
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 1925 British Consulate Notices.
THE WORKMAN Great Reduction IN PRICES OF The American Bazaar El Excelsior The British Consul at Colon would be glad of iofoamation as to the present whereabouts of Jason Price, a native of Barbados, who Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen on applica.
arrived on the Isthmus about 1906 and was employed by the WALROND, at the office No. 83 Central tion. Correspondence on all mattes of public interest invited Avenue, Panama, de Paoama Canal as a carpenter.
All copy for publication must be PO Box 74, Panama written on one side of paper only, and The British Consulate General Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of at SHOES for Ladies, Gents and Children Panama would be glad of One Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicaSix Months information of John Hinds a native 20.
tion but as a mark of good faith.
Three We do not undertake to return reof Jamaica who 60e.
SOCKS for Men and Children come to the jected correspondence.
Isthmus of Panama about 20 De 26.
years ago. He is said to have good assortment of Ladies Stockings worked in Colon after his arrival The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNUIS on the Isthmus.
HATS, TIES His Britannie Majesty Consal General in Panama will be pleased. AT THELONDON CELEBRATES AIR to receive information as to the whereabouts of Miss Jestina Red.
wood. Miss Redwood was last DEFENCE WEEK.
heard from by her daughter BRANCH STORE about a year son The British Consul at Colon In these days of peace we continue to be surrounded, OF THE would be glad of information as to not indeed with actual rumours of wars, but of reminders the present whereabouts of Gustus of the necessity of being prepared for wars. London has Tapper, whose lact address was Cristobal Post Office. Mr. Tapper just been celebrating what is called an Air Defence is stated to have married recently, Week, the main purpose being to enlist volunteer recruits one Miss Maude Harrisou.
for London Anti Air Raid Squadrons. Part of the attraction has been sham air raids, with real aeroplanes, real search Colo The British Consul at lights and real guns, but no actual firing. The general effect Corner Street, No. and Central Avenue would be glad of information as to on everyone who has given thought to the matter is to the present whereabouts of one demonstrate once again the impossibility of effective jo Isaac Reid, recently a resident of defence against an air attack. Conditions may, no doubt, Colon, who is stated to be emchange, but at the present moment London, and almost ployed on board one of the vessels using the Panama Canal.
every other large city in that country, is marked down, for devastation if Great Britain should ever find itself at war Church Services.
with a Power situated not far from its coasts and highly Central American District Grand equipped in the air. That arresting prospects may no AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH Lodge No. doubt have its value in impressing on the common civilian (Angliern Communion)
who lives in such cities the appaliing peril to which he may be exposed, and so stimulating aim to strive by every Feast of the Holy Trinity ofG. of Maets.
means, through the League of Nations or otherwise, to JEWELRY SHOP. PAWN SHOP St. Paul Church, Panama eliminate war from the world. Meanwhile, however in (Rev. Night ngale, Rector. cipated on the 9th, 10th, lith, very pleasant time is antiother spheres we are being reminded daily of the competiCorner 12 Street East Avenue 6 a. co. Holy Communion tion which still continues in weapons of war. One of the whem the Annual Session meets at 10 Matin greatest British steel firms has just congratulated itself, and We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also 10. 30 a. Holy Eucharist sermor guel Panama, for the purpose of the Mt. Zion Lodge Roem San. Mi been congratulated by everyone else, on having produced a watches. Our prices are the lowest and our Preacher. The Rev. Cowan, discussing laying out plans for shell for naval use more effective in its penetrating qualiWorkmanship is guaranteed.
the better working of this District, p. Church Sebool, ties than any yet produced anywhere. Simultaneously, the 30 Choral Evensong sermo gates are requested to be on time All Officers, members, and dele.
answer to the shell in tae shape of a new and more effecOur rate of interest on Pawns is moderate and you the Rector.
tive armour plate, appears to have been evolved, ironically may keep the pledge pawned as long as you may Thursday, June 11th. Feast of St.
each night.
enough, by the saine Factory, and on the day when the drsire, provided the monthly payments of Barnabas. Holy Commoniun at a.
Papers teil of all this, they tell in the next column of the interest are duly met.
IN MEMORIAM various channels into which naval competition, partially St. Alban Church, Paraiso checked tor the moment, but for the moment only, by the Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall In affectionate and loving mem.
Naval Conference at Washington, is breaking out afresh.
be pleased.
CANAL ZONE ory of our dear beloved father. Rev. NIGH TENGALE, Alexaprler Murray who fell asleep Woa, every one naturally asks, is the League doing about Priest in Charge.
in Jesus on the early morning of all this? The answer is that the League of Nations is 11 a. Holy Eucharist sermon June 2nd, 1924.
doing what it can, but the League can do nothing more than The Rev. Nigbungale. One long year has passed, what the nations which compuse it are ready to do. It is, p. m, Church School Yet to memory dear, in point of fact, holding at this moment a Conference at Evensong, sermon 30 We always think of him, Geneva on one small aspect of the problem the InterMr. borne Catechist.
And shed a silent tear. national Traffic in Arms, but unless it can succeed in hand The Spirit of Democracy.
No one knows the heart ache, ling effectively the whole question, any rate of Naval Only thoºe who have lost can tell Armaments, leaving armies aside for the moment, it will be St. Matthias Mission of the sorrow borne in silence, For the one we loved so well idie to claim that it has made any substantial contribution Women from all parts of the civilized world were LAS BABANAS WIFE, SONS DAUGHTERS to the solution of the immediate problem.
gathered in Washington last week, to make plans for per(Rev. NIGATENGALE, manent peace. Assurance had been given colored AmeriPriest in Cowe.
