
PAGE SIX British Trade And Finance.
Up to date Jewelry ALBOA EST EER REWED DI. presented and no appreciable surplus is now expected. AN regards the Budget for 1925 26, due to be introduced in April, the public has been hugging the dea that Mr. Churchill the Chancellor of the Exchequer, would be able, through his intiDate knowledge of the great departments and his personal prestige, to insist on such a measure of public economy as would allow him to maku some important alleviation of the In every form can be seen taxpayer burden.
But hopes here at its best See our in this direction are now more restrained. For Mr. Churchill Wrist Watches, task in expenditure down to a low level Bracelets, has become increasingly difcult.
Diamond Rings An economie event of considerable importance ren ral level of commodity prices and a hundred other adorn10 Britain, bas, despite the rise ments and you ll recognize taken a dowowards trend. A: JEWELRY HOUSE in town in the price of wheat and flour, why this is the LEADING the same time prices in ibe United States, are ask prices and you ll find still moving upward. Internal prices another reasonin the two countries are thus movlog off towards their pre war continued, will facilitate tbe resumption of the gold standard 122 Central Ave. Phone 629 by Britalo.
commodity por me and the movement Fuller Jewelry Store THE SALVATION ARMY Dentist Howell REMEMBER!
Panama City Corps HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA CANAL ZONE.
On Easter Sunday, the Panama Office Hours: a. to p. m, City Corps will celebrate a unique Egg Festival. to pm The Commanding Oticeris DAILY soliciting the assistance of the general public, to contribute a Specializes in all the branches offering of 000 ERRS OR the Dentistry, above date at 30 in aid of the Corps Self Denial efforts.
Every person is e expected to donate eggs, and you surely will enjoy a profitable evening, suitable addresses will be delivered for the occasion, also recitations and songs.
Come and join with us in cele brating the resurrection of life from the dead.
House Rent Receipt Books Motor Traffic on Highways.
the British Paridente deling Pain Enemy ENGLISH bill was to come befor SPANISH public The British Government intentions with regard to saleguarding, or protecting, British industries which may be suffering from abnormal competition, have taken definite sbape.
There is to be no new Sale guarding of Industries Bm. The Board of Trade bas set up Machinery by which the claims of various industries will be heard, and it as a resolt of full quiries the Board recommends the imposition of duties on competing imports, such duties will be included in the Budget proposals for the year, and will of course be debated in the House of Commons.
Bet hele But before any industry can hope to succeed in getting a taritt imposed upon foreign products which compete with its owo wares, it bas to prove great many things. It has first of all to satisfy the Board of Trade that it has a prima facie OaseIf it does ibis, then its case is to be heard by. Com mittee, to whose satisfaction 11 has to prove that it is efficient; that it is of substantial importance that competitive foreign goods are belog impor:ed in abnormal quantities; that these imports bre causing unemployment bere; and tbat they come from c010tries where they are made under conditions that make the competilton uniair; and toally that the imposition of a duty will not stusiy aliect employment in BE any other industry by which the Kouds in question are used.
Here obviously is net work ol coudkuions, through which no large number of industries can bope to pass successfully.
Foreign centres may there fore banish from their miods the idea that anything in the bature of a general tarid, or iodeed, import duties in any quantities are contemplared, or even possible, under the new system at any rate in the near Future. Of course a great deal will depend upon the spirit in which the new system is luterpreted by those who have to work it, and much also on the personnel of the Committee which bears the various claims, wbies are cartain to be pre.
sented in large numbers. But the regulations, quite clearly, have been deliberately framed so as to confine the opportunity of securiog protocolon to industries labouring under very exceptional circumstacces. It 18, indeed, difficult ottban, to date Roy important industry that is really able to satisfy all the conditions laid dowo. There is much talk of the steel industry in this connection. The steel industry might indeed pass many of the tests.
pot possibly be said that an import duty on steel would not affect employment in other industries. For there is a very Important manufacturers who depend on tirely upon cheap iron snd steel for thelr ability to bold their own both in the bome and international market. The Primo Minister appears therefore to be fully justified in his claim that he has kept his pledge not to introduce anything in the nature of tariff, and protectionists chafe at tbe limitations imposed by that pledge, free tradersthough naturally suspicious of the proposers are not really afraid that many goods will be added to the dutiable list.
