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POLICE THE COLOUR CRUELTY Opposition Leaders In The House of Commons QUESTRON Youth Accidentally Shoots Domestic Servant in House the Lincoln find that even of Once.
service como later.
extraneous to Donounced By British In England Not DesirChief Justice able in National Interests Express Danger of Britain BeA London cable despatch dated Revolver Suddenly Goes Off coming Involved in Naval Race March 6th states that the Lord Chief Justice, in the Court of WARNING BY ENGLISH BENCHI While Being Examining by With and Japan Criminal Appeal yesterday, again The following is reproduced from had occasion to refer to the prace a recent issue of the Overseas Vivian Reynolds tice followed by the Police in some Daily Mail:parts of the country of waiting MacDonald and Mond As, donment of the Labour Cabinets until a convict whom they wish to licensing Justices to Westminster 2nd in the At the meeting of the Strand Says the JAMAICA GLEANER of sail 5, 000, 000 Increase morale gesture for disarmamen charge with further offences finishin dropping the Singapore project es his sentence and then reartesting City Hall, the Chairmao said that To Build More Cruisers There was quite a Higher Valuatoin a man and woman of colour came flutter at was absolutely deplorable.
bim at the prison gates.
to London last year from one of Cross Roads yeste day afternoon, Dealing with a case where an the Crown Colonies to visit the at about o clock, when a POINT DANGER IN EAST MacDonald said the psychologiPolitical economists say that cal effect of building a base at applicant for leave to appeal Wembley Exbibition. They had youngster, bareheadel, and with values are based on the law of Singapore was bad and that every against conviction and sentence booked rcoms in advance but his elthes partly covered with supply and demand. According. ARTHUR 8: DRAPER) native east of Suez was talking of asked that his sentence of 18 when they arrived they were blood, reported to his step mother. to this theory, if there were 100 London, March 19. Danger of war between the white and yellow mouths imprisonment should be refused admission solely because who keeps a stall in Cross men available for work and there Roads market, that he had Great Britain becoming involved races and the role the base would increased to one of penal servitude of their colour.
in a naval race with the United play. He mentioned Russia and that other offences ahould be As a matter of fact said cidentally shot the servant eil at men would get four times as much ac were work for 200 men, these 100 the States and Japan through the land foresaw possibility iba taken into consideration, His Lord chairman, they were quite arm the woman house, at 87 New wages as they would if there were flirtations with Japan and of an Road.
British Cruiser building pro: alliance of the three countries a young man on one occasion was came to my house. It is not ship said. It appears that this ing and cultured people, and they cando 200 men and there were work for The girl died within half an but 100. In practice we kuow that of the accident, this does not work true; we Singapore base, was expressed by gainst the Anglo Saxon outions it arrested on his release from prison desirable in the national interests hour Vivian Reynolds, the youngster, that there are by Great Britain tock provocative to be tried for an offence which that sueh an attitude should be House of other elements Opposition leaders in had been committed before he was adopted by hotels and the Bench aged fifteen, was on the point of governing in addition, and Commons to aight when step in the East.
sent to prison. That is all wrong. wish to give Bridgemsn, First Lord of the they are this warning to collapse when he reached Cross sometimes POINTS OUT PARADOX It is Roads. He told his step mother greater force than this specific Admiralty, submitted the naval Sir Alfred Mood asked if the Gov. said. nght to reaffirm what has been licencees, estimates of 60, 500, 000 (approximore than once in this Court that the servant and bimself were economic law itself There is the mately 289, 190, 000 dollars at the ernment meant to compete with and what should of thought was, in the house; that the girl said to tendency of arbitrary valuation present rate of exchange. an incruisers. He pointed out the para police intend to proceed against a the United States in constructing perfectly obvious. that, if the Rotary Club of Panama. him: Look here, see a revolver.
He picked up the weapon which labor or comomdities, and there is on the part of the purcbuser of crease of nearly 5, 000, 000 (23. dox rf Great Britain, the vietor, man who is in prison for an offence Club of Panama, The new officers of the Rotary was behind a shelf on a table, also the attitude of tne laborer. increasing her naval expenditures committed before he went into Samuel Lewis, President; Elmer went off bang! He was fright. valuation. Of course, with CouLuoor are: Messrs. and was examining it, when it vendor towards this arbitrary year, while Germany, vanquished, spent prison, they must make up their Ramsay MacDonald, formerly virtually nothing on a navy.
