
PAGE SIX THS WORKMAN SATURDAY APRIL 25, 1925. Cocoanut King Gives Away 22, 900 in Day.
Up to date Jewelry Leopold Schepp to Get Rid of Fortune Gained in 65 Years.
DA DI ALBOA EST EER REWED wbobelped him to make his fortune.
Two years ago the Cocoanut King started giving away money He remembered old employees and old friends. some of them tben in need. Be did ot stop until he had doled out 110. 000.
The reaction of joy was so great bat he establisbed pension system which included the servants of his bome. Checks each month running into thou In every form can be seen sazas, are mailed to his pen.
here at its best See our He holds the thought that Wrist Watches, other rieb men may do something similar, something which will Bracelets, benefit bumanity while the donor still lives. His foundaLion will be governed by a set Diamond Rings of directors, among whom will and a hundred other adornbe very rich men of the city.
He will bave nothing further to ments and you ll recognize do with it, save to furoish the why this is the LEADING money. It will include boys. JEWELRY HOUSE in town all nationalities, and of all creeds and colour. boy will be re ask prices and you ll find still quired to sign a pledge for two ears, wbich will include abstianother reason bence from quor If he lives up to his pleuge at the end of LWO years be will be given 200, and starud into any us122 Central Ave. Phone 629 Les or calling that he way select Fuller Jewelry Store expect to get these boys. Dentist Howell REMEMBER. Be Prepared for that Pain. The following excerpt is taken from thiecent edition tf one of the New York journals. There are many business men in our widst, who have been it tim. tely acquainted with the metbods of the Sebepp Co. and its senior wonderful generosity will be read by them with pecuJiar interest.
Leopold:Schepo, the Coepanu Kiok, went to work in bis own buildiox, the Schupp Building, in Hudson Street, bappier than on any day in all his working experience of sixty five years.
For yesterday, be bad started to give away a fortune, a fortune which isn accumulated in the ordinary man lifetime. He eive the money with lavish band He gave it to boys, to giris, to old men, and young men to those who are tbe proper age to thoruuxhly enjoy the good goods of lite, to take them feel good for the moment, for the day for rest of their earthly Career, The woney given away was 22, 900, aod that is unly the start of it.
The beneficiaries of the King were not out tis subj. cts, only His emloyees. And be went Qowu tb line and saw, personal Is that none was forgotteu. He Kave the money to those wbo to been in his employ for many years aud to tbose who had been Working for him only a few muntus. The mulous ran frow 500, to 5000. To carry out bis philanthropic plans for the beterment o humanity he has set aslde 2, 500, 000 Mr Schepp believes that a man of philanthropic leanmgs ought to give away his money before be dies, hostead of after bis demise. He thi. ks that tbe man should be interested in se eing bow his money is spent and in enjying the good it brings.
His beneficiaries didn have to await the long action of the Court. They didn have to wait on anything but the drawing of cheques. But the Cocoanut ki didu give away ail bis money Hnas many more millions left with wbichio carry on the cocanut business and do more good.
FOUNDATION FOR Boys He startej tirst to make his employees Itel good as a reward for me it and taithfula 88. Now te is gold to start a foundation for the benefit ol boys of Nw York between the ages of ibirteen and eighteen and add mote millions, if necessary, to the fund, to launch them in a life of usefulness, if they prove wortoy after a probation of two years.
Mr. Schepp walked into his othce and said io Harry Belgard, bis secretary: Harry, get the checks ready. The secretary had drawn a goodly portion of the checks. He wasn quite sure as to the amounts of all of House Rent Receipt Books SPANISH ENGLISH.
Brsions, Order Books Secretary and Treasurer For Friendly Societies PANY ENEMY SES sala Mr. Sebepw by writing to the minister 01 Church or Sunday School superintendent. HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA It will be an assocration of enCANAL ZONE.
deavourers. Toey must be of good health, pbysically and Office Hours: a. to 1p. m, mentally80 as Rrow into to pm the best kind of young men. It DAILY will be non sectarian, either Ca.
tbolics, Protestants or Juwe may Specializes in all the branches join it.
Dentistry. bope to set an example for otber employers and capitulists who may wish to do money before they leave while they can judge better where it will do the most good. have begun to dispo e 2, 500. 000 among my old friends auuem YOU can stop excruployees, thougb lave not ye.
ciating pain instantly if you will only apply been able to establish the run dation. That is in the han so SLOAN LINIMENT my lawyers now. w shtat bad started the work loog Sloan Liniment is pain greatest enemy, and is backed by 40 years of success the world over.
