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PRICE Cts. Cy.
TWO MEN WOMAN SENTENCED DROPS DEAD Britain Wonder Airship Will be Ready March, 1926 Alien Trading a Menace In Island of Jamaica 80 at of Police.
affairs. 00 the ed reference to Shop unjust?
To Death For Murder Last Thursday While On Chagres River Engaged In Ironing.
super Craft to Cost British Nation Nearly ball score of years have to do the Colone correct gedeet, yrite: Chamber of Commerce Holds Impassed since the that Mrs. Jeftine AndersonJamaiA Million and Quarter Pounds. have been id by criminals on cal aged 52, dropped dend on portant Meeting on Question.
the Canal Zone.
Tharsday evening last at about The lives of two unfortunates old Imperial Hotel, corner 4th and 36 the 2na inst. at her residence, cable despateh from London (States Army and Navy. In fact, are now weighing in the Under the above hendlines the be repatriation. Hear, bear. dated March 9th says:balance Bolivar streets, Coa, while iron Jamaica GLEANER of March 10th no other nation succeeded in as to whether they will be taken to ing.
That would serve as a warning, Revolutionary ideas in a new getting half way around the publishes the foll wing: the gallows on the 1st of October It was not fair that the people of work world, although there were varion next and made to pay the embley Thursday morale go and attended Cham er of Commerce at a special repatriation. fund should be British airship upon which Deceased woke up as usual on For about two hours the Jamaica this country should pay for the has already begun are disclosed by replacements of machines cur avi tion corresponent.
engines in their efforts to do so.
crime which they have been fonnd guilty of, or her daily work with complain, ly convened meeting held vester built expressly for sending them Pillots, navigators, crew, and The association expressed whether the hand of Providence ink, but just as the day drew to a day discussed the meetion of the back. In England they had workpassen zers will all be accommo vigorous disagreement with ad. will interpose and save them. close sbe sidderly oli peed, and alien me to le island. The ed along those lines.
dated in the actual body of the vocates of unification of the Teofilo Vasquez, Panamanian, passed away.
meeting was requi ironed at the Referring to bakeries, Mr. Meeks eraſt, which will thus gain greater Government air service, favouring, and Milciades Moya, Colombian, speed and greater range at less instead of the plan embodied in bare lives for the death of Satur the Isthm 18.
It is not knowo up to tle present call of 17 members of he Chamber held that every bakery should be been sentenced to forteit whether she has any relatives on of whom less than a quarter were licensed. Heaven koows what is fuel consumption because of the the Curray bill which failed their present.
increased streamline effect.
The vice president of sometimes servet up to the people the last session of Congress a nino Ruiz, they having been This wonderful new airship the Chamber, Mr c. Henriques in country shops by the Chinese. The body was taken over by the presided The Mayor of Kingston added he speaker. The conditions is measure to establish in the Depart charged with and found guilty the product of the private ment of Commerce a bureau of first degree murder in connection Hon Altamont D. osta, he went on, were filthy and use como civil aeronauties to provide for with the death of Ruiz in a cayuca pany which is providing one of the and the Hon. A Smith were healthy, and a law should also be licensing two new dirigibles to be used for the inspection and of on the. passed imperiw rahip trhutes experts all privately owned machines and her. The sentence was handed A, to meet at mom, Allu Samu ceoil deCordo from sleeping in the shop and to the ments.
va, Reuben. it. Cushman making it into a living room, There is a hope that the British ed in operating the same. Judge Guy Martin of the Canal Recreation Hall. FW Establiehment super airship will be ready by of Jae Annedy, WB Powell, There was bardly an instance of standing Zone District Court. Both men i Robertson where he had given credit to a March 1926.
commstties in Congress to deal are to pay the extreme penalty at rary secretary. Edgur Moita, To morrow (Sunday. afternoon, ith, Besnoes, Dolphy, should have special taxes for pat.
with aeronautical bakery and had not lost. They KARACHI AIR BASE.
was the Gamboa Penitentiary on urged by the ass ciation. October 1st.
