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PRICE Cts. Cy.
himself stand on ioa best he apparently of It For The Drowning of Says British West InSeaman Pat Butler.
dians Are Sold There Demerara Would Recruit Labour Aprarently he was The Jamaica Weekly HERALD Baller, rent or the reason Patrick e mori Jaror the one publishe Members of Unpaid Crew Disconers from Africa in Preference to wuarantee dention on this within Wiellow in the more sta petite tented Over Long Delays. Ship Station heard wegotia it is claimed published British West indian Workers ting a mixup with a cha iffeur in El Heraldo, one of the daily Bunkers Said to be Empty one early morning last week The papers of the Republic of Cuba, chauffeur however, cut witted March 27th and appeared in an The Daily Argosy of George colonies. In this conuection it for the man at the wheel, the reads thus: him, for when had dashed back American Exchange. The article Cable despatch from Miami town, Demerar, says: would be interesting to know how latter stepped on the sa. and It is painful to the man who Florida dated May 1st shtates that Still Burning to be many of the gentlemen in the later congratulated upon the appoint. portion of the committee list which out distanced him Didn make has the desire to see a free country the s. Booker Washington, of mistake when didn clout that and free Question.
ment of a large committee to reads almost like a record of the follow over the head, at first. he to the caumanity, when he come the Black Cross Line, is stranded understanding of the hap in Miami Harbour after a cruise of consider what steps should be daily callers upon Sir Joseph said, when he had failed in bis penings at Puerto Padre in tha thre months from New Yorw to taken to introducts such numbers Nunan during the last few days of attempt to stage a fightco Where Proviace of Oriente de Cuba. various ports in the West Indies, of agricultural families of African his It is said at during the latter race or origin as the clomic promised by the ex Attorney is my hat and can be continued telegram bearing the news ola Negroes here, who had been noll part of the pe iod of African slave.
conditions of the jaseline and only be found wolby Drs of a traveling delegation. campanion and stumble rower is the country few days ago was burried to the rescue when it was the Abolition med eftetest ringe til his colony may was enough to fill one with terror. found necessary for them to rais. Abolitionists generally a ked the under Colonization Seheine might the path to his which the port fee, amounting to slightly quer con. What shall we do with til more are they to be committee if the chairman at the most likely the Lubrio at the eil The telegram reads: The Cranmore than twenty five dollars, be the Negro, ifter crib.
Eugar Company bas sold to congratulated upon the personne nitial meeting could elicit this we have freed The oil taker Lubrico was lying of the counmittee. At the first formation though perhaps on glance we were inclined to take second thoughts, that would be at the oil crib at Balbna ljebrzougar Company seven hundred fore the vessel could officially enter him? These Abolitionists were Carcast us. It is said, too, that at the commi tee as a joke because, indiscreet, as it might awaken jeal ing oil and Patrick Bumi vidi men, women and cluildren, for the The crew of 85 has not been paid one of the bolition meetings twenty one usyan suspicion and lead to a o be of the crew had gone in o sum apart from a lea vening of respoy flow of oratory which would extend town to freely vepartake accorge average of thirty dollars (30, 00 ning low, and the New York offica Bruglis.
thousand for three months, the ship bun. when this question was asked, the dollar (21, 000. 00 dollar)
the kers gle American Neg. o Federick he sitting of the committee until stimulating beverage and accord dollars) per head.
as comprises the majority of the Domsday one of tae of the line has failed to respond to led is votaries of the Abolition return most notorious fire brands, We have little doubt that the ing after being over stimulated The writer goes on to say that urgent calls for found to coal the most poi o ous preachers of race. saidDon any.
Batred and the most irresponsible government is in possession of andek endised bis hitepholip on the these people fiecare penned up ship here for the passage to New thing with num, jugaleave agitation sake. dock leading to. and like cattle and are in a similar to. and if he cannot this unfortunnte colouy hos impos: be placed before the committee. Landed into the bea below mother maturietis Arlegram of protest has the employment of the organisatio: his two feet let hiu talla. Su must it its sins, Indeedthat it would seamen wbo were with him it is been dispate. ed by According to Carter, secre justly deserve. In those days the names of Mr. Webber to send a Colonization mission to stated, said they saw him fall over of the Republic, it is said.
tary of the company, the cruise was Crucasian interest in the Negro and Mr. Dodds were added, we anywhere in Africa, for the good the dock into the sea and had The editor of thew Jamaica made for the purpose of encourag: was either fər or against, foranda die it committee the whole of the test ernment there permit recruitwisə but they were unable to Mr. Garvey undertakings and tronise Negro owned industries and for, he was somewhat notorious Negro and colored agita ting, to say nothing of the fact Con der him any assistanse. And the UNIA. Let us look out for to itopress them with the subility what was in the mind of the aboli: tor of Bilis Guiana and nearly that the African dative, would be so he was drowned.
what he shall have to say about and permaneaey of the strani tionist then was, how the whule of the Garvey tes.