It is an invaluable remBritish In Australia edy for Rheumatic Scutica Sore Threat Becade 98 PER CENT PREDU MINANCE Sprains Chest Pales Sur Nest The Commonwealth Govern It penetrates right to ment bas issued an official state. thó seat of trouble, mnt with reference to the warms and soothes the widespread impression that per nerves and tissues, bansons of foreigo birth are enter ishing pain.
ing Australia in nu bere so Try it now.
large as to menace the prefer At all druggists and vation of the preponderant Br dealers.
ish element in the population.
The statement ecords that in the three and a half y ars ended SLOAN 8ptember, 1924, the average LINIMENT annual excess of arrivals over deuartures of British people was 29, 120. The excess in the case of persons of foreign birth was 416, while the natural increase was 82, 000. Assuming that in the next decade only 20, 000 Britishers arrived, and the num LIBERTY HALL of aliens also reacbed 20, 000 while the Datural focrease se 29 Street, Panama remained stationa y, th British NGLISH CLASSES population in Australia at the end of the decade would be 96 by Day and by Night are per cent of the total, dilution now opened for the a of the present Britisb prepon.
derance of only per cent.
Summer The census of 1921 showed that For particulars apply on the spot persons not born in Australia, BARTON, LL.
Britain, or New Zealanu number: ed 139, 073, slighuv over 5 per Principal, cent. Those who owed allegiance to fortion governments rumber.
ed 48, 529 or. 08 per cent. In DR. HOFFMANN recent years, and particularly since July, 1924, when the latest United States immigration reHas removed his clinic to strictions began to operate, the No. 39 Central Avenue. En statement shows that there has been a qnicker movement of trance between La Mascota Southern Europeans to Austra and Chong Kee Store, lia. In a balt WILKINSON ended September, 1924, the excess arrivals over depar.
Contractor saries of foreign inmigranti a AUSTIN CONNELL 16 148about 11. per cent of the total foreign population of Holder of Certificate of the as given and Builder Australia the 1921 Associated Board of the Royal census. The figures for Jaly. Academy of Music and the November 1924, reveal the arrival Royal College of Music, Lorr of Finns, Greeks, Italiaus, Jugó House No. 20 Slays, Maltese, Serbs and Alba don, will give a limited num.
nians to the total number of 423, ber of pupils lessons on the 28th NOV, STREET, which is at the rate of over 1, 000 Piano.
SAN MIGUEL in the year. More recent figures show that the migration to Aus.
Apply early. Terms mod tralla of it lians and Gre ksis erate. 175 Central Avenue, Box 411, Panama, above that of any period in the Panama.
past forty years. The government assigas this to the JAMAICA PAPERS, of forigo service, Plans and Specifications Fr6o a Mcalty of enforcing a quota and the The DAILY GLEANER and law, as the United States dies WEEKLY HERALD can be bga First Class Workmanship by tig issue of immigration cer at the Variety Store, No. tificates to American Consulates II Street and at House No, 50 Guaranteed overseas. Daily Telegraph.
Calidonia Road, Panama City Private Academy ber CAN BE HAD AT them.
The Workman Stationery Store Now, there Mickey, he said. He been wito us only a few months. He gets 500 just the same, returned the Cocoanut King There was nt any work of consequence done in the bouse of Ssbepp Co. The employees were too busy talking about the Coconut Santa Claus. And the King just smiled and looked happy. Tele praphers, shipping clerks, elevator operators, freight handlers, clerks, office boysévery body in the emple y got a check which was as great a sur prise as if each bad been presented with a house and lot. At night Mr. Schepp was eating a banana, buiside the office and stopped long enough to return the good nigbt of one of bis office coys. Tbe boy bad in bis pocket a check for 500.
KEWARDS THE FAITHFUL Merit and Loyalty is the slogan of Sebepp Co. Mr.
Sch op mad all that be bas by his own efforts. He inherited nothing but good bealth and willingness to work, added to a capac. ty of thinking and acting promptly. He inspired bis Workers with his own built up and conHand Ironers WANTED Only First Class ones needed APPLY AT ESPERANZA LAUNDRY.
absence qualities, and organitoaBle has started Advertise in the Workman it will pay you to pay back the men and women


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