p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY MAY 30, 1925 OUR SPORTING PAGE HAND IRONERS Wanted ESPERANZA LAUNDRY Races! Races! Exciting Races. Penaro won the last BAnother big day for Turfites lain some fear Last Sunday Races was sets DEDICATION OF SPARKLETS Frou Frou of the Stad Aguila (Continued from Page 1)
Now Oddfollows Hall.
boss will be here in a few minutes rana pretty race in the main to look it over Hurry up! th event, seven farlar distance The simple but extremely whole force will be fired if it for class la ported thorougbbred horses at Juan Franco race impressive dedicatory services of not arranged before he gets here.
the first Oddfellow. Temple, George doubles up and when the trick on Sunday afternoon last. Manchester Unity Hall. érect. big boss leaps from his automobile winning the fast Manus easily Burlesco, the third horse in the (ed in the city of Panama was enters the office and fixes his race, although favorite is ibe fittingly celebrated on Sunday penetrative glance towards the Peri Mutuel, did not come up to laot the 24th ist. The Hall is corder where the thing should have an imposing two story wooden been ready for inspection detucte expectation, as he dropped back structure, standing for chains George on the last lap. thought balt way on the journey. Mapua took the lad when Burlesco from the street at No. 45 Oalldo you would have bad that all ready apparectly ran out, with Frou APPLY AT ria Road, between lovely trees in before get here, Mr. Johnstone Frou close behind It the sixth congenial atmosphere, amply said he to the foreman It shnuld larloog be was overtaken by ventilated. whth interior artistic bave been ready, sir, but it so decorations which is a credit to hard to get there Jamicans to Frou Frou and Jockey Munoz did the architect, a building finished learn bow to do thugsi be right DUL lose any time in taking his Dot without the most careful way; he been over that since you mount well ahead to win, pulbox Attention to every possible suit called, replied the foreman. And on the bit. During the contest able installation and other con not through yet, eh! think be between the two, Blesco limely veniences for the use of frater Deeds a change, he been the piek op uis field and beat C: SEXSEXO dal organizations. The cere job too long, gue s, stressed the Maoua at tbu purt for wound money. The pol Dald 40 on mony was witnessed by bup big boss. George finishes the job the winner. No placu tickers were dreds of invited guests, dele and it was all good and everything gates and members from nearly rush he had his shirt torn and soil The Week News every fraternal organization on Bold in this ac.
apparently went well; but in the 4p.
osned by Mr Souz.
the lothmus of Panama. In coned which necessitated a change for with Jockey Moure up, wou the five furlong race for class (Continued from page 1)
netion with the dedication, which work on the following morning, was carried out under the But that wasn all. The big boss oative borses by a cloee margin, handful of members, but auspices of Loyal Victor Lodge had already been informed that beating Rialto at the winning which today boasts of a total No. 8187, Loyal Pride of the George is incapable of even carrypost. Almirante who bad jumped Isthmus Lodge No 7980, and ing out orders of the most eluoft rst after the liting of the membership of more than Loyal Isle of Springs No 8150, mentary nature, and thereby barrier, came in third. The pool eight hundred elebrated its Independent Order of Oddfel George ten or more year of paid 50 and 300 on the ninth anniversary on Sunday lows, Manchester Unity, with faithiul and efficent services have first and 40 on the second. JUAN FRANCO TRACK last. The day exeercise E Pearson, Provincial Grand been given a terrible blow; it was In the first race a four furlong for native class horses, loconsisted of street parades, Master, in the Chair, assi «ved by pot cu intentional blow, as toe fimo easily won ba field, beating A Harris, PPGM, were the foremnan still holds that George is TO MORROW led by the West Indian Band, uavelling of photographs of Bro be most comper cat and trust Linds, the Dearest to bin by religious service at St. Paul C Harris, PPGM aud Dolo. worthy messenger oa the Isthmus; several lengihs. Malvaloca come in third. Linda bad opened a wide Sunday, May 31st, 1925 Church in the afternoon. and res Joseph Augler PPGM. but it all happened simply because addresses by prominent by Misses Smith and Sbaw the foreman was weak and bad cap after leavitx the bar, jer of the fallen back on what has probably with Malvaloca second but Inmembers of the society and the former daughter architect of the Temple and caused scores of West Indians bere fimo gained steadily all along and WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE delegates from other organi the latter daughter of a PG; of to lose their jobs, go to prison and mastered be treld in the home zations, in the Society hall. the Lodge, assisted by Bro A the like, after giving years of fuit stretch. The pool paid 50 and Conway, PG; and social pro ful and intelligent service Pace 50 on the first borse and an gram of over ifty items consisting the buck to them.
