
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 1925 PAGEFIVE Attractions at the Theatres of the tennis tacties of Mr. Ellis, one of the oldest players in La Boca. It is now a question whether Teach will be able to displace Clunis, who is corsidered to ba the Isthmian Star. If this hap.
pens it will not be a miracleone has to watch the fellow who believes he can win, and has the stuff in him to win.
TODAY. Saturday, April 18th and TOMORROW Sunday, April 19th Anita Stewart in THE GREAT WHITE WAY (COLON TODAY. Saturday, April 19th Grace Davison in GAMBLING WIVES TOMORROW, Sunday April 19th Florence Vidor in CHRISTINE OF THE HUNGRY HEART The La Bora Athenaeum is certainly a most popular organiza tion. As a social and educational club it runks very high in Isthmian community life. The Club was a reputation, very good reputation; and when it invites the publie to come over and listen to a good program, an Ironclad guarantee is understood to go with the invitation; and that accounted for the double quick steps of a few of its members fon Tuesday evening last to supply extra seats to help accomodate the crowd that packed the popular auditorium of the Clubhouse.
two MONDAY, April 20th Tyronne Power in FOOTFALLS MONDAY, April 20th Mary Mae Lawren in THE UNINVITED GUEST TUESDAY, April 21st Wm. Desmond in MEASURE OF MAN pro.
TUESDAY, April 21st Jack Holt in MAKING MAN WEDNESDAY, April 22nd Edmund Cobb in AT DEVIL GORGE THURSDAY April 23rd Florence Vidor in CHRISTINE OF THE HUNGRY HEART WEDNESDAY, April 22nd Anita Stewart in THE GREAT WHITE WAY THURSDAY, April 23rd Tyronne Power in FOOTFALLS, FRIDAY, April 24th Jack Holt in MAKING MAN To put in print that the gram was a very good one is but a small fraction of the estimate which the auditors placed on it they believe that it was most excellent program. Then it is not a very pleasant thing to be a judge because his decisions are rarely popular; but in the absence of expressions to the contrary the judges decision was a very popular one. It is unfortunate, bowever, to record that these beadquarters have been badly defeated being given only special mention. But it is worse with the Athenaeum proper that society lost all honors except the gate receipts.
FRIDAY, April 24th Marjoire Daw in GAMBLING WIVES SATURDAY, April 25th William Fox Special in IF WINTER COMES SATURDAY, April 24th AT DEVIL GORGE.
with Edmund Cobb kame.
The medals for the first and 10 second winners will go to Clan McKenzie and Russell Phillips, respectively, of Panama; Miles Lilias Cragwell of Red Tank will wear the medal which the Athe naeum will award ler for baving won third place; while Miles of Paraiso gets the consolation prize George Roberts not having been keeping in close enough touch with the art of elocution, his most precious gift, why runished for this in by only ruceiving special mentiou on behalf of La Boca.
JOB. PRINTING Of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH ATLANTIC SIDE Toe Booker Washington sailed for New York vis Janales on Wednesday last, the 15th at Christ Church bynoon carrying passengers, the Sea.
Panama Hardware Fopiball team will meet the St. Joseph Lyceum at the Mount Hope base The Easter Musical Festival ceum will ball park tomorrow. The Ly.
that came off on Sunday evening Bryan (Captain) Fotarney, Wilbe represented by was a great success, the beauti liams, Myers. Watts, Abrahams, ful little church was filled; it was Archibald, Stewart, Japal and grauifying to see a goodly num other, and the visitors will be ber of the American people present to enjoy the rich bis captured by Wilson cal treat that was given by the choir, orchestra and others. boat excursion to Porto The choir was up to its high Bello is plaoned by the Court standard in the rendition of the Atlantic Lodge 9914 Orisanthems am he that tobal to take place on Saturday Liveth and Rjic. The soloists May 30, Decoration Day. Many Messrs Home Davis, James are preparing to enjoy the trip.
Facey, and Mrs. Keenan whose voices were heard to great advantage, were well up to mark.
BASE BALL Then the chestra, comprising Handel Lwson at the orgin. Misses. Surgeon, All roads will lead to the Mt.
