
British Finance And Commerce.
Up to date Jewelry DI ALBOA EST EER REWED 322, 942 being drawn from the industrial branob, constitutes a very significant social fact.
Barclays new bank in Rome is but another indication of the development of the great British Banking corporations. The new bank is established under the Italian law and it will form the centre of those large interests which Barclays hold on both sides of the Mediterranean and in the Western Africa.
One need not wonder far in Europe In every form can be seen or the immediate neighbourhood here at its best See our without the assurance of being able to find one of the Britisb Wrist Watches, banks available for business.
Through its branches and sub Bracelets, sidiaries Barclays is now represeated in Paris and over the Diamond Rings south and Mediterranean Coast of France, in Egypt and Algeria, and a hundred other adornin Gibralter and Malta and as far as the West Indies. When one meats and you ll recognize reflects upon the disasters which why this is the LEADING befall some of the Continental banks it becomes a matter of JEWELRY HOUSE in town importance to find banks of the ask prices and you ll find still reputation of Barclays extending their bold abroad.
another reason Fuller Jewelry Store Resolution of Sympathy 122 Central Ave.
WHEREAS the ALMIGHTY Dentist Howell ployed, years ago Phone 629 REMEMBER!
arrest House Rent Receipt Books Well Doer SPANISH ENGLISH which London Correspondent writing in Mareb says: The publication of the Industry tables of the 1921 census a e in tructive. Of the 17 million Workers employed, it is pointed out that nearly ball are engaged 03 wbat may be called services. the same number production. and over millions in commerce and tinance.
Further, millions are engaged in personal service only, which would seem to indicate that the country is not excessively poor.
Without some such background as this, it is difficult to uniorstand the meaning of the volume of unemployment, with its oc casional small increases, and de creases; and a closer staay of the tigures shows that the large vol ute of unemployment only ap.
pears to be extraordinary since England has begun to place a premium on registering as unem. condition which the workers sought to conceal a few. study of financial conditions in the City is also encourage ing; the e is no difficulty in raising capital for attractive eg erprises. At the same time a glance at such a report as that of Courtaulds Limited is interesLing: the artificial silk industry continues to flourish. but it is less this fact than the order of the figures wbich appear in the report that attention When it is possible to allocate, for the third time a 1, 000. 000 to reserve and 650, 000 for two other appropriations the industry mst be in Flourishing state. Huge sums like these do not suggest impoverishment; but they do imply sound busine:s control, the ability to produce commodity that is needed and the possibility of further competition. It is of particular interest to note that the ex raordinary success of last year is attributed to manu facturing developments; and Briti artificial silk is said to be of a bigber quality than any other. This is not, of course, the only direction in turnover or profits show big Qres. Tobacco still continuas to yield a good return to the companies; but there has long been an agitation for lower prices which may bave its effect in ibis cirect on.
It is encouraging to note the slow return to its pre war volume of exports of the lead ustry.
The figures for cotton plce goods for last year are apprecabiy higher than for 1923; buu tbt Laucasbire cotton indusiry is at prenent relying on toding a suitable market for ils tiner produce. lp this direction Lan cashire apparently can still hold its own; and the mall question it is now beginning to consider is whether there is enough in this trade to justify an exclusive in.
terest in it.
At present the steel industry does not appear likely to gain very much from the building of steel bouses though the Moir Committee bas reported in favour of the Weir house. But this aud aber forms of house appear to be among the main preoccupations of the public, and it is in teresting to note the flourishing state of the better so of Build ing Society. The Abbey Road Permanent Building Society, for instance, abowed, last year, an Increase of 50 per cent upon its 1928 figures for shareholders and depositors; and, having advanced over 1, 079, 800 during the twelve months, played no mean pari in the housing problem. Thie society is able to report that there are to houses on its bands and this is another striking evidence of the financial state of the country, since the bulk of the advances must be absorbed by middleclass or lower middle class people. The market ior real estate seems to be bealthy but in urban properties there is some reflection of the uncertain ty which has prevailed about the housing question.
