANAMA.
Bis GRAY bas been specially built to meet Mr. Canbod. Not now; not at Panams, Arovement Mtreet, House 25 local conditions. It is tinal meeting in November last fonday Evening 30 Preach Was the adoption or a Rosolution Och this stage.
ing Service.
8Miguel spel meetings with both wireless telegraph The general public is 11. 30 am, and 30 m; Sundas and telepbone system by means Mr. Wight s: What do you Vincentian Says including proposal for the ally invited to turn out in large of Windward cord School at p. Meeting or of which it will be possible. be well, Mr. Cannon, am puiting mean by not at this stage?
Islands Scbolarship in lieu of Tuesday evenings 15 o.
Yes and No.
Fabbath (Saturday) 945 a. 8abin continuous communication the separate island Scholarship bath School; 11 15. General Worship Elder BAILEY, Pastor with both ends of the rue. The it to you, you eie the la gest regular service to the interior cr ditor of the Chronicle. TWO PROPOSITIONS. Vinceut, Grenada and St. Lucia of 20 Spanish Class; Young People. Meeting; p.
Bethlehem Church of God will not be commenced until You, bught out Mr. George and Speakiog broadly, we will nol bad in eres Vespers.
the compl tion of the enction King Holiness support any suggestion alming by Goveroment of the wireless Fogarty, judganent transferred The Grenada WEST INDIAN In at creatiog any new partnersbip statiouit Apeteri.
to you. You havior made oo is issue of the 23rd Janua y between the three islacds unless Seventh Day Adventist Church No, MARIANO AROSEMEN St The plane will be navigated by was prepared to go bigher.
bid my bid is the high st, and says: 11 can be made to form part of Captain Trac with Lieut. Baker The following extracts show a scheme of Federation with SAN MIGUEL as his mechaniciso.
Mr. Cannon: cannot accep: the mi of The Vincentlan on Trinidad, or some wider scheme 3rd STREET BROADWAY, COLON 5, 30 Prayer Mretine.
that tw questions (1) Fusion with ot union.
Bunday vening 30 Preaching 11 a. Divide Service Preacher, Mr. Brassington: Trinidad (2) Windward wab regird to the proposed fervien. You are cordially invited to supplied.
Demerara Chronicle was also prepared to go bigber. Island Scholarship. mas, Windward Islands Scholarship attend these services and bring your p. Sunday Sobool, Superinten Mr. Cannon: Gortle men, you however, state that the Vin to particular, we basten to siy friers dent Offered for Sale. have had every opportualus to centian got a little mixad to in say that Si Vincent bas nothing Babbath (Maturday9. 45 a. Sabbath 6pm. Programme.
Ko above 86. 000 the tirst part of Excract No. gain by it and may be scbn. 11, 15. Geberal Worship 30 Gospel Service, Preacher Bro. C. Phillips.
persist at loser; a no El Cied Mr.
MR. WIGHT BID3 38, 000 AMOUNT remarked that where there was W. Brassington FEDFRATION WITH TRINIDAD 30. a. Young people meeting At reconi meeting of inel Member of Cou. cl will dara 30 Vespert Tue day 30 pm. Grepel Service DECLINED AS BELOW RE regreve rice tbe auctioneer old Legislat ve Council at Gre support the SURRstion and ta Thursday 30 pm. Sister meeting SERVE.
always called the highest bidder nada His Excellency the Governina be is acting in the inters and Testimony.
and told him what was the or, we are pleased to no e, made of the electorale aod of 10 The Salvation Army Olony. Vincent does at Saturday 30 Choir Rebeares The business of The Depers reserve giving him the opportu refere ce to the su ject of union PANAMA CITY CORPS, between Trinidad Elder FRANCIS, Di Chronicle, Lid. inity to offer that amount.
Mr Caption: Tuank you, Mr. Windward Islards. Mr Bunday 8th March, 20th Anniversary liquidation) was put upp sale Pastor in chatee.
at Auction going concern at Brassington. When you bav Donovan, a sou of Grenada, took of the Papam City Corp St. LUCIA Services for Sunday arn follows: o cock on Tuesday afternoon your own sale you can do that. seriouxception to what the Ebenezer Church of God last at the office of the Hon. Mr Mr. Brassington Gvernor sad on the ontot and 520, Early Prayer Meeting.
10 a. Children Directory Meetin. Holiness Nelson Cannon, auctioneer, and Probably it will be anoiber sent to pur West Indian news. SAD ACCIDENT paper a letter ut proces which Turf Club matter or again. quidator.
CALIDONIA. DISTRICT and Brigade. United Open Air Meeting. censored by the bout 10 the auc ioneer Toe gathering tben left the Suoday 30, a. Mornio, Prayer 11 am Holiness MeetingEditor before it uld be pub The VOICE of January 17th By Commendant Martin 11 Divine Service Preacht and read the conditions of the suggested that a start be made office lished. Citizen in reply to reports ibe iollowing: p. Company meeting and Supplied.
