p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY MARCH 28. 1925 OUR SPORTING PAGE Last Sunday Races Canal Zone Notes Races! Races!
story, Last OD Good Races. Five Races for Imported horses and Three for Native bred ponies ReAnother Big Card have to make Book Binding!
last were To morrow Races Sparklets (Continued from page (Continued from page 5)
The Panama Jockey Club will DENT DERBY. Red Tank Star Lodge No. 13 present another good program of ARE WE HANDICAPPED! IN had a very pleasant time at their eight races at Juan Franco Park ball to morrow afternoon SO, WHY?
at Paraiso last Saturday There will That Juan Franco is the most 14th inst. It being be three races for native horses There is a story. true popular resort in these partt for night the and five for imported thorough told by a one legged man atout seekers of out of dvor leisure the occasion of loitation and re.
JUAN FRANCO TRACK breds. It is expected that another a one legged man about himself.
proven instatement, quite a number of and pleasure, has been visitors attended.
large and enthusiastic crowd will He had experienced and had com by the over increasing crowds be present.
to the conclusion that his able of people of almost every calling TO MORROW that visit tbe bre zs Park on There will be mise entries in the bodied brother has in him West Indian Band.
first race which will be a four serious competitor, for through Bunday afternoon, Sunday program furlong dash for native horses and sheer necessity he is compeled to was Sunday, March 29th, 1925 five in the second race, also for think ahead of his brother so particularly interesting; the It is learnt that the West Indian native horses. The third race for to overcome bis defficiency and President Drby having drawn Band is now properly re organized na uve borses will be five furlongs be able to maintain himself thousands of peopl to witness and that the Mayor of the city WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE and onte entries are booked.
par with his brother in winning the important classic of the has granted permission for the hread. He wound up his The class imported horses story BURBO, which was won by Factor conducting of band concerts in Raso, winner of last year De Lesseps Park, as was being will run nine furlongs, and Factor by saying that he had consulted Ruso, Frou Frou and Tribuno will on handienp. in his case, the opinions of a lexicographer Derby done some time ago. These con stage is event.
and Toe President cup therefore certs will surely help to dispel In the last race Bolsheviki, of superior advantages over his found that he had been possessed goes to Mr. De la owner of the monotony which surrounde Chomba Loca, cielon, Tigre, Ro brother and as Factor Ruso, turether with Calidonia and contiguous residen lando and Alta Mae will run five there was imposed upon him consequence three thousand dollars of the tial areas.
four thousand dollar purse of The band now consiets of 26 furlong Keen attention has been paid to chances of succes, handicap in order to equalize their tered in that race.
pieces and the management ad the ple cing of weights and a very Factor Raso was ridden by vise that they are in a position to kood time is assured the turfites on Jockey Quirog who curried the accept publie engagements.
this occasion.
the colors of the Stad Valparaiso. hearsals are conduceted in THE PROBLEM The race was er at event band room Mount Clympus We cannot conscientiously say Manua, Lisonjero and Suspiro Lodge Hall, 15th February St. that the other fellows have handi immediately took the lead FOOT BALL on near the Salvation Army Hall, capped us bere; if we are handi the raising of the barrier. The Guachapali.
capped, we have placed the two former kept the pace for six The officers are: Albert Carter, Cecilla vs Panama To morrow there is another form of landicap handicap on ourselves Although, furlongs wn Factor Ruso President; Sam Gooding, Director; tamed from behind, displaced Murray, Secretary and Morti.
Everybody will be there. Don miss it.
ping; that is to give the fellow all his rivals, followrd by Manua, mer Griffiths, Treasurer, The Cecilia Foot Ball Club will who is lese able to compete, in ble Cupanion, wbo in the meet the Seniors, Panama, on the allowance of time so as an to give with furlong had to cede bis First Race Starts p. Sharp National Institute grounds to him equal chance with the De to Frou Frou who started morrow afternoon.
hundred pereenters; but this form 10 ously challenge Factor new airplane, to carry eight This game promises to be the of hondirapping is postly obtainkuso. Cicero, wioner of the passengers at 115 miles an hour. is ADMISSION: most interesting as this will be led on the athletic field not in the Loodedale cup. recently, alse being tested at Croydon, Eng The the Cecilia first game with a competition for bread.
On ne up and passed Mapua; but fuselage is shaped like a gigantic senior and both teams are Pluto gated from behind and flying fish, the wings being like Grand Stan: team, Ground 50c fins and the rudder well prepared as they have praeSnatchod third place from Clero elongated tist every day CONCLUSION.
tintsh, close behind Frou Frou, looking like a tail.
