
שריג JAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy. Chesterfield cigarettes are a blend of choice, rich, aromatic Turkish and American tobaccos. You ll like their pleasing taste.
Chesterfield Church Services Interesting West. Menace Due to Aliens piration ing in the same apartments in which goods for sale are stored or kept.
The best Tonic in the World 11. Applicativas for trade noen se must be advertised in the same manner as for spirit license end a photo of each applicant re This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend.
Riced by the Collector of Taxes, and one placed conspiciously in ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, licensed build! ng.
LT Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up 12. The sale of any stock ina run down constitution, trade must first be advertised for at least 14 days clear and It promotes digestion, impruves the appe consecutive days in the Gazette tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system and Gleaner to give creditors the opportunity of presenting DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or claims, also each creditor to be times a day.
informed by registered letter of intention to sell and the purcbaser to o satisfy himself or her: self before purchasing that satisfactory arrangements bave been made with creditors of party selling business or other wise to become liable for the claims notified. In such cases where there is no advertisement PROF. INYANG as required by law the purchaser becomes liable for the entire indebtedness of the business Great occult. Latest master purchased.
13. The person to whom a limind of South Africa. Master ceose is granted should be be absent from such licensed place of mystic science.
Can help for a period upward of three u onths withou obtaining extenyou in case you are suffering Bio. of time or Doctor certit cate of icability to be there. Bach in love, in business or other affairs license sbati bu deewed cancell of human interest.
14. No alien to be granted an Agricultural Produce License in Consultatior, in person or write for price any Class. Agricultural produce found in possession of an alien list. Strictly confidential unless of their own production to be regarded as an offence Address: 206 129th St. New York City, against this Law, CIGARETTES 15. In the case of alien being convicted by the Court of of finest Turkish and American tobaccos blended fraudulent bankruptcy or of any act against the good order or They had heard that ninety per certain goods after the ordinary wel are of the community tbe Court should be empowered to hands of the aliens.
cent of the shops were in the closing hours wbile a man who They bad as a customer of his was upable to posed, to order the deportation got to be just and to recogn za to keep open after four The of such alien.
that those men could not have result was that the man WAS For the pnrpose of defraying got there unless they had done saddled with some goods for a LIOGETT MYERS TOBACCO Co.
the cost of any such deportation trading and had given good ed to purchase others. His point large amount of legitimate locg time and had since declin.
a special tex should be imposed on all all traders of 20 per malpractices, bankruptcies; fires should be made to close at service to the customers. The was that the Chinese shope tead in addition to the regular and other matters mentioned same hour as did others.
th They taxes or 16. No alien should be granted thought they were formed by a were tradiax for six cen licenses.
were reprehensible, but be must recollect that the Chinese a spirit license under any cir (Continued from page 4)
cumstances, and those in exist very small minority of the com day, and, they were trading ence must not be renewed ettet munity. With regard to frau for eight, so they had a start of (Continued from Puge Continued from page 1)
dulent bankruptcies he was eight hours on them.
Seventh Day Adventist Church the boards was missing.
MR. MAIS PROPOALS Mr. Powell agreed and against deportation. He prefer sald red punishment.
Mr. Tucker dealt He might get with the There were three rooms in the Proposed Alien Traders Law the idea of STREET CALED) NI ROAD house in which he lived. He would for 1925. To grant no deporting guilts back under another name at Sabbath trading and expressed (near Lotbmian Park. PANAMA, not be surprised to know that Alien licenses for trade, except also to have a head tax on those traded and they would not be street in the world, even Wall unore aliens was sound. They ought another port to that where he desire to know whether any Were tive rooms in the to those trading at prevent. coming into the colony.
Bunday Evening 30 Preach there He the wiser. But wben they had Street, witnessed much ing, Service The general public is bouse. He did not put the child Licenses of Aliens to be thought that in Canada the bead the man and puntsbed him it passing bands as dia cordially invited to turn out in larg in one of the rooms because it non transferable.
tax had been increased from 500 would serve a warning to his certain road in Kingston on Sabused to cry.
18 bath. He propised an No dative sball transfer :0 1, 000 dollars and it was not a The Inspector: So you put it The absence of ment that to view of the great nind country men.
