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PRICE Cts. Cy.
went to explains aod now.
services She is inspired with public YOUTHFUL JAMAICAN Girl Possessed of Ghost Murders Are Rampant MURDERERS MISSING Attracts Large Crowds Have First Talk In Jail Lifeless Body Found In the City of New York Since Incarceration. Floating In Laks.
To No. Water Lane Where it is (Dickie Loeb aindl Nathan Babes de Pharia eman known only Chirago April Richard Our New Providence correpon Serious State of Affairs Revealed Claimed Spirit is Visible Even Leopold, millionaires sons whes by the name of Ward, Jamaican, by Recent Survey Taken and year ago were probably and 70 o the Ordinary Onlooker perfect crime, the slaying of young old, and who lived on his farm Issued by Publicity Committee Robert Franks after they New ped him, for ransom, to day met the banana berge, near limon, on Colony and converse for the first time Sa urday last, the 9th inst, to sell the fart that she is ro ling on the since the entered Joliet Peniten fruits; recent issue of the New LOSS IN EFFICIENCY coarge to keep, have, ground most of the time. Thop he was alone in his bout YORK WORLD states that there God to glorify; CHARGED she is dec. rated with two vashes, their crime in life senteners tiary seven months ago to expiate and soon after he started on his has been a steady increase in mur The facts compiled by the com never dying soul to save, one white and one bloe. Around return journey, he suddenly fell ders in this city in the last seven And fit it for the sky.
her head is. red cloth. Her name They there has been a steady breaking Passover, brought before juries and, with fifty eix and he was not heard of again until murderers years of age laid on a piece of cro. that she was accustomed to attend other Jewish prisoners, released Monday afternoon when his lifeless and convicted, according to a down in efficiency in the Police black girl between 15 and 16 is Daphne Sutherland. It is said of the Were united by the Feast into the lake from out of his bout, years and a decreasing number of mittee show, the statement says, She appeared to be mute but neighbourhood. but latterly she Loeb from his work in the chair faca of the water bear to meto Publicity Committee for the public statements by Mayor livian eus which was spread on the ground an Anglican Church in that for the day from priron re traint body was seen fivating on the sur. statement issued yesterday by the Department, notwithstanding the snijdenly she sprang up and led off has been interested in revival meet. factory and Leopold from weaving the mil islands belonging to the Advisory Committee of the Repub police efficiency is the best the city and Commissioner Eoright that linited States Government. The lican County Committee.
in verse of ings, and has been visiting these rattan furniture the bymo, the first has known. which is recorded above. Then gutverings. She attended one on The two youths were unnerved Lone Police took charge of the e bem o meeting, according to body towed same away for intern 31, 1924, there were 1, 909 murders the Police Department since 1922 In the seven years ended Dec. No report has been issued by about a dozen persons who were Sunday night Jast, and from Mon by glanding nearby, joined in the day morning, she has developed guards who observed them. Hello ment probably at Monte Lirio, in the city, the committee iaves, although the law calls for a yearly Babe said. Loeb, alw. the tigation shows, and court records The girints row bestelf on the revival habit and declares ground The only information leader, and Hello, Dick respondshow only 231 murderers convicted report te bare earth. woman with THAT THERE IS GHOST ON HER. en Leopold. Then they stood for Court Paradice Welcomes the murder a total were compiled available to the public has been white She is really given ber own way in a time without speaking while the pole, painted in blue aud Brother from records in the office of the newspapers by the Mayor and the repeated statements to the colours, with a cross on the top her peculiar antics. Her mother is other prisoners of their faith Medical Examiner, the statement Police Commissioner, strod beside the girl. Then the beside her and other relatives and looked on curiously, and finally Jatter got up and marched up and friends, but they will not disturb strolled to a coder, where they On Wednesday night last, being spoken nightly by Mr.
down the yard, with the pole her; she is allowed to lie down; talked in low tones for some time the 13th inst. Court Paradise SIX WEEK UNSOLVED Enright and bis Deputy Combearer beside her.
