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SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1925.
St. Simon Mission, Gamboa Matins and address. Il amo, WE NEED PHILANTROPISTS NOT Church Sebool and Corfirmation Class 230 MISANTROPISIS.
Wesleyan Methodist Church The recent unnecessary coined phraseology racial (BRITISH CONFERENCE. Pansms 11 a. and 30 Rev.
equality has been attracting quite a deal of attention of Wade. Communion at both late, both here and elsewhere. The term it is stated Services. At p. Bong Service, byton originated from misantropists of the Nordic peoples, by books will be provided for the use of all whom it is being nursed and heralded with a zeal that is worshippers, at once surprising; especially in some sections of the United Colon. 11 am and 30 Rev.
States of America, where there is what is known as the race problem, which the Negro Press of that country does La Boon 11 Mr. Theo Puller not fail to blazon out by glaring headlines in practically 30 Mr. Walters.
every edition to which reputed editors devote considerable 25 Central Avenue, Panama City New Providence 11 a. m, Mr. Mark bam.
editorial space and which is exercising the minds of orators Paraiso 11 a. Mr. Walters, and legislators as part of their program for enforcing law 30 Mr. Walters and order for the proper management of Governments.
Empire 11 a. Mr. Lindsay.
It is noteworthy to mention that the phraseolngy has even been mentioned in the Press as having radiated to certain fact that, under the same conditions his children are capable Church Services.
Baptist Churches Sections of Great Britain.
of reaching the same heights in life as those of any other On the Isth nus of Panama racial inequality is in its race, his success is a sured.
Colon 11 am and 15 Pastor Thrift; Lord Supper after both services infancy not more than ten years old. During the conBut aside from the preachings of a few, the Neyro AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH Chorri lo 11 Am. Mr. Galimore; triction of the Panama Canal racial equality was through (Anglican Communion) 15 Pustor Witt 5pm. B:Y.
necessity, maintained. And in this connection we are remains the white man friend. Misantropists will try to 3rd SUNDAY AFTER EASTER Calidonis. 11 Pastor Witt; 15 forced to conclude that the term and its operation are both legislate against intermarrying and miscegenation of the St. Paul Church, Panama Leader Crooks, employed when convenient; the provisions of the term are two, but time has proven that these laws are power Red Tank 11 a. Leader Crooke; only carried out or attempted when the would be promul liess to prevent the love of man for man; abrogate these (Rev. Nightengale, Rostor. 15 Deno in Rusell of Empires be sixteenth hundredth anniversary Empire 11 Descon Russell gators tind it convenient to enforce them to disparage, dis laws that have for their purpose the limiting of the love of courage and isult; and that is when their positions are man for his fellow wom and there will come a pleasant of th First Council of Nicea will be 15 Deccan Brown.
Gatun 11 a. Teacher Webster.
secured by superior strength. sentimentally, economically, change, and not before long a better world. Man is utterly obe rved in all the congregations of the powerless to effectively legislate against the plans of the Sea Ephopal Church tomorrow. 15 Deacon Crawtord.
Special forms of physically and otherwise.
service been New Providence 11 am. Supplied Creator of mankind. Therefore, would it not be better spp vinted for the occasion Racial equality is existent in sickness, trouble, hunger, for the misantropists to change over and join the ranks of Puebo Nuevo, 11 a. De acon Me. a. Holy Communin Intosh 15 Corporal Elliott.
poverty, in time of war and so on.
The man who is really the Philantropists?
10 am Matins 10. 30 am Holy Eucharist sermor sick, whose health is being gradually impaired not the wib procession.