The Cecilat has beat every And so we must deduet from while Factor Raso won by several team in their class and they only hese, whether we are handicapped lengths and was 874 ted with to play the Panama and one way or the other. whether we Ahuderous applause from the SPECIAL TRAINS Cx le to decide who is the Cham are being handicapped op are grandstand. Burlesco, who pioaf of Pants placing a handiaad on ourselves was not in ship, and could not It looks like to morrow will be This can be easily worked out a serious buid in this race; Not for Use of Canal Emfoot bll day, as there will be two and thean sult will more clearly he vrailed behind and finished ployees.
games played, the first game will tell ewhether we are tolding be between the minor league eam our own, gaining or losing Mr. De la Paz friends ciicular issued by the Gov.
Panama Hardware, and the team ground, from the Peruvian hip Coronel liberally supplied wib sparkling e nor of the Panama Canal dated Why throw away your old, but no champaigne from the autiful March 16th pays :Bologne i, and right after this eup he win, and Jockey Quirog the sensational game at pm It has been brought to notice doubt interesting, books when you was acel med for his excellent that employee: frequently endeagame, Cecilia Panam. The Week News riding ability. The pool paid vor to secure the privilege of riding can have them neatly bound at 30 nd 40 on the tiist on special trains chart red by horse, 90 thes cond ad organizations or for tourist parties The Melodrama The Prince THE WORKMAN (Continued from page 14. 80 on the third burse Special traius of this kind are for of Wall Street In he street siding, it will be necesThe first race on the program the exclusive use of the members 93 CENTRAL AVENUE Making, sary, as soon as construction Vas a furlong distanc. for of the organizations by wbich they native horses who had not won are chartered and others should operations reach that point, any race before. This event was not request the privilege of trans.
Opposite Cecilia Theatre With the opening of tbe to drop the service of the won by La Creme; Repulse 2nd portation, Official passes are not tbeatrical season and the many Balboa car that normally and Petronio 3rd. The pool valid on these trains.
new plays that will enliven our runs through to the Casino paid 5, 20 and 23, 10 on the first horse, 00 on tbe second community, there will appear and to turn back all Balboa and 00 on the third.
FIGHT! FIGHT. St. Paul Church News FOREIGN TOPICS a stupendous four act melodrama cars on 24th Street. The serentitled The Prince Dardanela. easily won her Strees. written by Milton Gar: Vista and Palacio cars will not Wall vice of the Sabanas B:lla field in the four furlong class We understand that the well The special preacher at Holy (Continued from page 1)
vey, aurhor of Rombling Rose event for native horses, the knowo fight promoter, Sol, has Eucharist to morrow morning at later taken to Kedleston for burial The Prince of Wall Street be affected.
Candlewood took second place Bobby Risdes, colored feather Hallis Corey, who is visiting Premier Baldwin, the program, hendre alt arrangements for bringing 10. 30 o clock will be the Rev. and among the palibearers were at present being carefully and Caramelo third. The pool Ex Premier ment of the autbor, and is due rehearsed under the manage The New Zealand passenpaid 70 and 80 on the first weight boxer from New York to the Isthmus en route from Japan Rainsey MeDonald, meet our José Lombardo in the to Canada.
The Rev. Mr. Corey Churchill, Lord Birkenhead, the Winston to make its debut ia the early ger ship Ruahine arrived from horse, 60 on the second and near future. Risden is not un is a Missionary in Japan connected England on Thursday last 81. 10 on the third.
known on the Isthmus, for he is with the Canadien Church and is Marquis of Salisbury and the part of the coming month, Eurl of Oxford.
Without a doubt there are with a large number of Jockey Huerta polited Marcela the former Young Mike Gibbons returning home on furlough with a splendid minder and hundreds especially those who passengers from that place won of Colon, his family.
saw Garvey first production, most of whom are English the third event six furlrng We have been advised that be The most cordial wel ome is Failing to reply ati factorily to who will wait in eager expectan people enroute to Aukland, dash for class imported left New York on the Panama extended to the public t) attend the New York State Boxing Com cy for this play considering New Zealand, horses. Mintoi displayed good and is due to arnve here on or the service.
to the make running against West Meath about April mission with respect to his accephe anthor triumph In and Rolando and succeeded in Promoter Sol must be congratu Branch of the Giri Friendly Jack Dempsey, world champion romance, intrigue, laughter and At Evensong the St. Paul ting a challen e from Harry Wills, first production. Filled with new homes.
beating the latter for second lated for reviving the fight game on Society will be formally inaugurat heavhweight boxer and his man pep. interspersed with money. Result: Marcela melodies composed 1st, the Isthmus. which, within the ed by the Rt. Rev. James Graik ager, Jack Kearns, are placed on resistible The Navy tug Sciota Minvoi 2nd and Roland Brd. Tee immediate pust had been gradually Morris. The number of the list of ineligibles by become local musician, and the author, Balboa docks about a week by Garfield which sark in front of the pool paid 80 and 30 on the flickering out.