After religious there is also a pillar provided on missioners on a round of civie the ground for her comfort) to roll Jewish prisoners were left to thein one of their distinguished ders of last year remain unsolved gatbe. ings in all parts of the city.
the No. 9292, O. accorded Tt asserts that 300 of the mur association and otber citizen AT NO WATER LANE along the ground, to get up when selves. Tomorrow they will go and that six murders a are ed at No. Watne Lane, at the and down the yard and to sing the last day of the Passover, they ve o, Past Chief Ranger, a crimes. There were 333 murders in This is the scene that was enact she pleases, to lead a procesion up back to work, but next Thursday members, Brother Miguel Hi being added to the list of woede ved MAYOR SILENT ON RECORD Mr. Hylan. Mr. Enright and as a of the the spirit That will puobably be the last turn from a vacation spent in 1918 meaning an the drama has been put on the seriously remarked one of the men meeting of Loeb and Leopold until Costa Rica, a full report of per cent since Mayor Hylan and decrease in the seven years of increase of 40 reiterating that there has been stage from Monday morning to the uileaner reporter, and it is the Fourth of prisoners enre which will appear in our next Police Commissioner Enright have continue 21 no use her. She allowed and been in office.
40 per cent, in what they vaguely duys.
must remain there for 21 days, throughout the day.
term crimes of viclence. In this Gleaner representative, bear She has counted with her fingers itemized list of murders for 1922 What Mr. Hylan and Mr. Enright The committee makes public an claim the chief problem of the Police Department ing of this peculiar performance, and tells us that that is the period is evaded.
paid a visit to the premises yester for which she must remain THE WEEK NEWS IN BRIEF 1923 and 1924. It has compiled and the Deputy Police Commis.
day He entered the yard un in that state, similar lists as far back as 1918. sioners are not telling the molested, in fact people were go Are you really serious. asked ing in and out, and proceeding the These are too long for publication, that in seven years there has been reporter Do you really The Physical Culturefirst hand information with From these figures it estimates a murder increase of 40 per ceut.
along a somewhat narrow passage believe that a ghost is absolutely Magazine for May, which has regard to wages in the United that a murderer in this city has The Mayor, the Police Commis.
he came across a tent under which on the girl?
the girl a ready referred to was just reached the Isthmns, States, the rates for employees yes, them are lying. There were about a dozen respond. While waitbetwork pronat contains the first of a series here being based on States one thene beforeight of being arrest silent on the murder records, which con is the worst the city ever bas people around ber. principally The little girl book aways been of interesting articles by rates. The other candidate for ed, taken before a jury and the crowd, and they were evidently quirt girl. She has been accus Harrigan, dealing on the position is go to church. But now the effects of vaccination. McConaughey, but it would Lepants in the yard. she is taken up with the spirit. Doctor Harrigan has started appear as if preference will What is the meaning of all the ghost is following her, SPARKLETS to show forth that the health be given to Mr. Hushing who this? asked the reporter. The girl has got a ghost on her And the seriousness which per of clean and healthy people is without doubt the more Vaded the utterances of this man answered one of the men.
characteristic of the attitude is sometimes badly impaired experienced man in that line By Jack o Where is the most or weapot adopted by all the other people in by the effects of the injection of work. It is understood that sre the newspaper gleam of hope flashed before not really live the modero wak the yard. They are, evidently, of the vaccine virus which, only members who have me on Monday morning last when without subjecting himself to The ghost is there we see it als resigned the fate partida he points out, according to pledged to contribute per klanced over the Waterlandia wet oled inconvenience, and where undertaken 16 year old sometimes, but the girl sees it all girl, and they are all prepared to the best tests given standard annum extra for the mainte page of the Star Herald and we have been so hard pressed in us continued and pereistest log any time at the start to look This was no further information watch and pray and sing until the makes, contain several varie. nance of this representative read and interesting little eminder winning our daily bread Phot hair that was supplied by one of the expiration of the 21 days, when inties of pathogenic bacteria, will be allowed to vote for engagement in frivolities and in over things, a slow deterioriation good time Daphne will be released clearly to be seen under the his election, difference to the swift tide of pro of our original acadenic education microscope. When cultures The girl wore a white dress, from the evil spirit.
