p. 8


PAGE EIGHT TAE WORKMAN, SATURDAY MARCH 1925 OUR SPORTING PAGE FIGHT! FIGHT! he Week News Canal Zone Notes. To morrow Races Races! Races!
80 ods Good Races. Last Sunday Races. and is replaced by Jose Her have rtTake Notice Ho Ro Co Famous Products The Lombardo Walcott Fray (Continued from page Continued from page 5) The number of races for King George of England wh promises to be a fine meeting, as after the 31 of this program at Juan Franco Park Owing to the great amount of has transmitted, through the month all such members who excitement and enthsiasm being British Ambassador in Berlin, have not paid their dues will tomorrow afternon, is nine, manifested as to the out come of his sincere regret and symbecome non financial. This does and the feature event for imihe Lombarilo. Walcott fight, it is pathy to President Ebert JUAN FRAN RACK not incluemmbers who we eported horses will bring out expected that there will not be enrolled since Junurry 1, 1925. four cracks to compete over standi space is the Bull Rig family.
la distance of one mille for a xt Saturday night when the gong That the President death TO MORROW The District Chairman is expect purse of 600. The entries It will be remembered that in is a great loss to the world, ing good results from the Euch in this event are; Factor the Inst fight between them was expressed by Secretary Sunday, March 8th, 1925 member bring a new member Ruso 135: Lisonjero 115: Loubar o barely got the decision Huges of the United State: ogan recently acopted; and the Tonin 106 and Super Gloria over Joe.
a rezident White who is expected while, according to Paris desSince that fight both these boy 98.
to be at this meeting, has a bordance of practical hints to There will be three races have travelled and hive no doubt patches, the French GovernWILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE ve out.
acquired a great deal of exprrience, ment de ply regrets the death for native horses, the first, equipping them for a greater fray of the Germin President, second and fifth, 12 of than that which was witnessed who they hold was a true The seatine cupacity of the these horses are booked to over a year ago; and it is therefore Immunity Hall will not be ampleave the barrier and expected that the public well witness Republican.
ot run to accomodate all the members a light that will surpass anything in he District, and the new ones five furlongs for a purse of these many years, seen in the It is understood that Anbut if the ne essity ari ts, thB120 in the first. Th y are Spacious areba at the Bull Ring.
dres Mojica, the Panamanian Six Races for Imported horses District Secretary declares the Candlewood 128, Fenomeno ladies of La Bocs will be willing to Indian Commissioner, hus 118. Dictador Cornish extra chairs.
114. Dona removed office and hree for Native bred ponies Urraca 112, Tigrillo 106, Ruso 100, Davata 94, Bob, Dardanandez who is said to be ANOTHER Goo0 CIRO At The Athenaeum nela, Caramelo and Opalino 90 each, and Ben Battle 76.
The usual gay and enthusiastic friendly with and undercrowds attended the hippodrome stands the Indians. Young!
In the second which is Juan Franco Park on Su day San Blas men who acum nf the great na ion another five furlong, Zipi u tiesta of Pata u. the Scie Zape and Zapa will carry 129 alternoon last, and enj»sed the been educated in Panama Everybody will be there. Don miss it.
eiwbt ac which comprised the schools are to assist the new up nd in meeting for last wiss Tuesday ev ning, but reach, Liandro and Indió 106 evening entertaiment Commisioner in an ef ort to Owned operations Tuesday even each, Bulis 100 and May Be The feature race for imported First Race Starts p. Sharp og 14. d inst.
88, while in the fifth Maruja bor es was won by Factor Rusu foster better understanding o the stud Valparaiso Am oxite les rendered on Th between the two peoples, htcasion were, Reinions will have a top weight of distance was furlonga pursi by Masters Elie and Camphel. 135 and run a six furlong 600 Lonj ro cane in secine Calvin Coolidge was inauADMISSION: Rendingst Mosses Thoma. stretch against Peligro 88, aid Manua third. The winner Sanith and Mr. Neels Rialto and Zapo 106 each, Wass ridden by Juekey Quiro a gurated as the thirtieth Presi Suspiro, who was a good bet, dent of the United States of Gran Stand Grounds 50c anu a cal contribution by Mrs. Baby Peggy 102 and Caribe Smith had taken the lead in medistels America on Wednesday last 96.
kiter leaving the barrier. but and, according to news des.
