
PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN SATURDAY MARCH 14, 1925, British Trade And Industry.
DA Up to date Jewelry ALBOA EST EER REWED presided over by Sir Arthur Balfour. It may be recalled that the terms of reference were very wide, the Committee being asked to inquire into report upon the conditions and prospects of Britisb industry and commerce, with special reference to the export trade and to make recommendations in regard thereto. This is obviously obvious, the issue of Interim re ports was to be expected. Sir In every form can be seen Arthur Balfour bas just intima here at its best See our ted that a preliminary volume will probably be ready for pub Wrist Watches. contain DO recommendations, since recommeudations cannot Bracelets, be made until she whole of the evidence is cemplete. On the Diamond Rings other hand the volume will contain information of immediate and a hundred other adoruse to exporters by giving them ments and you ll recognize indications as to where it is pos: why this is the LEADING ible to develop trade overseas.
forest JEWELRY HOUSE in town volume will be of brineWell port or ask prices and you ll find still for the configuration of the another reasoncommercial landscape has been so changed by the war that ooly The volume value to poundequate resurvey of the Fuller Jewelry Store Phone 629 avail to direct enerRies in the direction of the maxi 122 Central Ave.
mum profit to all concerned.
tbe Baltour Committee is of the Dentist Howell REMEMBER!
House Rent Receipt Books SPANISH ENGLISH greatest magnituds, but personnel inspires the utmost confidence in the successful HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA Quicome of its labours.
Office Hours: a. to p.
DAILY Seized in the United States. Specializes in all the branches Dentistry, Direct West India cable despatch from Nrfolk Va dated Feb uary 25 states that more tham 200 gallons of quor were seized from the Oiticars quarters of the Uaited ates Transport Beaufort, when arrived here from the Wst Indies late Tuesdav All of te officers of the sbip are beink bild facing Court Martial charges of violation of th Volet ad Act. smugling and aitempting to smugkl well as viola ton of Navy gulating MORE LIQUOR BELED Pain Enemy (BY RICHARD LATHAM)
London, February, 1925. One of the most useful acts of the late Government was to appoint a Departmental Committee consider the subject of largescale generation of electricity in Great Britain. Since then there bas been a general Election resulting in a change of Government, but the Committee bas continued its labours.
Its task is now completed in all but the issue of its report, which, however, is expected to be available shorly, In anti cipation of the committee find.
ings, the general position of electrical development in the country may be usefully considered bere.
It appears likely that wben Parliament reassembles one of the most important matters with which it will bave to deal will be this question of elect ical development. Apart from questions involving threj.
pective functioos of the Sate and private enterprise, the subjeck of electrical development is, tortunutely, of a non political or, at any rate, of a non contentious, Datorp. At all events, the Minister of Transport, within whose province the matter lies In a receat speech foresbadow.
ed a large increase in the use of electrical energy in this country.
It is hoped that after the Com.
mittee bas reported a more or less agreed measure on the lines of that report will be introduced into Parliament It really non contentious BH is put forward there is little doubt but that it will de speedily passed into law for there is a general concensus of opinion that the legislation at present governing the production of electrical energy requires overbaulir The principal measure dealing with elctrical power in Great Britain is the Act of 1919 which establisbed commissioners, known as the Electricity Comil missions, for unifying as far as possible the sources of electrical supply in different areas. It was the original intention of the Government of that day that these Commissioners should have certain compulsory powers, but the House of Commons was not prepared at that juncture for such a step. Consequently the Commissioners work, ibough of great otility, bas remained mainly advisory The working of the 1919. Act has been watched very closely, bod in influential quarters it is felt that the time bas arrived wnen compulsory powers might well be given to the Commissio ners. Indeed the CommissioDers themselves bave virtually asked for such powere, for in tbeir recent report their fourth)
they write tbat it has become apparent that a real re organization which will adequately serve the requirements of the country can only be achieved on the voluntary basis of the Act of 1919 by a radical change in tbe attitude of authorized understakeis in general, and that, failing the early disappearance of tbe obstaclts wheb bave bitherto tretarded progress, the whole position will call for review. It may be adued that the late Government definitely proposed the conferment of mandatory powers on tbe Om.
un issioners.