equal amount on the second, All conflicting rumours of ing of tbree minute addresses by The second race on the card, another uprising among the delegatee from other Lodges and NEVER BKIP THE STEPS.
another foor. fa: long distance Indians at San Blas have been vocal and Instrumental numbers.
or Dative borses, was won by dispelled by direct news from Being extremely interesting there are steps, and it is of first Up the ladder of human progress Repulse who took away from his Four Races for Imported horses field at the rising of tbe brrrier prospectors reaching here, which lasted for four hours, importance that to be progressive, and. and won unchalleged. Petronia who declare that quiet reigns trom half past three o clock in these steps to the height which be oue must carefully tread each of des ind ad Poligro tbird. The and Four for Native bred ponies in the territory with the the afternoon, did not seem to pool paid 4, 80 and 60 on the exception of a few Indian weary the hundreds who atten.
is able to go He may, however, Hirst bo ne, 10 oa the second policemen who seen to enter. ued, and out few did nn remain through indiscretion or ignorane aud 70 De tbird.
for Chief to bear the chairman pleasant make some wide or hurried jump goodnight.
into aizh places and leave some Coleinan, and had therefore steps untouched but his stay event suve. asked for protection from the THE DEDICATION of five furlouge with a splendid there will be temporary it cano ride from Jock y Qutrogs, and in Panamanian Goverment. The The dedicatory ceremony was in the Army is, for possibly ba permanent. private chose competition with Zapa Everybody will be there. Don miss it. Panamanian coast guard boat most impressively carried out by reasous, at no lim. promoted to Very good in thirst three furlong Hero Panquiaco has been disa share it following heraldsortb; or first lieutenant, however adept ana Toto came in secood and patched for duty along the Angler: North. lie may be, he must first rouchebe toi d, spectively, Zapa was left Bolt1. First Race Starts p. Sharp San Blas coast. McLeod, P. East) as to be conv. rsant with the venind from the fourth furloug.
krades leading up to that raok so The bol paid 10 and 20 sud 11. Whyte, regulir routine connected to there on the first horse and 20 on (West. with Harris, Even the sons of the President ADMISSION: be secona: The Goverment of Jamaica Chairman, Oddfellow the King must go through brain Chomba Loca easily beat ber has definitely decided to take Lodge Committee, assisting the rucking studies rom the elemen ober ibree competitors, Starry, Grand Stand Ground 50c. drastic steps to limit the Prov. Gradd Master, Pear tary schools to the universities and Hor zoote and lonin. in the first son, Douglas, P, immigration into that island Sim noods, Grand from the sailor to the Admiral ruce lor imported borses, ot distance of seven furlonga Starry according to late reports from Grand Marshal and The high positions which await Chinese and Syrians, Warden, Alia urner, Before by step to the higher Paoli they to fill came in second and Topin third.
Ibe pool paid 40 and 2, 80 Kingston. There has been Spittoresses de Coperties chem. And so it is in all depuru on the first horse and an equal much agitation from business the proceedings.
Appropriate vdes interspersed ments endeavour, if nude amount on the second horse. DREAM BOOKS! DREAM BOOKS. men and others over the inforces bimself or is forced or put In the eventh race, which was flux of these aliens and their THE SOCIAL into positions, the road to which over a distance of five furlongi, for class imported horses, At No. 11 Calidonia Road monopoly of the inland The charmanship of the social he knows nothing about, bis dowo Capitana wou easily over the other trade; as well as considerable side of the exercises was turned fall is almost certain, after which WU vorles, Peti and Milonga.
debates over the question wau, in an aole and digni doy appreciable position on the over to Clifford Bilt, I, oe is hardly able to again rise to Olet and Burla were scrat The following testimonial speaks for itself: when it was brought before fied maonur directed over fif y ladder of progress.
ched. Pati, bowever, finisbed a cose second, Milonga third. The St. Anns Bay, Jamaica, W, the Legislative Council of the items, suy addresses from pool paid 3, 70 on the winner.
May uth, 1925 island by elected members. delegates, to successful and British Consulate Notloo.
pleasant termination, Contribu No pl. es tickets were sold in It gives me great pleasure to bear restimony to tigas whicb interspersed the The Acting British Coosul at Le race.