Babbath (Saturday) 45 a. Babbath School: 11. 15 sm, General Warehin in the box because you did not his on her trade license to an deposit. Tbe meg bad to bavere a license might perhaps carry importance of the subject ofte want to hear the cries. No, alien (place penalty. and cancel bstration papers and if they could some penalty but be had seldom 12 noou Lord Supper Service.
of the not produce them they were de heard of any bod y being prosecut members council sit 30 Spanish Class Children could not get at it.
put it there because the other license thus transt erred.
ported, the tax paying towards ed for not baving one. Any native obtaining Unless together with fiteen outsiders Young People Meeting: 5p.
And why could they not get license in his or her name on be that. Mr. Powell gave a striking they had an active police depart to deal with it.
Vespers, sball instance of the selling methode balt of an be at it in the sweat box? Because regarded Voices: It to, la ge a of Chinese vakers who left ment to enforce the posssssion com the as traud (place penalty and themselves a margin of profetich of a license, it was nonsense.
they could climb over mittee.
Seventh Day Adventist Church two piec of boards that covered license 2 on 95 shillings, out of which forth with cancelled.
Continuing the speaker refer Mr. Solomou felt that the box which was two feet high.
the they had delivery costs, and red to certain visiting regulation, seventeen signatorias Mr. Brien called no Every alien trader already other when Mr. letter should form a 3rd STREET BROADWAY, COLON com aittee sbame Meeks, interposing remarked, to formulate plans bring Sunday evening 30. Preaching sesses although he mentioned trading in this island sh have other overbead expenses (shame, affecting bakeries 50 per cent of his or uer Mr. Lyons held that the ques. that he had personally. pbio before the elected Bervice. You are cordially invited to that the woman with whom the at assistants natives defendant had arranged for the members of tior offected every citizen of the capacity as chairman attend these services and bring your care of the child was present. No alien bank rupt to be land. Mr. Lyons made refer. Parochial Board of St. Catherine, Smith and Dacosta.
of the the Lagislatare through ssrs.
triende, THE DECISION granted a license under any ence to proposals Any 1981 on similar ordered hundreds of prosecu: tance that those members desirSabbath (Saturday) 45 sm Sabba name (penalty)
lines, in the Mother Country under that law. The mediBebnol; 11. 15 General Worvbip The Magistrate after referring the All traders in this island and said that Bankruptcy courts cal officers should see that those ed, he felt, the Council of to the indictable Ordinance Chamber, of whom he was one 12 noon Lord Supper Service.
keep their books written in bave powers to deport allens on laws were carried out. That ap would be delighted to 30 pm. Young people meeting under which he stated that English (penalty. extend their first offence. In cases of plied not only to aliens, but he He felt that often they drifted defendant was clearly guilty fraud they should be imprison was sure that he saw one 80p. Vespers No person to be granted a fac away from the of by subject.
fine not exceeding 100 Otrade license unless able to read ment with penal servitude tor tory which was not an alien Let them remember that what a people. to at all. native teinpting to legislate against unimprisonment for two years Bethlehem Church of God factory with or without hard labour, sald and com prebensible closing hours. Mr. Lyons quoted bakeries, so called, were just as desirables, there were many an instánce where he had sent much in need of inspection Holiness manner.
as desirables that bad traded for the case was one in which one must feel sorry for the defend. Gambling discovered in for cigarettes at 11. 30 at a shop the others.
many years, and were straight, opening he bad opposedHe proposed that four mem They did to interfere upon himselt.
SAN MIGUEL He had evidently such license to be imme diately shop buy crockery, boots and not done bis duty towards the cancelled and penalty.
ber and four from that gather trouble among them. He was 30 a. Prayer Meeting.
sboes. The law should 10. Cooking in a licensed preproyide to in accord with the child and bad left its mother for view 11 a. Divine Service Preacher, into the question. After deal.
another woman, Naturally the mises to be disallo wed, also liy. that a grocery store should be ing should form a committee something might be done bow.
purely a grocery go The Bro. Phillips.
store. p. Sunday School, Superinten child to him. Now when he ingly and given time to pay.
mother felt hurt and took the other portion should be separate ing with the credit question Mr. ever.
characterised and without a Mr. DaCosta commented on common found himself in that position licenses tact that only four out of seven dent.
gestion that spirit p. Programme.
bis duty was to give the child should be no longer given th Mr. Stiven desired to know teen of the sigiatories were 30 pm Gospel Service, Preacher out to some one to take care of it The finances of the Colony aliens exceedingly present there. In the near fuBro. Rece.