TES The following may be taken as brief summary of the view taken in official quarters with regard to the provision of cheap electrical power. This provision is ld to be essential for industrial development along economic lines. The extended use of electrical power in the cotton and pripting industries is cited as an example of what might be done with cheaper power in other industries. Large sums bave been spent and are to be disburs in Prauce, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland on the electrifying of the steam railways, bat in Great Britain sucb electrify.
ing as has been accomplished, or planted, up to now bas been contined to the suburban sys tems It is felt that Gest Britain must oot lag behind other natiots in the electrifying of main lines, The above mentioned Depart.
mental Committee is Dot the only committee appointed by the late Government to deal with trade subject that is carry on its work irrespective of political changes The most important of such enquiries set on foot by the la: Govet mit was the Committee on Tradi appointed last July and bundred bottles of liquor catfis cated last night by customs officials from tourists to be Uniteo Sates from Quebec, th.
officials made public tu day. Po each bottle of contraband the officials vied Gne of the dollars collecting in 4, 000 SLOAN Liniment is pro daimed the world over being Pain greatest enemy.
Multitude of people who and recommend it.
Rheumatie aches and paine instantly obe its command and disappear.
It penetrates right to the sore spot. No need of rubbing.
It does its work thoroughly.
Give it a trial.
One bottle will convince you.
At all druggiats and dealers.
Order Books Secretary and Treasurer For Friendly Societies dollars seizures were made at Richmond where the Montreal Boston train passing through the town to three sec.
tiots was subjected to pair stak ing searcb.
SLOAN LINIMENT PAINS ENEMY Tuberculosis Cure Called Experiment Private Academy CAN BE HAD AT The Workman Stationery Store Sons pot babed Woman Peported: AUSTIN CONNELL New York, Feb. 16. warning to sufferers from tuberculosis not to place false bopes LIBERTY HALL 10 the efficacy of sanocrysin, a drug used by Professor Holger 29 Street, Panama Mollgaard at the Royal Veterioary and Agricultural College of ENGLISH CLASSES Copenhagan, was issued yester.
day by the National Tuberculosia by Day and by Night are Association, of which D, Linsly Dow opened for the Williams is managing Summer director.
Dr. Williams warning said For particulars apply on the spot to that the supposed remedy was BARTON, LL.
still in the experimental stages and that many bigbly exaggerPrincipal, ated statements. have been made about it by various perDr. Williams statenent William Charles White, Chair. Holder of Certificate of the man of the Committee on Medical Research of the Tuber Associated Board of the Royal cluosis Association, who baaed Academy of Music and the bis findings on the book of Royal College of Music, Lone Professor Mellgaard, wbieb don, will give a limited numR. WILKINSON only recently reached the ber of pupils lessons on the United States.
Piano. The drug is an old one, said Contractor Dr. White; a combination of gold Apply early. Terms mod ard sulphur salts, technically erate. 175 Central Avenue, and Builder known gold sodio thio Panama.
sulphate. Protessor Mallgaard used it on animals that had tuberculosis and found that it will be made.
House No. 20 was an extremely dangerong In view of the serious danger drug, which produced fatal involved in the use of sapocrysta 28th NOV, STREET, results in many Casen.
Ih and in view of be extended ordinary doses, however, it is study now being made, Dr.
SAN MIGUEL pot dangerous to those who bave White said, patients affected no tuberculosis.
with tuberculosis are cautioned Box 411, Panama, F. The drug is now being studied not to be unduly optimistic in by the United States Public regard to this Health Service, as well as by should discontinue No drug. patient well Plans and Specifications Free Independent scientistes Dr. White known methods for the cure of be on calves tuberculosis by first, and it these experimentation of their lives, with special First Class Workmanship are satisfactory study of its emphasis upon rest, food and responsibilities as a remedy for fresh air Onder Guaranteed competent tuberculosis in buman beings medical direction.
Hand Ironers WANTED AB Only First Class ones needed APPLY AT ESPERANZA LAUNDRY.
Industry and Advertise in the Workman it will pay you


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