The forthcoming all Istnian soon alter clearing the first furElocutio. Cabest is having the he third race, the first on lon, bilted and threw Jacky patches reaching the Isthmus, careful attention of the the day program for import.
Mon un to the rails; Mudi re the inauguration ceremonies ociety, and everything is beinked horse, will bring out CEIVIUM more or less severe were carried out in as simple nedatter so as to in ko it an icon with 128 lbs. Tigre lacerations. The pool psd 10 a manner as was possible.
tant and very enj vy. bh 113, Alta Mae 104, Arur 115 for win and place and 80 un lair.
tte secodd borse. This was the It is understood that intencing and West Meath 96. This will rue.
Mrs. Adela Markaiket, a test nts are waking us be a six furlong gallop; to the h race which was for wite of a Balboa man, fainted be wp. tence and posibl ties Starry and Super Gloria o the occasion cls imported borses, dis at the intersection of the tare furlongs, Buca DOC. Sabans and Old Panama Road, rrying 128 lbs top weight medal for Elocutionary each, will run against Confetti Regular Assortment of sprang a surprise by beating his and subsequntly died while ability is not a thilg to be des.
tiid of eigot other thoroughpised, and the promoters of the 116, Pluto 126 and Chileno breds and paid bis backers the driving in an automobile with coctest are also considerio 122 in the fourth race, the ha usome sum of 54. 10 tor each Sergent Cloud of Fort consolation pr zu for the one distance of which will be win ticket. The were only 41 Amador. The Sergeant had who comes 4th on the list (be furlongs.
wo tickets sold on the winner, taken her up in his car in sides the usual honorable quen.
SUCH AS total ot 1233 of that Value Central Avenue after stopping tan. out of There are four ertries books sold in te race. Ras alu Glad Kgat took second and to talk with her and was told Tonics, Soaps, Vanishing Cream, It is hopid that intending ed for the sixth rice. This is contestant bave already begui a mile and a quarter distance, third place, respecuvely. 570, by her that she was going to prepare, as the time, though purse 500, when Dhole, Fun 90 and 20 were paid ou the fora walk to get some fresh Salve, Talcum Powder, Asperine sufficient, is by no means 100 chal, Cicero, carrying 126 lbs tirs, eecond and third borst, air. It was after they had mucb.
respectively for place leach, will compete with Peti got far enough in the country Tablets, Shampoo, Hair Dressing, te tirst race or the program road and were returning that Tue carrying 121 lbs.
Was tur native hursts. It was a etc. etc. etc.
Amicable Settlement The tw last races, the Olstance of four Turlongs and Mrs. Markaiket complained of eighth ani ninth, will be a Was won by Star Shell. Fur having feit bad anu began to huises tau tu this race. Repulse cough and gasp, after which (continued from page 1) furlong and a furl. ng, came in second and Malva oe see became very pale, fainted and Euler 135, Antu ieta ih. Pool paid 60 and 50 and was found to be dead Government in maintaining 128. Piaudeli 108 and Celia on the fast horse and 30 un when rushed to Santo Tomas order when necessary, but 102 ar book for the former, e secund.
will not oppose the coopera. while the litir renoa end of the Stud Valpa Hospital.
93 CENTRAL AVENUE will bring tion of Indian Cheifs to out thorougabreds: Capirat:o won the second race, wo. cn was a tour furlong distance for some real running to beat Celia maintain order among them. tina 128, Mintoi 116, Yolando Dative borsts. Jockey Scbui Panama City.
selves, it being understood 112, West Meath no, Marce12 and No Se. The last oa ned, bd brou, ht him up from lourth ho vever, oily nude toird pl. ce that they will do so intelli la 109 and Kernan 103.
place in the early TUDLUK and while Cel a took sec nd gently and with the kapibum in the lead to the wine. The prol paid 80 and 00 on neccessary respect for their Dona Uriaca ran the tirst horse and 13) on the BULUDL and grill wrd. Pool secoad.
companions. The Gover. British Government paid 60 anu 300 on the first ment will not compel them burse aud 80 the second.