The practically useless without a period this.
ship line.
could help the Negro to become Kreat oaly Jordan has been of tution, as an agricultural ALL ROA DS WILL LEAD TO JUAN ISLAND Carter was found in the beauti man. Inspite of that, Frederick un ccountably overlooked, but laborer We cannot call to mind FRANCO HIPPODROME TO MORCiego de Avila, Cuba, ful private saloon on the forward Douglas, who had already grown perhaps it is not too late to secure natives of any portion of Africa, teck surrounded by directors and into the stature of the fully lis Valuable assistance.
outside Egypt and some portions his private secretaries, developed intell etual man, did were we think the government be described as agriculturists That of North Africa, who could justly SPARKLETS ch erful despite the problem of not think it would be the best of raising funds for coal to continue to interest sure wise is thot quite obviously seems a sweeping st tement to kis race that the chief nurpose of the constitt mike, but it is based upon fact, New York, and of paying 85 dis the Caucasian or any other race gruntled seamen.
shoulu continue to take care tion of the committee is the educa There are individual exceptions, of BY JACK them after they had been freed.
tion of the bodge politicians, of course, but it may be taken as a EXPENSE OF OPERATING.
whom it is chiefly composed oday the Caucasiar. interest is Th: expense of operating the of but one kind towards the Negro general rule that left to himself a This paragraph concludes last talk the about other fellow, and so ship is estimated at 650 dollars will be remembered that almost Negro of Africa despises agricul. week superficial observations on he says respectful things of him as it is unmistakenly a ainst him. He a year ago the self apture as a pursuit titted only for questions arising out of the re: well as disrespectful things of him; needs no more to exper ment no puted officials of that somewhit Members of the crew, however, the Negro, buy acting the philsobody the The match of civili. minder given by the serious he tells him when he sees him how SA ted to convention presented (Continued on page 8)
writer in the much a valuable asset he is to socie. are concerned most with getting trovist to surds him, in order to to be re His Excellency the Governor, ty, and when he is go. he establish his intelleetual capacity NEGRO PRESS so called rensored statement, sourone else that he is a bum. luctant to consider suck delays jus He is na isfied ibat the Nextoys While believe that the free freak and sb uld be tre ted as suc. tified as have been necessitated in pou ntially a full grown man. He which was more remarkable for New Medico For press should be open to all and all then it is not an uncommon this cach port while the sponsors of the is therefore regarding the Negro as statements than anything approaching reason. The Colon.
alike, also see much in what fo man to overlook all the faulis system raise money by soliciting a competitor, from the economic concluing puragraph read: This the American Negre terms the ut his frend until waea that friend subscriptions from the coloured in standpoint at least. But although committee is of the settled opinion Dr. Nathan Rowe, phigician Negro Press. We all know thar happens to disagree with him ou babvisiots to purchase the necessary his has changed ais viewpoint of the a man is a manforce of tut.
fiat a deputation to the seveal and surgeon, has opened up tem circumstances at time leads one to once se his friend Ofricers of the ship said discon 100, What shall we do with the Negro, his stil asking the ques.
meluding the Union of South money at Bolivar Street, Colon, try to convince West Indian and African colonies, porary offices at the British Pha. conclude that it is a futile effort to asice and starts to mez sute him by tent was so great the crew refused Necro? Ievidently, his object now nem volt succeed in securing until further notice, as the Doctor Sesus Christ really lived one realment bie wuak bio to da se to the roles in the top stories to leare from Port. asking the question is contrary the man who seem main Antonio, and of tbe thousands of families to migrate to hopes within a few weeks to estab. as a human being. One can tain ao unbreakable love for his Jamaica, and it was old Abolitionist these shores oa the same terms and lih bim elf in a well equipped of scarcely convince a Jamaican that friead when both are on par, necessary to Why does he continue to ask this but nire au an extra force of firemen and question? believe ai is because coeditions as are being offered to five alone the house street pelin in Kingston the colour of the face when one would make an advance coal passers at each of the Indiaus, asy access to British Phar and or along the Negro is forcing him to do so, Gen. Goethals is of and that he will continue to ask it Now it quite certai that if there may be remembered that Dr. his or her securing employment. remains much longer; the one wh shipping regulations, which to which he is attached.