B, Church of God maligere, feels relief and consolation in the arms or under 12 Holy Baptism the protection of whosoever will render such assistance; if Things we Should Know. p. Church Scoo.
he is in serious trouble he will solicit and graciously accept 30 Jboral Ev Dong Berto10 sm. Bible School, 11 Preacher Eider Calidonis 30 Early Prayer, aid of the most despised of the human family: when he. with prcestion AL ckford.
is hungry and death raps at the door of his heart and Writing Editori 11 unde the above headline, the Suod School.
threatens his earthly career, he will take reli and accept PHILADELPHIA TRIB UNE Suys:St. Alban Church, Paraiso Gospel Serton, Preacher, Rev. Leon care from a barbarian even in the remotest African Jungles; Bybor. Subject: Narrow Escape, and in the time of war, when his country is on the verge high school girl walked into our office a few days CANAL ZONE.
or if the righteous scarcely be saved, of losing the last flag to the enemy, he will take for his ally ago to get our opinion on certain racial problems. In talk. Rev. P. NIGA TENGALE, where shall the ungodly and the winners. even an antagonist of the most infamous type, and he willing to her it developed that she didn know anything tuke niin without regard for class, creed, or colour. about Crispus Attucks, a black man, being the first one to 11 a. Matins and address. Catechist Monday night Prayer and Testimony She knew practi3 Church School (Believer Meeting. These incontrovertible points of the peculiar idio shed his biood for American freedom.
D, Osborne. Oatechist Tuesday night, Women Willin syncracies of man bring out the fact that he too often holds cally nothing about the great work of Frederick Douglas.
Choral Evensong, address 30 Workers, and Purity Club meets.
himself to ridicule, and therefore must at times be treated The works of Alex Cruinmell, the great divine, were Preacher, The Rev. Cowan, Chorrill:5. 30 am. Early Prayer BD.
10 am Bible School. Il am Preach with contempt by his fellowmen. It would be entirely out nnknown to her. The girl knew nothing of the struggles of the tune of modern civilization for the rational man to characters. Her lack of knowledge concerning great his of Henry Highland Garnet and other illustrious gro ing by Bro. Bowen. p. Sunday School. 30 ca.
judge the merits of his fellowmen in any other way but on torical facts in which her people played the leading role is St, Matthias Mission Gospe: Sermon, Preacher Elder, what the latter have done and what they are capable Buckiurd, LAS ABANAS She, even didn know anything about of doing under fevourable conditions. Trying to force to be lamented. Rev. NIGUTENGALE, Believer Meeting. Monday bigb. Prayer and Testimony racial equality, in the truest sense of its meaning, upon DuBois except that he edited The Crisis.
Priest iu Caurke.
a world in which, as Abraham Lincoln truly said, all The girl is simply a type, there are thousands of us sp. Chureh Shoal. Contioued on page 7)
men are born equal, is as preposterous and a waste of who do not know that the Negro race has a history full of 16 Evensong time as the work of a scientist who would start research courageous acts and worthy of respect. We don know Mr, Richards, Catechist to discover a remedy to cure yellow fever in one race and that black men and women have contributed largely to the The New Wembley not in another, greatest and best in the world civilization, We fail to Man cannot get away from the fact that in all the races realize that black pioneers have blazed a trail into which si. Peter by the Sea, La Boca (American Episcopal)
of the human family there are individuals with superior in other races have stepped and taken the glory. We have The new Extellectual abilities on the one hand, and despicable villians permitted the white historians to blind us to the meritorious (3rd SUNDAY AFTER EASTER. bibiulun at Wembley promised to be in many respects a kreat imand outcasts on the other. In alt departments of life it deeds of black people. And some of us are tooº lazy to dig Holy Communion a.
is true that the master is greater than his servant; but let us up the facts We accept history as written by prejudiced Atany, Holy Pucharist with Sermon. prov. apuri the old. All of 8:11 a. oh Dunia. a great manot lose sight of the fact that there is some amount of truth white men and refuse to study the works of colored men tie Color who have studied hard to give us the true facts concerning Church School 00 in what Edwin Arnold wrote: lonies, Protecto raberaud Mudated Cerritories ourselves. We have accepted what other people say and Charal Evensons und vermoa, 30 bave di cued to take part again, Who toiled a slave may come a prince write about us so long until we have he inferiority complex Council of Nice wi be celebrated by tive preparations for the summer Tomorrow the 1600 anniversary of the land for several months past acFor gentle worthiness and erit woa; Who rule a king may wander earth in rags and will only believe that which the white man writes. the Americu Episc. pal Church all have been in progress.