He became annoyed with the could ia better condition but what was an alien The majority of those might by saywhat the Tuesday 30 pm. Gospel Service manner in which the child bad in with several trading 18 would be.
Thursday 30 Sister meeting been left with him and placed 11 other West Indian Islande which ing that they could specity that reputable men. Pls experience resaltb or the present by in extended to many traders, tive 80 in the box to die a slow lingering have bean ravaged by called. and of the two and Testimony Xddiction opening clauses of the law.
be Smith having again matter of death and some day the police disease or storms, in Saturday 30 pm. Chair Rehearsa would bave heard that it had to the distress caused by as Mr. Motta feared that in ten fact the alien. As. matter of spoken briefly, Mr. Solomon d.
Elder T, C, FRANCIS, died suddenly.
years (Shouts of Five Fruitless en pressed prices, it would appear ime there would not be any native. The Chinese bore patriotism, he supported the amendment that the signatories 80 to the letter be appointed as a Pastor in charge. quiries would have been made that Trinidad is in a by the Police and the defendunt way with its expectations orood native dry goods stores.
would thus Mr. eks, speaking again excellent character. They ought committee, was defeated, and, relieved of his small surplus at the end of the recalied a conversation with the not to be unjust.
instead Mr: Gamble amended be motion was agreed to. To cômHe Ebenezer Church of God that peo year. Take Ja nate, Mr. Meeks seconded the pro mittee will consist of Messre.
ple had a duty to perform for er do Right Hon. Thomas, ex Holiness to stai ce, a public, telegram refer Colonial Minister, while passing posal for a committee. Meeks, Mendes, Smith, children. Every day ring to the of the Mr. Mendes thought that in sad Mais, and from the CALIDONIA DISTRICT he received reports of people session of the Legila. ive Coun through Spanish Town. He bad neglecting their children. That cil, published on Daursday, gave tº deal with the problem now ought to bear in mind that they asked why they did not legislate dealing with the problem gers. Solomon, Slack, Alan Samuel, Stiven Sunday 30. a. Morning Prayer should never be and if the de. the e timated deficit another. Messrs. Alan 11 a. Divine Service Prenoher. Tendant had been supporting the budget of the coming financial ander discussion when he (Mr. were Jamaicans and that Jamar and Bro. 1611.
ch la properly he would never year as fully 200, 000 Meeks) had told him, You. clear act Po To Sunday School Superintendent. bare er been charged. It was a must involve serious additional turned it down, Mr. Thomas internatioth, bestellt was not their Samuel and Solomɔn doclined to p. Pro ramme matter of retribution and he was taxation and the position of the confessed that be did not know the Chinese, but to ask them to 30 Gospel Service, Preacher compelled to take a serious view Government is not a comfortable that, and would be glad to be deal with them honestly. In two DR. HOFFMANN in the of the offence. He would take one respects he disagreed with the circumstances.
Elder Odle.
proposals set out above; the Tuesday 30 Gospel Service is consideration the strenous ap. It has been also announced that had done since.
MR. GAMBLE VIEWS Thureday 30 8ster and Tes peal of Counsel on his beball. He the Government intends to term of notice of three months would not send him to prison but control alien immigration, which Gamble said he should apply to every one of Has removed his clinic to timony nieeting he would bave to impose the is a tw step for the West would be very sorry it that them.
No. 39 Central Avenue. EnSaturday 30 Choir Rebersals.
maxi cum fine of 25 or six Indies, though it has not been meeting was quoted as a greet Mr. Smith gave a telling trance between La Mascota Elder ODLE months.
indícited against whom, parti ing to more than a very small illustration of the effect of Pastor in charge. Detend ant was fined accord cularly, will the bar be pat. part of the suggested legislation. Chinese shopkeepers selling and Chong Kee Store, SO bot to, the with to other vions No, mariano arosemena but he had brought in these and the recent se li ce se intoare din cele mughter? Ode coule in that bers of one council of the Cham wito those people one to create (whose that the sug en as years. burden must say wards their Webb thoy Council of


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