
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1925 PAGE FIVE ATLANTIC SIDE Attractions at the Theatres JOB. PRINTING will not born.
DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH and celebrate in real old time To Whom it May fashion.
On Tuesday last two ladies got Cristobal Silver Clubhouse.
involved in a dispute, the cause of This is to inform the publie which is unknown to the writer.
that a dissolution of marriage sparring exhibition developed Monday May 4th will be a free bas been granted and two unusual and inexperime from community night at this club. Joseph Benjamin Parker on enced referees lady and bouse. The program will con. December 30th, 1924, in the First CECILIA AMERICA gentleman were forced into ser sist o vocal scd instrumental Colon Circuit Court and apvice and succeeded in effecting a musie, short tales on the occupa proved by the Supreme Court of (PANAMA. COLON)
temporary settlement. The parties tion and construction of the the Republic of Panama on not satisfied with the laymen canal, alan free moving pictures February 17th, 1925.
SATURDAY, May 2nd and TODAY. Saturday, May 2nd opinion, appealed to Judge Black To the last nan. This program SUNDAY, May 3rd Reed Howes in burn in the Magistrate Court at is specially arranged for adults. Sgd. ESTELLA PARKER HIGH SPEED LEE Balboa, for his professional opinSince Sunday May 10th is ERNEST A, BEST Perey Marmoot in ion. The Judge it is understood de Mother Day, we are arranging Attorney at Law. IF WINTER COMES.
TOMORROW, Sunday May 3rd cided that they break even and to have a abort program on charged them 50 each, which he Saturday the 9th inst. afrer MONDAY, May 4th Thomas Meighan in directed be turned into the coffers movies at which time each pa pitching, and signalling along Warren Kerrigania BACK HOME AND BROKE of the United States Government tron will receive white flower with other features of sonutSince the occurence it was learned to be worn the Dext day (Bunday) craft forned the day program THE COVERED WAGON MONDAY, May 4th that the question conld be ami and was well enjoyed.
cably settled at these beadquerters TUESDAY, May 5th Returning, they reached Colon Virginis Valli in and would possibly coet the con The Tropical Jazz Kings in at 206 on Sunday. WILD ORANGES all their musical display, will Betty Companin testants the price of two bottles of pure honey from the Jumpappear is. grand plenic dance KICKIN Roviow of The Grout TUESDAY, L, Sth at this clubhouse in the day Fontenelle Apiary or couple disbes of pie la mode from Saturday May 30th. Wo will be Charles Junes in Musicians.
WEDNESDAY, May Oth glad to Secretary Neeley lunch counter, weet COP old friend BIG DAN Martin once mure, for we do not Special Cost in know wben we will bave a chance Review of Great Must SECOND YOUTH WEDNESDAY, May 6th Due to the Lenten Season it is to jazz by such high class music cians is being planned to take Perey Marmont in understood that the Orpheue again place in the Colon Wesley church THURSDAY, May 7th Musical Club did not finish their on Tuesday night the 23rd of IF WINTER COMES rehearsals for the musical evening Pune, wben twelve masters will Thomas Migben in which should bave come off during The Bingles tennis marebas be represented sbort biog BACK HOME AND BROKE THURSDAY, May 7th beving ended in victories for a rapby of each one will be read Gloria Grey 10 the early part of this month. The Duverney in entertainment is therefore posts Class B, and and many of their master pieces FRIDAY, May 8th THE GIRL IN THE LIMOUSINE poned Prescott in class A, the Cristobal will also be enjoyed. Each rea future date which will be announced later. In connecSilver Clubbouse Tennis Associs presentative will bave twelve Virginis Valli in FRIDAY, May 8th tion with this ente taioment the tion will at once challenge the followers who will engage in a WILD ORANGES Betty Comenon in lady members of the Club are Gaton Silver Clubbouse Tennis collecung campaign, on behalf of Club to play for singles cham the master represented, tbus KICK IN comedy preparing entitled SATURDAY MAY 9th and Strange Happenings in Slowville pionship of the Atlantic Introducing the element of expect this match to begin in a competition.
SUNDAY MAY 10th to be added to the evening enter SATURDAY, May 9th tainment, lew days, The representations will be as Rodolph Valentino in Snecial Castin follows: Handel, Mr. Handel MONSIEUR BEAUCAIRE SECOND YOUTH It is understood that the girls Excursion For The 4th of July Lawson; Mozart, Miss Dons of the Girls Frieodly Society of Jones; Mendelssohn, Mr. Geo.
