
The Wesleyan Sunday School children were given their annual pic nic on Easter Monday this Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen on appliea.
year, during the earlier part of WALROND, at the office No. 93 Central tion. Correspondence on all matte the day, all was quiet and doll, venue, Panama, de of public interest invited.
but 11 o clock play was comPO Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must be menced on the church grounds and people, adults and children, written on one side of paper only, and Rates of Subscription were arriving from all parts of the must be accompanied by the name of colony. Devotional exercises were De Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicaSix Months gone through by 11 noon, and 20 tion but as a mark of good faith then the sports were entered Three We do not undertake to return reupon in full swing Сре 26.
jected correspondence.
There were, tug of war, sack races swings, and plays of The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. NUIS various kinds; from Saturday, Mrs. Ada Hinds, and Miss Doris SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 1925.
Russell were busy at the oven preparing nice things for refreshments, and their work was UNIVERSAL ARBITRATION BY completed at the kitchen 00 Monday morning. Everybody LEAGUE OF NATIONS.
had an enjoyable holiday. squad of of the Baden The proceedings of the League of Nations Council Powell Boy Scouts, ist Colon regarding the Geneva Protocol have been received in Great Troop, spent their Easter holiday Britain with mingled feelings. So far as the House of at w Providence this year; they arrived on the evening train Commons is concerned, there is no doubt that the huge from Colon on Easter Sunday, Government majority remains fairly solid behind the Govand came over on the motor boat: ernment on this matter, though a certain number of young The entire squad attended deConservatives, and a few even of the older generation, hold vide services at the Wesleyan that the British Government has gone too far and too fast Church on Sunday evening. On Monday they were present at in its uncompromising rejection of an instrument which in 25 Central Avenue, Panama City the Sunday School rienic and tne opinion of many might have been radically amended so they took an active part in all as to bring it into line with the views attributed to the the plays, and introduced some British Government. The real question at issue is whether 10dditonal ones; they made seve universal arbitration can in the present stage of the develop.
ral of their scout yells on the ment of international relations be accepted by Great Britain.
play ground and at different points of the village wbich In that connection, the observations made by the two Latin oamised everybody very much American members of the League of Nations Council, the their unior was a novelty to representatives of Brazil and Uruguay, both of whom laid all whe ever they went. The great stress on the proved value of arbitration in Latin Du village was en live ned by their bugle calls night and morning, America, have made some impression, and this has been and they have expressed them deepened by the report received simultaneously of the selves as having enjoyed a plea findings given by President Coolidge in regard to th: Tacna.
ant holiday: their behaviour on Arica dispute. What will happen between now and SepOf every description the whole was excellent; their tember, when the whole Protocol is to be discussed afresh, names are as follows: Stan.
at the oth Assenbly of the League of Nations, is extremely ley Jearmeau, Laing, DONE WITH NEATNESS doubtful. Ine British Foreign Secretary has, of course, AND ASM, uwen, lustructor, abe, Troup Leader; Tombeen discussirg with the French Prime Minister a regional DOD, Patrol Leader; Fredagreement for the preservation of peace in Western Europe, DESPATCH ricks, Boghr; Trotman, Bugbut it does not app ar that any substantial progress has so ler. Toy art anxious toorfar been realised. What is clear is that the British Govganize a compacy of Scouts at New Providence.
ernment will have to go to Geneva in September with some AT THE positiv proposal. What is not at all clear is what that proposal will be. Sacred Cantate, entitled, The Kurg Victorious was very nicely rendered at the Wesleyan Church on Sunday the 19tb inst.
German Ships for England.
commencing at 3p. by the Sunday School, and Day School 10. children cou bined The child.
Considerable uneasiness has been created throughout ren were prepared by Mr. Peter Noel, the day school teacher, British industrial circles by the action of the Furniss Withy assisted Steamship Company in placing orders for five motor ships employers should abandon secretive methods and make it Church Services. Ladet sted by Miss Doris Russel be organist; the items were for 10, 000 tons each in Germany. This is no ordinary case possible for the workers to take excellent, and were very mastera far more intelligent of buying in the cheapest market. The Steamship company by children in question did its best to have its vessels built in British interest in the process of industryWhile laying stress, on si. Peter by the Sea, La Bect everyone did his or ber partern (American Episcopal)
the most eficient manner pos yards, but finding the price prohibitive, it obtained tenders the other hand, on the necessity for the avoidance of dis from German shipbuilders. Their prices were so astonish. In that connection, special interest attaches to an experi Holy Eucharist sermon 11.
putes and loyal co operation by the workers themselves. 2nd SUNDAY AFTER EASTER. Markbam kept the congregation sible, but Master Chamberlain ingly lower than any offered in Great Britain that the ment being carried out in a North Wales mine, spell bound with a recitation whose Church School 3, 00 Furniss Withy Company had hardiy any option but to give owners were about to close it down on the ground that the Chral Evensong and sermoa, 30 m. which was entitled, Live for something encored with load their orders furthwith to Germany. They made however, output was not sufficent to cover the running expenses. Holy Confirmation p. Members cheers. Both Mr. Noel and Miss One last ende ivour to avoid this, offering to place their This would have involved serious unemployment in the and friends are specially invited. Russell are to be congratulated order with any British yard which would build the vessels district, and the miners, with the assent of the owners, have Mid Week service; Wednesday 30 for the war in which they have at a price of 10, 000 each higher than the German figure. undertaken to try and run the pit themselves on such a basis for prepared the children within the The Capany, that is to say, was prepared to sacrifice to enable expenses to be met and wages to be paid, This Friday next. dly Communion an excellent entertainment to Fesst of St. Phillips and St. James, period of two werk, to giv such 50, 000 in order to give employment to British workmen. MULCARE, Rector.