a: o clock, the Panama Canal Panton Shack, ting these laws into effect. Hear, Bombay, March In an inter. It described as regrettable West Indian Employees Associa Gamble, S Gamle, Mais hear)
view Sir Sefton Brancker, who the fact that the air force of the ASSEMBLY ASKS FOR COM. fion will hold an open, meeting JB. Stiven, Webis Step Hon doubted whether the left by air for London it had been definitely day, said United States is not 80 large as the at Cal. donia, to that of Great Britain, due to make Karachi the first experiment smaller appropriations, The National Assembly of Pana when several of the leading mem te non, Frank Lyons, Altoruey nerul. Woose beatae liha bers the speak eks, Henriques, been mentioned was going to do al airship base in India. The ma, in a resolution unanimously the aims an added, megy, objects of Tu ker, D. anything. He mude it clear that It a he thought the test was sufficient, Imperial Government were about Congress reasonable require sorrow the sentence however, that while adopted list Thursday recorded Association and also touch upoo Kinkead and Mendes to spend 1, 250, 000 on its con that our results me sured by one while bee passed on the two men general sur le web cileterest to West Da Costa, Mr. Henriques comment anything beyond that he would be struction.
appropriations, should compare and requests that the Chief of the on ihe whole.
on the fue that out of the surprised and gratified.
SAYS IN LEAD favourably with those obtained in the Executive Power whose huma. de At this meeting the Secretary sevetitevni signatories to the requi HoaA DaCosta Washington, March Suggest other nations it thought ions made during the aircraft con on the whole, they will stand operating the popular wellik, wa, era of leake up Boereratelarnas bostetoi sition for tnt meeting only four Mr. Meeks Porn China complemented wishwill in. will.
results this test.
ferricg to the Chamber policy on terpose his good offices with the of twenty five cents per member Hon. Smith said he was the alien question, Mr Da Costa have been obtained from the ex. As a remedy for discontent United States Government in an for the widow of the late Edmund anxious and desirous of hearing said, ro far as my small help is penditure of 433, 000, 000 dollars among some officers because of effort to obtain the commutation Squires, Policem. Annualcou mhe views of the mercartile com concerned, it will have my hearty on aviation in the last five years the lack of opportunity to display of the preseat sentence for that of tributions as well as new applica munity cooperation, In a were declared in a statement their prowess in bombing the life imprisonment, a penalty more tions will also be received. G. Solomon asked if the the Assitunts Law, the issued by the National Aeronautic association suggested competitive in accord with the principles of West Indians in general, male member for Clarendon knew any speaker said Association to night to be very tests which might at the same modern pepal science and the and fernale, are usked to attend thing of a bill the Government was going to confer with him when time help to solve the problems dictates of Christian charity. this meeting America, in part by reason of of marksman bip and effectivneese were likely to bring forward In his reply Mr. Smith said the it affected merchants with assist drafting e law on the subject as the expenditure, said the state of weapons under varied condiGovernment had not disclosed ment, is very distinctly and emotions.
ants. They had articles of all their intentions, He felt some kinds, haberdashery, etc. sold in pbatically first in the air in the Steps also were advocated to THE WEEK NEWS IN BRIEF thing ought to be done to restrict some of those shops up excellence of the types of machines offset a feeling that whereas the to 19 o.
immigration and aliens trading clock. If the Chinese elected to developed, in the excellence of the death rate is higher among airmen If nothing was done he would not keep groceries they should at any types of aircraft engines develop: than iu other branches of the The Panama Canal has the West Indies, not to ex. hesitate to put into legal form rate conform with the law in otuer ed, and in the exeellence of the service, the rate of promotion pilots developed.
is started the installation of an ceed six months, at 250 per omething the community respects.
not higher.
Mr. Slack was in favour of de It was not a matter of ac To effect this, the associstion fa automatic telephone system month. Some changes have thiok useful for introduction in the Legislative Council. The position portation in cases of frauds in cident that the fly around the world made by Army Air Chief, Major General tem will, however, be contin articles since he laft New what they wanted, if he might say got hold of the alien let them send voured a plan set forth by the on the Zone. The old sys been made in the shipping was bristling with difficulties, and bankruptcy by aliens. Once they numerus efforts to France, Italy, Argentina, and Patrick, which would place the ued in use until the new York, he also claims, and he it, were practical suggestions as to him awar.
Portugal were lese successful Army Air Service in a separate one has been given a was to have been paid off how it might be best dealt with.
Remarking that 90 per cent of than that made by the United corne, thorough test. The automa and sent back. None of the (Applause. the island traders are aliens, Mr MR: MEEKS EXPERIENCE Mais red the following document, tic system, it is understood, arrangements being carried If they depended on the Govern which he said. had SPARKLETS received a will. LAST CHANCE Mually operated boards such now claiming wages in the ment, the parti Miek in de would propose of support, Somerses the as those at the Ancon Hospi. vicinity of 700. The Book. get nobelp. It was time for them proposals were not prseticable. bat suffered ne thought they would furnish BY Jлск For Crossword Puzzle tal, the Governor Board at er Washington is now sexerely at the hands of the aliens discussion.