tirst horee, 90 en the second cano idates is over thirty, most of mission; matchmakers licensed in palc 3, 80 on the third.
whom have on probation for New York are forbidden to nego. It is believed that this play will villago, has been raised. The than a year.
tiste with the champion.
by far eclipse its forerunner of cause for the sinking is beThe class event for native Baptist Churches hors 1924. Most of the characters are lieved to have been due to an 8, distance six furlongs, Girls Frieudly Society is a won by Land o Colon 11 a. m, and 16 Pastor National organization of the Richard Marsh, really amoug them are Victor Moore, open valve in the engine Laken from last year success; har ste uvel with Butter and Thrift, puan the quarterly united American Episcopal Church adopt. mentioned in connection with the who will play in the leading role room.
Zipi Zpe. May Be with Navarro Evangelistio rvice. Speakers Mro, eu from the Church of England of Suprising of the San Blas Indians, as the Prince, Williams, showed od run. Persis Jordau and Chaplin Diebert. which it is the sister Churen, with and who was banished from this Daniels Pierre, Sealey, ning in taking second place after Chorri lo 11 mm. Mr. Gallimore; the following object. Republic by deeree of President Misses Nichols, Browo. PANAMA CANAL WRST having been the last to leave the 15 Putor Witt, To band together in one Chiari, bas arrived in New York Simpson, Cunningham, nd barrier. Zups came in third li donis 11. m, Denson Smith Society Chureh women as AssoGeorge, McKay Mowatt, The pool paid 11. 10 and 90 7, 15 Deacon Linton.
ciates and young women as Mem According to the latest declara In addition to this combina (Continued from page 1)
on the first horse, 40 on Red Took 11 a. Deacon Reid; bere, for mutual help (religious and tions made in the House of Com tion are Miss Adams who will second and 50 On the third. 15 Mr. Gallimore. cular) for sympathy and prayer, mons ia Enzland by Foreign de play in the semi leading role Americans. whose every step of Tribuno won the class Empire 11 a. and 15 m, Des2. To encourage purity of life, cretary Chamberlain. Great Bri Miss Smith and Jeneire; progress, national and otherwise, Toppin, McNally. is the cutcome of cooperative event for imported Cargo 11 a.
duufulness to parents, fa thful in tain bus definitely decided to have Messrs Descon Crawford work and thrift.
nothing more to do with the McLenron, Codling and Dentist exertions that they have not been tance furlongs. Ras came in Genova Peace Protorl, but will Forde. The cast consists of able to organize and maintain second and Buck Dancer third. 15 Teacher Ellis. To provide the privileges of seek otherwise to build permanent 14 characters exclusive of Puebo Nuevo 11 a. Pastor Witt.
ten association capable of looking Toe pool paid 60 entry.
the Society for its members, where peace for Europe, after their interests, choras girls.
place tickets were sold in this 15 Corp. ral El hout, rtley may be, by giving the The play will be presented by Contemptible as they New Providence Supplied.
an introduction iron Oue Branch one of the best combination of appear in the sight of others with The sev ntb race, a distance Believing that the world is over colored players on the Isthmus, whom they come in or tact, AS of our furlopRs 10 class Fulera won the last race for imported bases, we The service on Sunday evening pepulated, several leading men of and should be looked forward to consequence of this neglreta con by tinuar ce must result in inevitable Chorba Loca, ridden by Vizes the day. Antonieta who bad kept will be very interes ung und is England and the United States, as la play of the season.
financial and economic disuster, This was a very easy win. pace with him until the end of boned that there will be a large as well as Birth Control Leagues oj these two countries, are tak Oat running Capitania at the ine fourth furlong, slipped back attendance of young people.
ing steps to bring the question tart after both had jam ped off and Barla came from behind into prominence, so that direct TAKE NOTICE well recognized Panama Canal West attal, he maintalued this place and took second place. Celia Indian Employees Association to the end of tne rao, Capitanla ran third. The pool paid 30 British Consulate Notice. action may be taken towards which must ultimately modify also beld second place, Bolshe and 10 on the first horse The British Consulate General birth control All contributions intended for not altogether remove every cause ki came third, The pool paid 70 on the second and 10 at Panama would like to kvow of Rent Receipt Books in Span. publication in the Workman or which is responsible for the spirit 90 od 31. 60 on the first hooge on the third.
the whereabouts of coe Hubert of 20 on the second and 50 on Due to darkness the ininth Garduer who is wanted at that ish and English for Sale at The Saturday must reach she office not is manifested toward the which tbe third.
race had to be cancelled, of bes.
WORKMAN Printery.
mid day Thursday.
of la מט been more up, also tbt horses discou Melato.
ever muet race.
to auother.
It is therefore the duty of every West Indian worker to support the tbe present


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