Mr. Donova letter, writes in sal which he said wis su bj ct to NO MJRE WAKES IN DE.
We are informed that a you 13 the Uni ed Open air. p. Sunday School Superintendent. a reserve pric. The business in favour of sale paper 40 Young People open air p. Pro ramue Federat op of the islands and fisherman ab ut 22 years old by was being sold as a gire conMER ARA. 45 m. Separate Brigade Open Air 30 pm. Gospel Service, Preacher cern a detailed in the advertise.
states that there is (in Genad. the name of Paillip Edwar 1, Meeting Eldir Odle.
ment, the date of the payment a ne gligiblº minority of malwis Al érie had the misforta na pm Big Ba vatios Meeting to Tuesday 30 Gospel Service of the purchase money being ibe CANON QUICK BAN. Contents who are always found of losing his right hand throueb arms against any new last Wer nesday. It apperas thu misadventure with a sherk up in be conducted by Com. Marten.
Montay, p. Life Ravine Guarde timony me ting.
Thur day 30 ster and Tes date of the pa eing of ansport.
arrangement which Article provided does not Ed vard, slag with the other Farade. Red and Blue Rally pm. in that the por; Participan To Be Ex Com. netit them personalls and Ed.
Buturday 30 Choir Rebernale. cbases or pnrchasers should occupants of the fishing the Hail.
bode manicated.
they are pot fading boat, harpuned a shark which Elder ODLE provide security to the BatisfacBand of Love at 30 on Tuesday.
expression through Mr. Do 10tion of the auctioneer; article 2vao. It will be remembe ced trying to xet the shark under was bauled into the boat.
Pastor in charge.
On Wedoracay, p. Life Saving Fooute payment of the purchase money The apropos of the United that it Mr. Donovan and Chums Parad. and Home League to be made to the actioneer, 10 Cn. istian Crusade says the De allowed his way the measure of the seat Esward, on attempting Sp. An women above 18 years are Be thel Church of God io vited to attend.
percent, on the knock of them werarn Oraniela, tbe Rer. Representation which has been to press down the bad to force Holiness bager and the balance on the Canon E Qaick. R:ctor of St. welcomed by his fellow citiz ns onder, slipped, and bis band Thursday, Benevolent Socieny Busi Sunday. 30. Prayer Meeting cash on the knock of the hammer. bas launched a spirited campalun istenc. He appears to be coming Ed ward naturally started back pasitor de transport Article Paul Paris Church, Plaisance uld not have been in ex michato ho edibark mouth Bee Meeting at pm. All members are immediately requested to be present at this weeting, and poor money being Friday p. Holinese Meeting.
Il Baptismal and Divine service enable on the sal; article Rainst the deeply rooted local leading a negligible wloority when the band became severed Presch Bro 1611. p. Sucday Sehool; Superintendent possession to be kiven suneration Files which in one and it cannot be conceived that a Sonuts and Guards will meet on 30 pm. Gospel Service, Preacher Parade u veual Bru, Clay.
passing of transport the cost of way or another are allowed by negligable micority, however, at the wrist. His compani ing and on arrival took bim to the MARIN Commandant.
Wednoday 30 Bible instrue seller and the purchaser; and such to be divided between the professin christian peole 10 vociferous, snoull be allowed to impediately started for port qualat tas bioclixbt the fair prospects of the Victoria Hospital where he was tion und Prayer.
article two or way Ieligious eopl: of three colonies.
more persons his speedily attended and The Church of God Bro. IGill, bidding at the same time, will deal with the subject detained. Mach credit is due to the exercises. Recently auctioneer tere ved the right to Dancing in the Palish and is the ar future. but we would in applying a tourniquet which Priest has successfully cum ualed at lerg in apo her issue, la Joseph Snagg. who was prompt Bro. WILMOTT, in charge.
Colon and Streeta. Gospel meet.
deal with and settleans dispate. now turning his acueni tbtk ing at 11. 30 a 7. 30 Bupto inform the Govern doubtless saved Edward from day School at p.
United Pantecostal Assenbly QUESTION OF RESERVE. borrible wakes to wbico a good that St. Vincent agrees with bleeding to death. We learned Before bidding was command any people luie truck, very him on Federation with Trinidad. that the severance was as par Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON 25CALIDONIA ROAD also COLON ed Mr. Wigbt 1quired of the often used in ruar S. Vincent has already express tect as if done with a surgeon Gato, Canal Zone. Gospel Meting Gospel Meetings Sunday 11 auctioneer whether be had indulge in shameiul orgius. ed willingness for the union knite.
at 11 30 and 89 m; sun and 30 Sunday School p. written the reserve price on Canon Qu nas given it out it it will not mean increased day School at pm.
Monday 30 m, Tuesday 30 peace of paper.
in nis Pays in any of the expenditure.
Advertise in the WorkmanBro. GEORGE GRIFFITH Thursday 7, 30 Mr. Cannon: There is a re Pa isbioners wo, atiendea these Sir Frederick James,. speakIT PAYS nd the wall it bad to to the good


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