ind with diligence and proceed at Hendezi, and vice President, Eliot cried the Alumit of the tagun; he that it is with Matror. for. whilst First ened. simultaneously dities the law is in Prime Minister, speaking for the Labour Party, and Sir Alfred Sir Alfred took a fling at the Brown, 3rd Vice President; James Mond, for the Liberals, made much! Labour Party for authorizing con It is cruel and improper to wait Zetek, Secretary Genera Carlos) heard the girl cry in a shrill voice, there is alway present olie hamst the better uf une of Bridgeman admission that the Donald was Prime Minister. Mac arrest bım at the prisoo gates, and Mac Murray, English Secretary: o lift her therebrom, he discovered an app struction of five cruisers when Mae until the mao has served his term leaza, Spanish Secretary; James Lord, you shoot me. The girl weakness to get fell on the floor, and in an effort fellow, ti ere is alwuys also present complete naval programme had UL the an appreciation been settled and that a sup: Donald parried this by saying that then proceed against him. Otto Lindo, Treasurer.
that she was bleeding from the that may be had from plementary grant might be asked when the Labourites took office wound which the bullet had made dity, and there is seldou, if ever, they accepted their predecessor in the region of. any estimates, as they had no time for CALLS MOVE DEPLORABLE critical examination. He said he Week News SPARKLETS we then the the blood prejudice of any kind, hasociated If the Uvited States and Japan his ministry had reduced naval cau hit the boy clothes while he with it.
are friendly, who is hostile? Mac costs substantially, and declared in Brief.
was the wounded girl from lifting BY JACK the floor. Frightened out of his as has been said before, the law is Donald asked, declaring that the he saw no reason why expenditures In dea ing with human service, be called out Conservative government aban. should be so high now.
Some ago touched upon The United States Army, the question of the way the people living next door soms not exact The employer appruises (there was nobody else on Navy and Air Forces of the Chinese do business. It was just a employee when the premises) and his employee and the a the bis employer. Toe employer MARCUS GARVEY AND HIS WORK Canal Zone carried out war casual glance into the methods scene the boy was told to leave the principally bases his valuation on practices during the week, where others fail.
whereby these Orientals succeed ceed girl in the former care and. tra And at By Hudson Phillip, University of Lon Panama Canal.
testing the defences of the time called aftention to the clothis report the incident to Mrs. ditional reputatio, and economic standing, and lastly on the The plans parisun between the service we Reynolds at Cross Roads.
Domic On hearing the news, Mrs. generally the more e duested and employer don. Instructor in History, State Normal included the enemy at derive from them in business and School, Cheyney, Pennsylvania.
tacks on the Canal and efforts that which we, as West Indians, Reynolds straightway reported betrer positioned all around, and to repel these attacks by There is no necessity for a re the boy in custody. and alte bargain to suit himself. He says derive from ourselves, in business the matter to the police, who took to the majority of cases makes the Canal land and air forces hearsal of this, the comparison is with the woman, one of the police Pill pay a Chinamın so much, If, so far in the twelfth century, confidence, independence The big guns on the fortified generally known.
off in bus there have lived two Negroes who assertiveness. They made money One is bound to admit that the there, it was discovered that bave attempted to supply their too during the war. Then followed islands of the Pacific entrance 87 New Lincola Road. On arrivina Italian so much, a Huudoo, so a Negro so much, and rare, on a grand national scale, the after war disappointments of to the Canal were tested on John; as he is commonly known unfortunate girl had succumbed to much more than all these, if Englishmaa so with some constructive philosophy the race and the stage was set moving targets. An interest or called over in Jamaica where the injury.
at Problem, those may be said to self assertion and for anti racis the bombing of Tortolita is a keen business man. He has The girl, whose name is Zipporah employer happens to be one of the wana from thies Zipper el lobis The be Booker Washington and propaganda. It was then employee either Marcus Garvey. Both men tried Garvey who had appen red on the Island, a small uninhabited succeeded inplanting his teet in of Guy Hill, in St Mary:ynand arbitrary valuation or repudiates to lead their race to a status of scene in Harlem, the Negro Bele island used for naval practice, Jameica with the inevitable conse was employed to Mrs. Reynolds it. If he accepts and continues to dignity and independence, and so of New York City, wielded his by five Martin bombers. Ob quence. he has outdone, in busi as a domestic servant. for about abide by it, there is generally were educators in a large sense. greatest influence and found bis servers DO But while the work of the one. largest numbers of adherents were privileged to act from the lowly candy celler former og reglement in the propers advancement. ceter to the ty Mt. Reynolds, who was Silence in 18 lower it.
unpretentious in design and the on the part of at the time of co: Garvey, a British West Indian by see direct hits followed by and merchants Kingston he the employee operative in object took root and birth from the island of Jamaica, explosions on the island: now considered in that island a fatality.
