
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 1925 20 SPEGIAL LINE OF FRENCH SHOES various sizes and shapes FOR LADIES Special Prices for a few days only.
a The American Bazaar JOB. PRINTING Church Services.
FIFTH(PASSION) SUNCAY IN LENY blished on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen on applica.
St. Paul Church, Panama WABOND, at the office No. Central tion. Correspondence on all matte Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited. Rev. Nightengale, Rector)
PO Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must be am, Holy Communion written on one side of paper only, and 10 am. The Litany Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of 10. 30 a. Holy Eucharist and ermee Preacher the Ror. Corey.
One Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicaSix Months.
tion but as a mark of good faith.
3p. Church Behool Three 600.
We do not undertake to return re7. 30 Choral Brentong and me be 25e.
jected correspondence.
The Re. Rev. James Crik Mouth Bibop of The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. JUNUIS Wednesday, and Friday Holy Com union at am. The Litany at SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 1925. Wednesday Bvensong 73 o clock and Confirmation Clase imme diately after.
St. Alban Church, Paraiso In our issue of today, we print an article submitted by CANAL ZONE.
the executive of icers of the Panama Canal West Indian (Rev. 7, NIGHTENGALE, Priest in Charge.
Employees Association, the first of a series the leaders of that movement have signified their intention of contributing at 11 a. Matine, Litavy and addres to this paper. As the article pertains to leadership, organi3p. Chureh Behool and Confirms tion Clare.
zation and cooperation, we think opportune to make a 30 Choral Evensone, rermos few observations on LEADERSHIP.
Prescher, The Rev. Cows, There has always sprung up in civilized countries a manifest difference in leadership leadership that has for its Evensong, Litany and addrem goal the attainment of selfish ideals, of personal aggrandizeWedneeday evenings at 7:30 ment and edification, and leadership of disinterested service to humanity. And so there was the Napoleonic leader PANAMA. COLON St, Matthias Mission ship and the leadership of William Wilberforce; the great LAS BABANAS contrast being that while the Colossus was busy (Rev. NIGHTENGALE, Priest in Charge.
hestrising the world for his personal glory and honour, Wilberforce was busy killing the African Slave Trade p. Church School.
for the benefit of humanity. Napoleon looked on Mr. Richards, Caterhin life as an excellent opportunity for self aggrandizement, while Wilberforce saw in it an excellent opporSt. Peter by the Sea, La Bou unty for self bestowal: Napoleon principles were (American. Episcopal)
thit humanity was under infinite obligation to him, while FIYTH SUNDAY IN LENT (PASSION Hilberforce principles were that he was under infinite SUNDAY)
bligation to humanity. And because Napoleon leader The Litany, Holy Eucharist and ship was for selfish interest and honour, he and his cause Of every description sermon, 11, a. Rector. Special Bervis for Church School, Rector enied in ignominous defeat; while Wilberforce typified the Choral Evenson and mermon, successful leadership, the leadership which obliterated the pm. Rev. Corey, visiting Canadian accursed African Slave Trade. And the contrast of leaderDONE WITH NEATNESS AND priest from pan. cordial iavitatie ship will even be noticed in the tombs of both men; the extended to the general publie.
one is symbolic of personal ambition and pride, while the DESPATCH There will be wervices every morning other perpetuates the memory of him who has rendered inat o clock, except Saturday morning valuable service to humanity, a service that reminds us that Junior candidates for Holy Confirmar we are our brothers keepers.
tion will be instructed Tuesdayo AT THE Fridays at 30 Seniors, Wednes If there is a people who need disintersted and unselfish days and Thursdays at 30 and leadership it is the Negro, and if there is a section of a peo2. 80p. respectively ple who is in serious need of that same type of leadership It is not too late to get enrolled it is the West Indians on the Isthmus.
for Holy Confirmation. Rosialtar temptation to put off your Confirmation But who shall lead the people! All arguments to next year.
the contrary are almost inaamissable one from among the MULCARE, Rector.
rank and file who has worn the shoe, and who knows the pinch thereof is most fitted to lead his race, for he knows the merits of his people, he also knows their demerits and st. Barnabas Church, Empin their idiosyncracies.
NEW PROVIDENCE NOTES Thn Rev, Cows of the so Bia. Mimion will celebrate the Holy We have followed, with marked exactitude, the laying Eucharist and preach at St. Barasbar of the foundation of a useful organization the Panama CALL IN AT at 11. large atkadance in asti Canal West Indian Employees Association for we see in (From our Correspondent. pa Id.
it intelligence neccssary to carry on an organization of His Excellency, Governor 4A 3p. Church School and Coesuch magnitude, coolheadedness, frankness and happily so, Arosemena paid an oficial visit firmation Class we note the absence of that peculiar ostentation which too to this colony on Monday, the A17 Choral Evensong addrom often carrys to defeat many a good cause. West Indians 16th inst. The object of the T MULCARE Pricol in Charp visit was to make arrangements are easily led, but they have been somewhat disappointed to establish telephone commandin several types of leadership.