Agricultural products, be understood, are explicitly ruled out of the scope of the new proposals.
The long awaited and longpredicted trade revival still terries. Bankers tell of accu.
mulated evidence of the advent of better times But there is.
nevertheless, no very perceptible movement Moreover there is the growing tear that, before trade expansion can set in, Great Britain will be face to lace with Libour troubles. If tbe impend.
ing wage revisions on the railways and in the coal mines can not be achieved without recourse to strikes, the process of Economic recovery may be indefinitely retarded. This fear in itselt is a factor tending to check enterprise. Nor does it now appear so likely, as it did a month or two ago, that substantial remision of taxation will be possible in the next budget.
For the carrent financial year, wbicb ends on March 31st, revenue and expenditure are expected to balance. Revenue is quite satisfactorily normal Order Books Secretary and Treasurer For Friendly Societies But it can motor traffic contains several interesting clau: One of which bas to do win the claimed the world over saleguarding of tbe being Pain greatest enemy.
against drivers possessed ot Multitudes of people use and grave physical disabilities. While recommend it.
a medical examination of Rheumatic aches and paing driver is not proposed in the instantly obey its command Bill it is estimated that each and disappear.
applicant for a driver license It penetrates right to the must make a statutory declara: sore spot. No need of rubbing.
tion that he or she is It does its work thoroughly.
in Give it a trial.
possession of all his or ber One bottle will convince you.
Laculties. This is desigoed to rule out deaf persons or per At all druggists and dealers.
sons of defective sigbt also dlm bless persons or people liable SLOAN to sudden seizures which might LINIMENT incapacitate them for the time (PAINS ENEMY belog The abolition of the மகன speed limit to the country is proposed in the bill but the speed limit will be retained in the towns. The abolition in the country will be oft set by more severe penalties than prevail at LIBERTY HALL present for degligent or danger ous driving the framers of the 29 Street, Panama bill apparently being of the belief that. speed of say, 20 ENGLISH CLASSES miles an hour for one driver mas by Day and by Night are be perfectly reasonable but highly reckless for another now opened for the The Minister of trans Summer port, under vise proposed Bill, for particulars apply on the spot te will lave power to bola inquiries into road accidents if be cou BARTON, LL.
siders such advisable at any time. Exchange. Principal, group of British Private Academy CAN BE HAD AT general while driver, The Workman should Stationery Store WILKINSON VEROO to show bis colours.
Holder of Certificate of the past week 46 children have been Associated Board of the Royal enrolled on the school register, Academy of Music and the and many others will be enrolled Royal College of Music, Lonthis week. Mr. Noel has already don, will give a limited num.
The public in general will be Piano.
ber of pupils lessons on the asked soon to donate towards the Contractor enction of a proper schoolbouse Apply early. Terms mod.
at this colony. At present the erate. 175 Central Avenue, carried on at the Wes Panama.
is and Builder les au Cburch which Rev.
Surgeon bas kindly placed at ibe disposal of the school Map DR. HOFFMANN House No. 20 agement Committee to be used temporarily for the purpose.
Has removed his clinic to 28th NOV. STREET, No. 39 Central Avenue. EoSAN MIGUEL By Providential arrangement, trance between La Mascota His Excellency Governor Arose and Chong Kee Store.
mens visited the school on to Box 411, Panama, R, 16th inst. and expressed his pleasure of seeing an English British Consulate Notice.
school started here; be said that the more languages the children The British Consul in Colon Plans and Specifications Free can learn the more useful they would be glad of any infromation would be when they became concerning Charles Vaz, a First Class Workmanshlp men and women, and the better of Jamaica, who was last heard of it would be for the country and five years ago, and who was thea Guaranteed for themselves.
resident on the Isthmus, Only First Class ones needed APPLY AT ESPERANZA LAUNDRY.
nativa but considerable supplementary Advertise in the Workman it will pay you expenditure


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