
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 1925 PAGE THREA LET GO, BOYS AND GIRLS IM ONE MORE CHANCE BESIDES THIS ONE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE 100. 00 Crossword Puzzle Prizes Given Out for ten empty packages of either Lucky Strike, Fatima Piedmont, or Victor Cigarettes.
大大大大 Crossword Puzzle No.
Ist Prize 2nd 3rd. 25. 00 15. 00 2 Prizes of 00 each 3. 00 IO 00 II 00.
99 10. 00 HORIZONTAL VERTICAL Thoce who enjoy No 38.
horizontal An ellipse.
13. masculine name.
14. To set an estimate upon.
16. card. Fr. 17. Is ill 19. To cut off a covering.
21. Girl nickname, 22. bag.
24. Saved from a wreck.
26. masculine nickname, 28. wand.
30. prophet 31. In the matter cf, 32. Surmises.
35. dairymaid (Pl. 37. To accomplish.
38. The cigarette everyone should smoke.
40. public announcement (Abbr. 48. Tiny 45. Compound of an atom.
46. To wound 48. Connecticut. Abbr. 50. An insect.
52. The male sex. Pl. 54. An Australian ostrich, 55. To purify.
58. Liquid contents of plants 60. New Latin. Abbr. 61. The Celtic language, 62. Recent 64. favorite.
66. Pares, 68. sailor.
70, trick.
72. Annoys.
73. What No. 38 horizontal is to a smoker. Fastened securely. 1051, Lubricants, Erbium (Abbr. To strike with a short, sharp blow. As it stands (Pl. Mus. Established Church (Abbr. song bird.
10. Trim 11. fur bearing carnivore.
12. One who peruses.
15. Ages.
18. long scarf of gauze railk 20. cuttlefish (Pl. 23, nunnery.
25. To gradually change, direction (Naut. 27 Aocomplised.
29. God (Latin)
33. solemo pledge.
34. Science (Abbr. 36. To satisfy.
39. masculine nickname.
41. To condemn.
42. To take willingly.
44. folding frame. Pl. 47. missile.
49. cardinal number, 51. Tenor (Abbr. 53. To doze; 56. At sea, 57. Snare.
59. fairy (Per. Myth. 63. To pad with wadding.
65. To pull with great effort.
67. point of the compass.
69, With reference to, 71. Hush! TOTAL. 100. 00 90 Let go. try and win a part of this 100. 00 cash but dont forget to attach two things to the crossword puzzle before mailing it in to us first, your name and address written plainly on a separate piece of paper, and the ten empty packages of either Lucky Strike, Fatima, Piedmont, or Victor cigarettes.


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