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PAGE TW THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 6, 1925 Interesting News From The West Indian Islands THE REPUBLIC Shoe Depot bas Vi FOOTWEAR for Ladies, Gents and Children We not only fit your feet but your pocket also Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD The price TRINIDAD INSTITUTE FOR THE Inhabitants Protest.
BLIND Duriog the month just endeh People of East Portland Pass Fire at Tragarete Road 79 cocoa baskets and one markte Several Resolutions Against basket were conpleted by the men at tue Institute for the Cessation of Mail Service.
PROVISION SHOP DESTROYED. Blind, and rine chair scaned, and fire tbetwenty fifth for delivered. Further orders will be The proposal of the Governreceived by the the year according to the record thankfully ment to deprive the people of to the Fire Brigade broke out Matron in charge.
East Portland of the Daily Motor early Sunday morning in a pro Mall Sevice which these people vision shop at No. 113 Tragarete Attracting Artisans baye enjoyed for over ten years, Road in the block betwen Carlos MARTHE BUILDING caused a great deal of disand Murray Streets, completely satisfaction among the the thousdestroying the stock and doing Work on the oil concession at and inbabitants of these properextensive damage to the building Mstoria is attracting artisans Facing Over the top Cabaret. Colon, rous and progressive districts.
it self. The building in which the and labourers from this colony.
As a result of the anxiety of fire originated is a concrete The concern is operated by the the people over this proposed nogging structure owned by M, West Incia Oil Company whose hardsbip monster mass meetings Egbert Madoo of Boissiere llage, and is teraned by Joseph ed at Broadway. Yesterday afteroffices ic Port of Sosios situat bave been beld in different cer tres from Hector River to Abreu who carried on the noon the offics were literally business of a provision shop on besi d by working men who Fairy Hill the premises. The fire started sought to register their names The meeting at Fairy Hill was about 80 a. and there was for employment. It is underslova largely attended.
considerable panic in the helter that those who have succeeded After brief speeches from the skelter endeavour by the neigh expect to sal during the week.
leaders permission was given for bours around to clear out their expressions from a few of those belonging. Che fire was disc werin attendance. All felt amazed at ed by the sudden burst of flames JAMAICA the intention of the Government from withio and acompanying TRY US AND BE CONVINCED to take such a backward step and crackling wounds as the fire in view of the great inconvenwrought havoc on the stock. The ience to be suliereo by such a New Town Fire Brigade under The Island Exports.
large numbe. considered it to be Lance Corporal Joseph were the vitally important that everything possible be done to impress upon first to arrive on the scene on the receipt of the alar but by BANANAS SHOW the Government the disadvanSLIGHT INSSSSSSSS the time they reached the site, tage and inconvenience which the flames were already in fali CREASE DURING FIRST FOUR this back kward step will cause poguession of the shop. power MONTHS OF THIS YEAR AS be people. Another meeting was folj to water was brought to AGAINST LAST, 000 SOUS held at Long Bay At this meebar on the building from the ting, one of the oldest inbabitants hydraat in Tragarete Road and testified that fifty years ago mails a uoit from th: Woodbrook Con Through the courtesy of the were carried along this route by stabulary arrived in time to the Imperial Association, the a rider on mule back. This was at ack the fire at he eastern end Herald is this morning able improved by the mule van and from another main. In a jiffy a to publish the following comthat. after many years, gave water pressure of 74 lbs was ра ative place to the modern motor mail statement of the princi developed and considerably aided pal Exports of the Island from service wbich has given satisfacthe effort of the Brigade in con January 1st to May 9th, 1925.
tion from every point of view for fining the flames to the scene of tbe last decade.
tbe out break.
BANANAS: 3, 592, 962 stems The Long Bay meeting was as compared with 3, 033, 627 The New Town Brigade used stems for the correspondink attended by hundreds of inba300 feet of bose and the Wood period of last year.
brook Constabulary 150 teet this week began at 3 and rose similar meeting at MacThe Central Fire Briga e were to 6 per count bunch. This is chioneal brought out still larger notified at 62 a a da a low tigure for this time of the numbers. Aundreds of citizens detachment coasist ng of the crowded tbe market quare. The Buck oder meeting was unanimous in its Sergeant Major year COCOA: 26, 146 cwt. as comJones and the Chemical in char partd with 20 66 cwt. for tbe Recommended for Removing the Humors of approval of every man being geot Fireman Reory was prom same period of 24. During the Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, used to show their case to the ptly despatbed The Supt. In Government in order that it may spector Power also left for the corespunding period of last Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic know how much deprivation will se ne to conduct operation. By about 15. per hundredweight.
year the price of cocoa was be suffered by the ten thousand the time ine git from Head It is now 30. per cwt.
Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Disinbabitants of this section of this quariers arrived, the flames had year Cicoa crop, however, is eases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
privilegs is removed.
teen got under control and the not very large thu drough meeting at Hector River adj ioing buildings were being during the first part of last year An Alterative recommended for purifyalso united in sentiment with the kept cool 00 115 on the Western being in some measure accounimeetings previously beld side being severely su rched able for this.
ing and enriching the BLOOD.
around tbe gabling. The Central Brigade feliin line with eN COCOANUIS: 8, 706, 167 nuts Telephone System For town, unit and pt up strong as compared with 10, 080. 303 nuts ts of water on the shop buildiox for the same period of last year.
