
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 11, 1825 United States District Court THE WORKMAN ANOTHER GOOD OPPORTUNITY CANAL ZONE Balboa Division No, 696 Notice of Pendency of Suit.
Published on Saturdays by Rates Advertisemen on applica.
WALROND, at the office No. 93 Central tion. Correspondence on all mattes dvenue, Panama, de of public interest invited PO Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must be written on one side of paper only, and Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of One Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicaSix Months 20 tion but as a wark of good faith.
Taree 60e.
We do not undertake to return roODO 250.
jected correspondence.
FLOSSIE MeNALLY Defendant The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNUIS SATURDAY, APRIL 11, 1925.
Special Prices for a short time only.
MR. BALDWIN SPEECH at FLOssie Mc NALLY, TAKE NOTICE That Ernest MeNally, of La Boca, Canal Zone, has filed suit against you in the United States District Court of the Canal Zone, for absolute divorce, and as grounds therefore he alleges adul.
tery ard cruelty.
Now, therefore, unless you, the said Flossie MeNally, be and appear before said court on or before the 30th day of June 1925, and answer said complaint, then the matters and things therein stated will be taken as confessed and divorce will be demanded by the said plaintiff.
Ancon, Canal Zone, March 26th, 1925. SHEIBLEY, Sr, Asst. Clerk of the Court ROBINSON, Attorney for plaio tiff.
The American Bazaar PANAMA. COLON speech which has just been made by the British Prime Minister at Birmingham gives much food for thought, not in Great Britain only, but everywhere where internal problems cause perplexity. Mr. Baldwin, pursuing an idea which has occurred to many minds, but never before been given so definite an expression, drew a striking con trast between the spirit and the principles exemplitied in international affairs since the League of Nations came into existence and the lack of any such spirit in those industrial relationships which produce such constant friction in a highly industrialised country like Great Britain. The League of Nations has fallen iar short of realising its ideals, but it has at any rate declared its ideals and embodied them in a Covenant which no nation that has signed it can openly repudiate. Is it possible, the British Prime Minister asks in effect, not necessarily to frame such a document to govern industrial relations, but at any rate to apply to those relations the ideals which the League Covenant embodies in another field? Can, in particular, the League method of frank and friendly discussion between opponents be made successful in the controversies perpetually arising between employers and employed? Such a question provokes farreaching reflections, and it might with advantage be further developed by asking whether it is impossible to apply more extensively between bodies of citizens those canons of arbi.
tration which have been so widely and advantageously adopted among the nations of a Continent like South America.
JOB. PRINTING British Consulate Notice The British Consul at Colon would be glad to receive any in.
formation conrerning the present whereabouts of a native of Montserrat named Peter Joseph Brien, who came to the Isthmus from that Ieland in 1909.
Of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH Hunter of La Boca will deliver the address Servies for Church School, 3p.
Choral Evensong and address, v. T MULCARE Priest in Charge AT THE DISARMAMENT St. Bartholomew s, Church LAS CASCADAS.
Matine. and address, 11 a.
Church School service J. MULCARE Prie in Charge WORKMAN PRINTERY LUCKY STRIKE St Jude Mission, Summit.
Ever since the Washington naval treaty was signed it Matins and address 11 has been the fashion Duth in Great Britain and America to Church School service p. m, sook on it as the great example of achievement in the field of MULCARE, Priest in Charge disarmament. Su in a sense it is, but ofticial figures just published in the former country give a disturbing impression of the effect the Washington agreements have had in Church Services. St. Simon Mission, Gamboa Matins and address. 11 a.
merely replacing cuinpetition in capital ships by competition in other types.
Cboral Evening and address p.
At present it is the cruiser race that is FOR REAL AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH attracting most attention, though the building of submarines (Anglican Communion)
by France is not being overlooked.
What has emerged ENJOYMENTBethlehem Church of God EASIER DAY most ciearly in the three years that have elapsed since the Holiness St. Paul Church, Panama Washington treaties were signed is that the immediate re(Rev. Nightengale, Rector. No, MARIANO AROSE MENA sult of stipulating that no cruisers shall be of more than am. Holy Communion (Choral) The 10, 000 tons is to make it certain that no nation will consent SAN MIGUEL Rector to build a cruiser of less. The fact that Japan in particu10 am. Matins, The Rev. Cowan o clock Easter morning servire; Iar is building cruisers of a particularly formidable type a. Baptismal Service at Relis gives a strong argument to advocates ot higher expenditure Is Blended For 10, 30 a. Holy Eucharist and sermor Vista un cruisers in Great Britain. For the moment the demand The Rev. Cowan, Elder Francie. Communion der 11 a. Divine Service Preacher, has been resistea, but even so our naval estimates are likely REAL) ENJOYMENT 12 30 Holy Baptism, The Restor.