St Law on. violin) Messrs Hope base ball park on Sunday Cril Lawson (clo. Smith morning to see the long looked (Flutist) Joseph (Coret) did for game between the Atlantics umple justice to ibe tine musical and Cristobal Reds. This will be numbers that were rendered. the third meeting of these two Miss, Stella Lawson in ber vio teams and a very interesting in solo, also Mr. Joseph with bis game is expected, judging from cornet solo. Messrs Cyril Law the outcome of their two prenon cello olo, and Mr. Smith vious games The Atlantics are (Flute sulo) gave a grand account full of contidence that they will of themes, every item was put it over the League Leaders.
well received. Mr. Samuels the Magager Lewis says that he is organist rendered his organ solo out to win and that be will be as usual in good styles. At the putting his st Tram on the close of the program thº Rector field and thure will be no alib thanked the artists and other it they should suffer defeat.
friends for their kindly help in Manager Grosso was asked a coming to render for the church few days ago to express bis such great services which be opinion as to the outcome of the appreciated very much. After League. don care to make the Benediction this beautiful any prediction he said, but its Easter musicale ended all feeling my true belief that the Reds hat it was an evening well spent will be the tirst claimant of the with the great musical masters, Governor Pendant. We are now and above all, an hour of refresh leading in the League by jasta ment in the presence of the risen slight margin ad we can Christ.
afford to loose another The game will start at 10, 30 a.
at the Mt. Hope Park. Quite a Cristobal Silver Clubhouse. different line up will be seen on the field for the Reds. Jarrett and Emanuel will be receiving At a recent meeting of the forwarding agents, with Mitcbeil, Cristobal Silver Clubhouse Ten Martin, Campbell und Gran nis Club the following officers protecting the inner section were elected wbile Goosso, Jeanmarie. and President Mr. Gaskin. Anderson will take care of the Vice Pres. Mr. EL Smith outer garden. Extras: Vallace aud Davis.
Secretary Mr. B. Spalding series of Doubles Contests Marcus Garvey have been played through, and at present the Club is engaged in playing series of Singles Washington, DC. March 16.
Elimination Contests For this Hart, founder of Howard the members are classitied into Law School, and for 35 years protwo groups Senior players, fessor of criminal law at that instiand Junior players. mem tation declared Saturday before the bers are now baving their con local branch of the Universal Negro tests and every afternoon sees Improvement Associotion that an interested group of visitors Marcus Garvey had been wrongly on the benches while the con incarcerated and, with proper legal testants, battling for supremacy, procedure, could be released from punish the balls on the court, prison within a fortnight, Secretary Waller is doing everything possible to promote Immigration Ban the esprit de corps of the club and so maintain the bigb spirit of sportsmanship that bas always New York, March 19. Winter been a prominent feature of Russell, lawyer and lecturer, spoke the club on the Immigration Law last night While on the court on Thurs at the dinner of the Foreigo Com day afterroon, each member of merce Club, at the Htel Astor the club received a very pleas. He declared that the present resimmigration Was ant surprise from tbe Clubtriction on House Secretary in the torin of contrary to the historical traditions a chocolate easter egg wbieb was of this country. Mr. Russell Wills devoured in short order.
introduced by David Bergren Results of the contests will the toastmaster.
appear later We must admit these immigrations because it would add to the real wealth of America, News Notes namely, the human being he said. By increasing population we increase both the productive The Sussex will journey capacity of America and the doto morro morning to Gatun, mestic markets, If We simply were there to meet the Lock City thinking of our pocket buoks, we Kent in a friendly mateb, should let them in.
Mr. B. Kinnimouth, PrinciNotes of Interest pal of the Cristobal Colored School bas been added to the Ry of local preachers of the Mr. W, Rece, eldest son of Wesleyan Church, Panama Co Mr, Reece, Acting Attorlon circuit. His first appearance bey General of Barbados, was in the pulpit will be in Colon, on called to the Bar on the 20th alt the night of Su day May 10th.
Mr. Birkett a member of Rev. ER Wade will be the the Barbados team which took preacher at the Colon Wesley part in the recent lotercolonia)
Church to morrow, day and Cricket tournament, will remain night.
in this colony to undergo a course of technical training at the Imperial College of Tropical AgriThe newly paved portion of culture. He will probably play Broadway, ben een 9th ard 16. for Queen Park Trinidad streets was oreded to traffic on Guardian Tuesday last the 14th inst. Al ready its effeet in relieving traffic on Bolivar Street has been Dr. George Payne, noticed. of Port of Spain, a native of Barbados, bas accepted a post the St. Lucia Medical Service.