The e gbth, six furlong the merit of the Dream Book which purchased addresses were saxaphone sul Folon would be glad of infor Memorial Day by Mr EA Poupas, with platu me ion as to the present wheredisipoe for class imported from Mr. Clare on the Calidonia Road, Panama, in the accompanimeot by his son; and abouts of David Mitchell, horse was wen by Fulera, with month of March. Three nights after had a dream vocal solos oy Mrs. Olga King David Hall, a native of Jamaica Jocke, Jouninez up, after a senseand in the morning consulted the book: the result (Continued from page 1) Mise Samuels and Mr MU lluual competition with Joonnie Walker, the latter folabing in obtained was quite satisfactory. The book is worth by made up of units of the one carpenter w (how Provinciul Corresponding See Bayne; three musical selections aud Master in 1911; elenteri recoed place; Guitarra came in its weight in diamonds.
Army and Navy, and the Po dition to musical Instrumento) os. tary, 1916, which position be third. Tou puol paid 14. 50 and am lice, Fraternal organizations, its from Miss Helun Josua Mr O Morrison 50 on the first borse and OU On be secund burse.
American Legion Catholic sad Mt A Ferreira, respective initiated. ΙΑ Bro Dolores Jurepb AuvierDaughters of America, Gir 1, Another uutstanding feature of Victor Lodge on Augus 13. 1911 membrof sal EMPIRE NEWS Intending patrons who live in the interior can Scouts, Boy Scouts and Girl this part of the program was mail 60c. and where money orders are not Reserves. The Navy Band of the unwilling of photographs ut Marved Insid Guardian, Janobtainable they can join and send for books.
the Rochester will be Bros A Harris sod DJ Augier Jane, 1912 Srved as Élective The Rover Scouts of Empire, ac ed Permanent sec in attendance and will render both Pasi Provincial Grand Mas Secretary July 1912 to June 1913 Have your letter registered and addressed to ters of the Order, whose dus is pto Oct 1912; sprud 1313; under the Commaod of Scout Chopin Funeral March tinguished services not only G. Joly Dee 1913; Merved as Master J, Carter, bave arranged CLARE while the Boy Scouts deco their Lodge but aloo the RFVG Jan Jure 1914 elected a dance for Saturday June 6th, Box 691 Ancon, 1925. which will be beld at the rate the graves. Judge Guy fraternal world were tbus recox Gin term Joly Dec 1914; Martin of the Canal Dized. Their records were Veu elect a G uero Jao June 1915; ne Empire Clubhouse.
Rollows: The officers and members of District Court will read the rved as this Troop extend to the Officers Bro Charles Alfred Harris IPNG) July. Dec 1915: elected famous Lincoln Gettysburg Will Bo Hanged.
French Suffer Great Loss Address Initiated in Sept. 1892 io Lidgas Trostee in July 1916 and and members of the Rovers of St. Lawrence on behalf of Hube served as socb for years: Pagama bearty invitation, which According to late reports In the St. Catherine Cirepit We hope you will accept.
Members of the Cuerpo de of Manchester Lodge, Poras, Porple Degree which be conferred him in Scps 1918; elected PDG dance will be Ladies 25 oents, and Hou. Mr, Justice Brown, Simop over fifteen hundred men also be in attendance and of Elective Secretary of ssid Lwige elected PGM Jan 1922; PPGN The price of adnaission to this Court on Monday last before this from Paris, France has lost Bomberos de Panama will maica, of foundation member; eleetta of the A District, Jan 1923 Geats 50 cents. Trusting that you Lammie was sentenced to be fighting with Riffi ins in Mo ficiate in the ceremony.
rocco, Africa. Four hundred The Invocation will be de Grand on completion of the cere; July 1923; elected Per Secretary, on opening; served wil render all posible aid in hanged on a cbarge of murder.
as Vice Decree conferred making this dance a success. The doomed mao was a ranger of these are said to have been livered by Chaplain Paul fogoded Pearl of the Aatili Feb. 4, 1921 which posltica be at Crowle property, and his place killed, eleven was taken by the deceased Willhundred Rupp of Fort Amador and the Lodge in Falmouth, Jamaica, in now bolds.
ALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO isme whom he low with a cutlas wounded and thrity five mis Benedicion by Chaplain 1891, a served as First Nool Allan Turner, POM dewiwho after receiving his wounds sing; while one third of the Carroll. The taps will founded Victoria Lodge in 1909; and the chairman or Cleaning Grand of that Lodge in opening: livered the address Our Pbxoko THE POPULAR BIPODROME OF ran a short distance and fell down causalties are given as French be given by Army elected PDGM Jamaica Dis remarks brought JUAN FRANCO TO MORROW. dead.
and the remainder Senegalese. buglers.
trict, in 1910; elected Provincial functiuo to a cluse.
splendid ON elucution. lin bolding as GM (now teroaa OD was oo bir


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