3p. Church School Easter Service.
ce. to show a considerable increase over last year, and in the p. to, Sunday School, SuperintenThe Rector.
absence of the new international agreements it is difficult to. With the result dent. 30 Choral Evensong and sermot p. Progratome.
see how fresh naval competition can be avoided.
and Procession the Rector. mild but distinctive 30 Gospel Service, Preacher Monday and Tuesday in Easter week Elder Francis Holy Communion at am.
Character a Tuesday 30 pm. Goepel Service Thursday 30 Sister meeting TRADE UNIONISTS REPORT ON Character that St. Alban Church, Paraiso and Testimony.
Saturday 30 pm Choir Bebeareal RUSSIA Never varies (Rev. NIGHTENGALE, Elder T, C, FRANCIS, Priest in Charge.
Pastor in charge.
FOR REAL ENJOYMENT 10 a. Holy Baptism 10. 30 am. Holy Eucharist and Sermon good deal of interest has been taken in British circles Smoke The Rev. Nightengale.
in the report on Russia, published, after considerable delay Ebenezer Church of God p. Church School Easter Service Holiness by the Deputation of British Trade Unlonists who visited The Catechist.
that country some weeks ago. Seven of them went, 30 Choral Evensong, sermon none of them, of course able to speak Russian, but they Preacher, The Rev. Cowan, CALIDONIA DISTRICT 5, 30 o clock, Easter morning Service had with them three companions, one of them a former 11 a. Divine Service PrensberDiplomatist and another a former Naval Attaché, all of Bro. Recoe.
whom did speak the language. The report, as may perMADE IN St. Peter by the Sea, La Boce p. Easter Programme haps be expected, has been received by the Press generally p. Programa FRESH SHIPMENTS RECEIVED (American Episeopal)
in Britain with more criticism than approval, though in 30 Gospel Service, Preacher DIRECT FROM NEW YORK WEEKLY (EASTER DAY)
point of fact the enthusiastic pictures of Russia drawn ly At 30, Choral celebration Elder Odle. Communion. of the Holy one or two individual members of the Delegation are by nu Communion Agnus Dei, by Tuesday 30 Gospel Service Gounod, will be sung by Mrs Mulcare, timony meeting.
Thursday 30 Sister and Tedmeans reproduced in the Report as a whole. It is frankly Benedictus by six Choristors.
admitted that Russia is governed to day by a small AutoSaturday 30 Choir Rebersala.
Holy Baption will be administered cracy consisting of members of the Communist Party, and Garfield Murray Composes its rendition on Easter Day, Elder ODLE that there is no kind of freedom of expression either Easter Music.
The music is dignified and quite at 30, a.
Pastor in charge.
up to the standard of the joyous Matins, 10. 45, a. Holy Eushariot through the press or in public meetings, while in spite of notation of the season.
and sermon, 11. 30, a.
the optimism with which the Delegation have spoken of Mr. Murray is a talented young Special Service for the young, 4, Bethel Church of God Mr. Garfield Murray, well. man of West Indian parentage and the recovery in the industrial position, it is pointed out by known musician in this city and is to be congratulated Choral Evensong and sermon, 7, 30. Holiness on press commutators that Russia, which was one of the Sunday. 30 sm, Prayer Meeting.
greatest grain producing countries in the world, is at the member of St. Paul Parish meritorious attempt at musical Preacher, the Bishop Choir, is the a composition. He holds materful Monday Night in Easter week, Church 11 am. Divine Service. Preacher present moment importing grain from America and else beautiful musicial setting in control over the organ, piano, school Anniversary Service, 30. oclock Edler Odle. Communion)
where, and in consequence sending up the price of bread in anthem form to appropriate words flute, clarinet, saxophone p. Sunday School; Superintendent and Tuesday in Easter week, Holy ComGreat Britain. 30 pm. Gospel Service, Preacher On tne general question of the relation of for the Easter Season, entitled xylophone.
munion, sm.
Christ The Lord Is Risen To day. British Trade Unions to Russian, the Report is not likely to MULCARE, Rector, Bro. Clay.
Mr Murray has presented his Wednesday 30 Bible instruehave much effect. Broadly speaking, opinions in Britain productiod to the Rector of the ALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO JUAN tion and Prayer.
will remain divided regarding Russia for some time to come, farish, the Rev. Nigł tengale, FRANCO HIPPODROME TO MOR St. Barnabas Church, Empire Bro. WILMOTT, Clerk in charge.
as they have for some time in the past.
who has prepared the Choir for ROW.
Matins and Address, 11, m. Mr. Contiued on page 7)

    CommunismCommunist PartyFrance

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