p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY MARCH 21, 1925 OUR SPORTING PAGE Races! Races. Classy Races Lbe Big Derby Classic walive horses in not to 10 Book Binding. The Ibe blind melo 90.
Last Sunday Races Governor Circular.
To morrow Races The Week News in Brief.
The Sport of Kings staged Regulating the Use of ElecNINE EV NTS INCLUDING by tbe Panama Jockey Club at tric Current on thu PRESIDENT DERBY (Continued from page 1)
Juan Franco Park on Sunday alGovernor Walker of the Canal ternoon last included nine races, Zone has issued, under date of The cracks of Isthmian ma Baptist Church and later three of wbich were for native norses and the others for im por: March 2, 1925. a circular ia which turf are all ready for to at the local Division of the ted borses, The usual large occupants of Panama Canal quarmorrow meet at Juan Fran. Association.
JUAN FRANCO TRACK crowds were in evidence and betters are forbidden to make many co Park, where the season ting at the pari mutual was brisk; change or additions whatsoever great and classic event the The first of a series of enthe electrical wiring in quarters, been in be lucky buyers having pools such work will be done by the disamply rewarded, as TO MORROW President Derby which tertainments planned by the paid exceedingly high.
trict wireman or other representacarries with it a four thous Panama Baptist Church for the Electrical Division tive of big race of nine furlongs The use of electrical heating and The Sunday, March 22nd, 1925 and dollar purse and the Pre the purpose of raising funds for class imported borses, power licances will not be usei sident Cup to the winner, for the conversion of the prepurse six hundred dollars, was before the office of the Electrical will be run. And the idol of sent wooden edifice into a easily won by Factor Rus of the Supervisor of the district is noti WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE our turf Burlesco winner of concrete structure, took place Stud Valparaiso, with Jocky fied and the equiçment inspected Quiroga up. Factor Ruso only Portable table lamps purchased by the Peruvian Derby not very at that church on Sunday afwo opponents were Suspiro and employees may be plugged into long ago, and Cicero, winner ternoon last, when Miss VinLisonjero. Suspiro, taking the existing drops cords or chandeliers of the Londsdale cup but a ton Davis, International Or.
lead as the three left the barrier without special permission, po was overtaken by Factor Kuso vided the flexible cord connection fortnight ago, will be in the ganizer of the subsand Lisoojero when about halt does not exceed 10 feet in length.
race. There is increasing cribed the first dollar to the juurney. In the home Employees will be held responsible speculation as to the outcome undertaking. total of fiftyFive Races for Imported horses stretca Factor Ruso took the for the proper care in the use of of the Derby as the ten en two dollars and twenty five and Four for Native bred ponies lead and von ealy. Suspiro such lamps in other that fixtures tries booked are all class cents was collected on the came in tbird Tue poil paid and fittings shall not be pulled out imported horses of repute. occasion. 20. No place tickets were of line or damaged by uodue The distance will be a mile sold in this In the event of class will be required to pay for rac.
strain on the extension cord, and and a half. The entries are Tolls to the amount of any native horses, distance 2 repairs that may be necessitated as follows: Manua, Factor 902 020. 65 have been collecturlungs, purse 175. 00 Baby by their use.
Ruso, Suspiro, Lisonjero and ted by the Panama Canal for Peggy was the Victo, Peligro Unauthorized installations wil Burlesco, 128 lbs each, Frou the first fifteen days of the aad Rialto touk second aud third be the immediately removed by Frou 124, Cicero and Dhole present month. This amount place respectively.
Toe pool Electrical Engineer and the system palo 4, 60 and three dol ars o restored to its original condition.
Everybody will be there. Don miss it. 105 each, Pluto 127 and Chi was collected from 193 comthe test horse and 20 ou the and the party responsible for the lenita 125.
mercial vessels and four second.
Cardoel. owned by A. Car cost of the work.
In all there will be nine small launches, the launches violation will be charged for the First Race Starts p. Sharp races five for imported and having paid 16. 20. The ave.
bone, wou the first race of the In gold quarters the following four or native horses.
ibres tu longs rage daily transit of commerfor class and similar work will be done caly and bis First race: Distance fur cial velssels for the same peSachers 89 50 1or each. Leket and he expense of the employe will ADMISSION: longs for native horses; Enriod was 12. 86 and the aver was padeconhectic services to the original type of become a tries Revanche 118, Bob and age daily receipt from tolls 70 on 70 ou quarters will Grand Stand Ground 50c La Creme 90 each, Coleman amounted to 60, 133. 63.