Wesleyan Methodist Church can women that there would be no segregation based on 3p. Church School.
color. However, at the All American Festival colored 15 Everond od address Mr. Richards, Catechiet (BRITISH CONFERENCE. Panama 11 a. and 30 Rev.
Because the white women refused to keep faith Wade. Subject. The Mystery with their colored sisters, two hundret black singers St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca of Hunan Personality (Holy ComOn page seven of this issue is published an extract walked out and refused to participate on the program that (American Episcopal)
munion at both services. from the PHILADELPHIA TRIBUNE anent a strike of some was supposed to exhibit the spirit of America.
TRINITY SUNDAY Color 11 a. and 30 Rev.
2, 000 students at Howard University in protest of what Surgeon. Communion at both Delegates from thirty eight foreign countries were Sang Litany, Holy Eucharist and services, they consider unfair treatment to fellow students.
saine paper commending editorially under the above head citizens. In a meeting to discuss peace, fairness and equal celebrant.
The given a close up view of America unfairness to her black Sermon at 10 45. The Bishop will be the Preacher and 30 Mr. Walters.
La Boca. 11 a. Mr. Theo. Fuller; line animadverts thus:ity should have reigned supreme. However American Now Providence 11 a. Mr. S, Church School Markbam. Rest is impossible. In all this broad land, in fact white women had to inject hatred, prejudice and segrega Choral Evensong and vermua, 30 pm. Paraiso 11. Mr Airall; 30 throughout this vast domain, in animal life as well as in tion into the gathering. It appears that America has reach Mid Week service; Wednesday 30p. Mr. Kennedy.
vegetable life, there is no rest. There is no rest for man in ed the point where it is impossible to think calmly on the Empire 11 a. Mr. Hendey.
social system or in state. We grow better or we grow worse. question of race. T. MULCARE, Rector, There has come to notice recently a spirit of unrest It is vain to talk about peace so long as race hates race.
The Salvation Army in two of the leading institutions for the higher develop Conferences and meetings to outlaw war are valueless and »t. Barnabas Church, Empiro PANAMA CITY CORPS.
ment of Negro manhood and womanhood. In both of these will mean nothing while the dominant groups hold the Matine and addrew. 11.
Sunday, 7th June Lite Saving Seouts schools in point, the head is a white president. It is a rights of less powerful races in contempt. Peace is predi Church School, and Confirmation clan.
and Guards recruiting Sunday.
difticult thing to keep active, aggressive, forward looking cated on love and mutual good will. Until this funpamental Services for Sunday are as foliowe3. 30 youth duwn. All live things let you know what constitutes principle controls the actions of men, nations will continue Choral Evensong and addrew, 30 a. Early Prayer Meeting.
them. Touch if you will alive wire.
to rend each other and the world will revert to barbaric Thursday, St. Barnabas Day, Holy 10 Children Directory Meeting Boys and girls of the college age in this generation periods of killing at stated intervals.
Communion a.
and Brigade United Open Air Meeting see the world as one vast plain. They ask no favors, except Missiunary meeting 0p.
11 am. Holiness MeetiorSooner or later the world must know of America To be conducted by Commandant it be that they wish to be let alone. live their own lives injustice to black people. The quicker the better it will be JT MULCARE Priest in Charge Martin.
They are quick to see an insult, and with all proper respect, for colored people. We have suffered and endured much p. Y, Company meeting and they are quicker to resent it.
St. Bartholomew s, Church United Open air.
without protesting. We have borne our pain with smiles They resent insult at Fisk, and they leave; they become LAS CASCADAS. p. Guards and Scouts Parado. 45 m. deparate Brigade Open Air indignant at the great Howard University, and to and behold upon our faces. Our stoicism has probably saved us from extermination.
However the time has come for straight Church School and Ounfirmation Class Morning Prayer, and addres 11 Mooting 2, 000 of them strike from the shoulder action. We must not let the world pm. Big Salvation Meeting There is only this much to it, men with visiɔn must be assume that we are immune to indignities to our self res Evening Prayer and address p.
at p.
To be conducted by Commandant placed at the head of these great institutions. Men who not pect.
Martin Because of this fact we are glad Miss Hallie MULCARE Priest in Charge PLEASE NOTE having forgotten that they were once youths, must be in Brown laid bare America hypocrisy before the foreign sympathy with youth of today, and these men to be delegates. It is with infinite joy that our hearts go out to St Jude Mission, Summit. Demonstratson and Presentation of Monday, p. mo: Life Saving Guarde mouiders of thought and, actions, must make the period of those two hundred black singers who were courageous Church School and Confirmation Clase Badges by Major Box C, p.
youth, as it were, an isthmus between two eternities.
enough to walk out because others of their group were 30 Parade also Sunbusms.
They must cone on the scene and that real soon, and insulted. Idem. Evening Prayer and Address 30.
Tuesday, Band of Love Work Clase they must come from this particular racial group, men and At 30 women with a dogged determination to open up to the Wednesday, pm. Life Saving Scouts St. Simon Mission, Gamboa and Chume parade, and a se ute and youth of this age new vistas. to set their minds straight, and to help keep them straight. They must be able to ADVERTISE Morning prayer, Holy Communion Guards Ratly at p. m, and sermon 11 a.
All are invited to attend these meb touch a life, and having once touched it, must be able to awaken the best that is in it, for the cry of the youth is Church School and Confirmation Clase ings. MARTIN. Commandant. tu know, to know.
IN THE WORKMAN, IT PAYS MULOARE, Priest in Charge (Continued on page 7)
We Buy and Sell Pearls The Spirit of Unrest in Negro Institutions. people were seated on one side and white people on the


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