and thereby we are no gress and advancement whicn is sets in, which is somewhat dirty, owing to (Continued on page 8) of these bacteria were injected Lieut. Arthur Watson, moving about us in this part of donbt rendered alaust ica pable into laboratory animals the pilot, and Staff Sergeant Otto the world, written by one signing of taking proper notice of died with nameless Hansen, machinist, France right here that the writer is serious of progress which is passing about himself as dimensions or swiftnes of the tide THE WEST INDIAN FRUIT INDUSTRY. and frightful diseases. Field aviators, were burned to evea if he himself hasn the and oround us: the activity of the death when their De Haviland intention of writing up educative Panamanian in whose country we Under the above caption the immune to Panama disease, which WEST INDIAN COMMITTEE CIR. has been one of the causes that has Found guilty of violating plane ran into electric wires articles from time to time for that have taken up residence the pro cular publ shes the following in prevented the re establishment of the narcotic drug import and and bursted in flames while page, be is of the opinion that thereive USALAN, Greek, Italian, they by some Chinese and others; our eyes are its editorial columns :the small industry established by export act, Rafael Garcia Bur they were taking off a field at who know how to write, not the getting bliud and we There are distipet signs of a re the late Moran Symington. These ban, Colombian, was senten San Jose, Costa, on Monday editor of the page, as we have in that we are being slowly, quietly Awakening of interest in the possi experimente care being conducted ced by Judge Guy Martin in morning last, to retum to the West Indian section of the Divities of development of the fruit bage tibel dumperial College of Tropical the Canal Zone District Court their home base from where Isthmus scholars of requte, whom residential and business sections Agriculture in industry in the West Indies.
the Department of Agrlculture of on Monday morning last, to they had left on Saturday last be believes would hang their heads of the front streets and are being Though their bs nanas find a Trinidad and Tobago. Already serve ten years at the Gamboa to spend the week end in the in shame if someone would point sqeeze into little nooks and cornent out or appreciate The ready market in the United States, bananas have been successfully penitentiary and pay a fine of Costa Rican capital. scholars who apparently bave the fact that when we have been The Jamaica planters have recently raised from seed and plantation five thousand dollars. bodies of the ill fated airmen seuled their talent in iron safes beaten to the walle and our retreat been pressing for a subsidised experiments have demonstrated were brought back to Cristo and for fear some oil prospectors is thereby blocked, that that spelle stearer service to carry bananas that the eiant flg banana is proof sometime unearth them, our inevitable and decisive defeat.
and citrus fruits to this country against Panama disease, delibernte bal on board the would Hushing, at present Cleveland.
they have conveyed the safes and With all these shortcomings wo but it is the position with regard attempts to inoculate it therewith labor representative dropped them in the ocean deep. would fill the Prese with Canks to the rest of the West Indies that having proved abortive. It re.
and some more buck. sports!
we wish to refer to here more cat mains to be demonstrated that Washington, for the organized the sports. sports. We According to press reports, ticularly in Grenada considerable this variety of frnit possesses a gold employees of sporty. Then, is it any wonder areas have been planted under commercial value and to this end Panama Canal Zone, is likely there is a new German MAY NOT BE BLAMED.
that West Indian News are bananas and though no announce periodical shipments of it are being to be elected by the emplo invention which is called the In speaking with friend the relegated to a small seotion of the ment has yet been forthcoming as made through the courtesy of the their on the it is other day indeutical Star Herald and tagged as permanent Helicitaeub. and to what arrangements are being Harrisoa line and Messrs. Elders yees as made for their shipment to over. Fyffes. who have willingly con representative with headquar supposed to be the most question, expressed the opinion such?
that we to be meas markets, it is incredible that sented to iastruct the captains of ters at Washington. As has destructive of its kind ye: blanied outrighy for this inaction they will be allowed to rot on the their vessels calling at Port of been decided by the organi invented. It is claimed that it and indifference to opportunities; THE SAME Dericiency.
trers through hack of steamship Spain to provide suitable accommo zed gold employees the can paralize life for six hours our wran. fathers and fathers, and But coming back to the question facilities. In Grenada and also dation for the fruit and to keep maintenance of such repre over a distance of forty miles we ourselves were not sufficiently at issue, gentle reader, and coming Dominica, developments in St. records regarding the method of of ib. Fres, and consequently ten Workman. the paper in which attention, whilst in Trinidad active the holà in which they arə carried, interest of American workers 45. 000 feet. Experts of the ur twelve or fifteen years on the bave the honour, in the absence of Lucis are being watehed with close storage and a temperature chart of sentative will be to the best and to an altitude exceeding urained with regard to the value back to our own. There is the on the Panama Canal, as he United States War depart Isthmus where, if one does not those who are able to write, to give measures are being taken in the direction of findiog banana plants (Continued on page 8) will be in a position to get (Continued on page understand modern things he can (Continued on page 8)
a knowa.
Was maa women, the must say are too
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