cations between Limon, New St. Bartholomew s, Church Then there is another particularly important point to be No. 93, Central Avenue Providence and Colon; and thereLAS CASCADAS considered when recognizing leadership; it is the way by linking up these settlements Morning Prayer and Addrone 11 with other parts of the Repnblic Church School 30 it disburses the funds of the people it leads. An by telephone, organization, however willing its leaders might be, cannot ASSORTMENT OF Brening Prayer and Addres, pu.
successtully carry on without being properly financed. MULOARE Priest in Oost The news was joyfully reWe do not mean it to be inferred that the pennies of the GOOD STATIONERY celved by all wo were present, ignorant poor should be collected by shovels full and only as the telephone will fill a long St Jude Mission, Summit.
accounted for in bombast and dissimilation; association SOUVENIRS, felt want and will be the fir Holy Communion and experience with conscientious leaders and useful orofficial step taken towards the Confirmation Clan meeting c, ganizations will readily enlighten one that, however simple improvement of the colony. Church School and Confirm ataon at p.
these ventures may sometimes appear to the superficial thinker, their proper financing plays a prominent part in His Excellency also enqutred Evensong and Address 30 honey. But days grew to weeks, weeks to months, and locally here for us. temporwhetber timber can be supplied their successful functioning. MULCARE, Priest in Chary The pooling of the efforts of West Indians on the months to years. Forty years along was the sojourn of ary telephone poste until iron or St. Simon Mitasion, Garden Isthmus under the right leadership spells success for all Israel in the wilderness round Sinai; and both Moses and stoel ones which are already concerned. But good results are, as a rule, not realized in Aaron were dead when at last the tribes crossed the Jordan. ordered from Germany arrived; Morning Prayer, and addrew 11.
a day as well as obstacles are not surmounted by mere Not yet for forty, but already for more than six years, and he was told that an abundant Church Sebuol, and confirmation Promised here and at a reasonable cost.
supply of sime are available glancing over them: but high hills grow less as we ascend we have been expecting to enter and enjoy a Meeting at p. to.
them. and success from the right leadership must come Land; only to find ourselves still wandering in a desert. His Excellency sid that he MULCARE, Priest in chary.
soon or late.
On the signing of the Armistice, in 1918, we thought that wished to have the work carried The policy adopted and the spirit evinced by the ma a few months of treaty making and accountancy would through and completed before Wesleyan Methodist Chweta nagement of the Panama Canal West Indian Employees not only bring us to Jordan banks but to a bridge of gold, the end of the present drg (BRITISH CON PERENCE. Association are both commendable, and as the future of the whence a broad and easy road would lead us to olive.
Pansus 11 a. Rev. Wade Association must, as a matter of course, affect in one way gardens and palm groves and vineyards. Communion) 30 Rev. R, or the other the general working and living conditions of But nearly four score months have dragged away and bas charge of the work Accom Sefior Juan Marcelli, who Wade. Subject: Good for Nothin.
the greatest number of West Indians on the Isthmus, we we are still among burning sands and savage cactus.
Colon. 11. Mr. Moodie; panled His Excellency bere. 30 Rev. Sur eon, hope for its continuation in the direction of doing the Times without number our hearts have leapt at the Senior Marcelll remained here, La Boca 11 a. Mr. Tbeo, Tulks, greatest amount of good to the greatest number of its sup. lovely vision of a cool oasis, with green trees bending like and the following day be went 30 Mr. Reid.
porters, as this resuit will sure to cast its shadow before graceful beasts of the plain to drink in a lake of calm water commercial road on tour of 30 Mr. Theo. Fuller.
over trail Paraiso 11 a. Mr. Walten; the eyes of West Indians on the whole and serve as an and times without number the mirage has faded and the inspectior; he was piloted by inspiration for the achievement of direct aims by organiza bitter dust of the desert has once more stung our eyes and Messr8 Josiah Scott, and Samuel New Providence. 11 Mr. Laynio.
tion and cooperation.
filled our nostrils. Germany is sharpening a stealthy sword Thomas to Cativa, and thence Empire. Rev. Burghom conscientious and disinterested leader of any will always get the support of the well thinking members, sharp lessons of history, is a house divided against herself: he other two gentlemen return race and muttering threats of vengeance; France, despite the Sefór Maroelli continued bis 3p. Rev, B, E, Wade.
journey. and not only of his race but of the other races for his will be the League of Nations breathes painfully in an atmosphere ed to New Providence.
Salvation Army Hall, USEFUL LEADERSHIP.
heavy with reasonable doubts and unreasonable suspicions, the Dawes settlement is once more in danger: and the An English elementary comLA BOCA CORPS New World, beholding the Old World bleeding in the ditch, munity, school was started here 80 Knee Drill.
Towards the Promised Land.
talks of passing by on the other side. Like the baffled on the 16h Inst. ander the 11 a. Holiness Meeting.
Israelites, we rise up day by day, scraping together our mastership of Mr. Noel. a p. Sunday School When the Israelites were on their way to the Promised ration of manna, hoping against hope, wandering round teacher, from the Mico 1ostite and duly qualifed 80p. Open Air. 30 Salvation meeting Land they, no doubt, believed that a few sturdy marches and round rather than on and on; and Mamre is not in tion of Jamaica; and during the We extends cordial invitation to would bring them to the country flowing with milk and sight. Tablet. Continued on page. Continue on page 7)


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