Rodney: Beethoveen, Mr. Hugh St. Paul Church, Panama, are Commander Watson of the Laynis; Haydn, Mr. Grange; preparing to make their debut Clon Boy Insitute in planning Bach, Miss Jeppe; Coleridge bere on the 12th ist.
Their lor big excursion on the 4th of Taylor, Mr. Kinnimouth; organizatioo is simlar to that of July next, all arrangements for Sir Frederick Bridge, Mise Amy our St. Peter Girls Friendly the day pleasure is already tixed. Morgao; Sir Sir Arthur Sullivan.
Society and on that score we Over six hundred members of Mrs. A, Ricbardson; Verdi, should give them a very hearty the in Colon has alreads Miss Davey; Chopin, Mr.
reception booked for the day. Tickets be on sale before the Blades; Schubert, Mro. Cook Activities of St. Peters 16th of May; Your tickets will Such a musical program will be exchanged at the station or be educative as well as enjoyable Church, La Boca.
railway passes on the moroing and will not fail to arouse the Of every description the 4th Train will leave Colon interest of the music lovit HOLY CONFIRMATION.
at d. m, leave Panama p. public. The entire pruceeds wul This will give the people good gu towards reducing the rematoLast Sunday evening 81.
day outing at the other ending debt on the new building.
Pevers Church, La Boca, WAS This excursion is in aid of the Admission will be by ticket at filled to its utmost seating Oolon Boys Institute.
25cents each.
capaci y with worshippers who bad assembled from far and The Silver Employees As News Notes Dear to witness the Apostolie Rise of the Laying on of Hande, sociation.
AT THE which was performed at the The 4th anniversary of the close of shortened Evensong by The following interesting Oud Silver City Branch of the Churen the Rt. Rey. Jas. Craik Morris, Bishop versation was over heard in School in connection with Christ or the Canal Zone.
street in Oolon a few days ago Churcb by the ses was observed Tbe Class presented by the Are you a member of be with an sopropriate service at Rector. tbRev. Mulcare, Silver Employees Asseciation? tbe church at p. on Sunday, consisted of iweoty men, women. No! bardly see what good and an botertainment As the do ad children sucn an organization can do at school room corner 3rd And Cash Contirmation over, the Blabop this time.
Streets on the following evenior.
preached a most instructiye and Do you realize that this is Tbe children made good inspiring sermon, based on Ook about the only West Indian orgasbowing.
CRICKET 2:3 Inwbom are bid all the Dization of its kind that ever tasorers of wledom and received Govercept recognition Due to beavy rains on Baturday ktowledge Many of the priviledges that we night the 25th alto. the friendly Surprise Cup Competition Thiee salient points in Oor received in recent years were game of cricket between the Loid character were dwelt on due directly to the activities of Victoria and Kent cricket clubs Opens To morrow.
Dy the preacher His Truthfulthe Silver Employees Associa at Gaton could not be played.
DEB6, Bis Holiness, and His deep tion. Raises in wages; sick sense of responsibility.
lonve and other benetics that The Suprise Cricket Cup JEWELRY SHOP. PAWN SHOP points were made the more bave come to us, came through Extensive repairs are belog competition opena lomorrow with clear and bylpful by the fitting Association, and if tbe done to the old Colon Wesley two matebes: Victorie u. Corner 12 Street East Avenue Illustrations ased. Winaing up, otherbood did dot step in at Church building corner of Caen Wanderers Co. on the Victoria the Bishop made forceful the time it did and upset thinge od 6th streets, concrete Oval, and Kant yo. PICKWICK un appeal to all, to follow the BlessWe make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also the silver employeey would be foundation bas been put in and the Gatun Oval, and the schedule ed Master example in living much better oft at this present the building is being strength for the balance of ths muuta watches. Our prices are the lowest and our lives truthfulness, boliness and eped througbout.
as follows: Workmanship is guaranteed.
inte e res pensibility. Well may join later on, luck May 10 Silver City vs West is all; but tell you one thing: The football match on the moreland. Silver Ci. y.
Our rate of interest on Pawns is moderate and you if were at present, member Hope grounds on Sunday last, West Eid vo Sussex Victoria may keep the pledge pawned as long as you may Mont Pleasant Evening.
like you, one thing would try between the Papams Hardware oval.
drsire, provided the monthly payments of to ad eucate is Iwo 100ks pay, team and the St. Joseph Lyceum Wanderers vs Ksat at ovat The evening of Friday, the believe it we were to be paid of Oolon vns won by the former interest are duly met.