The credit of tbe the Balboa Heights Adminis lying at Cristobal.
irland had The once pro tinent Democratic also Prizes.
suffered on (Continued on page 7)
olib (literary and debating so.
account of tration Building and the ciety of thie city, in a debate with numerous bankruptcies and the Bobby Risden Here.
the Literary Society of La Boca, colored Norwegian by fires, principally owing to the alien Wall boys Here we are! This is Tivoli and Washington Hosome three years ago, as to whether the last week for the preat Cross tels.
the name of William Sher bered a bill which the Hon. leaving no stone unturned to keep traders among them, He remeni Fight Promotor Sol is certainly the population of the world was word puzzle Competition which wington, Quartermaster on Simpson had once brought for the fighting game alive in Panama growing out the is being conducted by the British propertion to Panama city will be well the Booker Washing ward but which the Gover ment at As was apnounced in our last Company of subsistence that it was American Tobacco practicable for a man to get out (Panama) Limited. See page three represented, it is learnt, atton, was find 25 in the nome did not allow to gu through, issue, he has succeeded in attracts of the earth to allow him to live of this issue) for the purpose of the All Isthmian Elocutionary Cristobal Magistrate Court on Subsequently the education testing to the Lothmus, Bolsby Risden, in reasonable decency and comfort. giving away prizes ranging from Contest to be held by the La Tuesday last for bringing ceeded to a certain extent; but the fighting game. Bobby is not was instituted and that hail sue a lightweight top notcher in the argud, for the afirmative, that wanty fiveod Varised825. 30to cure Boca Athenaeum at the La whisky into the Canal Zone. test should be more stringent. No strange to the Isthmus, as he is deaths, as caused by wars, fami dollar. 00) Uoited States curearthquakes, pestilences, rency for the solution of these Boca Clubhouse on the 14th storms and various catastrophies, puzzles, accompanied known among local as with 10 instant. Medals are to be stre matural causes ful thining, at empty packages of either Lucky awarded to winners of the shook the Isthmus for ten for establishing them in the majori years ago for the United States to aliens. That had been one Young Mike Gibbons of Colon. most severe earthquake of the greatest features responsible This boy left tte Isthmus somo reasonable intervals. the esrth Strike, Fatima, Piedmont, or contest and the latter is open populat on so that the products Victorieigarettes. Quite a number to both male and female seconds from a quarter after of cases. He was in favour also where he had done much fighting of the latter will keep in of solutions have already o clock on Sunday after of the police being left to grant and has met and defeated tion with the remaining popula reteived and more are still pouring above fifteen years of age.
noon last. No material damage imes better than the present sys great deal bas heen spirit licenses; this would be ten good ones.
in, so if you have not yet sent yours io, get them ready and send said of was done, although it was tem Produce business was being him in the them to the Company office be. The Black Cross Trading authoratively stated that the put to base use. They would not which consider nim a wonder in bis The La Bocs Society held that fore the 11th inst. next Saturday, Company steamer Booker shock was the severest felt be able to establish a reputation class. He is fast, aggressive and a sufficient duce to be gained from the earth as no answers will be accepted Washington is libelled by here for the past twelve for their cocoa, for instance, like willing mixer after that date, the other West Indian Islands Knut Straud, the chief en years.
Promoter Sol informs to go around the population but The Panama Canal unless they altered their present Bobby is billed to meet Bat doa us that throw away your Mr.
that mankind was taking a natural empty packages of the above gineer who brought her here Seismographic instrument lo.
liking to the. congester cities, and od cigarettees late for the from New York. Straud has cated in the Administration methods of allowing those, aliens to Lombardo on the masth out this or give in exchange month, and from the reputation on the other hand some ja venters competition; some good things, obtained the attachment of Building at Balboa Heights in mature had been turning the trick on the including useful articles for domes. the steamer, by the Marshal recorded the shock; three of ruptey Law afforded no protection this will be some fight, as both the of itbeit so called, labor saving exchanged for themannounce of the Canal Zone, in an its four rieedles having been to be whererchants whatever. In these boys are a in class by them.
cases devices, the ever increarsnot pay selves, and therefore this fight will connection with this action for wages brought in shaken from their pivots. The ten shillings in the pound or where, be an even match.
ing automobiles.
be made in these columns at a the Cristobal Court. Straud shock was almost generally there was a fradaulent bankruptcy Let prepare for this the fight of (Contioued on Page 8) later date.
claims to have been engaged felt all over the Isthmus. the peualty imposed by law should the sǝason. More Anon, move as the amount more spirit many New York papers, if you are


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