Tbe For things done and undone There are hundreds of reliable books written on the over the world. We therefore ext nd to Roads such as our members und friends a most cordial which succumbed last year to they Because the pen is mightier than the sword the use Negro that presents the accomplishments of Negroes. The capita con to the services at St. Peler pur terrible climate, have been fulness of the former is much abuse and becomes as much colored Magazines and newspapers also give much valuable ca, tomorrow.
The Rector will re made and properly metalled a necessary evil as money. There has emanated from the information on the same subject. At the present time there cake for his suojet she Nicene Creed.
Mid Week service; Wedneday 30 are being trimmed up and relast. The beautiful gardens at pen of one of the high officials of the Labour Department is no valid reason for any Negro boy or girl not knowing planted, and elaborate plans are of the United States an article published in our issue of the the greatness of his or her racial history. T. MULEARE, Rector, 18th April extracted from a recent edition of the PHILADEL If we believe that all the big things in the world have being carried out for making the Krounds attractive at nigbt by PHIA TRIBUNE, some conclusions from that apparently been accomplished by other races, the natural consequence clever writer, which indicate that the black man is the will be that we think the other races are better than curs. st. Barnabas Church, Empire brilliant illuminations and othe?
lowest specie of the human family, and therefore is utterly White people spend millions of dollars to instill into the Litany, Holy Communion and Sermon. 11. Colebrant and Preacher. Last year it was felt that the incapable of as high an intellectual development as the minds of their children the importance of their race, the interest of the Colonies were to The Rev. Cowan, white man; and in support of his contention he states that greatness of their foretathers. It is done with the sole Church School p.
some extent being subordinated the must enlightened modern authorities recognize Negro purpose of making them proud of their race. If a child is Choral Evensong and address, 30 reproaco should now be removed, to those of the inferiority, We have come across productions from the taught that his whole back ground is powerful it will en T MULCARE Priest in Chargt 1or as we are glad to be pen of some of the best known scientists but none of them deavour to become more powerful. Likewise if a child is announor, Mr. Thomas, have ever attempted such miscomputation of their scientific told that the race with whict it is connected is worthless who was appointed a Member of St. Bartholomew s, Church observations. What we do know, and what is generally it will have less grit to face the future and in many instances the Management just before his LAS CASCADAS.
known, to be true, is that the Negro is tremendously han will become ashamed of its race. It is the duty of parent Morning Prayer, and addrewe 11.
recent visit to the West Indies, has been selected by the Comdicapped: he is handicapped socially, educationally political and teacher tu preach to their children the wonderful things Church School. 3p. missioners and Representatives ly, and economically. We also know that there is a pleas. their people have done. Because of it they will hold their Evening Prayer and address 30 of the Colunies, and has been sant side in his favour, and that is: he is not handicapped heads high and keep up with the best in the world, MULCARE Priest in Charge State, to act as their special reappointed by the Secretary of sprituaily: he is that faithful, smiling, courageous, hardy St Jude Mission, Summit. presentative of the Board, in and aspiring individual whose morale remains almost unHoly Communion at 30 a.
wbicb capacity be has readily impaired in face of the most adverse conditions: and that ADVERTISE Church School, and Confirmation clase consented to serve. As be while he ha sbeen the most enslaved, he also smiles themost: p.
pointed out at a recent meeting, and we are assured that this tenacity, these superior and Evening Prayer sod address p.
Mr. Thomas sits on the Board genuine outstanding features in him, strengthened with the IN THE WORKMAN, IT PAYS MULOARE, Priest in Charge (Continued on page 87 wereP. to.
ble to


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