For Sale at all Drug Stores The Metropolis.
wure the fire ultimately spent The price of cocoauts is coItself. The fra lasted about 45 sidered to be a fair one. per minutes for about twenty o bundred quoted. The And in Large Quantities by OFFICIAL NOTIFICATION wbieb the Brigade we e bowever, is not as large as in FROM GOVERNMENT in action, the men from the out some former years, the drought JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy)
WILL PRECEDE ACTION stations having done splendid of the last cou, le of years being work before being relatorced. So beld responsiply for this. Be BY COMPANY las, the loss is mainly catined wides, more copra is now being AGENT to the shop the enure stock of exported, the exports of copra NEW SWITCH BOARDS.
which has been burut out. The for the period mentioned above burat building is not insurud, being 1, 518, 015 lbs. as compared SOC So0400 SOWSssss 50 003 but the stock in trade carries a tb 1, 371, 566 lbs. for the SUBSCRIBERS IN CERTAIN AREA policy of 250 with be calaune corresponding period of 1924.
WILL HAVE NEW TELEPHONES Fire losurance Co. brough the COFFEE; 52, 666 cwt. as com.
local agents Messrs.
Hugibs Do. The furniture e pared with. 27 920 ct. for the AN UNSAFE PRACTICE same period o. The price 01 Abreu Wu lived at de rest of coffee is still good, although Although the announcement ti thu soup were ust insured, not as high as it was some time Governor Dissatisfied Over Conabout the telephone tender was ago.
made in the Legislative Council DYE WOODS: 10 291 tons as veyance Of Dead Bodies on Tuesday, the Gleaner learns Vater Supply At Icacoas.
againsi 15, 071 was. or last year.
In Motor Cars. Regular Assortment of that no official notification has as Toe de wanu tor uye woods bas yet passed from the Government authorities to the local Company The Port of Spain GAZETTE allen aod tu vricts quoted are low, belog per wbo, it was stated, had been Tbe HERALD says:Straights and per ton The residence of Icacaos dis rUoUS.
succeseful in their application.
It is goderstood that His ExIt is stated on good authority trict are jubilant over the prompt that a large document is being manner in which His Exc llency SUCH AS GINGER: 13, 160 cwt. as com cellency the Governor is Dissatprepared for signature by the th Governor bas respuoded. pared with 7, 661 cwt. for the isied over the practice that obbere conveying dead parties. When this is done, the Company will have to lay full water. As a year.
motor vebicles.
specification and plars before to their petition, Mr. de Verteuil PIMENTO: 75, 338 cwt. as The idea is that quite often Salve, Talcum Powder, Asperine of the Public Works Department against 22, 504 cw i, for 1924. The the expert commissioned by the Government to examine them in the Southern District, visited price of plaento bas been private motor cars are used to Tablets, Shampoo, Hair Dressing, The expert on whom the GovIcacoas recently to enquire into satisfactory du ing the year. take corpses to the cemetery and ernment are relying to ensure a the matter. Chu realdeals assert RUM: 523 927 gallons as the authorities are of opinion satisfactory service is the that the sinking of wells will not against 878, 560 gailuas su 1924. that the practice is a dangerous etc. etc. etc.
ernment Electrical Inspector. alleviate their suttering as the The price ut iu has fallen. one. They hold that trere is no In view of well water is invariably salt and Wnereas per past experience Kalion was guarantee that tue vehicles are which has shown how unreliable contaminated on account of the quoted two or three months ago, disint et after the funeral and in times of heavy storm overhead Close proximity to the sea. What 3 per gallon is QUw being so the method is to sanitary and aerial cables are, the Company they rtquire is the erection of a offered.
therefore menace to public bealth.
it is believed, to lew large cistens that will colSUGAR: 17, 847 tons as cominstall les raig wabar irom ime to time to be It is futher voderstood that a 93 CENTRAL AVENUE placed underground in the city libres Dsen notice that even the pared watu 766 tons for the correspondiu Palud of last letter has been directed to the boundary. South of Cross Roads animal re use to drink the wellvetem dos year The price of sugar bas Council of the Kingston and St.
a complete new system of cables, water at Icacoas. As the matter iallea.
Panama City.
Corporation About two months ago Andrew asking etc. will be installed. The is one of extreme urgency, it is the price including the Canadian whether this is really a practice present unsightly loose hanging gratilying to learn that prompt Pre. erence was about 16 pur here, and if so to see that it is cables and wires, will be resteps are being taken by the ton, the price to day being discontinued.
moved and give place to neatly Government to satisfy the wants slightly uuder 14 per too. The matter may come up for constructed covered cables, or the people in the district. The next Wedasday which will enclose all the wires peution was got up by Messrs.
discussion at in one. The number of open Balfour, Williams, Rent Recuipt Books in Span meeting of the Council of The aerial wires will be strictly Bridget Celestin, Karrim, Mrs. Ish and English for Sale at The Corporation and the Councillors will decide what must be done in limited, Ularissa Ramsey, Joseph and WORKMANPrintery.
IN THE WORKMAN, IT PAYS the matter. Continued on Page 7)
This yiela, Central Take Noitce lon tor for Ho Ro Co Famous Products says: their appeal for a better and correspondink period of last bodies to the burial placesia Tonics, Soaps, Vanishing Cream, The Workman Printery will proposin cables.
Este documento no posee notas.