the satisfaction of all who were Even at this price, however, no shipyard would accept the experiment in management by the workers is being applied under difficult conditions, but general goodwill appears to present. The cautata can be contract, and the vessels, as stated, are to be built in Ger: prevail and the outcome is being carefully watched in many st. Barnabas Church, Empire repeated within short time in iny. What is disquieting about such a development Mains and addres. Il a with equal success.
is that no one fully understands wny Germany can under quarters.
Church School Anniversty Service at cut British industry to this extent, unless indeed sug.
Choral Evensong and address. 30 The chairman of the entertaingestion made in some quarters that the German Government is privately subsidising the builders of the five ships ment was Mr. Braithwaite Summer time Controversy.
JT MULCARE Priest in Chats who preached here at 11 a. on in question should turn uut to be true. At all events, the St. Bartholomew s, Church Sanday, and bis address and affir is giving rise to serious discussion ani investigation LAS CASCADAS.
remarks on the items as they What is lear is that there is no question of British workmen. The vexed question of summer time is once more Matins and address, 11 am.
were rendered were very instructive and encouraging; in he sipbuilding industry being overpaid, and no one has being discussed in the British Parliament. It is rather Church Sehuol, and Confirmation clas. very appropriately advised there suggested that there is the need in Great Britain to reduce absurd that year by year the old controversies as to parents and guardians to spend ges or to increase hours of work. What the British whether summer time should be observed, and if so for Evenne Prayer and Address 30 their money for the education of MULCARE Priest in Charge their children.
need is by no means obvious and some expert enquiry into what period, should have to be represented over and over the inability of this particular branch of British industry to again. There is no question whatever that the great mass St Jude Mission, Summit.
face foreign competition seems now inevitable.
of the population, that is to say the town dwellers, wel Holy Communion and serenon a. British Consulate Notice, TRUCE IN INDUSTRY.
comes the principle of putting back the clock and so secur 30 Church School ing lighter evenings. On the other hand, the adoption of Evening Prayer sod sdaress 30 AH this gives a serious point to two notable speeches this expedient means darker mornings and that imposes MULCARE, Priest in Cast would be glad of any information The British Consul in Colon made in the last few days by the British Prime Minister on some hardship on the farmers, particularly the dairy farmers St. Simon mission, Gambos concerning Charles Vaz, a native industrial conditions generaili: Mr. Baldwin has himself who have to start their work so much the earlier in order Matine and adde«o. 11. of Jamaica, who was last heard of till recently been the head of a great firm of steel plate to get their milk away to the towns in time.
What is in Church School and Confirmation Class resident on the Isthmus.
ove years ago, and who was then manufacturers. p.
He speaks, therefore, as an employer, and question now is whether Britons are to begin their summerthe breadth of vision and sympathy with the workers revealed time at the same moment as France and Belgium, or in the two speeches in question is therefore the more signi whether as in previous years, the whole of their boat and Wesleyan Methodist Church DO YOU WANT licant. One speech was delivered to a public meeting train communications with the Continent are to be thrown (BRITISH CONFERENCE. ELECTRICITY at Brm ngham, the other on the flour of the House of Com into confusion because France puts the clock back at the Pansms 11 a. Mr. Waltere modis, the latter having considerably the greater political beginning of April, Great Britain not till three or four weeks 30 Rev. R, Wade: Subject. in Your Home?
importance, in that the Prime Minister task was to rally later. Bill providing that this year Britain shall begin her Righteousnew and Sil Righteousnets his party against a Bill which a large section of it was dis summer time like forance on the first Sunday in April, has Soloist. Mrs. Olga King.
Colon 11 a. Mr. Harrison; 30 PHONE 1059 posed to support, designed to make it more difficult for the passed its second reading in the House of Commons by a Labour Party to derive funds for political purposes from the large majority, but whether it will be finally adopted by the Rev. Surgeon.
Or Call at 122 Ancon Ave.
La Boca 11 a. Mr. Reid 30 ordinary weekly payments of Trade Union members. If date when it ought to come into operation is still Mr. Jaboson.
that Birl had been carried, as it easily might have been by doubtful.
New Providence 11 a. Mr. Ai ali NIMBLEY and SANCHEZ the conservative majority in the House, great bitterness Paraiso 11 a. Rev. Wade would have been infused into political relations generally. Communion. Recepti of New MemElectricians and the Prime Minister secured a notable personal triumph ADVERTISE bers. 30 Mr. Kennedy.
when, throwing his own weight against the proposal, he Empire 11 a. Rev. SurA trial will convince You took the opportunity to appeal for the introduction of a whoily new spirit into industry, urging on the one hand that IN THE WORKMAN, IT PAYS (Continued on page Wire for us, we ll wire for you.


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