15th, inat begins to cast ita twice per month instead of once by score of to The match May 17 Pickwick ve. Victoria Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall ebadow along all the roads lead we would better be able to 600 was well contested and enjoyed Victoria ural.
ink to the spacious Clubhouse our way, and the wages would by many.
be pleased.
Westmo elaod vs West End av at the beautiful village of dear pot appeat quite a small as it Mouat Hope We loan Stoney to reliable and dependahle Panama old Paraiso. Why? Because that does now.
Mr. Uber, one of Jamaica. May 24 Silver City vo Wouvening Promises to be most What we want now is mom star cricketen arrived from derors at Siiver Uits.
Ganal Employees on proper identification pleasant one to every lover. of bers, if we are again to have Colombia during the past week.
Sussex Sussex Kens at gond eu tertainments entertainGovernment recogation Our ments like the Grand Easter membership most reach a certuin bediesed taying to Colon. It is oval, that he will later Pick wiek vs. Westmoreland at number, so in delaying, we are connected with one of the lead Mat Hope.
Cantata entitled: The Carpenter of Nazareth, which will harming ourselves and no one ing Cricket Clubs of the elty. May 80 Westmoreland verses CANAL ZONE NOTES se nesived a circular from the staged at that famous Clubhouse else.
Kent at Muan Hope.
General Secretary of the that It will be given by Club and Playgrounds directing the big Choir of St. Peter Mr. George Newton of the Wander May 31 Busst Vs Patrol Loaders Hike Inter. Panama Canal Press is at present ors at Viewria sl.
La Boca Pars.
that Old Tiners Day, May 4th, Courch La Boca, and will be Silver City và Pickwick at be observed. Secretary Neelv says under the able management of patient in the Colon Hospital.
rupted by Rain.
thers will be a free community Mrs. Mulcare, who bas carefully speedy recovery is wished Silver City (By the Seribe)
night, in compliance with the pru trained the thiny six persons of bim.
visions of the circular, number of Patrol leaders of Tbe pro the choir.
On Saturday night last the Meeting of Pap Isthmian the 3rd Colon and 1st Silver City is to consist of free movies, gram The Cantata is so educative Thr wet sendon bas Board of Directors of the Panama furnished by the Bureau, and a that many personal who enjoyed com.
troops, Baden Powell Boy Scouts the Atlantic side.
Tailors Canal West Iodian Employees general community program con it a fortnight ago at the La Boom formed a biking party on Satu menced on were many rainy days Association met here for their sisting of vocal and instrumental Clubhouse, bave decided to go day evening last, the 25th ulto. There After two very successful busi regular quarterly session. Det er numbers and three and four over to Paraiso on the evening under the leadership of Scout during the week.
master Thompson of the 3rd Districts of ingt. once report of the further suggests that old timers on refreshed. This is a challenge to Colon Troop The Atlantic and Commissary Tailors Developenent Association at the Association Owing to the heavy downpour base ball team will play at mi. which many tailors were present de meeting in boe te yet available for the Canal Zone could speak upon bur friends at Red Tack, Prosto Diteb, Empire, forced to camp at France Field ding to the schedule for this mously agreed to fix every Monday abled on Secretary of elitnost howport, connected with the construction of that they will meet the challenge of rain at o clock they were Hope to mohou horning, accor enrolled as members, it was unani publica tion but it is learnt that the Digging ete. The American in an 1 musical spirit.
several miles from their destina 700k.
while the boys of Red Sox evening. p. skarp, as regular ance. Secretary Ellis, however, the Canal be in La Boca to play a Meeting nights.
bas given out that tne Board hae Legion is to furnish a speaker og admission fee is tion for the night, but the bike These meetings are held at Mul greed upon a special Mumbership the Endowment Fund Drive. everybody thinko taking the cas: was resumed at am, on the double header with the La Boca that old timers and of transportation of the Choir following day, when they went Team. Should Red Sox win any ler Building 13 Street and Broad Drive.
others will fill the suditorium of Into econ. To mise it ie to mie several miles into the juggles of the games their place as way, to which allt tilrs are cor dially invited Secretary Neely of the Club the Clubhouse ou Monday next the pleasure of your life.
Cooking, bridge building, tentchampions is secure WORKMAN PRINTERY El Excelsior Thebe this time.
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