by force to accept the of public SUSTAINS PIRST DEFEAT Zipi Zape, with Juckey Schultz ADD TIONAL NEWS.
establishment up, wou tasily the third race tur schouls and furthermore, will PRIVATE BILL, Claas nalive horses distanST, LUCIA.
not protest Indians regardcu four furlougs; Lipac second What a Pity.
and Candlewood third. Pool Why throw away your old, but no ing the use of their native direct West India cable dress and their customs, despatch from London, dat paid 90 and 90 on the tirat doubt interesting, books when you according them in this res Ebru 25th states that the burse and 80 on the second. der the above headline the The six turloog race for im VOICE wails the alarming can have them neatly bound at pect the same rights and pri Gvernment sustained its fi st ported borses o class condition of the youths of the vileges that are accorded to efeat in Parliament to night by purse 500, was won by Yolanda city of Cistries, in the following THE WORKMAN all other citizens of the Re Ithe rjction of a private bill.
The pite was 183 to 90. No of the Stud El Aguila. The tros: puclic. The Indians have, great importance is attached to was ridden by Jockey Munuz. Yclauda paid these Many times bave we advo 93 CENTRAL AVENUE however, obligate themselves the Givernment failure to respect those other Indians carry the majoritty.
Cunu biggest pool for the day, cated a formato y or Indus lor bisb. cxers received 33. 90 trial School for the young The Bill was promoted Opposite Cecilia Theatre who might prefer to follow by Panaman custotns.
the Country of London Electric for each win tcket. Capitana and vagrant of the town. In doing Marcela came in second and so we have been harping more On Tursday night last the Supply Company. It was supe third respectively, 60 was was on one for the boys as the wharf first batch of armed Panaman por and motion or its second ported by Minister of Transpard on tbe tirst horse, 90 on rats that abound were constantly the second and 3, 20 on in was coposed by the few weeks we bave been seeing being at school, or Police who had left here to reading otherwise pity! Hon ao power boys and help in the suppression of Labourite on the ground that is another phase of the case and employed, improperly Rialto of the Stud Valpara iso, now, to us, it clad girl of to day, than is a doubtfu using flthy language indulging women of tomorrow allowed to Indians returned, while the book, a nation and the disturbance among the was one of a group of hills introduced for the purpose of with Jockey Moore up, won. un question which we would first in undecent gestures run to allowed go to challenged, the tive furlong class undertake it we were asked to generally comforting themselves when th ont id possibili. remarnder arrived by special of elecurity su uply.
sebe went for native horses, select one or the other.
as if just from the with Zipo and ligro coming in It is a heart rending experi Regions. On! for a Biro, for be saved and Lower ttes for work and to voud could train last night at about 11. 45.
u iz to the On both occasions the men the others by the Scretary of The ll was attacked among second and third place, res pecence to view the youths of the St. Lucian with monev. made benefit of thin selves and the were met at the railroad star, Sir Lading Worthington tively. Pool paid 56 90 and 90 land rushing heedlessly down at home not abroad. who has community on the first horse and 80 on the path that leads to the goal he love of his country and bis tion by th: Republican Band Evans, who contended that it the second W omings will the words which headed them through neried a woorply and too the hospital, th, asylum, to fellow men more at heart than misery, to destruction and death, thlove of the money that most of our Savion nn the fars oli Lentral Avenue with livejyjen erp ise without corresponTbe fighth race: This was Xtersive powers upon a private fielu link ftretch for class but it is yet more to see the be left behind! But, they are som of us on that Great Dav: airs. imported horses, and was maizens of the streets, some not born ev. ry day.
dink onlikations Tne vote In as much as ye did it not dicat the relatively small won by Fa era with Jockey barely four feet high and We are told the Government unto one of the least o these my Advert se in the Workmanimo tince attached to the Mun in the Badle. The rate a parently quite undeveloped, cannot help. We ara told that brethren, ye did it not unto 511 which was not in reality was well contested as Futera did roamning the streets instead of others do not care. What me.
IT PAYS a Goverment measure.
tickets The Workman Printery mones.
Dug Dust.
Book Binding!
wiguer to Ibid.


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