Le tu. ra. valcbe came otcunu in tuis race, vvie man part of the house wiring, 101, Repulse 100, Azulejo!
be removed, except that such part luiru or parts of an installations which 100. Fermin 99, Petronio and Charles Forde Died at ue second toree furonx race are installed in portable articles, Terrible 95 each, Malvaloca to cl. o Lalive hors was the property of the employee, muy Barbados: 90 and Ben Battle 82, by Dic. ador. This race be taken with bim upon vacating Dulu the biggest pool for the day the quarters: In tallations of ad Second race: furlongs for native horses. Entries Dicta Isthmus, of the death of Charles News have just reached the 25 80. 21 3. 90 on the first ditional lighting fixtures, recep. 410 up the st cons and tacles, outlets, rosettes, switches, dor 120, Fenomeno 114, Forde who left here some time 200 the bird.
or other fittings to accomodate Candlewood no, Dardanela in July last year, along with his race: Distance any electrical device which is tue 109, Indio 102, Strawberry family, owing to 11 health. vn Turlongs purse 225. This property of the employee As an 92, Star Shell 95 and Cara Forde came to the Isthmus in was an event for class Why throw away your old, but no Em exception, outlets for electric the e year 1905, and worked for the pred horses. Kernan, ridden ranges, when such ranges are u ed doubt interesting, books when you oy Jockey Navanto aid owded as the only means for heating and Third race: Distance Parlama Canal as a carpenter, le four later joined Court John Wallace by Ubao walkid away cooking, will be installed free of can have them neatly bound at furlongs for imported horses, O. from its formation in this with lots race. Taking the lead cost to the employee Similar Entries Pluto 128. Bolshevi city, and was a fer over soon after the start be maintain instellations to these will be made THE WORKMAN ed this place to the wionipost in silver quarter: only at the ex ki 124, Chomba Loca 15 years, aod held the office of 116, Trustee until the time of his death witavut being seriously challeng pense of the empolyee; except Glad Knight 123, Tigre and the 23rd of last month. He was ed. No se ad Celia came in that outlets for electric irons and 93 CENTRAL AVENUE Sasafras 121 each and Capi also a member of the Morning second and third respectively. other electrical appliances utilized tana 96.
Th, pool paid the haudsome sumn for cooking purposes, such Star Lodge No. 208 IU.
Opposite Cecilia Theatre Fourth race: Distance The sympathy of the Fraternal borse and 70 on the second. Stoves of 23. 00 and 20 on the first percolators, grills, hotplates be made free of cost furlongs for imported horses. Soeieties, is extended towards his Bolsheviki won the fourib remonthly charge will be made for paca to the employee, but a flat rate Entries Amur 132. Rolando sorrowing widow and children who 128, Marcela and Mintoi 194 loss.
his irreparable mourning of tive furlongs for Bro. Forde was of a quiet ported horses atter a sensational use of such appliances. Suen Garvey Second Prostruggle with Amur in the bome charge to be in proportion to the NEW PROVIDENCE NOTES each, Zara 125, Neptuno 103, disposition, a dutiful husband, and duction Coming.
Westh Meath in2.
loving father, and well liked by strutco. Amur came in second size of the appliances and in accor Fifth race: Distance fur.
Tigre third. Tha pool paid 60 dance with established rates An and 60 on the first borre and iron outlet when once installed in (From our Correspondent)
longs for native horses. En The Osfieers and members of Milton Garvey, writer of the 83. 10 un the second od 60 on an apartment will remain in that John tries Zipi Zape 117, Toto 107. Morning Star Lodge, tender their Wallace, and the Rambling apartment and the charge for same melodrama, The Rev. Surgeon hela Zapa and Roamer 105 each, condolence to the bereaved family, the ihiid Bul s, in the fifth race for class will become a part of tne rental which made a wonderful bit local asetes of evangelistic services Bulis 104, Liandro 98, May in this their hour of grief, and pray imported horsts, sprang a of that aparıment thereafter. ly, drawing capacity houses at here on three consecutive days that the Great Jehovah will soothe surprise when te beat Renown All repairs to electrical equip every staging, has completed and from the 10th to the 12th inst. Be 90 other play, The Prince of Wall inclusive, the services were Sixth Race: One mile and their sorrow, away from the others by a close targin, baving Rotten me at which is the property of Abd wil, in a short time, pictures based on the Old and which is now being re illustrated by magic lantern a half President Derby.
in the employee will be made only at his bome stretch. Landro ran third expense. When any such work Seventh race: Distance P. Association.
Mr. New Testament Scriptures.
Tue col paid 17. 70 and 00 on is to be done the employee should be presented to the public, the first borse and ai1. 80 on the call at the office of the Electrical Garvey first production was furlongs. Entries Maruja 128, The night services lasted second: For the purpose of keeping beting e mm ndable effort and there is. fore the public, especially the emRis won a noted victors when what is desired, except in case of no doubt that The Prince of Wall until after 11 o clock each night, Baby Peggy 117, Rialto 11 Street will also meet with the services at o cloc kthe following ard were followed by revival and Lipac 77.
ployees concernel, the value of be at uis tield in the eighth repairs to apparatus which can be race, a five furlong distance for taken directly to the shop. The of this play is built on the adven approval of the public. The story mornings.
