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CO3 Batterier USEFUL LEADERSHIP THE WORKMAN READ THE WORKMAN WEEK BY WEEK AND LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY VOL 13 No. 33 PRICE Cts. Cy. Most Tragic Death of Well known Panamanian PANAMA, SATURDAY, MARCH 28 1925 PRISONER MOTTLEY IN CAMP SENTENCED Very Dangerous Contagious Disease Sweeping Over a waters of and Nose Bleeding are. Indian Employees Aswith Si on of these Graves had eft ol Pursuant hare Has Only Just Heard To Pay 250. 00 For That War is Ended Beating Greaves Cecil Waldemar Flax Discovered. From the Daily Chronicle Paris On Mondry last in the District Developing Into Pneumonia The Correspondent. Court at Ancon. Judge Dead, Lying Among Rocks at Martin heard the damage suit Disease Has Claimed 201 Bella Vista Beach brought by Mrs. Jaunes Greaves Paris, Monday. Pierre Cerry native al Lorraine, mobilised and her husband against James Victims in Chicago.
in the Germany Army Mottley for giving her a severe in the beaties on the night of February The tragic death of Cecil Walde first days of the war, and after. 104 of this year mar Flax Panamanian, of the age wards reported missing, bas Aching Body Pains, BurnSPARKLETS From the evidence it appears just returned to his home. 36 perured in th ing Sensations, Fevers Panama Canal West nar Mrs Greaves went to search of her Bella Vista beach last Tuesday (By Jack o)
Metz He he had been vening near the La Paloma bath.
prisoner of war during the last husband whom she believe! to. ve been at Mottley bouse.
ing house at abont six o clock.
It is such a long time since bine years in Siberia, and escap Motley wife and Mrs Greaves published my Instramblings, that ed a few month ago it was the custom and habit of readers of this family weekly, as Alastain prisoners. There were Mrs. Greaves not seeing her hus Iwo had some talk in the after. 000 and PATIENT IS PROSTRATED sociation.
he decirased to visit the beach for some have correctly referred to the still about 000 prisoners in the band come home went to Mottluy Xureise and a bath rularly three Workman, have wondered as to camp. He reached ta ning red (EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE) four times a wek scordance with This the whereabouts of the superficina month ago. when die house and called for her hom. Entire Families are Down and Death Rate MountGreives Mott character am back on the job the end of the war ard of the ley was asleep.
sum. Fhx went to the beach and will at once take up the unin Russian reuolution. He woke and his ing: May be Influenza THE REASON WHY.
Changing his clothes, donned wife told him of the trouble and indexed Recurrence.
he left the house overlook Mrs.
is bathing suit and eatered the teresting subjects as below.
While we acknowledge that rae water Greaves on the road and beat her national Direct West India cable des cial discrimination and gold and plenty as testified to by patch from Chicago dated March prejudice are great barriers to the party of four Panamanians Quarantine Liſted.
the witness who were returning from a bath at WE ARE HERE!
Mietvael Maynard, an employee 14th, st tes that Chicago health progress of West Indians, yet we on until they reacheid he place on have been brought or have sojourn Quarantire Officer of the Panama rete and he testified that when he ment have asked for help in cheek ve that they are wholl respon print higher up the beach walked Thousands of us West Indians.
the beach near to where Flax was ed here to help in the greatest piece Canal states that information Mrs Gres les cry for muring the spread of a disease resemb. sible for the spirit of antagonis circular issued by the Chief at Paraiso saw the whole oceur department and the polic depart cannot persuade ourselves to be bathing. Suddenly he was noticed and a version that is being mani of engineering project the world having been received that the der three times on the ground, lins, influenzator or. La Grippe Dast to disappear and one of the party has ever seen the construction of Island of Jamaica is free from he ran tu ler asistance and tilted bae spread rapidly here in the fested towards them in the various is said to have exela med: Where the Panama Canal. The feat of Foot and Mouth Disease, the Monkey from the woman bdy. two weeks. Last night vinety four fields of activities at the present.
is the person saw bathing dividing approximately sixty unes quarantine imposed on November The following morning Moti ley deaths were reported to the health time, therefore we deem it a doty while ago? The party stopped of earth and rick and piscine 22, 1922, against the Island ooit to Maynard office and the Hepariment, but only twelve were incumbent upon us to lay before for a few seconds and watched The our fellow West Indian Die that lie inteuded to kill Mrs. from respiratory causes.
workers intently on the loestroo when he locks, Samos and spillways was an Jamaica account few avers ge oun ber of deaths for a on the Isthmus, a receding Here come tasks which wel Kaiser is one is bereby soscindeal.