The banks and Insuranee Companies oppear to continue their normal course but rome ol the figures show a development that can only be characterised as amazing It is now a few years since most of the great banks began to receive small deposits and the development of this side of the business is encouraging But the same tendency is to be noted in such insurance companies 88 tbe Prudential. The mere increases requested Order Books Deurlllloan Secretary and Treasurer For Friendly Societies (PAIN ENEMY)
in His all wise Providence, bas seen fit to take to His heavenly abode our brother Musician EIMUND SQUIRES, ExHOUSE 1078, LA BOCA President, and Ex Band master CANAL ZONE, of the Defutet Silver City As, Office Hours: a. to p.
sociation of La Boça, Canal to p. A WHEREAS through this DAILY sudden removal there is a gap made in the ranks of the Musical Specializes in all the branches confraternity, which will be not Dentistry, easy to fill. And WHEREAS the works of the Defunct Silver City Association in which he was actively engaged, in bringing to a final close, at the time of his death has been greatly hampered.
EN Be it RESOLVED that we, the undersigned Musicians, members of and acting on bebalf of the members of the defunct Silver City Association, and now connected with the Band of the Beneficent and Athletic As.
sociation do express our heartfelt sorrow at bis sud den call from amongst us, at the same SLOAN LINIMENT time realizing that the wish of the Creator stands foremost, pains and aches than any and be it further other known remedy: that is why thousands of people the RESOLVED that the widow world over call it pain and children of the deceased be enemy.
to accept our heart Rheumatism, sciatica, stiff fek sorrow, and that some words neck, sore and tired muscles, of condolence be sent to them, lumbago, neuralgia, neuritis, sprains and bruises are in and that in their moments of stantly relieved by deep and bitter suffering, and SLOAN LINIMENT agony, in this their hour of trial None legitimate without portrait acd tribulation they may turn and signature of to the Great Jehovah to furnish the necessary strength to bear the burden, remembering that At all drurists and dealers.
whosoever the good Lord loveth he chasteneth, and that He who SLOAN feeds the ravens will feed His people too.
LINIMENT And be it further RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be sent to the family of the deceas ed, a copy to the local press for publication and a copy to the committee appointed to wind up the tiosocial affairs of tbe LIBERTY HALL Defunct Silver City Association. 29 Street, Panama of which the deceased a member.
ENGLISH CLASSES NIBBS, Assistant Bandmaster, by Day and by Night are ALFRED ROUGET, now opened for the Secretary Summer For particulars apply on the spot to Prince in Training, BARTON, LL.
Principal, Melton, Mowbray, Eng. March The Prince of Wales is training quite strenously for DR. HOFFMANN bis prolonged trip to South Africa and South America dure ing his stay at his country res Has removed his clinics idence here. Wben not hunting over the Leicestershire country, No. 39 Central Avenue. En be puts in much time dancing.
trance between La Mascota At a recent dance he fox: and Chong Kee Store, trotted from 10 pm to am.
break The Prince prefers the fox trot to any other dance, and on this Contract Renewed.
Contractor occasion not a walty or one step was played by the orchestra, and Builder which was sent specially from TO RUN ROYAL MAIL SHIP London FROM CANADA TO WEST Tbe Prince favourite fox tros INDIES.
House No. 20 tune is Driftwood, and he it also fond of You re in Kentucky Direct West Indie Cable 28th NOV. STREET, as You re Bora.
derpated from Ottawa, dated Follow the Swallow, Especial: March 18th, states SAN MIGUEL for You, and Somebody contract with the Royal Mail that the Loves Me.
Steam Packet Company Box 411, Panama, service between St. John, for British Consulate Notice. Hallfax, and the West Indies has been renewed by the Trade and Commerce Department for up Plans and Specifications Free The British Consulate General warde of a year. Recently there at Pagama would like to know of was talk of the passenger ships First Class Workmanshlp the whereabouts of one Hubert being taken off, but this bus Gardner who is wanted at that been obviated by the arrange Guaranteed office.
ments now concluded.
Private Academy Was CAN BE HAD AT The Workman Stationery Store WILKINSON with only on occasional Hand Ironers WANTED as Sure Only First Class ones needed APPLY AT ESPERANZA LAUNDRY.
tourishing business. The total Advertise in the Workman it will pay you increase of.


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