
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 28 1925 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands Fine Bargains MONTEZUMA DRUG STORE distinct blishing French Perfumes. نه will not To Be Selected From Тое Biltis Recti point of their JURIES examinations with bonours.
more for bumanitarian reasons Mr. Carberry then signed the than for its advantages from a roll.
purely commercial stand point.
Be that as it may, the colony Some Bills Before The The Acting Chief Justice said that be wisbed certainly owes Mr. Hodgkins Legislature.
much success in the practice of debt of gratitude for his energy bis profession.
and enterprise in starting a Mr. Carberry in replying said pioneer venture from the experience of whose ditoculties Following are the objects and that be thanked His Honour for and disadvantages the futuro reasons for bills introduced into baving admitted bim and be AT THE exploration and exploitation of the gislative Council by the would do his best to live up to the highest traditions of the the colony from the air will Hon. Attorney General. Bill entitled a law to pre bonourable profession which be greatly benefit. We are optibad entered mistic as to the advantages to vent the introduction and spread The new barrister was born in be gained from regular air ser of plant disease.
vices in the colony, and we bave The objects and reasons for He was in the Civil Service of Grenada, British West Indies.
always beld the opinion that such services can only be carried this Bill are as follows: that Colony 6ret in the Post (NOW OWNED BY BENEDETTI HERMANOS)
out by seaplanes, as To consolidate and revise Ofice and afterwards in the tbe liw dealing with Plant Customs until 1915, when be frog faeroplanes a view which Diseases for the Revised Edition enlisted and served in the first is also shared by Major Hen.
of the Laws. In this connection batallion of the British West ming, who visited the colony not Law No. of 1915, the Protection Indies giment until the deA FINB ASSORTMENT OF many months ago with the from Disease (Plants) Law, is mobilization. when he returned obj ct of acquiring information repealed by this Bill and pro to his native land in 1919.
as to the practicability of esta.
visions of the same are incor October of the same y ar be a regalar service to the diamond fields and possibly also porat therein.
went to Canada and entered Me to Barbados and Trinidad. We To amend the Law and give Gill University and completed do not know it effect to the suggestion of the the course in Luw to the LL anything is likely INCLUDING to come out of Major dem ming Advisory Committee of the degree. He gained first class enquires; but we bold the Banana Iodastry and of the honour He then went over to in that, in the meantime at partment of Agriculture by the Mother Country in October COTY. HOUBIGANT CARON RIGAUD an rat the Goverument nogbt inserting new Sections giving 1928, and entered the Middle to avail benselves 18 much as the Governor in Prive Council Temple and in December, 1924, po siple of the actual presence authorly 10 issue ders and be completed all his examinaLENTHERIC. PIVER. ROGER GALLET in our midst of the Fairey seawak: Rules in connection with tions and was called to the Bar plane.
the prevention of the introduc on the 28 January of this year.
All suitable for making Presents We presume that the needs of duction and spread of Plaut He received an exemption of six the balala industry Diseases and for more effectuails terms on the str. ngth of his suffice to keep the new seaplane carrying out the Law.
war service and examination in full and rumunerative work, TO REPLAL GEO. III. ACT results, and took secund class AND MANY OTHER ARTICLES and apparently the terms of the Billentitled a Low to repeal bonours in ull bis examinations British licence preclude the the Ac 34 George III. uh. X1, at the Middle Temple. proprietors from earning money entitled An Act for Giving It might be stated that Mr.
by iy rides, or by an occisionValidity in this Island to Pro Carberry won the faculty al irip to Barbados or to the bates; to be taken by certain exhibition priza for the highest Mezaruni. Thus it becomes officials in the United States of standing in LL. class for bis desirable to ask whether our Amer rica of deeds to be there graduating year at McGill Government are bound by the executed, and also to exempli University, licence, or wheiber they are as tications of Wills tbere proved The late Rev. Bratb waite Liberty to make use of the plane object and reason for this was aa Uacle of Mr. Carberry which is on the spot.
We think OOO OO SDXSUS is to repeat the remainiog toe Goveroment ought to inform themselves fully of the Act 34 Georg III.
that OD Ch XI. owing to the fact that TRINIDAD and that they ought to go out it is not the custon for advant way to make the emage to be taken of this Law, ployment of the Fairey biplace Ucder the existing practice as At the first meeting of the an economic possibility, by proprovided by more recentPricidad Legislature held under viding lucrative work either in Statutes the new Costitution. Bill wa werial surveying or in the transLAW RELATING TO passed giving power to the Post portalon of mails wbich, by the Master General to in filet fines Bill entitled a Law to con upon all employees in his depart was, dues not prcessarily mean a descent of the macbine at solidate and amend the Law ment for any breach of du y. very spot where it is required relating to Juries.
Everyone of the elected member to drop a bag of mail matter.
The objects and reasons for opposed the Bill on the groud We always believe in encourag.
this Bill are as follows: that if a system of toes were il Renterprise and although we Po consolidate and revise to be established tok exception to the expendiLAW relating to Juries for the to all branches of the servic, ture of public funds on tbe purpose of the Revised Edition and not to a particular depart installation of wireless for the Recommended for Remuviag the Humors of of the Laws.
ment, as it raiber went to show benefit of a private concern, we that tbe Head who could only To amend the provisions of govern by times was Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, boils, blotches, can see no reason, now that that himseli expenditure bas facilitated, or the existing Law which were inefficient.
Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic made possible, the inauguration fou oa to be inadeqoue in certain of a seaplane service, wby Rheumatism, Mercurial Attections and Disthe Cases. Some of tha new proGovernment should not take ad visions are taken from the more Trinidad participation in eases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
Vantage of that service to the modern Laws of other colonies this year Wembley Exbibition uimost in the interests of tbe and are included for tbe sake of is estimated to cost about 650 development of the colony.
of this sum there is a nucitus An Alterative recommended for purify.
of 630 in hand, granted to the Provision is made to en 01 ing and enriching the BLOOD.
The Health authorities in able the Crown or the accused colony by the management in the Exhibition.
Georgetown have launched to apply for special jury in Criminal cases; certain exempintensive mosquito cumpaign in that city, which involves AD. on For Sale at all Drug Stores expenditure of 10, 000, Jury are added to the existing BRITISH GUIANA list of ex mptions, and the salary qualitication of Juror Demerara in the Air And in Large Quantities by GRENADA is raised froin 50 to 59.
SHORTENING OF LANGUAGE JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy The election of members for B. Il erbited Law for The Dally Argosy maks the the Legislative Council of GreShortening the Language used AGENT nada under the New Coositution in the Laws of the Legislature following Editorial comment on has been fixed on a Fray the of the Island and other Legal the recent iaaugurtion of 13. instant.
and bicial, Documents and for seaplane service in that colony:other purposes The successful public inaugu test of the The Bil for this Lewis drawn terday, is something of an event Foir. y seaplane ye Siss the West Indian of Gremainly for the purpose of the in local adnals. It is not, a very long life on the capital cada. The whale oil wanufacturRevised Edition of the Laws. course, the first aero lane which it amplities and modernises the bas flown above B, iti Guiana, IF YOU WANT TO BE xpenditure and the runi ing ed by the Gloves Island Wbalcos of salaries and wages of ink co, is really of excellent provisions of the International but it is at any rate the first Pilot and mechanice, petrol and quality. The local whale oil of Law, Law of 1900, and new which has been specially deoil consumed can be recouped by the past was usually of a dark definitions and sections are signed for up country river the enterprising owners it the brown colour, and sometimes of added which it is hop d, in the service and it is to be seaplane is orly to be emploved the dificul y ard delay in band offensive odour, due no doubt to trust future, will shorten legislation that it is the first of wany Your Secrers to the Right Man. Happy in as an ambulance and for the ling the carcasses of Friendship upon many subjects.
Business and Domestic Affairs.
heavier than air flying na Spells of all kinds released wbales and transporiation of medical broken, stores chines which will serve to hasten LOVE APPLES in All Forms. High Joho to and from poteri, in be which often decayed the task of opening 10 the Conqueror, Adam and Eve, all kinds of the Rupununi district. The licence boiling. With up to date machinAdmission of a New binterland. We congratulate Roots and Herbs.
for the machine, we believe, ery and expert handling, whale Hodgkins and the which has been gran ed by the oil can now be extrected from Barrister, Air only whales within three hours of Daylight Balata Company upon Ministry, only 200 GALL, OR IF OUT OF TOWN, WRITE their enterprise, Capt. Trace untitles it to be used for the killing. The result is a clear, the pilot, upon the capital purposes stated, and not for a white oil, with no smell, and Any customer not satisfied with goods ordered can In Chambers yesterday after spectacle ha provided for the passenger service of th transpone of the old bad taste in the noon before His Honour Mr. large crowds assembled on the have money returned, if claim is made within 15 portation of mails. The balata month. The West Indian Justice De Freitas, Acting Chief river bank, and Mr. Baker, the days from date of delivery.
bleeders a:d their chiefs, in the says that 38 whales have already Justice, the Hon. Wello mechanical expert, who triinterior, will, it is true, be been caught by the Company brought within a counle of bouis (Continued on page 7)
Durrant, Attorney General. umphed over all difficulties CASH OR CREDIT journey of Georgetown and it Millan. made application that machine with a raw and untrainbe possible to transport a Mr. John Edward Carberry, ed staff and lacking many of the. will credit you. It matters not where you live sick or wounded man to hospital The 23, 000 toa liner Aorangi, be admitted to practice tools and appliances usually in Georgetown in about as many the world largest motor ship As a Barrister in the Island. employed Incloso 10 cents to cover cost of this notice and such work.
in bours as it now takes weeks. In the first ship to be fitted with In making postage.
We understand that the Balata the application other words, the business of the apparatus, whereby radio broad.
the Atorney General said that Company enterprise has up to proprietors of the sea plane will casting can be heard all be facilitated and rendered more ship. The installation, a ship the Mr. Carberry bad all the nec the present cost them something ALEXANDER attractive and more lucrative orchestra, repeater, can be used cessary qualifications, and be like 80, 000, and we admit to for music, lectures, concerte, or was called to the Bar at Middle some difticulty in understanding through the saving of time, but any other Temple on the 26th January last, now the interest and sinking 99 Downing Street, Brooklyn, it would certainly appear that simultaneous hearing on all parte purpose, for which Mr. Carberry had passed his food so and aeroplane has not the service has been inaugurated of the vessel is desired.
Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD should apply ot Lucky, Happy and Well Tell before British in the ор will be Over


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