Fuggestions wave chat had broken over a rete die mbient he had succeeded in com been by Intere were several other witness. 24 hour period for this time of relative to what we suppose to be es wol oa lookers who saw the man the year had been about ninety, obvious contributory reasons for earby waled the body lying mong the rocks. At once th y quring the world And buedreds British Consulate Notice ter in which Mettley attcked and but this number has recently in this unkind Laper aps will meritbeat Mrs: Greaves and they also reused to more than one hundred. ed econtempt, in the hupe toat on datud int the water and pulled of us were here before Uncle Sum testified serious reflection on the points the gigantic up 201 VICTIMS CLAIMED.
the body out Then they sent the decidod to take hyvin in o the city to the officiis task from where the Freneby British Consulate in Penama, as to arguments of Attorney LS, Car of a dangerous epidemie of an as their strenuous and cooperative Tried they may be stirred up to Information is required at the The Judge after hearing the Chicago, Maret 14. Warning emulate those persons who, by it; for we were here side It wởuld seem that young Flax side with the Frenet men. To bear the death of Leon Hypolite Yoyo, rington for Mis Greaves and Mr. yer unidentified and highly conta eiiorts along properly constituted eithen was the victim of cramp out this argument there can be a native of St. Lucin, who left that Rebin on for Moutley gave Lious di ease, which is developing and organized lines, have been or more probably, wae thrown found old Jamaicans here wno colony for Panama forty three judgment in favour Mrs. into influenza or pnevmonis, his wonderfuliy successful and have violently up in the rocks by will tell you they no habla years ags.
Greaves for 250 00 and costs. claimed 201 victims in Chicago thus guined the respect and admuifupid wave by ich he received gles. As a 16 tier of fact they during the first nine days of this ration of all classes of society.
vereblow on the head that as oçiate tuostly with the batives mouth, was sounded by Health caurd inbtotalneous death they inter aarry with them, and Coumissioner THE WEEK NEWS IN BRIEF Hierman Bundesen therefore be necessary first, for us to this desire it will niews of interid occurrence treir thirty years or more on the to night.
to call attention to a few of the reached the family nbot 45 in. with their island home extracrdiIschmus renders their connection were 80 cises reported to slient ciots in refere, de to The younger sister, Violet, ther Arthur Markert, through bal yesterday morning, and his office to duy, and 33 deaths attitude and conduct as workers at home with theit father narily flims wbea As LABORERS they are so mitthe report came, and although his Attorney, Carrington, due to transit, the Canal to in the 24 hours ending o oclock morning. Yesterday there tedly equal and in many instances, the doubted the truth of the state.
is continuing a legal battle Balboa. This ship was some 27 deaths. superior to the best recruitable met, ble communicated through ARE WE HOLDING OUR OWN! for the custody of his little time ago libell by two The according daily average for from any point of the compass. telephone with her sister, Mrs.
Nightengale daughter Adella who is at musicians of Balboa for the first nine dave in March, ac la grappling with new ideas But are we holding our immediately own?
and otherwise they rushed off with her An answer to this nveds intensive present in the custody of wages alleged to be due them, cording to Health Department mechanical husband, the Rev. Nightenigale to the study in connection with our Captain and Mrs. Snediker of they ahvaing some time ago records was and during exhibit intelligence and aptitude here.
finally who died recently, had been Balboa for a trip around the bary, and February it hovered unasual to others of their grale, scene. In the dark were the same accomplishments The Pedro Miguel Mrs. Markert, signed on the ship at 13. daily.
This statement is burne out by young men who bad pulled the answer would, however, The body out of the waterstanding bec file atels Thie elogical infen divorced from her husband world as ship musicians, but is Sweeping outbreek the efficient services readered by which, he declared, from this answer is, then, entire families in them in every department of the. In the his wife who had almost complete that we have justified our presence and from which time she and according to their complaint, Chicago, is reported prevalent Pauama Canal during its varicus Hydost her nerves, the Rev. Mr. Here; but if one pereists in asking little Adella lived with the were paid off at San Francis a nu aber el large cities through stages of construction and up to Nightenigale drew match and exclamatory answer will come in Pedro and the question an unprejudiced aor Snedikers at their home at co, California, and put off out the country, and all are Miguel, the child there. They libelled the rousing to stem looked into the face of the decote: the attirrative, We have not car having been left with the ship for 500 and when she its course As CULTIVATORS of the soil they Oh recognizing the featured out a policy of silent penede Snedikers after the mother arrived here some months persons indicate, Dr. Bundenseo ever they reside and the oppotti from al fected cannot be easily outclaseed. WherFd turned to his wife and said it ried out in Cecil. The bulguce can better ton but we have says, the prezence of the familiar wity is alfomed them. they. be imagined than told, ourselves above ard in both death. The Court had, on ago the case was heard in iniluenza bacillus; but because of our rally develop into, an industriotis The Rev. gentleman and his wife working and living conditions March 4th, issued an order the District Court of the the severity of the under prosperous and respectable pea.
with then returued to the home of the and opportunities at our dispasal. permitting the Snedikers to Canal Zone and the Captain which aition, and the rapidity with santry, contributing to the comdeceased to confirm the report. and in addition we have in lared adopt the child after the fined for shipping men in the which it ne develops ne into more we welfare of the state.