Baseball will be played at both the Atlantic and Pacitie ends to Mr. Collymore, Post morrow. The Commissary team master of Barbados, has retired will journey to La Boca, there to under the age limit of the new meet the boys of that city. Red Pension Act of that Colony, and Sox and Atlantics will play at is succeeded by Mr. Heath Mount Hope.
Manager of the Savings Bank.
It was a shame to observe that Secretary Neely had to call on the billiardists so nany times to modify their ise during the contest. Some ce suid, however, that there wasn so much noise.
that that portion of the Clut house is provided with better acoustics than uw in the auditorium АТ THE WORKMAN PRINTERY El Excelsior.
JEWELRY SHOP. PAWN SHOP Corner 12 Street East Avenue We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also watches. Our prices are the lowest and our Workmanship is guaranteed.
Our rate of interest on Pawns is moderate and you may keep the pledge pawned as long as you may drsire, provided the monthly instalments are duly met.
Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall be pleased.
Prominent visitors to these headquarters were JK Baxter, Sporting Editor of the Stor Herald of Panama; Mrs. 0. Keen, wife of Dr. Kren of the alth, Department of the Panama Canal Father А. Neil of the Catho lie Church of Balboa, Canal Zone CANAL ZONE NOTES and Mrs. McLaine, wiferi MeLaine or the Panam Agencies of Balb. The three La Boca Pars. former presided as Judges of the contest while Mrs. McLaine readered the first item on the pro(By the Scribe)
gram, a piano solo. very pretty wedding, gazed upon by hundreds of people, there by furnishing one of the most It will be noticed that the para spectacular happenings here for this week are replete with wi hin immediate recollection, ramblings in connection with the took place on Sunday afternoon elocutionary efforts of Tuesday last. The occasion was the mar evening. These are bits of news riage of Miss Florence Riney, which could not afford to pase u eldest daughter of Mr Mrs, without making mention of them William Riney of La Boca to Mr in our great family weekly.
William Jones also of La Boca The religious reremony took place at St. Peter Church, by Successful Cantata at La Reverend John Mulcare. Miss Boca Clubhouse.
Agnes Riney, one of the bride sisters, acted as maid wbile Mr Thomas of Panama was the The Sacred Cantata given by bestman. Later in the evening. a the Choir of St. Peter Church, reception was held at the home La Boca, at the clubhouse, Thurs.
of the bride parents. Mrs. day night last, was a pronounced Jones is very popular in social and success. All reads, as has been religious circles her, being a pro predicted, did lead to that club minent member of St Peter house that night, for in the big Church and Choir, also member audience were seen music lovers of the Girl Friendly Society and from Empire, Paraiso, Red Tank Girl Guide connected to that and Panama. The Cantata was Charch. She is also a member of in three parts, and the concensus the Orpheus Musical Club of of opinion was, that each part was which Mr. Jones is Director. The well rendered. No tripping, no happy couple left after the recephalting no weakness at all wation for their new home in Panama manifested by any one of the city.
characters, the customes of whom.
were certainly exceedingly attractive. Mrs. Mulcare the trainer was Teacher Reed has stripred ten the recipient of the unstinted nis honors from another oli timer plaudits of, scores of the kind in the local tennis world, when he friends who attended, and benched Ellis, his third rival in numerous were the requests made the La Boca Tennis Tournament that the highly educative Cantata (Singles) which is being played on be rendered again in the the local lawn, on Monday eve future. To all who helped us, 28 ninig last, the scores being: well as to all who patronized us.
Ellis 4; Reed 4, Reed we say: Muchas Gracias! 3. The inclemency the weather for a few days caused a postponement of the match but Rent Receipt Books in Spanhad no effect in holding or swing: Ish and English for Sale at The ing fortune in any way on behalf WORKMAN Printery.
Book Binding!
can bear Why throw away your old, but no doubt interesting, books when you have them neatly bound at THE WORKMAN 93 CENTRAL AVENUE Opposite Cecilia Theatre


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