employer desire grew in the life time of the founder reputed to have received a part none of the bombs having most dangerous rival in the biggest Young Reynolds was arrested lower it, because it will be inferred and has since his death been lof his education in London brought dropped far from the intend and most remunerative busivess on a charge of manslaughter, and that the employee will be satisfied expanding with every succeeding year, the work or ble the whole tions of the idea gero Pro ed spot. The result of the ventures. It is said that John once will be brought before the Half with loss, and would have been from the new the separatore and its object outlook perspective. His was a programme war has not yet been dis told a Jamaican that black man Way Tree Court today.
mek shap, but Chinaman kip In order therefore that valuation and separatist in its objectivity for the union of all the realtered closed.
has even already ignominously members of his race, irrespective shap. This is self explanatory, Woman Throws Horself be not too low it is necessary for died in the life time of its origina of nationali y, and their elevation and the most superficial thinker Ovor Balcony.
the employee to et it for himself, aod as a result there will be a nig.
tor. For, with his imprisonment to the dignity of a free and indeCommercial transits of the can figure it out.
on the Federal charge of using pendent state by a return to Africa Panama Canal during the But the truth is that John is gling between both and a conse United States Mail to defraud, This programme he hoped to month quent compromise. This is a plain credited with having made a com.
of March Ida Small, Jamaican, is at pres. everyday experience. The West Garvey may be said to bave shot accom lish by his Universal Negro paid tolls to the amount of cans have actually failed; and suffering from internal injuries and 10c. an hour for common labour, 1925, plete success where most Jamaient in the Santo Tomas Hospital, Indian dug the Panama Canal at his bolt.
Improvement Association be 1, 840, 103, 14.
It must not, however, be infer and by the Black to these commercial transits sometimes more or less placed on on Thursday last when it is re but by getting together somehew In addition restrictions of some sort are a fractured leg, which she sustained without lo increase for 12 years; Ted that the doctrines of Garvey. Star Line and subsidiary business were transits John, and none on the Jamaicans: ported, she deliberately threw her and clamouring, they improved or Garveyism as they are called. ventures. Maladministration, lask there e To work out this easy problem self the balcony of No. the rate to 22 cents an hour in in the history of colored peopletion as shown in the trial of the es measuring under 20 tons John is thoroughly building, Calidonia Road.
four years, 1916 to 1920. Then and indeed of the whole world. It man and tomfoolery and egocen on which toils to the amount is versed in the method and he It is alleged that Ida and some by remaining dumb since 1920 to is on the contrary safe to persume tricity comet must be sadly, admit of 44. 70 were paid, making knows the value of organization in the other card lets on the boardy 18:23 furoy. dost ts. This case schemes tedthe movement to so far, the man and his work will failure; but these should not blind the total collection for the and cooperation; and again he is ing bad quarrelled in the early cited is not by any means peculiar receive some psasing mention at us to the significance and import month 1, 840, 147, 84, or a out for business and cares little or appears that the being satisfied, it to these people and this undertak that the brawl was resum. ingNow, if the advancement of the impartial ance of.
daily average on all traffic of short has all for petty abuses in Plater in the day. Small was the labour depends largely upon From earliest times different 59, 359, 61.
As in the period 1815 1821, after bombarded with estimate For the first being out for business he studies Beemi malanguage by her two self, and the amount of energy ho the Napoleonic Wars, so in the peoples, impatient of rising to the nine months of the present the Jamaicans their customs and during limit of capacity in the Great War, National matter genial surroundinger Lave seed current fiscal year there was their language and to tam up the seming e amicidas tes, and not pos. exerts and ele getting obiseminate sufficient courage and for accepted by his employer, why whole thing he knows the psycho titude to withstand the Self ietermination semed to have or migrated to foreign lands there a total of 3, 551 transits and a logy of the Jamaicans.
flow of should any employer, be blamed received fresh impetu. to buid after their own fashion, total tolls collection of 16, maicans failed to compete with the uapleasant words she sought to es and called unkind and regard to the Nexto, colored meo Moses and Aeneas to the days It has been so from the days of 300, 011, 88. During this period John because they first failed to cape by vol plaining over the bal able when his employees disregard cony of the two story building. this right? We say, emphatically, having wrougnt and fought to of the average daily transit was have studied the John.
make the world safe for self (Continued on page Continued on page Continued on page Continued on page 8)
law. The ecois and a much, a the American or an an accepts this there washerworretailers, and induce the will to digoity 11 era With (Continued ou Pize 8)


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