The house was filled with people. any, perin nent and profitable death of the mother on March Canal Zone without going to classify the disease as a recur As ARTISANS they have evinced spoken the father who has been ence. There is room for criticism, Court vacated the order on a ties. With regard to the case The disease is and as soon as the words were activities of present day proafin 3rd, and a short time after the through the regular formali rence of ite war time influenza surprising skul and have shown characterised by theinselves not whii bebind their a towever, from lapsed completely. The home was bortrendy but show ourselves in motion presented by Markert. of libel the ship at that time achingpains throughout the body, more favored tretheren.
one scene of terrible grief.
vidual, the family, the organiza. The child had not been, filed a bond and was allowed brand neemeticare in then thighs are to be found those when ca theme proceed. Her presence in prostrations, and frequently nose among the most progressive high temperatures considered worthy place The body was removed from the tion, the people, the nation, that however, released to the beach by the polist authorities and has not, at some time other, father, and he now seeks in Canal Zone waters will now bleeding.
of the world.
taken to Santo Tomas Hospita, stumbled. The Frenchman stumb another petition to the Anconstart another hearing of the In addition to the favorable where an autopsy was hela imme. led over a great cause, the District Court to reclaim the case, diately, the verdiet being ace USALAN turnd the trick with our child as he is the lawful Foreign Topics. dic position to labor, they are loyal dental death by drowning At mil. help.
even to the point of subservieney.
night the body was takeu home father and surviving parent The streets from Calidonia Notwithstanding these valuable to the family, and interument at (Continued on page 8) and natural guardian of said to the Casino, over which The Prince of Wales will leave qualities, West Todians the English Cemetery followed minor and is entitled to its the tramway cars of the Pa London today for his visit to South generally welcome, on the contrary the next evening when the mortal Africa and Argentina. Elaborate they are often charseterized as remains of the unfortunate ycung o clock, regretfully left the custody.
nama Electric Company ope preparations of every description undesirables. And the rate, are being repaired and are said to have been and Ifor this man were laid to rest not far Irom Church without having been able attitude. the resting place of the ashes of his to gratify hi. personal wisbes.
In an endeavor to add to the work is prog: éssing ra being made for the Prince recep are evidently due to (1) lack of mother who had predeceased him cohesion and cooperative efforts as well as (2! the want exactly on The deceased wasse member of his institution a department pidly. This will not to anyon at both places, the same date three Luz del Istmo Lidge, Order marked extent interrupt the of English Mechanics and also of the for the reclamation of way tramway service, the officials pro per sense of dignity and selfThe funeral service was con Sociedad de Socorro Mutuos, full ward girls, Va Watson, lof the Company assert; but Marquis Curzon, Lord President always be underrated and upFuneral services for respect, will ducted at St. Paul e Churen by the reprezentation of both organiza manager of the Colon Boys one minor change will be of the Council in the Baldwin preciated by those among whom Rev. F Nightegale, brother in tions being evident at the burial. League Institution. has sent law of the deceased, and the Rev. large attendance of close friends out an appeal to the ladies of made during the entire re Cabinet, took place at West they move.
minster James Mulcare. Bishop Morris and close acquaintances of the It must be acknowledged a great had prepared to conduct the family gathered to pay the last the Canal Zone for donation construction period, and that last when the highest tribute shame to West Indians workers on is, owing to the inability to possible for the nation to offer to the Istlimus service in part, but the procession to seus o respect to the deceased, of Panama that maintain a passing point for one of its statesmen, was said to during their nearly twenty fivə Was somewhat late in reaching the who was wel kuowa and much Churen and the Bishoptaving loved by all sections of the The steamship President two cars at the present 29th his last remains. The body was years association with a peopleanother appointment promptly at community.
Van Buren arrived at Cristo (Continued on page Continued en page (Continue on page 8)
were 95 bew new cas88 who 22 3, Cultures taken pronounced of or peoples of the are not reasoos our resgo.


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