woman has something to do with lines, it is rarely that the friendship American registry, and subject to until the Negro are any considerable number of It will responpeople in this colony who hold Rowe refurned here a few months The American Negroes business succeeds starts out to think that are said to cotain a provision that ity of standing on his two such views, without anythig wha ago after graduating from the expand and their welfare in the his less fortunate brother is no sailors may demand ball of their Douglas over seventy years ago.
tever upon which to base them, University of Massachusettes. U8 commercial field is amply taken more his social equil; and some. wages at any port the ship raters. Tout the Negro still cooking to the beyond a knowledge that the gov. A, to pursue the practice of medi care of by the Negro Press; these mes the unfortunate or careless According to members of the crew Caucasian to be mis leader, or to have the of Pressfor. ethos of several African colonies cine He has successfully passed Americaus have the knowledge of fellow iomediately develops a state they have received far less than act towards him like a father, brofare for emigration or colonizatie Board which entitles him to prae know that when a business man friend, And so, it is not an uncom trip, in fact only an allowane for time be disregards and even repu.
purp us of labor avui the people at home and abroad continues unbroken when both they say.
thing. friendshin generally tobacco was granted at each port diates imselt? Even when we say this is not true, we give ourselves Wave, without any knowledge Dr. Rowe is widely known in that he, the business man, has parties continue on the same level the lie by our conduct. That is why whatever of lit and conditions in the eity of Colon where, as founder started a bakery or a shoemaking in life, what seems to be an in vi the luue sian still considers the utis part of Airica, jumped at such of the British Pharmacy, he built establishment, the returns will in table break follows tither when cue Empire Day Celebra Ne ro a problem a aid the inost loud mouthed of our ebas darges clientele pas dispensing corn enable him to go back to the goes forward or drops backward.
tions In Panama Now, think we should paraphlocultating fraternity, who may achieved the highest point in the to you.
pharmacist, Doctor has editor say Mr. Editor here And the intelligent rase the question and innke it. What co harm and cause dorest by for profession of his choice, and with man knows that when he barisa shall the Negro do with himself?
cing thir Views upon his genial disposition and affabi little midnight and writes a good Empire Day the 24th of May But, at the Negro do anything ot: er even more ignorant people, Sound will lity, we of openThen the rooner these gentlemen prediet for him a lucra. article on the poohool or starting briefly, questions under the above Empire. From the Arctic North to combing ey ry day; but what? la acclaimed to morrow with himself? you ask say, cer My friend and discussed, Sunday throughout the British tainly, we can and he in a commercial is doing are cosiro ted with cold, hard facts the better it will be for the Dr. Rowe at present, resides co operative movement the head one night during the week, the Torrid Zone North, South, this little Isthmiae conmunity home of his brother, Cup editor will welcome such an intretible We first touched upon the cost of East and West. British subjects there are probably over 40, 000 peace of the colony. little elemen tain Lester Rowe, in the concrete and in less than an hour after he soap and water, and then decided iary knowledge upon the geor building, Fifth Street and Broadbands itu to the editor thousands of in five minutes, that the cost o Here in Pauana, British subjects we any difficulty in determining will congregate to salute the Flag West Indian Negroes.
constipatiou of the African colonies way, directly opposite the Palm bis countrymen and others will be such was as low as it was possible will make their contribution to the titw. have not been doing the. the ethnology will do them good or perhaps nice. Porch, and can be reached on weighi ug bis ideas.
this time; and should say will do them good if telephone 502.
serious the Star He.
sericareminder sivene step by the undergarments. we also decided to the creat Fute of Empire. At the best for curselves? In soite of our Wesleyaa Church the Boy Scouts numerical aperiority to others, they are informed firmly and The Workman wishes the Doc rald of the 11th instant is commen that the prices were not prohibi will attend at the o clock service and of our admitted intellectuality decisively in advance that there tor every success in his practice, dable and should not fall on deaf tive. My friend mentioned about a and all British subjects are invited we ura still the least thought of.
are no C. ships going abegging trair cut in a tonsorial parlour, and to attend with them. Ap address From the early days of the buil.
and very little prospect indeed of before had time to put in my side will be given by the Rev. ting of the Panama Railroad to any of them earning ten thousand ALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO of the argument he had decided Wade and by mu booklets will be le present time our women have dollars or so apiece by means of a THE POPULAR HIPODROME OF WHAT Friends SAY or FRIENDS 1or both us that our barbers provide. The service at 7:30 will been carrying trays on their heads, buluay excursion to the African JUAN FRANCO TO MORROW. It is inherent in man that. e must (Continued on page 8)
also be of an appropriate character. Continued on page precisely day.
Negro Wounen extraordinary good some Antica 10 the parts, acrept the is no THE COST OF PAPEARING DECENTLY be tive practice, the Have ears.


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