Eighth race: Distance organization and cooperation, the furlongs. Entries Ras 128, executive officers of the Panama class imported borses purse labor charge of work performed The first night there were no Tribuno mu, Tonin 128, Canal West Indian Employees 8450. 00. Tunin was a dangerous in quarters will include the travel ture of Walter Emeleon ne ercontender in the early running time of the wieman to and from do wellson of a wealthy backer visible signs of conversion, but Buck Dancer 121.
Association have decided to furnish York, who maze of the second and third nights but had apparently run bimself therebaon Although work it will be hilliarious revelry falls a victim to veral persons went up to the Ninth race; Distance fur ing articles dealing on that subject, this journal, weekly, interestout in the home stretch against started on verbal authority em.
convenience. communion rail (adults and longs. Entries Antonieta 132, the first of which will appear in our second place to Confetii. Back and sign a work order card stating disastrous climax follows. another young people) and as repentant Fulera 128, Buria 85, Kernan issue of the 23ch.
up fill out woman ant rs his life. Not sinners, acknowledged Jesus 116, Celia 9, No Se 90.
wbo was a good bet, what work is desired.
desired to remind plots Ch ist as their Saviour. Tne metabers of their annual dues.
went lame and lost his chance. Employees not occu ying Para acquiring her desires The pool paid 60 and 60 00 ma Canal quarters will be required against himn. He forges check; first person who went forward Easter Cantata.
Those who have not yet paid their the first borse and 80 on the to make a deposit with the colles. a run starts on his father bank was a man in his 70th year.
dues for this year should make Guest you have hard of the efforts to do so at the next meetsecond The Federal to of the Panama Canal sufficient discovery. a prison sentence follows. Christian Minister, and one been hooked to take plare in the These annual payments should authritie makes Rev. Surgeon is the ideal Grand Sacred Cantata that has ing of their respective Districts.
o imported horses was ogain work done by the electrical Divi: so it was in his case. The dark to see how unrepentant souls evening, April 16th, under the meetings by members themselves The race class as won by Rolando. Taking the sion, before the work is done.
clouds rolleby and he emerges from can withstand his pleadings and auspices of the large Choir of St. as this will help to ad from the raising of the barhis ne er do well life a wise man.
rier be maintained this place to Demerara Review of entreaty.
Puter Churen Come and enjoy member into personal touch with bring, each the end of the journey. great it Get your ticket.
the workings of his District und ac between Mintoi and MarceCANAL ZONE NOTES esulted in both horses tinishThe weather was fine, and the the achievement of the Associa(Continued from page 7)
ing together at the winning post Nascimento, Browne moonlight was brilliant such as OBITUARY whole.
The judges declared this a dead Chabrol, Veerasawmy cannot be enjoyed in electrified special meeting that promises (Continued from page 5)
DIED On the 20th day of beat and place money was paid W, Estwick, Cole, cities such as Panama March 1925 Mrs. Margaret Reid, to be of considerable interest bas on both borses.
daughter of Mrs, Grace Fraiser of been arranged by the Cristobal Fernandes, Phillips, Get busy ms sister and do the Colon.
District for to morrow (Sunday)
Ouckama, Classical Repertoire.
Henry, necessary which will very likely ArmsKing ton, Jamaira.
afternoon at the Lodge Hall; trong, McLean and Hunte ketyou a place among the On Thursday, the 12th inst. at Jumaica Papers please codul President Whyte will attend The members of the Bethlehem we have very good Look tor next week Workman p. precisely, Revds. this meeting and will be one of the Church bas made arrangements from which a team can be se Mrs. Markham is at speakers.
to pull off a Classical Repertoi lected whose chances of winning for something more which ought Surgeon and Thorbourne, who make it re at the s, ball, Gua in September will be as good as to interest you but for this week followed by a large crowd re present undergoing an operation chapalı, on the 15th of April. any other team But begin your preparation if you paired to the cemetery, anda at the St Tomas Hospital; this possible are asked to attend sciemn service was will be the fourth surgical Musical nuin bers will be cricketers must play the game Many have not aictady done so.
by both ministers jointly, con oderation for her during her 17 rendered by efficient Masicians, seriously realising that it is secrating the cemetery for the years on the Isthmus; and and a grand treat will surely be no credit to an individual or a Meeting of burial of the dead.
during the same nerina, she was British Consulate Notice.
given on the whole.
team to make a habit of losRiven birth to children, all of The British Consulate General This goes to assist in the ing. If our players will only The Isthmian League of British who are alive; and they are at Panama would like to know of Building Fund and the play the game in this spirit West Indians will hoid their regu We are expecting a visit from strong, rigorous, and healthythe whereabouts of nae Hubert publis support is beartily soli there is hope for the future. lar monti ly meeting in this city on His Excellencv, Governor Arose. We are praying for her speedy Gardner who is wanted at that cited.
Wake up, British Guiana!
the 21st. inst.
mens during this week.
recovery, office.
as and are now Court Rose It is also des Dancer she tion as and material successful unes.


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